HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-06-20, Page 211rv-nr• Luelinow Sentinel, Wednesday, Ione 20, 19844-Page2 A LucknOW business proprietor has • complained about, 0eadiara who set up she on lucknow'e mametreet to sell'hamburgete and lee :cream in. competition to her business. • Diane -Hackett of The Superscoop asked- council:41a letter whether these peddlars pay a business tea" She objects to peddlers coruce)4ng with her busideSe. .during, her busy time Of, the Year while she, Ilk, 41k permanent business in the village. and paial"•••- bueiness- talc.- • " Clerk Bertha ...tereft lafOria_ .051.poUticil ' thatpeddlars.must�btain, a transient traders • permit bifereAt0-•ean open busitieSS.,A eon .; resident of the village pays 5100 rand 'A resident pays 550 for a'perthit., c.ouw4,7cno,nastd_eedi, .iefuombv esSt="104reiec0,401., councillor AbOurray sei ., ; there is is',A0:Way to stop someone 49, TOR a business. ' Ifsomeone,q tor* -04,-41 'trucking tresremitsol'?Invf:1;itC'ssAtotr himlo. s , Murray. it'e a risk you tat* lit11440 . " :7,, `"f,,,i , lecal taxpayers' responsibility to la 4`mnciii‘i Eldon Mann asked i ake si the transient traders have ROAM agreed if a business person. Is ' concer tileeau. request, the police' to deterrnii whether the peddler has a permit and if the Peddler:does not, the police' will close him down Until helparehases a permit. X4514% kW • • • - All area compete in twoba e thIS.,ye# 'S 141c • 14, .15;,Both. coznj "M • ' adriltaAti4jtO .; • years atitViade ' '• Eitek' ." a„ centeSte Will .vrikp ibestSherwc Hood ,recipe that uses . .4 inviteda• r� to • sb ,eing held at On September s are sponsored 1$.3,!,; s lidare. 0 tips. 1;14' baker 'Of -12 • •• ecew wiHr bap • an edry ;# • creeted*,1460 eeptiany. (Potential particip- ants,starter will take 10 • daystO piepare).. Youngsters 12 yars.an( undercan direct -their creative ` talek 0't• Botli contest* will be judged :043„;.1a4-4pepoiciat,•:0- , ...!% • Cnadaebest ker of -the te,st: fForst; t tl)er;"h, ARobin. includes a. vis redient '• • • reMleliae • dergelittettlear. ;•• • itfld iMed4� .(pinito bk Derrell Klee** . . • • • , „ • 2;1;„,;,, -••• 41•"" •from page °•• •-•••• • -the bridge allotment for this year has been reduced fretnihe $70,000 promisedliat year, to $32,000 which will only delOne br dge. The Campbell Street conduit over the, Lucknow Rivenend the mill bridge -.at Treleaven's Feed Mill both require reconstruction , The ministry ,noted.in the letter. that the culvert extension at the mill bridge could not be approved this year for lack of funds. HariPltur Board RePruagititfve ge`-a11 • Frank MacKenzie', Kitileratf and,, Lit,eknow, representative to the Winghamand District Hospital Board of Governors' notified council he will be resigning effective June 21. As MacKenzie was a resident 'orKinloss Town- ship, the Kinloss council hasorequested that Lucknow find a representative & fraiii their - municipality to fill the position. Council dis,cussed 'who they could Ap- proach to fill the Position and decidedio try to appoint someone as 'soon as possible, , to keep abreast of developments regarding the construction of the new addition to the hospital and the fund raising campaign over the summer months. The hospital board usually recesses for the • . • • sununertandif not for, the construction of the Confirm Tractor Pull Dates . . new addition, council would not have to Council received a letter, -..froin the appoint semeone to take the*ith.m.iinitit'' Lucknow Tractor Puliers Association inform- ' • ing,,,,Council cif the Lucknow Tractor Pull Receive Copy. Of Agreement, ;• • •••. which isto take place at the tractor pull park Clerk -treasurer 'Bertha .Wiiitdeft inform- in Kinloss Township July 7 - 8, •.$ ed council she has 'Obtained, copybof the • ••- ' ' agreement regarding easement between the Request Conialtniatien ,Of Program Alanof Lucknow and. Robert meti#01-ef • Councillor. flirkpark informed council of LUcicnaveSaWs'Berit:',,Ceittitil requested a ea letter which he sent to the•Maitiand yalley. copy. 0,the ,agreetnentfallawitl, the death C°6,a4ivat.i0ft Alith..OrttY r,inesting the eutiv;- mr. vi,44,4„4,44e, ontymutinue the stream bank stabilization Village 44 not ha,v,,e. a copy of prograii, south of•Willoughby 'Street along on file. •- •.•• the. Lucknow River as funds become avail - Experience -44 Grant - able. Clark told the authority the letter is to Council received confirmation that an act as-,konvcil's authorization tocontinue the Experience 84 grant has been approved for "IA project. •f the Lucknow Recreation DepAennent to , -Change' Water Service •• '• employ a,student for eight hours a day for 6* The Main which provides water service :to days. The Lucknow Recreation Department ; residents south of Alex Andrew on Ross is•responSible for 25 per cent of the cost of Street will be changed to provide better hiring the student which -amounts to $500. eryice to residents in the area. ,Presently all The cost will, be„ shared . by the fOur ;residents south of Andrew are serviced by municipalities'in the Lucknow Rec. ,Depart-. one main and because of the apartment merit. The Lucknow•' , Recreation Beard his building, the car wash and Carl Bale's barn approved the -hiring of •Scott McKim of all being served by the same line, the water Lucknow to fill the position. - , pressure in the area is very tow. • CO-OP JUNE IS DAIRY MONTH This Week • Focus On Nutrition! * $1/ OFF All Co-op Minerals & Dairy Premix. *Buy 10 Mods or s of Salt and Get 1 FREE • $10/Tonne OFF All Flaked Dairy Ration; Bulkor: $ • $15/Tonne OFF Flaked Calf Starter, ASK ABOUT OUR - UNIQUE RATION BALANCING SERVICE. WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK AS WE FOCUS ON SANITATION YOUR DAIRY NUTRITION SPECIALSITS 1 00 LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO OP mogor UMW, 5204453 • • Al Hamilton hasrequestedeouncilpioVi0p :.ledditional water sservice to his restaurant and apartments..of t l costft Or e much village's,tePonsibility and how rnuchshould be, paid by the •ra-tepayer. Council is to -determine where -the property line. exists ;nein street properties and Hamiltonpwill,be • responsible for the cot from thelroperty • line intOlila building,: • • . . • Councillor AbiViunr4 ;asked .whether was fair to expect Hainiltbn to ceypatt of the cost to providea bigger. service: at his establishment when residents on liossStreet • south will not ,have to pay part of the cost. Reeve George Joynt said the probleni-ln., • Ross Street south isIdue to thel foivitiservfce not being 'big -enough to service the-residentis • who are on, the service, not,: because the residents- require bigger services, fi•Otn their property "lines into: theii" homes. Council will determine the cost of -constricting a bigger service for Hamilton and make a decision when they have the estimated cost. ANNUAL MEETING Wingham and District Hospital Corporation Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Wingham and District Hospital Corporation will be held at the Nursing Assistant 'Training Centre, Catherine St., Wingham, Ontario on Thursday, June 21, 1984 at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. for the reeeption-and consideration of annual reports, for the consideration and confirmation of new byhrw.3646) resecting the duties of the Community Services Liaison Comniittee, for the election of Governors, for the appointment of Auditors, and for the transaction of such .other things a may properly come before the meeting. , • Copies of the proposed new- bylaw may be examined in the 'office of the Executive Director of the. Wingharn and District Hospital prior to three o'clock p.m., Thursday, June 21, 1984. Memberships granting voting privileges may be purchased at the front desk of the hospital for one dollar [S1.001 prior to five O'clock pan. Wednesday, June 6, 1984. No membership sold after that time, on that date, will entitle the purchaser to a vote.. Dated .at Wingham,. ontatio, this sixteenth day of May, 1984. By order of the Board of Governors. f N. M. Hayes • SECRETARY 0 O'S IA s 1