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Lucknow Sentinel
Wednesday, November 28, 1984—Page
Search for site considered Lyons and Snobelen properties
*from page 1
cated the soils at these sites were not
suitable for the treatment system.
The Sentinel requested a list of the alter-
nate sites which were considered, and
rejected but Steve Burns of 13: M. Ross and
Associates said he did not think they could
"create a',1ist".
The original search was a study of all the
areas surrounding Lucknow and the Milne
property was selected because the soil
conditions were adequate and it was a
remote location, said Burns. When the
second search was conducted after the
Milne property became unavailable, the
area south of the Pinecrest Manor Nursing
Home in Lucknow had been rejected in the
original analysis because the soils were too
fine and the deline to the river is toe sharp
in that area. It was not considered suitable
as a second choice,
The area at the bottom .of the Canning
Street hill, east of the Anderson. Flax mill,
was not suitable because 'it is too wet. It is
• also closer to the river and within the- low
floodplain area where there is a higher
water table and the system would have to
deal with water coming down the hill
across the site to the river. A suggestion to
lOcate the treatment facility , on this
property and pump the treated sewage out
to the West Wawanosh site to the tile bed
system is considered too costly and imprac-
tical by Burns. He said there is a consid-
erable advantage to having everything on
one site.
' 'Measurements To Seale
• Glen Walden informed the meeting his
measurements based on the scale plan
prepared by the engineers puts the
treatment facility considerably closer to the
residences on Place Street in Lucknow than
• the engineers indicate. The engineers
describe the, proposed location as south of
the fence along the Snobelen proPetty
behind the Finnigan barn. Access to the
location can be made along the laneway
running south of the Finnigan barn C,oming
in from Huron County ROad 1. '
There is some disagreement between the
residents in the area and the engineers
about the scale of the drawings and the
• exact locatien of the site. The residents
fear they are being told the facility will be
located in one site and when it is built, the
site will be much closer to the Lucknow
residences on Place Street:
County Amendment Requited
Since the proposal is to locate the facility
in Huron County and West Wawanosh
Township- does not have a secondary plan,
the property falls under the Huron County
official plan. According to the Huron "
County Planning Department an amend-
ment to the official plan will be required,
• because the property is zoned agricultural
and greenbelt.
• According to George Brophy, solicitor
for the Village of Lucknow, Lucknow
council has received' planning advice,
which says the location of the facility in the
township is not of county significance, and
therefore, a planning amendment will not
•be required.
Expropriation Not Posslble
Lucknow could not expropriate the Floyd
Milne property When Milne refused to sell
it to the village for the treatment facility.
Not only is expropriation usually contested,
making it an expensive process, the munic-
aplity, cannot expropriate if suitable land is
found elsewhere and the owner is willing to
sell it to the municipality for the purpose
they require.
Residents Have Standing Before OMB
The township residents who object to the
location of the facility in their neighbour-
hood will have standing before the Ontario
Municipal Board at a hearing to decide
whether the OMB will approve the
The residents had been promised a
hearing by Willard Page of the Ministry of
the Environment because he did not know
they would be allowed to present their case
to the OMB. Page agreed to an information
meeting to explain the proposal and to
permit the residents to ask questions but a
hearing will " not - be provided by the
Ministry of Environment, because the
approval of the proposal falls under the
Public Health Act and no hearing is
required. •
Acknowledge there will be complaints
The engineers and the Ministry, of the
Environment acknowledged at the meeting
the residents i.n the area will coinplain if
the facility is located on the proposed site
They acknowledged there are instances
when ()deur will be a problem and
residents will have reason to complain,
The officials emphazied however that the
Lucknow facility is very small' and if the
tanks used in the process are permitted to
remain open mechanical difficulties
should be kept to a minimum and odour
will, 'not make habitation in the are
undesirable. •
County Health Unit Defers, APproval
The Medical Officer of Health for Huron
County, Harry Ceislar has notified Luck
now Vilage Council and the Ministry of the
Environment that the Huron County Public
Health Unit wishes to turn over approval of
the facility to the Ministry of the Environ
• meat, E. T. Harrison, director of inspec
tions for the health' unit, told the informa
tion meeting, November 22, the health unit
believes they are not qualified to Approv
and assume responsibility for monitoring
facility of this size. The health unit sent
letter to the Ministry authorizing them t
either approve or disapprove the project
Panel addresses questions of residents about sewage facility
• Approximately 50 people including the
West Wawanosh Township Council and
concerned ratepayers of West Wawanosh • SPECI•AL REPORT
and the Village 'of Lucknow attended an •
information meeting called by the Lucknow
• Village Council, to discuss the proposed
sewage works treatment facility, to be
located south of Lucknow 'in West
Wawanosh Township.
Burns Ross and Steve Burns of B. M.
Ross and Associates, God'erich, engineer
for the village of Lucknow, made presenta-
• tions to the meeting explaining why the
sewage works system is necessary in the
village and the design of the proposed
treatment facility.
Following their presentations a question
and • answer period was • conducted by
George Brophy, solicitor for the village of
Lucknow. Members of West Wawanosh
Township Council and ratepayers of the
• township and the village of Lucknow, who
were in attendance asked questions of a
• panel concerning the proposed facility and
the impact' of its location. .
Members of the panel included Lucknow
Village, Council, , Burns Ross and Steve
Ross, engineers for the village. of Lucknow,
Cindy Fisher of the Huron County Planning
• Department, Willard Page, Owen Sound,
district officer of the- Ministry of Envir-
onment, ,Bill Hutchison, environmental
engineering officer, Ministry of the Envir-
• onment 1-1. W. Rankin, director of inspec-
tors, Bruce County Public Health Unit E.,,
T. Harrison, director of inspections, Huron• ,
Coutity Public Health Unit and George
Brophy, solicitor for the Village of, Luck -
now. 11'
The following is a partial text of The
question and, answer period which took
place at an information meeting'• held
Nevember 22, at the Lucknow Town Hall.
Kathryn Todd, West Wawanosh
Why did Lucknow not proceed to expropri-
• ate the Floyd Milne property, which had
been approved suitable for the location of
this treatment facility, especially when
there were no objections to this site?
George Joynt, reeve of Lucknow: When
the option to purchase the Milne property
• was made it was taken out for two years. It
• would run out on. December 2, 1982.
George Brophy, the solicitor for the town,
called me and asked me what we wanted to
do prior to the date of expiry and I told him
to get in touch with Mr. Milne and see if he
would agree to renewal of the option, and
to set a date for expiry of the renewed
option 'for the date the Ontario Municipal
Board would bring down their decision. I
was notified, after Mr. Brophy spoke to Mr.
Milne he would not renew the option to
purchase. The engineer (Burns Ross) went
• to see Milne and he had made up his mil
he didn't want to sell the property. So
• either he made up his mind on the -fact it
had closed and there was no finalization of
the deal, he didn't want to sign a renewal,
it could have been the tile bed area, I don't
• know what it was. I can't tell you why he
wouldn't renew
George Exropriation itself is a
very expensive procedure. Presumably Mr.
Milne wouldn't have co-operated, or he
• would have signed the renewal of the
option. He wasn't going to ,co-operate, ,he
• was going to oppose the expropriation, that
would be a very expensive and hotly
contested issue.
Secondly you cannot expropriate some-
thing just because you decide you want it. •
The municipality has to prove the need for
that particular property, if there are other
sites available, you cannot expropriate this
gentleman's •property over here, when
there is somebody else over here prepared
to sell to you momentarily,•
• Gordon Brindley, deputy reeve West
Wawanosh: Why did Lucknow council not
have the guts to come to West Wawanosh
council to see if they could get permission,
to see: if they could even get the site before
. they went to all this expense?
Joynt: On October 24, 1983 the clerk of
• Lucknow received a letter from Burns Ross
who recommended she get in touch with
the clerk of West Wawanosh and request a
meeting between the two councils. Conse-
quently, the earliest meeting the Lucknow
clerk could get was December 6, 1983. On
November 28, 1983 Lucknow • received
another letter from Burns Ross stating that
this meeting slated for December 6 had
been cancelled by the clerk 6f the township
of West Wawanosh and the council.
Going to the .township of West Wawa -
nosh with this facility is the last thing I ever
wanted to do. The whole problem is that in
the village of Lucknow we have no place
else to go. As far as the type of soil
conditions required, you.have to have fine
aggregates, I don't want to do it and
• neither does this council but Pin forced and
this council has been forced to go out there.
And I can tell you and I can tell my
friends around here that signed this
petition that I went to them and showed
them a copy of both of these letters. I
showed them to Gerry Trieitap and Glen
Walden. We as a council requested a
meeting. I didn't want to go out there a
• year or two years after and try to tell them
what it was we wanted to do. That meeting
could have been called sooner than
• December. 6.
, Gerry Priestap: Mr. Joynt do you -plan on
forcing this site onto our property out
there, no matter what we have to say?
Joynt: There's no land in Lucknow.
Priestaps • Did you try?
Joynt: I wish you could tell me where it
is. •
Prlestap: Just because other property is.
too dear, you fOund something cheap,
that's why you ate going out there, and. this
• letter also says you have no intentions of
forcing, it on us.
Brophy: This is an information meeting.
• There_ is going to be an OMB (Ontario
Municipal Board) hearing and at the OMB
hearing an impartial body is going to sit
• and make a decision on this.
The Lucknow council obviously intends
to have this property as the site for the
sewage treatment facility and people disa-
gree with that and if you disagree with
that, you are perfectly entitled to make a
presentation in front of the OMB and try to
convince the OMB as to the right of your
position. •
• Jim Finnigan: How will you take the
sludge out of the site. Is there a road to be
Steve Burns, ere . ar•access ,road to the
• site passes directly south of the Finnigan
barn coming in from HurOn County Road 1• .
Jim Finnigan: There' are kids that go
around that barn. There is, no way that my
father will allow you to use that road there.
There is a road allowance behind there and
that is what the town agreed to, that it was
not going to be' anywhere near that barn.
And Mr. Joynt knows that.
Steve Burns: There is another option.
We could go out to Canning Street, but
certainly it was my understanding that this
was,the access approved by Mr. Finnigan.
I was not aware.that Mr. Finnigan had put
a limitation on that. This is news to me.
Jim Finnigan: There was a limitation
when the land was purchased that they
" would not go near that barn. They were
supposed to go back the other way. There's
kids running around there and the neigh-
bours do not want that. And we have
agreed there is going to be no road front
• the barn to the highway for' that sludge to
go out.
Brophy: I think you had better have
• Chester get hold of Mr. Ross and that had
better be discussed. I was not iware of any
• limitation that was in the contract. There is
no limitation in the contract that says that.
• Joe Hickey, West Wawanosh emmeillor;
Why is Lucknow council proceeding when
West Wawanosh • Township does • not
approve? • (
Ab Murray, Lucknow councillor: I was
•sitting on council when we made applica-
tion to put sewers in the village of
Lucknow. I don't know how come you
figure it was the village of Lucknow that
wanted the sewers. Bruce County Health
Unit came to the Lucknow council with a
problem. We are either going to clean up
• the downtown area or we are going to dose
it up. • , •N
The only way we could ket funding at
that time was to make application to the
• water resources. That's what started the
ball rolling. You seem to think it was the
village of 'Iucknow that is putting this
burden on the township of West Wawa -
It all goes back that we do not run around
dumping something into thecreek to get a
• bad sample. They definitely came to the
village with the problem. Pm sure if they
come to the village of Auburn or the vil age
'of Dungannon, you have to act the same
way. You either do it or It wasn't that we
wanted to spend $1.5 million.
•Hickey: I understand what you just told
• me. This has happened other places. 'Ihey
• must put a sewage sytem in. But that is
really not my concern. It's your putting this
in West Wawanosh. That's where I'm
,concerned. We do not, wish to have it.
Sewage you tan put into Bruce COunty. It's
a big place.
• Murray: 'That is. just an arguement. As
• far as forcing it on anybody, we took the
best possible way that we could. If you list-
en to the engineers there is definitely more
uridesireable things in West Wawanosh
than this thing and you don't nave to go
very far. •
Todd: Mr. Finnigan came to a council
meeting in West Wawanosh and he told us
he was told he could plant crops dver this
and work the land. He said he got all his
. information from the reeve.
Finnigan: That is true. Mr. Joynt told my
father specifically he would be able to work
the land as he wished. There would' be no
buildings on that site and i was there my
self. •
• Manray: I think that you are wrong. He
Will be able to work the land other than
where the buildings are. We have offered
to purchase eight acres of the Finnigan
property and eight' acres of the (Mike)
• Turn to page 3'
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