HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-11-07, Page 30Lucknow Sentinel,, Wednesday,. November 14, 1984—Page 10 110 Spears to Dwknou and peace Volt 1 Unit 1 of the Lucknow U.C.W.; met in the United Church fellowship room on Tues- day, November 6. President, Mrs. Ross Shiells welcomed everyone and introduced thel theme, Peace, Sixteen members and one guest answer- ed the roll call, a bible verse about peace. Mrs.. Shiells conducted the business. Committee reports were given for Friend ship, Social Functions, and Flowers. Members then joined with Units 2 and 3 for aninteresting program. Unit 2 Unit #2 of Lucknow UC. W. met in the church parlour on Tuesday, November 6. Mrs. ' Glen Walden welcomed the ladies and gave the call to' worship and a Remembrance Day Thought, followed by prayer. . Eight members answered the roll call with a verse with Victory. Following committee reports. members went to the fellowship room and joined Units '1 and 3, where over 40 ladies were gathered. The theme of the meeting was Peace and Mrs. Ross Shiells was the chairlady. She said Love comes with Christmas, Victory comes at Easter and Peace every day of the year. 'Mrs. Harvey Webster was the accom- panist for hymns. The scripture was read by Mrs. Eldon Bradley and the. meditation .was given by " Stella Tillbrook. She said storms may rage on the seas, in the air but there is a spot with peace within. She closed with prayer. Mrs; Charles McDonald gave an inspir- ing reading on Peace. Peace may befound in our own hearts when one relies on God.,' • Mrs, Harvey Webster told of the circum- stances that inspired Thomas A. Dorsey to write the words and music of the song, There'll be Peace in the Valley for Me. The members sang this song together. Mrs. "Ross Shiells introduced tlfe guest speaker, Mrs. Don Robertson of Purple Grove, who spoke on Peace and Remem- • bran01',,,51 r•s oke of many, things which may tie foui iti ,the- bol ks of Remem- brance. All memories ' are not of a quiet nature as it seems it is easier to remember evil than good. She' was thanked by Mrs: Eldon Bradley. Mrs.. Harvey, Webster sang, Let, There Be Peace On Earth. ' .Mrs: Robert Irwin read an article on Memorials. This was followed by .the jannouncements by Mrs. Vernon Hunter and Mrs. Ernest Ackert. • Mrs. Shiells gave the thought for the day, A Treasure for Peace. Prayer by Mrs. Russ Button closed the meeting. Unit 3 Unit 3 of Lucknow U.W.Cmet in the choir room for their business meeting with Mrs. Charles McDonald presiding. • She South Kinloss- WN1S elect officers for executive Mrs." Leonard Clarke was hostess for the annual meeting of South Kinloss W.M.S. held in the church November. ,6. The meeting began with a delicious dessert luncheon provided: by directors, Vera Schmidt and Rena Forster.: Vice-president, Mrs. Allan MacDougall presided and opened the meeting with the poem, Pass It On. • From the .correspon- dence an invitation • was read to the, new Drop -in -Centre November 19 at 2 p.m. The church `calendars were: displayed' and could be purchased for $1.25. Mrs. John Forster: announced that • a shower was being planned for. Anne Hamilton in the church hall on November • 30. , Mrs. Frank ' MacKenzie read ,a prize winning Remem- brance Day poem written by a student • for the Legion contest. : Mrs. John Forster 'conducted the Bible Study; Coping with Lack of Purpose. Bible verses showed we are allcreated by .God for a purpose. We should be guided by His spirit ' to , give' thanks, to resist evil, to obey, to witness and have faith. Mrs. Evan Keith _read a November ` 11 - story, The Poppy is Special. ' The roll call " was answered by seventeenmembers with a Bible verse, with the word. purpose. . Those taking part in the prayer. circle wr4re Mrs. Herb Buckton, Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall and Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon. •: The ,offeratory prayer was given by Mrs. Schmidt. For Bible Study the book on Coping with Life's Pressures, was used and the. Mission Study was . on ; Central Africa. The allocation of $1400 was reached with offerings of $1422 by the end of October:'A • motion to accept reports was made by, Mrs. i H. Howald and Mrs. A. Schmidt: The annual meeting began . with the • reading of the 1983 minutes. Reports, were read by Historian, Treasurer and Secretary and the secretaries of • Supply, • Glad. Tidings, Friendship 'and, Service, These Days, Literature and Library; Ladies Aid, Sunshine. and Nominating Committee. Following is the slate of officers for 1985: past president, Mrs. Evan Keith; presid- . ent, • Mrs.: John Mowbray; first vice president, Mrs. Allan MacDougall; third vice president, Mrs. Don Bell; secretary and press, Mrs. Ira Dickie; assistant sec- retary, Mrs. Allan MacDougall; treasurer, Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon;' supply, Mrs. Leonard Clarke; Ladies' Aid, Mrs. Harold Campbell; Literature, Mrs. Bruce Hamil- ton; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Herb Buckton; Daily Devotions, Mrs.. Ted Collyer; Bible Society, Mrs: James Burt; Friendship and Sunshine, Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall and Mrs. Clark Needham associate members, Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton; Historian, Mrs. Harry Lavis; assistant; Mrs.: Frank Mac- Kenzie; pianists, Mrs. Jack Needham, Mrs. John Forster. Social worker speaks to institute The .Dungannon Women's Institute held their regular monthlymeeting at the home of Donna Young on rMonday • evening; November 5. There were 14 members and one guest present. , The roll call was, Name a Canadian Indian tribe and tell where their reserva- tion is located. . Each member gave five cents for each ring and watch she ' was wearing to the Pennies for Friendship Fund.. Minutes and correspondence were read by secreary, Alma Black; a newsletter from the Erland Lee Home and 'a letter from the Town and Country Homemakers asking for a donation. Plans were made for the annual Christmas party to be held December 6 at the Dungannon United Church. President, Ila Crozier and secretary- treasurer Alma Black gave a report on the London Area • Women's Institute 70th anniversary convention, which they attend- ed at St. Marys Area and Community Centre, November 1 and 2. • Donna Young, . citizenship convener, introduced guest speaker, Joan Spittal. Joan is • a social worker at Goderich Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. She gave an .interesting insight into her work with a strong emphasis on psychiatry, their precept being to 'serve the in-patient. f Bessie McNee thanked Joan and presen- ted her with 'a gift. Hostesses, Willetta McWhinney, Bessie McNee and Renate Ulch serve coffee, cake and ice cream: , • CHLJ RCU NEWS S welcomed the Members and read 'a `poem on' Peace, followed by prayer. • The roll call, a Bible,verae on Peace, was answered .by 17 members. The minutes were read and Mrs. McDonald said the memorialclock was installed in the kitchen and reminded the members to view it 'there. Mrs.. Andrew Ritchie gave the treasur- er's report to date and' " the offering • and - special project money 'were received. Mrs. William Hunter reported. on visits made to shut ins and also on cards sent: Mrs. Allan Gibson .reported on the receipts from the recent fowl supper which was very successful and she thanked all who had helped in any way. The unit is responsible for ; church flowers for December: • The Christmas meeting will be held November 27. 'to allow all secretaries time to prepare their reports. Members sang Happy Birthday to Mrs. McDonald and joined units 1 and 2 in the fellowship room. Unit 4 • Unit 4 of Lucknow United • Church Women met on Tuesday, November 6 with an attendance of 22. Mrs. Bob ' Finlay presided for the program with the theme, Remembrance and Peace. " The opening hymn, Faith of our Fathers was followed by a prayer by Mrs. Graydon Ritchie. • . A piano duet was given by Mrs. Bill Gr ham and Eric McDougall; followed by pianosolos by Eric. ' The scripture was, read by Mrs: Harold Cooke. An article on 'Remembrance and Peace., written by Rev. W. Birch, was given by Mrs, Ritchie and Mrs. Cooke. Mrs. Graham played a piano solo,, Mrs. Bob Finlay gave: the topic taken from the study book, Jesus Is Life. The • 'chapter, From' Death to Life, dealt with reflections on the cress and New Shoots for life to -day. A group discussion on the study book followed. Mrs. Cooke closed the progran with a benediction prayer. Mrs. Bob Campbell, unit leader, con- ducted the business. Mrs. Campbell read an article on Remembrance. The roll call was answered by "What Remembrance Day • means to you Reports were . then given, treasurer by Mrs. George Whitby; community friendship, ' Mrs. Graydon Ritchie; supply and welfare,- Mrs. Charlie Davies; Amnesty International, Mrs. Gor- don Cayley; a report of the turkey supper was given by Mrs. Bill Rogues. • The meeting was closed with prayer and a social tithe followed. 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