The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-06-27, Page 7td ongratutattons to newiyweds By May Boyle Mrs. Jean Hodgins of Wingham, Mrs. Dorothy Anderson of Lucknow, Mrs. John Barr add Winnifred Percy visited with Edna and May 'Boyle. Congratulations to Mr... !slid- Mrs. Rick - Barger,(S Bolte):. who were married on Friday evening. margaretitiodteyof Kincardine visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson. Agnes• Marjorie Thompson 00. Golden A- * jndcti0Su 6 a • on Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 27, 1984—Page 5 evening of the new rector, Rev. J. M. ' received from the family of .the late George Letson. 'Haldenby, and cards were signed for sick lough Aand shutins. August 9 will be the .annual, lan.C.W. The June ' meeting of the Kinlough Sunday School party and family day at the Anglican Church Women was held on church with Mrs. Midford Wall and Mrs. Thursday afternoon at the home of Mi. David Haldenby conveners. Midford Wall with a good attendance. The Mrs. Ronald Thacker presided for the president, Mrs. Delbert Hedley was in* ' , program which began with a hymn and charge and led in the prayers. . . scripture reading/ The theme was, This is • The , secretary treasurer, Mrs.. Ronald the day the 14erd-laathinade, and she gave a Thacker, read the minutes of the previous -lovely meditation: Each member contributed UMAinOUaditi:,141P,vf.-liec:3:14,1wea.,•.. '4.t: ve.rse to the program in keeping with the theme: containing.:,.!..4.7tdltt--Hcussed and i 'te ',MI ,:,,,,,, .The president'closed the meeting . with ---7A;!tliww.' 4140 held at eledetickOn '•firae'r and Mrs. Thacker gave the courtesies 1-:.;,, , - ' rtharklit card and gift was ' and a Sticiai time was 'enjoyed. • ve was Acid in Whitechurch Commu Memorial 141V for ',Jaiiet7'..! •' lect. :••:•`' . Agnes Farrier played the guests arrived, ...Kathy:,Gibson' aster of .-Ceremonies;; 4.1t*in sang, Promise 0 -Promise.% Mrs.... Gibson pitroOced„• the • niemberV.-, of: the k mock ecldirW Cathy Lubberie ,:miniater; Bev eyeribergen't ,,;bride; Karen Pickard, ring bearer; •Kim WSW,: flower girl; groom, Faye frOlg,"best -1#4n; hris MacDonald; ttendahti- 'Path Frank and Tracy *tinter, maid Of honour, Jane -Ross; • brideSinaids, oanne lcddtert,i Irene '.Ritchie; father, `Rhonda t,t0ii; mother,. Donna Snowden Mildred McClenaghan gave a reading, }j, to cook 'a .414,iishand ' • Mrs. Gibson read an address, then Janet Was ushered to the front and she was assisted in opening the • gifts by Bev Beyersbergen readint the cards- and Kim Laidlaw and Heather Hackett. Gifts were rouglit in by Cindy Moore and Lana Cr' ig. aron gave Mrs. Irwin the bows to -pin on an apron, assisted.* Kendra Purd.on. 'shower,,:,Was held in Whitechurch ,ointininitY. MemorialHill. -9 .`latiltrday es to be fo.r. bride t� be, 'Heather: Currie. e master 9.f ceremonies was: irge McGee.:"The bridewas assisted by warrEctrJURCH „. hers yawls Mrs. John A. wereCCurrie, b e, i nning y by Valetta Emerson 1Peters. Bows were placed on, a hat by Lisa. Boissonneault. • ; , Mr. and Mrs., John Gaunt, R. R. - Sandra Richards and Linda 'Logan ton- Wingham, celebrated their 50th anniversary ducted . ceresta, Agnes tarri.er played on Sunday, June 17 with a family dinner at IlUsie, Marian Strauss also asSistediri#1:kthe, Wingham and Country 'Club. The sb�wer.. - community extends: their sincerest Heather thanked all. for 'Com*, for their congratulations to this couple who have done '' gifts and to those who went to :the work of „ much for -the betterment of the commun.- ,puttinton the - shower. Lunch was.served' t4ity. , . " and .a .0Crak$irrie ettjoyed. The community .extends sincerest sym- A,,hatvriion? shower* was held on ,Sunday pathy. to . the family of the late Mary• i - afternoon_ at . the home 'of WS., John A. McCleriaghareiirthe passing of their mother -Currie:f0 .1v1arlene.MCGee, *for friends and: on the weekend. She leaves to mourn her relatives. - . loss, sons,. Melvin, Irwin and Carl and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer attended daugitteri, Lorna, Doris, Faye and Eileen. their son iTony's graduation at Lucknow She had lived on the farm eversince her r:entral Public School on June „21. marriage and was a worker- on the United Visitors on Tuesday. were Mr. and Mrs. Church and women's institute and wherever George Falconer of /IC. and Velma Falconer assistance was needed. - of Culross with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan celebrated and Mr. and- Mrs. Victor Emerson. their 40th Wedding anniversary on Saturday Mrs. Wallace Conn of Winghamvisited with a dinner at TUrnherry Tavern. Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross and, The community extends their , sincerest r. and Mrs, Vic Emerson.• . - Turn to page 86 Cdeberate 60th . . . • • ) • . • 1 1 • • . . I • . • • • I , , • . annivers -Mr. and Mrs. VVesley Ritchie celebrat- ed' their 60th wedding ,•anniversary on. Monday, June 25. They were married on June 25, 1924 by Rev. C. W. Cosens of the Zion appointment of the Ashfield Circuit. Wes and Isobel farmed until they moved to their present home iraucknow„in the fall of 1966. Mrs. Ritchie is the ;former Isobel • Nixon, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon and Mr. Ritchiels the son -of the late Mr. and Mrs:: -Charles Ritchie, both of Ashfield Township. They have one son, Allan, and daughter-in-law, Violet (Culbert), who live in' Ashfield 'Township; two grand- children, Brenda, Mrs'. Jerry Huizinga, and Bryce Ritchie, and seven great grandchild- ren. • ,* ,,GARAGE HhootaiOudartiorDOORS • ONE-PIECE STEEL OVERHEAD Erp".x. 7'0" - * EA $184.95 9'0" x 7'0" EA. $197.95 9'0" x 8'0"EA. $266.95 16'0" x 7'0' •— . EA. $384.95 • • HARDWARE INCLUDED 4': Z -tube hanging fixture 'iv/abide and tubes. Just hang it, plug it in and !ism it oh. .... 83515 4': 2 -tube wrap-around fiie w/fluorescent tubes $36.95 White, Almond, -100 sq ft - V" Plain Hollow -Back Siding$1 0695 White, Almond, 97 sq. ft. 8" Plain Vertical Siding White, 19.2 sq. ft- $• 14.3.9§ FdScia, Soffit and All Accessories Available ' • • 01-6.3140r Douglas Canada Limited ObuOas Tvariamalk GENIE AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENER SYSTEM Featuring New TRAC DRIVETm! The latest advance in garage door opener technology. Smooth, quiet operation even in extreme weather! 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