HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-12-26, Page 3.jj
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.from pap. 1
Final plans for a new emergency and out
patient wing at the Wingham and District
Hospital cleared the -preliminary stages of
Health Ministryapprovraland awaited the
approval of the minister . himself, The
hospital also • looked x at establishing ' a
quality assurance program to . ensure it
continues meeting the standards of hospit-
ospital accreditation,
Grade. 7 core•French instruction increas-
ed from 2,0 minute lessons per day to 40
minute ,lessons in a . move by the Huron
County Board of Education.
• Febiruary;:`:
Lorne. and Hazel Hackett received the
Lucknow Agricultural • Society service dip.
Ionia for 'their outstanding contributionto
the society. The society donated' a total, .of
$2,500 to the community during ;the
previous year in their, mandate as a service
club. Contributions . included $500 to
Lucknow Kinsmen. Community Ball Park;
$1,000 to the Lucknow School Concert
Band for new uniforms ., and $1,000 to
expand the barn used for the poultry, show
at the Lucknow Fall Fair.
Murray de Boer and Kim Rintoul
received awards for most ,points earned in
the 1983 judging season from the Lucknow
Agricultural Society. Kim. is. a .member of
the 4-H calf., club and Murray is a member
of the 4-H dairy club. °
• Allan. Nicholson, . 21, of . Lucknow '.was
committed for trialon charges, of danger.'
ous driving and impaired driving following.
a police chase through Goderich;.Township,
September 25, 1983.
Wayne MacDonald of R. 2, Lucknow was.
also .charged in.• the same incident. He
appeared. ' in •Goderich Provincial Court,
October 20, 1983 to answer a charge of
using a licence 'plate not authorized and
was fined $53. •
Lucknow District Co-operative reported
a loss for the fifth "s , aight year, but
president Leo Murray. pointed out 'it had;
<' been a year: •of change and the .future
looked brighter.
Former Lucknow bruinQniafl.11. Finn
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layson died followed a short illness. Mr.
Finlayson operated a business on Luck-
now's retain street for 47 years before his
retirement in 1978.
Art Helm of Lucknow •competed at the
1984 National Farm Machinery Show, and
Championship Tractor Pull in Louisville,
Kentucky. The Pttll is . one of the premier
events of its ,kind in the United' States,.
Participants in this prestigious • ei+ent are
selected individually, based on each
driver's outstanding performance during
the previous year.
. • The Huron County Board of Education
decided to study the cost of implementing a
French immersion program in the county's
° elementary. schools, after being approach-
ed by a group o:arents interested in hav-
ing their children enroll in such a picogram
Lucknow Village Council met with, the
village's . by-law enforcement officer, /Leo
Murray, to:. discuss .enforcement of the
property standards by -taw': in regard to
animals being kept in a barn owned by Jim
Lyons, of Lucknow,
Wingham and District Hospital decided
to call tenders for the construction of a new
emergency and outpatient wing. Bids on
the estimated $1.4 million expansion were.
due April 3 The . decisiop to call tenders
came immediately following, .approval of
the expansion plans by the Ministry of
'Health which is contributing $250,000
toward. the project. I
Lucknow Branch of the Bank of Montreal
moved its commercial banking unit to
office's next door to :the' bank building
following the division of banking services.
into domestic and commercial • units.
Domestic banking coninues at the present
location, ' -
. .A virus caused unusually high absentee
rates at area schools with}Brookside Public
School reporting the highest absentee rates
in its history. Lucknow . Central, Kinloss
Central and St.' Joseph's Community `
Schools also reported absences due 'to. the
virus: . . .. .
Willaim A. (Bud)• 3amiltou was appoint-
ed LucknowfPire, Chief following:the • retire
The grade 4, 5 and 6 students at St..Joseph's Community School. in Kingsbridge performed
:the play, Pandora's Perilous Predicament at •the school's Christmas concert December 17.
Two of the outer space Antseteirs featured in the play were Ray Didion, left and Rachel
hropby, .. 'Photo by haunt Buchman].
'LucknOw Sentinel, Wednesday, December 26, 198:4..Page 3;
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mentof George. Whitby who had served 30
years in the. position.
• Ken Johnstone was named deputy fire
chef and Peter Steer, Jim. Hallam and.
Gary Austin were named captains.
Big city hospitals provide stiff Competi-
tion for the. Wingham and District Hospital
when ' it d comes to attracting patients,.
hospital boardmembers were told, Unless,
the hospital can find waysto encourage
people to eotne•tp Wingham for health care
it will have to trouble reversing a recent
trend of -declining activity levels.
Dr. Walter Wong suggested doctors on
i;taff at the hospital be encouraged to take
advantage of their colleagues' expertise.
The board and the medical, 'staff must take
steps , to recognize and use the special,
training and interests of . the existing
medical staff, said Wong.
• • . .March
Bruce County Board of Education has
decided to carry out a more intensive study
before implementing a French immersion
program in the county. In the meantime
the core French will be expanded to include.
grade 4 beginning . in 'September, 1984.
The board's French immersion commit-
tee . recommended a French immersion
program. not be started in the schools ' in
Bruce County in September, 1984 `but the
chairman name a committee to carry out a
more intensive study, to determine : the
best way to achieve the. goal of making
children functionally bilingual.
Problems with farm financing and soil'
erosion dominated ,conversation .:at the
annual members of parliament - dinner
sponsored by the Huron •County Federation
of Agriculture:,
MPPs J:ack•:Riddell and Murray Elston,
MP Murray Cardiff, members' of Huron
County. Council and 'Mel Swart, NDP
agriculture critic were on hand to hear
briefa„from various Huron County Federa-
tion of Agriculture committees and corn.'.
modity groups.
- April. •
'Eleven HuronCounty beef producers
voiced their,opinions on, the present beef
marketing. system and the proposed beef
marketing agency at a public meeting of
the Ontario Beef Commission,which con-
meetings. across the province to
prepare recommendations on how the new
agency ,should operate.
Evans Helm of Lucknow was honoured at
a banquet . and dance making hima life
member of the Lucknow District Kinsmen
Club. A charter member of the club, he has
held most positions on the club executive
and chaired many major projects of. the
Lucknow Kinsmen Club since its inception.
Also active in the community, Evans is a.
member ..of the Lucknow District • Fire
Department, a minor hockey and. baseball
coach and a cub leader. He is the ' first
Lucknow Kinsmen to receive the disting-
uished. honour.
Prominent Lucknow businessman Robert.
McIntosh died suddenly April 16. Propriet-
or of the Lucknow Sales Barn for more than
30 years; he also farmed • in Huron
Construction of a new emergency and
out patient wing at Wingham and District
Hospital was approved at a special closed
meeting of the hospital • board. The ' vote
was taken during, a special meeting of the
board ' held to review all aspects of the
proposed building program, despite an
earlier agreement by the board that a final
decision would not be made at that
meeting, 'which was to have been for dis-
cussion purposes only. The board proceed.
ed 'with- the votebehind closed doors in
order not to.delay �the project 'any .further,
Bruce County Council approved a grant
for the amount of . $5,000 to support the
Wingham and Area Day Centre for' the
Homebound. The grant is based on the
number of Bruce County residents who
attend the centre's program:, for -senior
citizens; The village of L':ucknow'supported
the county grant to the day centre and
approved payment of 51,410 to the Grey
'Bruce Regional Health•Ccntre in return for
support of the Day Centre for the Home-
bound, •
George Whitby and Stuart Collyer were
honoured at a retirement : banquet in
recognition of their 30 and' 31 years
George. Whitby retired 'lifter • 30 years as
Lucknow's fire chief. He was subsequently
the recipient of the BI.centennW medal .fot.
volunteer service to the'commanity.
•EPhotoby Sharon Dietz]
respectively as Lucknow Fire Chief and
Secretary -Treasurer .:of.; the fire depart
ment. Former firemen and presentmem-,a
bers of. the ,department as well as repres-
of. municipalities served by :the
department . ands representatives of area
fire departments attended the banquet.
Concerned citizens who attended a Film'_
• on drug abuse were told alcohol abuse is a 4
major problem in the Lucknow area. Dr.
Donald Jolly of Lucknow •told ' the parents
• and children who attended the screening of
the American film, The Chemical People,
narrated by U.S: First Lady Nancy Reagan,
l he has not been called' to, a major : traf$c-k
accident'in tha 'five.'years he has been lin q
Lucknow where alcohol was not related.;
Jolly said the kids aremodelling them:::
selves - after their • parents who abuse
The Wingham and District .. Hospital
hoard debated procedures used during an
in -camera session which officially approv-
ed the 'construction of a new wing at the t
hospital when it met for its May meeting.•
Board ''member Archie Hill questioned
the validity 'of the motion to accept the
tender for: the new building, noting he had
risen on a point of order at the time, which -
had not been properly dealt with: ATiOther
board member Robert, Pike also expressed
concern' over the way discussion had been
cut off to force a vote .on the building
• project. ;,. ;
Hospital administrator. Norman. Hayes
read an obscure passage 'from Robert's •
Rules of Order which he claimed supported
• • . Turn to page 40,
Request residents
to accept propoa1...•
'gym page 1 . .
permit the loSation of the facility there.
This will make the construction of the
facility. more costly.
If residents in the area do not agree to
this proposal, council intends to build the
.facility op the original Snobelen site further
to the west, closer to the homes in the area, .:
which councillor Clark describes as Plan A.
'gym. page 1 •
alities on the Bruce Peninsual, which • in the
past have usually voted as a block.
The peninsula municipalities favoring
Thompson were Annabel and Lindsaytown-
Municipalities north of Highway 21 that
supported Mielhausen included Marton,
Hepworth, Lion's Head and St. Edmunds
Owen Sound Sun'nines