HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-12-05, Page 8,..•;
.1 • •
Congratulations to Don and Lois (Mole)
Walden of ,Kincardine on the occasion of
their 30th wedding anniversary on Novem-
ber 27. This was also the day. their •
daughter Vicki and her husband: Brian-
-kloover presented.ffient with their first
granclehildt 10lb: ia oz. sou* • born, in
liSO,dori. He is also the fitit great grandson
for Margaret Mole of
•)1m and MargaretErringten vilitecreiVer
the weekend with Ken and Sandra
▪ Davidson and family of Port Lambton to
. help 'Laura celebrate her seventh
Twelve tables of euchre wire in play' at
the seniorsweekly card party on Wednes-
day evening. High white card,was Isabel
Adams; low white card Mel - Jones; • high
pink card, Verna Schaff; loiiv•pink card was
a tie between Gloria Pearson and Mary
Alton with Gloria winning the cut.
LaVerne and Dorothy Pentland have
returned to their Detroit home from a 17
day tour of several countries of the Orient.
The tour was sponsored by • the Masonic
Grand Lodge of ^Michigan. The weather
was perfect for visits to Japan, Taiwan,
. . „
Hong Kong, - thehilkise..-triginland4nd
Bingkok,, Thailand, •.
• Upon
Upon 'their return :the 9 were pfed by:
fainilY and friends W.he yviii# Cellar:id the
• Royal Touch Restaurant; Prase", Michigan
td!conimemorate their fiftieth anniversary.
• : Greetings werrreeeived from • Governer
James Blanchard of Michigan and Presid-
• ent and Mrs. Ronald, Reagan.*
Dorothy and LaVernehave two children,
Pamela Biloy of Mount Clements and
Robert of Kalamazoo, Michigan and seven
grandchildren. .
• •
Those attending 'from' this area 'were
Frank Pentland Dorothy Grange, Auburn,
Margaret Pritch rd, Gdderich and other
' from London, p as
• far away as Pomona,. California. '
Attends national 4-11 conference
• Sheila -Osborne of .RR 5 Lucknow along
• „lisIth Elizabeth Stewart RR 1 Dublin, Tom
MeLeod RR 2 Thamesford, Lloyd Diehl RR
Brunner and chaperone, Nancy
flazelager, ROS Specialist, Agr. Oxford
County, Embro, represented Ontario at the
' 30th Annual National 4-H Conference in
Madison, Wisconsin on Oct. 2-5..
• Sheila was among240 4-H'ers, from 25
states and six provinces who were par-
ticipating. •
Delegates attended Workshops -and ses-
• sions on dairying topics such as agricultural
careers, dairy productions, marketing, pro-
motion, nutrition and embryo transfer. In.
, addition, workshops focused, on computers,
farm management and financial 'planning,
cheese making and federal milk marketing
orders. Special sgtiest speakers at the con-
ference were 4-H alumni, Charlie
• journalist and former Viet Nam prisoner of
war, and Bucky Jones dairyman and
humorist from Mississippi.
Participants also toured Hoard's
Dairyman magazine and farm, Dairy
Sluine Museum, American Breeders' Ser-
vice Inc. and World Dairy Expo.
The trip gave Sheila an opiiortunity to
learn about the dairy industry across the
border. It also gave her aninsight into the
business of dairying as a whole. •
Sheila earned her trip to the dairy min-
ference in recognition of her contributionto
the :.local 4H dairy program. Sheila is a 1.
member of, the Kincardine 4 -II Dairy Club,
the Ripley Vet Club and the Ripley Grain
Club. Sheila was the President of the dairy
club this past year and has held all of the
other executive positions.She was one of the
Bruce County representatives the Silver
Dollar Dairy Competition and placed second
in the Senior Division of the County Judging
Competition. She - has. • completed 18
Agricultural projects. • •
Sheila is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert OsbOrne and is a Grade 13 student at
Kincardine'DiStriatSecOnaiil SehOW
Sheila's trip was Sponsored. bY,the Bruce
County Milk Committee and:the:131*Y and
District Lions Club.
The National 4-H Dairy Conference is con-
ducted by. Extension Service, US Depart-
ment of Agriculture in cooperation with the
National 4-1.1 Council. •
tileknow 'UMW; WednesdaY, Derend* 1911/4 --,Page
re- Inventory
Just in lime For Christmas
,Saire On
Pristkilly **cot!
V • and ).Electric
• December iseinuit Prices
• •-•1`. -11P•
• 040 "”. • .74
SOX. .°14$
S1.99 Mixed
-71$' •• lt
4,4 Nils:. e;heii trafpOt bazbeqa
$1.39BULKSCrticlINTGbYGrOPY...6°P4MailRODItg' i WOO motel $3419 doz., .10040m" 49e•
Macintosh apples, A Ib. big $1.49;:vedStatnes, 20 ib# '40g $1.69, hjakhejney .89e ib.
BULK CANDY tidied. candy ,.89kibo *otch mints Stip 4111## lbw 5239
black heat* mix $1.79 1114 linnitityti•[Wrapped] SA:951k •
eevecsAie'we* •pants, , shket61 work• sod* metiPai-'stitettee green'. patclilwork boots
539.95; ladies • faehionabin sweaters 59.95, Children'S *Signer' )eans $12.9.5.
SPORTING GOODS Guns, Scopes; Kidies, AmmunItiona, Special .fenlaye selling
fine collection Of Winchester•Commerativevides. GunilisPlity Special
8 gUnsj
5269.00. NEW FURNITURE -• JIvIng room miltesi dining tem and hedroontfurniturc,
4 pc. living room suite; Opt and chair 5394.00; dOuble disks 099.00; 6 drawer MO boy
ch�st $89,00;, loll& wood table plus 4 Chain $399.00; *ok,,,cii.oes.$49.60; 39” sive
spritig•to0 Mattress: 559.00; glitis front display cabinet. $0940; 411044Aresser With 1
nilit.tit$1.29.00. Carpet :and no wax .11Oootsg In populafralzes at ArlinleMle prices.
/, • s, ••' • THE WINOHAIVISAPSARENA 3514130 • '
• • Just North of Wingitam on'llighWayli 4 ,•2• -! '•
, OPEN MON: - SAT. 9 - 6 P.M. and rivRs, op Flu, 'imam TILL 9 P.M.
Cash, Cheques, •Visa, MasterCard ACceptetV • -, •
The Man
To Se' • Is
WAWANOSH 100 acral,95 workable, 4 bedroom brick home, hog beef barn,
silo and recently constructed IMpinment Shed; additional 100 acres available.
TWO EXCELLENT building lois close to Main Street.
RETIREMENT:2 bdr. bungalow, Outram Si., lownr•livelhas extra bdr., 44 pc; bath,.
new kitchen, priced to ssIL
ASHFIELD StifiCent.tO Ladino*, 2 -storey, 3 Istir.linnin,4041:Pelsatho.rac. aluminum:
aidsc.2101.82,6x330/0tviter4111-40,ilider offers; ••• •: • • • • • , , •
STONdw.Iling �n 23 c sttnr-'16 10* duir•s;m1.1; ic/ittst be sold,
listed at $26,500: • • ' • . •.
. . •
10 ACRES AshflsId, 3 bdr bungalow 10 yrs. old, immaculately k.pt work shop, 24x40
with area 12x10insulated, approx. 7 eareforested; producing orchard, peer, apple,
cherry, plum trees, etc. • ' • ' .
100 . ACRES Ashileid,• house: and .bam In 'need Of* repair;' approx. 75. :workiltic
hardwood, bush. Priced* to ecU. , • • .
.150 ACRES West Wawanosh, •120 workabio`iiarristOn loam soil,' nicely kept 3-4 bit
home,, Implement shed, Conventional barn; hard and soft wood bush.
295 ACRES Kinioss; 2 Immaculate homes, beef feedlot for 500-700 head,' barn 12 hogt
with' feed storage, grinding and mixing facilities. ideal lather/son enterPriae.
For further Information on •thOse properties, .pleat•cali •
. WARREN ZINN, 529-7350 ALVINVIlt, 395-3174 . TERRY ZINN, 529-7350
• • • .
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