HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-11-21, Page 9Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Novenib(er 21, 1984 -,-Pie 9 ear about travels of Treat and Kawartha Voyageurs The folyrood Women's Institute met on Thursday evening at the hall,, Instead of the regularmeeting, it was, a family and community evening when Lloyd Ackert and his son, Mark ' gave a delightful slide presentation of the Trent Voyageur.. They .built the Trent Voyageur 'in Holyrood over. two .years ago, and it- was taken to,Lake Huron at concession 6 where it was launched. It has eight cabins which accommodates 16 passengers with a crew of five. The following. year they . built the Kawartha voyageur of steel •'construction whichconforms to the Canadian ''Coast Guard Safety regulations. Each Voyageur has two diesel generators which provides electrical heating and lighting. The Kawar- tha Voyageur carries 24 passengers with twelve cabins and, a crew of . six. The, lounges, dining areas, and spacious sun decks have an inviting atmosphere for an enjoyable . summer cruise. , Lloyd expressed their pleasure in being. invited to show their pictures at this family evening. He explained the first half of the pictures after which Mark explained the waterways in which they travel. The beauty, of the country which sur- . Happy Birthday Uncle Douglas LOVE Jason 1111TTNN TWO STOREY brick family home down- town, Lucknow. • 100 ,ACRES• dairy• farm near'•Lucknow $56,700. 90 ACRE cash crop farm near Teeswater, 60 acres systematically drained. BUNGALOW on choice location in :Luck - now, new 1 brick fireplace and :more.. Reduced in price. MOBILE honiea in •St. Helens•• with large addition. Try an .offer...... CLASSIC WHITECHURCH home perfect: in every detail. 150 ACRE dairy, farm, • 66 tie ups,"- a real. set up.• For these and other listings call MEL MATHERS, WINGHAM, 357-3208 representing LLOYD W. BUTTON REAL ESTATE'LTD. BROKER KINCARDINE rounded the waterways system between Lake Ontario and Georgian Bay . was evident on the slides. It was interesting to note that the Trent Severn waterway pion- eered and made history in our Canadian Heritage as being a first to provide overnight accommodation and meals on board. With two years of successful operation they have a feeling. of pride and .confidence that their friends' .and ,guests enjoyed -a wonderful 'time together. Several years ago, when Lloyd. was Scout Master, a raft was built, and he took it along with the local Scout Troop, giving him his first love for . the waterways. They are presently docked at Peterborough for the winter months. They received a heart! . round of applause and all the best for the year 1985. Mrs. Alex Percy presented them with a gift in appreciation. Mrs. Charles , Murray chaired the meeting for the opening exercises and the directors were in charge of the following .program. Susan Meyer -favoured with a nice piano solo. Mrs. Harold Smith passed a jar of candy. and Mrs. Lorne, Eadie guessed the correct COL. CLETUS DALTON AVCTIO�NEER *Farm ESSales *Liquidations *Antiques Y. Olt KITE 519449-7420 LUCKNOW. DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES AVAILABLE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 West Huron Junior Farmers • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Dave Huber and Rosemary Gilmore SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1 Jainle Hackett and Pat Shiell CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ONLY 528-3532 The Mann To See Is. irisiNTEE L 1 In 1 T t r, REALTOR ASHFIELD .3 bdr. whits 'brick ham' C4 i ac. Recent renovations, Work shop and small barn make a desirable pr. ASHFIELD farrowing oprratlon, 85 sows, rec.. renovated 4 bdr. home, Inquire for further particulars..' TWO EXCELLENT building lots close to main street. RETIREMENTaI w Outram St. lower level has extra bdr., 4-3 pc. bath, 2 bdr, bun a o ► new kitchen, priced to sell. ASHFIELD adjacent to Lucknow, '2 storey,.3 bdr. home, 2,3 pc. bath, rec. aluminum sided, 2 lots 82.5x330. Owner . will consider all offers. ' FIELD STONE dwelling on 23 ac. surveyed, 10 ac 'of bush, dug wall. Must be sold listed at $28,500. 10 ACRES Ashfield, 3 bdr. bungalow 10 yrs.lold, Immaculately kept work shop, 24x40 with area 12x16 insulated, approx. 7 ac. reforested; producing orchard, pear, apple, cherry, plum trees,, etc. 150 ACRES Kinloss, 145 workal SOLD homir, good barn, '2 silos, reduced. 100 ACRES Ashfield, houso and barn In ,need of repair; approx. 75 workable, hardwood bush. Priced to sell. ' . 166 ACRES West Wawanosh,' 120 workable Harrlston edam soil, mealy kept '3-4 bdr.' home, :iinplemant shed, conventional barn; hard and Oft wood ,bush. 295 ACRES Kinloss, 2Immaculate homes, beat feedlot for 500400 head, 'barn 02 hogs with, feed storage, grinding and Mixing facilities. Ideal father/son enterprise. , For further Information on these properties, please call WARREN. ZINN, 520-7350 ALIN ROBB, 395-3174 . TERRY ZINN, 520-7350 • K NLOUGH by May Boyle . • {number in the jar. Her second fun game iwas, • How many articles can an . empty eggshell hold. It held 20 and Joanne and Betty Anne Murray won the prize. Humorous readings were given by Mrs. Frank Maulden and Agnes Hodgins. Mrs. Douglas McEwan conducted a guessing' game and the winner was Mrs. • William MacPherson and Mrs. Harold 'Smith got us thinking with a quiz of TV commercials. It wasunanimous that a bazaar be held at Holyrood Hall on December 8 from 2 - 4 p.m. in aid of the Wingham and District Hospital.. The directors were Mrs. Harold Smith, Mrs. Douglas McEwan and Mrs. Alex Percy. Reverend ' M. J. - Letson, Mrs. Ronald Thacker and May Boyle attended the 'church workshop on, Evangelism at St. Paul's Church, Wingham on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr hosted a lovely ,party and smorgasbord dinner on Sunday honouring Jo Anne Kirkland, retiring Red Cross Homemaker. The homemakers. in attendance besides, the hostess , and honoured guest were from Ripley ,- Betty Cook, Ruby Peterbaugh, Jo Anne Hedley; Kincardine - Shirley Fair, Ruth Cobean, Annabelle Buchanan; Tiverton ; Alma Elliott, Barbara Fisher, Jean Dent; Glam. mis -Ruby. Alexander; Kinlough . Ruby Bonnett, concession 10. The honoured guest' was presented' with a gift and wished .a happy retirement for which she replied fittingly. Marretta Hodgins, Irene Hodgins and Phoebe Stanley,' all of Lucknow and May Boyle visited on. Sunday afternoon - at Kincardine with Gertrude Walsh and were callers at the funeral home ' where the late (Elizabeth) Mrs. George Robertson rested. The funeral was on Monday afternoon. Sympathy is extended to the family: Lenore Sutherland . of Toronto . and Audrey Borthwick of St. Catherines, who have been visiting with Agnes Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs. ' Jack Hodgins, . returned to Toronto where they attended the ' Royal Winter Fair, before Audrey returned home to, St. Catharines. � LTciiJ TUTU Phone 357-1630 for 24, hour movie information "A beautifully controlled dream. The ending is like a breath of pure air' -Jack Kf1`fl.NEWSWEEK "The first film'this year to score an emotional bullseye" PE(IPIEMAGAZINE "The endingis fantastic... exactly right:' MAGA(,(\$ 'One of the finest films in years about growing up American: \Inc( 'nt('llnby,\1'.TIM "; "The movie makes you feel proud to be an American. You leave uplifted and thrilled to be alive:' R0, R1,vd "This movie will find its place in many a heart this season. Best of all is the climax" Rt L.d S'hlckel. 'nett! MAGAZINI': • "This year's 'Terms of Endearment: \\ nun ll,Ii. GANNETT NEWS SEMI CF. SALLY FIELD PLACES IN THE HEART ACCOMPANIMENT • -v,'` (,.►a�. NAM FROM FRIDAY TO THURSDAY,: NOVEMBER 23rd to 29th. SNOWTIMES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY at 7:00 sad MO p.In.. SUNDAY TO THURSDAY of ts00 p.m..ONLY ttAN AMERICAN MASTERPIECE, THE MOVIETO BEAT FOR THE ACADEMY AWARD ' • • • NOW PLAYING TILL THURSDAY NOV. 22, 19 •• CHUCK NORRIS!SS( 1 � seoo p.nn84 GODERICM . • 524.7511 • • • •• • STARTS FRIDAY„,• N. .V • • •• • • • • •0 • O • • is ,d p• fµ both D€VL otiirm • STARRING . • GEORGE BURNS • AND • GEORGE BURNS. • FR1-SAT • 7X9 SUN - THURS . • 8:OO P.M. • REMEMBER. $2.00 TU : •• E SEE SANTA slit " s AT THE PARK A THEATRE • AFTER THE A A 0 •• 3WEA5INO 0 cu�o�nrci� Theoer i Smut. Om. • •••••.00•••sils•'•• O••••••1•snir•.004600• s>rsi••eti 4 PARADE SATURDAY