The Citizen, 1993-06-02, Page 10On her own Pat Bernard of RR3, Walton has recently launched her own business, Bernard Bookkeeping and Computer Concepts, after graduating from the "Introduction to Sell Employment" course at Centralia College recently. IINSPECTtL\ tiutylis • AUTO REPAIR Opening .dune 7,1993 5 days a week 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the former DICKSON'S AUTO REPAIR IN BLYTH Oil, lube and filter $17.99 + tax CALL 523-4800 VISA Prop. Art Hunking or call Exeter 235-2277 Are your children receiving the benefrts of Quality Daily Physical Education? t!,\\ \ ‘4 a s g \\tk's• 'V 4 If you wish to get some answers, call the number given below. A representative of the Marriage Tribunal of the Catholic Diocese of London will contact you personally and arrange to meet with you in order to help you in whatever way possible. There is no obligation in calling - just the opportunity to have your questions answered, and maybe to have an important matter in your life resolved. In Perth and Huron Counties, call 271-6722 ( St. Joseph Church, Stratford ) PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1993. Course teaches woman to be self-employed "I knew what I wanted to do, but didn't know how to get started. Now it's nice to be self-employed doing what I enjoy," said Pat Bernard. Ms Bernard, of RR3, Walton was just one of 21 students who recent- ly enrolled in the "Introduction to Self Employment" course at Cen- tralia College. A joint venture of Centralia and Conestoga Colleges, which was sponsored by the Huron Industrial Advisory Committee and the Canadian Employment and Immigration Centre in Goderich, the course ran daily for 12 weeks. This included four weeks of co- operative education with area busi- nesses. Program Co-ordinator Mary Lynn MacDonald says the pilot project has fared very well. "We started with 21 students assuming that some would drop along the way. " Though only 15 graduated from the course, all 21 have stayed with the program, a sign Ms Mac- Donald sees as the course meeting its objectives. A victim of the CKNX lay-offs in July, Ms Bernard learned of the course after applying for UIC bene- fits. Though she had done book- keeping for 20 years and had 10 years experience with computers she really didn't know how to go about capitalizing on her expertise, so this opportunity seemed to fit the bill. Ms Bernard said that during the eight weeks of in class, many top- ics were covered, such as market- ing, time management, personal skills and goal setting. "In 12 weeks they covered everything. It was really an intense course." On May 17, just three days after graduation, Ms Bernard launched her Bernard Bookkeeping and Computer Concepts. If her first weeks are any indication the busi- ness should be a success. "It has been excellent," she said. Services offered include on the job bookkeeping for small busi- ness, farmers and retail. Ms Bernard says she will also pick up the books and work on them at her home then deliver them to the cus- tomer. She provides computer training in WordPerfect 5.1 and Lotus 1-2-3 3.+, in addition to organizing and programming files. She also advis- es people who are making the tran- sition to computer, does desktop publishing, secretarial support and resumes. In picking her business plan for the course, Ms Bernard never had any question of what she wanted to do so is grateful that the course helped get her on the right track. However, in some cases the course, she said, benefitted people in a dif- ferent way. "A few people actually changed mid-stream," she said. "They just found that they weren't suited for what they had originally though they wanted." The idea of starting your own business is attractive to many peo- ple for the reasons of economics and child care, says Ms MacDon- ald. The course helped this group of men and women, aged 25-55, make decisions and build the nec- essary self-confidence to take on the challenge. Compiled by Patty Banks Phone 887-6860 Pastor baptizes 2 infants Viola Kirkby greeted people at Duff s United Church May 20, Pentecost Sunday. The choir sang a Pentecost Introit called "Send Your Holy Spirit." The eight candidates for confirmation each had a part in the service. Chad McCallum did the children's story telling them about what Pentecost means. He gave them balloons and, after having them blow up the balloons, explained that the air in the balloon was like the wind of God. Shannon Davies read the New Testament scripture taken from Acts 2: 1-21. Heather Eckel did the Psalm reading 104: 24-34 while Lee Ann McDonald had the gospel reading which was taken from John 20: 19- 23. The service of Holy Baptism then followed as Kathleen Dionne, infant daughter of Rob and Jeannie Dionne and Justin Hoegy, infant son of Darryl and Ruthann Hoegy were baptized. Viola Kirkby then introduced Lee Ann McDonald, Chris and Shannon Davies, Brenda and Randy Linton, Heather Eckel, Colleen McCallum and Chad McCallum, the candidates for confirmation. After kneeling and laying on of hands, the young people were presented with Bibles and certificates, then were welcomed into full membership of Duffs United Church. Colleen McCallum, Randy Linton, Chris Davies and Steve Linton served Communion. As people came forward to receive communion the choir sang, "The Cup Has Been Lifted". On June 6, the Blyth Puppeteers will lead the service after which the Sunday School will serve coffee and muffms. McGavins visit Pembroke for meeting Neil and Marie McGavin spent three days at Pembrook where Neil attended an Ontario Plowmen's Association meeting. Congratulations to Marie and Neil, who celebrate their 31st wedding anniversary June 2. Also to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stevens who will celebrate their 64th wedding anniversary June 1. A family luncheon for the Stevens will be held June 6. Birthdays this month are: Neil McGavin, June 1; Samantha Harrison, June 1; Scott Dalton, June 4; Robbie and Trish McClure, 8; Tabitha Shpak, June 14; Sharon Reinink, June 16; Aaron Arthur, June 20; Brian Regele, June 24; Kenny McCallum, June 29; Aaron Barker, June 30. Patty Banks and other members of Seaforth Harmony Hi-lites, a women's barbershop chorus, spent the weekend in Orillia, where they completed against six other choruses in the area. They won second place and are now eligible to compete in Chicago, where the International competition is held in the fall. Wants To Help You. If you are separated or divorced, and remarried, you may have considered seeking a declaration of nullity ("annulment") But perhaps you hesitated because you didn't know where to begin. The Catholic Diocese of London's >i