HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-12-26, Page 8it A • tueSnew Wednesday,pecember !;;T REDTREES o• froin Page 6 humourous, were heginning to get On Teddy's nerves. ' "I think it's about time you Chippy eetire,d," he told his wife, Lucy. "The way he prattles ye'd think he owned the mill instead of us." Lucy • recognized the resentment lin Teddy's voice, She had a soft spot for Chippy, but at the same time, she did not *want to cause friction so early in her married life. "Perhaps, after a little while, dear, when you become familiar with all the machinery, you 'could manage the place yourself. That would be splendid wouldn't it?"' Teddy hoped the "little while" would not last too long, but he had to secretly admit to himself that it would be some time before he gained the knowledge and exper ience of old Chippy. i,f evert • Chippy knew .only tcih well, what was gnawing at the young man's innards. It is common affliction of all young people who yearn to assumethe privileges of their elders long beforethey have either the capability or the experience. , One day, a wayward Scot by the name of ' Adam Simpson came to Redtrees, to solve the problem between Teddy and Chippy.. *f: Heather 'Young's. iriule ',Class and Lois Tehhlittlt. grade 4:class presented The Twelve Months of the Year at the Brookside Public School Christmas concert December 18. Featured as May, was Tnshi Newhook, left; and ses*Orlit.Taenmy.Pengelly, .[PhtitohY.Sharon.Dietzl . oderich Iand s perform for stu By Teresa Meriam, Kim Tyler. and Annette Gruendler Mrs. Roberts was guest reader for Mrs. Worsell's grade 3 class on Wednesday•. ,Mrs. Ottewell's grade 2 - 3 class made chocolates with Marie Webster on Tues- day. On Thursday two bands came from GI)C1 to perform at Brookside, their senior stage band and intermediate bandAed by Mr, • • McGregor. Each band played several numbers and Mr. McGregor had different players show their instruments and demon- strate how they. sounded. Everyone is busy preparing numbers or props for the coneert on Tuesday next - week. • ents BROOKSIDE The kindergarten classes are . making' things for the Christmas tree and are BROADCAST practising for the concert on Tuesday. • Mrs. 131anchette's grade 1 is going to the Lambton Museum Thursday.. . They are talking about , Pioneers, the way they live and the way they celebrated Christmas. They are making a patch quilt also. • It 7t.• • "":- The '-giide 7 class is' writing stories for the primary classes and will be reading them. next Wednesday. • Grade 8 helped the grade 2 classes write to Santa. They're also making decorations • CHURCH SUNDAYA,DECEMIIER 30 - Sunday 84M019:45 a.m, . Worship ServIee 1400 a.m. Rev. Warren Melliangall 4'4.M.Div„ Nursery and junior congregation provided EVERYONE WELCOME • tUCKINOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30 ' Worship,Service 1400 a.m. Junior Church Service, ages 4.8, 11 st.m.. • ' Sunday School 9:45 a.m. REV. ALLISON.J., RAMSAY, MINISTER, • Nursery Downstairs for Little Ones Under Four EVERYONE WELCOME for Brookside's Christmas concert. • /Mrs. , Tebbtitt's class . isworking on , Christmas centres all this week. •• Mrs. Graham's grade:,4 decorated the ChristrilasAreerfoti thelibrary'. :They made balloon art, in art Mr. •Liddle's class started Christmas activities crafts, .catalogue shoPping,'and 'research on Christmas in other .countries. • esty group adopts Ethiopian minister South Bruce Adoption Group 07 of Amnesty international met in the Pine Riv- er United Church on November 20 with a good attendance. Ruth Bell, the prisoner cd -ordinator, shared information about their adopted prisoner. -• Their main object now is to work for the release of the Reverend Fedeke Hundesa of the Mekane Yesus Church in Ethiopia. The Mekane Yesus Church established in 1959, developed out of earlier Lutheran missionary activity in Ethiopia. Many • churches in Ethiopia enjoy freedom of •religious expression but those linked to.. •, foreign missionary organizations, and ' • especially the Mekane Yesus Church, have • ' been accused of supporting a .revolutionary group, and have therefore been repressed. • The Reverend Fedeke Hundesa was arrested on January 22, 1983 without charge. He has had no trial and is being detained in reportedly poor conditions in Nekemte prison. He is married and has three children, but visits and correspond- ence are rarely permitted. • Adoption Group 97 will be writing many letters to people in authority in Ethiopia, requesting the release of the Reverend , Fedeke Hundesa. • Until ,the fend of December, Amensty International is involved in a campaign to draw attention to human rights abuses in the People's Republk of China. Since 1979, new Chinese legislation, in principle, • provides greater protection for human rights. In ' actual fact, prisoners of, conscience are being detained in prisons, detente= centres and labour camps merely for the peaceful expression of opinions which are crucial of the government. Some of the , prisoners of conscience adopted by Amnesty International are , young workers and students who took part in a democracy and human rights move- ment which started in 1978. The new laws The Man To Soo Is iisINTEE r. co come,rn MOM 240 ACRES Ashfield Twp., immaculate 3 bedroom home. Cas,' crop land. • 100 ACRES Wsst Wawanosh Twp. cash crop and hardwood bush. 125 ACRES clots to Kincardine, top of the line buildings. WEST WAWANOSH 100 ,acres, 95 Workable, .4 .buiroom brick howls, hog beef barn, silo end recently constructed implement .shed, addition's! .100 acre* available. TWO EXCELLENT building lots dose to main ,street. RETIREMENT 2 bdr. bungalow, Outram St., lOwer level has extra bdr‘, 4-3 pc. bath, new kitchen, priced to sell. 10 ACRES Ashfleid, 3 bdr. bungalow 10 yrs. old, Immaculatelykept work shop, 24x40 with area 12x16 Inililated, approx. 7 ac. reforested; producing orchard, pear, arifilic cherry, plum trees, etc. • 150 ACRES West Wawanosh, 120 workable Harriston loam soil, nicely kspt34 bdr. home, Implement shed, conventions, barn; hardiand soft wood bush. ' For further Internist's's! on those prOperties, pleatir call WARREN ZINN, 5204350 ALVIN ROBB 396-3174 TERRY ZINN, 5294350 1,1 do not guarantee the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of Jai,. Many political trials have been held in closed sessiOn, without any notification being given,.to the prisoner's family• . Prisoners have been held in solitary • confinement over prolonged periods, man- acled - sometimes with their hands behind their backs day and night, for weeks. Since 1981 the number of offences carrying the death penalty has doubled to 44, including counter revolutionary offences, theft, embe.• zlement, molesting women, etc. Amnesty International has asked the Chinese Government to free all citizens imprisoned s'oley for their beliefs, to guarantee fair trials for all political • prisoners and to abolish the death penalty. Amnesty International has offered to • publish any response from the Chinese • authorities but none has been received so far. . • LUCKNOVIPIRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH :. . , You To Werialdp,Withrhm On SUNDAY, DECEMEER.301. '•'10:00 am. and.2:30.p.m. Nursery dowlistairsmorning & aft:Stu:ion •' 'EVERYONE WELCQIVIE COL CLEM DALTON • AUCTIONEER vital Estate • • aim- Sales . •quidations • eAntiques • DAY OillITE 519-529-7420 FLOWERS FOR TODAY GIFTS FOREVER 166 THE SQumoARELGODERKH m 524-13761 Evenings and Sundays phone 529.7233. WING MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY/ LEIITERIN REASONABLE PRICES • Buy Direct sui0 Save Business • • Residence • 357-191.0 . 357-1015 Filter Queen IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA 482-7103 JHENEW YEAR'S.. Miff: Murray and fietty Cardiff would like the pleasure of Your company at the first annuat NeW' Years Levee, It is a tradition for people to get together to celebrate the season with.good talk, good music and good cher at a New Years Levee. Please join us for our first annual New Years Levee. DATE: Tues. January 1, 1985 TIME 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. PLACE: Brussels, Mo.rris & Grey • Community Centre Happy New Year MURRAY CARDIFF M.P.