HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1993-05-12, Page 13CARD OF THANKS COMING EVENTS GARAGE YARD SALE HELP WANTED C C G H HELP WANTED • . • IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM H.E.L.P. Unemployed and MOTIVATED to work? Are you receiving Unemployment Insurance or Social Assistance? The HURON EMPLOYMENT LIAISON PROGRAM is committed to helping you find work. Call 482-1700 or 1-800-265-1772 Find Out How to Get Involved. H.E.L.P. is a non-profit FREE service PART-TIME REPORTER PHOTOGRAPHER required to work Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays plus some evenings and weekends. Here's your opportunity for a fascinat- ing, fulfilling career. Good command of English and ability to write essential. Experience/training an asset but not essential. Will train. Apply in writing to: Bonnie Gropp, Editor, The Citizen, P.O. Box 429, Blyth ON NOM 1H0 C itizen QUALITY DAILY PHYSICAL CINGITION THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1993. PAGE 13. MACHAN. I wish to thank everyone who remembered me with visits, gifts, cards and flowers during my three week stay in Wingham and University Hospi- tals. Thanks to Doctor Hanlon, nurses on second floor and ambulance drivers in Wingham, Doctor Passe and staff on 8th floor in London. Thanks to my room- mates, you were great. Special thanks to my family, and to the home care girls and community nurses. Thanks. Sincerely — Violet Machan. 19-lp VINCENT. I want to thank my family and friends for their cards, flowers and visits; to everyone who made inquiries and had prayers for me while I was in St. Joseph's Health Centre, Clinton Public Hospital and since returning home. A special thank you to Dr. Hay, Dr. Flowers and Dr. Harle, the 1st floor nurses, also the V.O.N., the therapist and home care workers who have taken such good care of me. It has all helped to speed my journey on the road to recovery. — Norman Vincent. 19- 1p C COMING EVENTS SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS bingo, every Monday night 7:30 p.m., Seaforth and District Community Centres. Over $2,000 in prizes plus share The Wealth, $750 Jackpot must go! Doors open 6:30 p.m. eow FIDDLE JAMBOREE, BLYTH and District Community Centre, Sunday, May 23, 1:30 - 8 p.m. Admission $3.00, cold dinner, $5.00, overnight camping, $9.00. Sponsored by Blyth Lions Club. 19-2 LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Lucky Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Air Conditioned. Wheel Chair Accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot must go every week. tfn Children's Aid e) Society of Huron County You are cordially invited to attend the ANNUAL MEETING of the Children's Aid Society of Huron County on Wednesday, June 2, 1993 at the Maitland Country Club Dining Room North Harbour Road Goderich, Ontario The business portion of the Annual Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. and will be followed at 7:45 p.m. by Keynote Speaker, Ms Kim Way. Ms Way is a former foster child, and advocate for youth In foster care. Kim is employed at the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies offices for the summer. A brief reception will follow, and refreshments will be served. • Memberships ($5) will be available at the door, or may be purchased in advance at the agency office, 220 Huckins Street, Goderich, Ontario. Come out and loin us for the evening! WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, LONDON area, is conducting a workshop called "Call To Order". It will be held June 2, 1993 at Centralia College. It is for presidents or members of Women's Institute Districts and Branches. All Districts and Branches have received information. Registration should be in by May 20. A time for learning, fellowship and fun. 19-1 THE VILLAGE OF LONDESBORO is holding its annual fireworks display on the Victoria Day holiday Monday, May 24, on the grounds of Hullett Central School. The show will begin at dusk. Admission is $8.00 per car. Lunch booth on the grounds. Great family entertain- ment. 19-1 b MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF Directors of the Clinton Public Hospital are open to the public, and are held on the fourth Monday of each month (except July and August). Meetings are held in the hospital's boardroom, and begin at 7 p.m. Individuals or groups who wish to address the Board or make a presentation must submit a written request at least seven days in advance of the meeting. 19-1 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to an Open House for Mary Louise and Ross Procter in honour of their 40th wedding anniversary Sunday, May 23, 1993, 2 - 5 p.m., Belgrave Arena. Best Wishes Only! 19-2 BUCK AND DOE, KATHY VAN Nes, Pawel Brudnicki, Milverton Community Centre, Friday, May 14. Light lunch. Music by J.J. $5 p.p. 19-1 HORTICULTURE MEETING May 19 at 8 p.m. in Brussels Library. Film and speaker on orchids: Mrs. Carr. Everyone is welcome. 18-2 MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN Church, Maytime ham and turkey supper, Wednesday, May 26. Supper served 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $7.00, age 12 and under $3.00, preschoolers free. 18-3 DABBER BINGO — $1,000 JACK- pot must go! Wingham Knights of Columbus, every Tuesday. Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Birds 7:15 p.m. tfn GARAGE YARD SALE LAWN, ANTIQUE AND CRAFT Sale, 630 Turnberry St., Brussels, Friday, May 14, 2 - 9 p.m.; Saturday, May 15, 9 - 4 p.m. 19-1 FAMILY GARAGE SALE — Saturday, May 15, 7:30 - ? 361 Drummond St. E., Blyth. Rain or shine, toys, toys, toys, household items, something for everyone. 19-lp YARD AND BAKE SALE ON Friday, May 14, 3-8, Saturday, May 15, 8 - 3, 28 h.p. Johnston outboard motor and 15' boat trailer. 343 Hamilton St. E., Blyth. 19-1 ST. AMBROSE CATHOLIC Women's League Garage Sale. Date — Saturday, May 22, 1993. Rain Date — Saturday, May 29, 1993. Place — George and Marie Blake's, 1 1/2 km. north of Walton on County Road No. 12. Time — 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For Sale — 20 foot flare bow plywood boat, designed by Voyageur Cabinet Construction, 20 foot Hartley, 20 degrees Deep V Series, Beam 7 feet. 11 inches, draught 11 inches, boat unfinished - plans to complete included no motor and no trailer, 2 ceiling fans, dehumidifier, carpet, books, ceiling lights, furniture, dishes, plus usual garage sale offerings, new wood garden shed 8 x 8 feet. Plan to attend. Phone: Sharon Blake evenings, 519-887- 6982. 19-2 H HELP WANTED PART-TIME CLEANING POSITION, mornings. Apply to Brussels Country Inn, 887-9035. 19-lb THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS is looking for a RESPONSIBLE PERSON to clean the Clerk's Office & Library Please contact the Clerk's Office 887-6572 by May 17 If interested. Lori M. Pipe Acting Clerk Village of Brussels HURON OUTREACH ATTENDANT SERVICES Requires SUPPORT SERVICE WORKER to provide attendant services to persons with physical disabilities in Wingham and area. This position includes providing personal service such as lifting, transferring, bladder and bowel routines, bathing and dressing. Successful applicant must be ener- getic, have a car and a valid driver's licence. This is a part time position, with varying hours of work Including mornings, even- ings and weekends. The rate of pay is $10.28 to start. Please submit resumes by May 26, 1993 to: Drawer #162 c/o Clinton News Record Box 39 Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 BOSMAN. In loving memory of a dear little daughter and sister, Amy Elizabeth Bosman, who passed away May 13, 1987. May the winds of love blow softly, And whisper so you will hear, That we'll always love and miss you And wish that you were here. Because of you, our small world Will never be the same, And all our hearts are filled with love When people speak your name. But though your face may not be seen Among us here today, Your love is felt in all the hearts You touched along the way. — Forever missed, forever loved — Mom, Dad, Lisa and Kelly. 19-lp OUCATIT PHYSIQUE QUOTIDICIE DE QUAlk RAITHBY. In loving memory of a dear sister Viola, who passed away May 4, 1990. We cannot lose the ones we love For even when they're gone, We feel their gentle presence In the hush of every dawn. We see them in the sunlight That makes the day so bright, In the flowers of the springtime And in the stars at night. We cannot lose the ones we love For they will always stay In all that's bright and beautiful Around us every day. — Always remembered by sisters. 19-lp L LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF DOUGLAS JOHN BROWN ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of DOUGLAS JOHN BROWN, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, Labourer, who died on the 3rd day of February, 1993, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of May, 1993. AFTER that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 27th day of April, 1993. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES 217 Josephine Street P.O. Box 1028 WINGHAM, Ontario. NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Executrix. 18-3 LIVESTOCK WANTED — CRIPPLED, DISABLED or downer cows, must be alive and drug free. Winch equipped truck. Highest prices paid. Phone Earl Lannin, RR 2, Atwood, 356-2479 or 1-800-661-0078 before 8 a.m. for same day service. tfn-p WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beef and horses, crippled and poor- doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENCED DEALER CLARENCE POORTINGA 526-7509 L LOST STRAYED LOST — CHROME RING OFF wheel of Rolls Royce. Reward. Phone Cenetta Bainton 523-9395. 19-1 • hank and rile I •wen am. Lacy, fifth Vong their r the ip by . and •ecial nice here er be Jane 19-1 wish ,;rful ;men veers, s of of a uller. ness. ogue 9-lp lank and !ome and Vray and ngs, head the r the ards. Al to r our Ross 1p my best mity also ntle- ined The it of and dl. [9-1 my and veers t in .rses care sits. Bert L1p 3 all y a nce, 9-1 to is — r all ards leer d at also 'ire ' the Jent cult the ring iery udy 9-1