HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-12-19, Page 15-Page. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 19, 1984—Page 13 Fres B-3532' OM members receive 25 year pins The Kingsbridge Catholic Women's League meeting was called to order follow- ing a thank you expressed by Kathy Olson to the Youth Club for their part in serving the Christmas dinner, Spiritual convener, Rita Tigert, suggested that special prayers be said each week for vocations to the' priesthood and religious life. Clarice Dalton, Pro -Life Convener, asked for prayers and constant *awareness of the issues in order to help this cause. . It was reported that Linda and Sally Van Osch bad received. County Honours at 4-11 Achievement Night held in Brussels, November 28. A motion was made to purchase at least one cassette of the Holy Father's visit to Canada. These will be made available to in- terested families and groups. President Betty Lou Dalton thanked the ladies for their service to the C.W.L. In par- ticular, she thanked Kathy (Mahn for setting up for the dinner - meeting and both Kathy Olsoii and. Joanne Menary for their work with Brownies and Guides. It was noted that further assistance with Brownies and Guides would be appreciated. Thanks were also expressed to Father Dentinger and Brother Carl for their great help throughout the year. The meeting closed with the presentation of 25 -year membership pins to Clarice. Dalton and Mary Clare. Voice for Life campaign successful • The Wingham Voice for Life group held an informal evening of fellowship and discussion on December 3. Gifts wereex- changed and members shared their views about recent developments in this country. •Members believe that more and more people are sympathetic to the pro-life cause and expect their member of parliament to support their views. The success of the card campaign may 'be a good indication of the rising interest in ipro-life issues. 1 Various local churches are aware of the , importance of pro-life issues :and many. of their members submitted signed postal 'cards to the Wingham Voice for Life group. 1 The card depicts a fetus and the message on the back of the card expresses the view that unborn life should be protected. Hundreds of these cards were signed and collected by local church groups and will be • handed over to Member of parliament, Murray Cardiff as soon as possible. Another aspect of the work of pro-life groups is the establishment or the encOur- agement of half way houses which offer counsel and hospitality to mothers in distress. One such house of hospitality is. "Beginnings", in Hamilton, but there are others being contemplated or already established in other parts of the country. • • Mr. an • Mrs. Wesley Young celebrated their th anniversary on Deceinber 9, 1984. Mr. and Mrs.. Young farmed at Langside until Mr. Young retired in 1976. Mrs. Young retired' from Pinecrest Nursing Home last year. Mr. Young enjoyibis hobby of making wooden shelves and cedar, boxes and is a volunteer at the Day Centre in Wiggham. Mrs. Young enjoys quilting, crocheting, bowling and many other activities. They are both members of the Knox. Presbyterian Church in Lucknow. They have three children, Robert and his wife, Barbara of R # 4, Chesley; George of Clinton and 'Audrey, Mrs. Eugene Gardner of Lucknow. They also have nine grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Young celebrated with their family and friends on December 8, 1984 at their home in Lucknow. Choose Christmas theme for UCW annual meeting Fifty ladies, gathered in the fellowship room -to enjoy dessert and tea prior to the annual meeting of the Lucknow U.C.W. on Tuesday, December 11 at 7 p.m. The room and tables were decorated and a lighted Christmas tree and poinsettas gave a festive atmosphere for the meeting. Mrs. Vernon Hunter welcomed every one and opened with a Christmas call to worship and prayer. . Mrs. Robert Ifwin, program convener, conducted the workshop service and she opened with a poem, No Room In The Inn. Eight ladies from the new group formed in the U.C.W., who have named themselves Young Women Can Achieve, (YWCA) sang several Christmas songs accompanied by Brenda Davies. The meditation was called the Wreath of Christmas. On this wreath live poinsetta flowers were formed as the readers, Mrs. Bob Finlay and Mrs. Gordon Cayley added the red petals. 'The petals namely, Hope, Joy, Salvation, Guidance, Praise, Worship, Love, Light, Freedom, Life, depicted the gifts which God had given us. Mrs. Bob Irwin read scripture verses between each petal being added to the wreath Or members sang a Christmas carol, accom- • panied by Mrs. William Graham. The meditation was closed with prayer, The collection was taken by two Urit 4 ladies, and dedicated by Mrs. Warren McDougall. • Mrs. Glen Walden read the report of the nominations committee and the officers for • 1985-86 were installed by Rev. Warren • McDougall. CHURCH NEWS • Mrs. Finlay presented retiring presid- ent, Mrs. Vernon Hunter, with a gift. Ivirs. Hunter gave a fitting reply and hoped the members would support the new presid- • ent, Mrs. Clarence Ritchie, the same as she had been supported. • • Mrs. Ritchie took the chair and following the announcement that the first executive meeting would be on January 22, members sang the hymn, Angels from the Realm of Glory, and Rev. McDougall pronounced the benediction.. Youth group conducts service at Lucknow United On Sunday, December 16, the third Sunday of Advent, the Youth Group of Lucknow. United Church conducted the Wor!..ip Servicg on the theme 'Sharing . our Gifts". Brenda Gibson led in the Call to Worship; Lynn Alton led in the Prayer of Invocation; and Chris Clark led in the Prayer of. Confession. Participating in the presentation of the theme story, "Sharing our Gifts", were Craig Irwin, Jeff Ackert, Brian Reavie, Becky Ackert, Chris Clark, Tracy Steer, J. J. Clark, Denise Helm, Cjndy Struthers, Heather Priestap, Vicky Owen, Paul Helm and Robert Helm. • Ronnie Henderson conducted the Prayers • for God's People, and David Cayley led in the Commissioning. • Earlier in the day; during the Sunday • School hour, the Grade 7 - 8 class, under the leadership of MrS. Gordon •Cayley, conducted the White Gift Service for the Sunday School. Their theme was "A Right -Side -Up Christmas". Many gifts of food, •clothing and toys were received, • • HAVE A JOLLY • HOLIDAY • IN EVERY WAY! Button's • Meat. Market MANAGEMENT AND STAFF • which will go to needy families in our area, through .the Wingham Salvation Army. • The congregation of Lucknow United • Church responded generously to • the Ethiopian Famine Relief Fund. Donations of $2,002.00 have been received to date.. These will be channeled through the . Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada. A thought.... "Religion should 'be our, steering wheel, not our spare tire". • Charles L. Wheeler LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH. • Invites You To Worship With Them On SUNDAY.. DECEMBER 23 • 10:00 adm. and 2:30 p.m. Nursery downstairs morning & afternoon • EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN •CHURCH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Junior Church Service, ages 4-8, 11 a.m. • Sunday School 9:45 a.m. REV. ALLISON J. RAMSAY, MINISTER Nursery Downstairs For Little Ones Under Four EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW UNITED • CHURCH • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 • Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Rev. Warren McDougall B.A.M.Div. Nursery and junior congregation provided EVERYONE WELCOME 350 EAYFIELD RD., GODERICH Come to the Best Party Around! Don't be disappointed, • • Book Now for our • NEW YEAR'S. EVE DINNER DANCE with "MUSIC IN gOLD"•D.J. • PHONE 524-7711 FCR FULL MENU DETAILS • NO • ADMISSION CHARGE. WITH DINNER RESERVATION Cover charge in effect for those not having dinner. •, Make" Your Reservations Today 524.7711 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 ONIAMM•11 • I • Here's hoOng Spint Nick brings you and your •loved ones much good • luck and happiness IR this Christmas. . Cliff's Plumbing and Heating . LUCKNOW 4arminwaraitelerass it,