HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-31, Page 11age .8 als to pf the "your- ase of says that me of key in :ey ed to Larded arious. ;ir turf o one hoe. s, at •:ifrom F.4 are •, pro- rnore s the time e 16* • cuts tcher ers to r the lifted that e 16* t'. Studentsfront Kiulasii :Central ?Odle School participated in the 'Bruce regiOnid cross country at Ainsdale 'OdIt'ConrOffon octobq 15. 4#askiiten .placed first, jennifer, MacMillan placed second anal** authertaHtt came third. The students also coMpeted at theBrace'Oniatreifatai country held October 18 at tke. Unseen. Conservation Area. .when WOO stadentiifrom airosi the Coitinq participated; Participating from Kinloss Central were frons the left, front, Brad *May, Ade* Skillent Clint Murray and Chad Thomas; centre, Shane MacKinnon Sutherland, Jennifer MacKinnon, Tara Thacker., and Steve centre, back, Lisa 'MacDonald, Justin Murray, Donde "Cuillerier and Steve Porter. Absent were Chris Colwell and Michael MeEwan. ' • [Photo by Sharon Dietz] .2- • .A ;. orn ete at • A four person teatn Will be representing • Ontario at the 4-14 International. Judging Competition' • at the Canadian Western Agribition in Regina, The four people.were selected as a result of having the' highest overall Score in their region Class "A" Fair Judging Competition. • The team consists of: Franklin Haig, R. R. • # 5, ,,Canibellford (Northuriberland County) .- repreienting'Pethrborough Jun- ior Day. Alan Mills, R. R. '1, Arnprior (Carleton County) -, representing C.C.E.A. *Ot- tawa. •• Alislin McDougall; R. R. # 1, Grassie (Niagara' North) representing the C. N. E. in Toronto. ribition • Elizabeth Stewart, R. R. ft 1, Dublin • (Huron County) - representing Riiral Youth Connection in Stratford.. Also, acconipanying the, group as their . chaperone' is Ken Mewhinney, R. R.# 1, Lucknow who is a calf club leader in Huron County. The Ontario team will be competing with other 4-I1. tearft Rom across Canada, and the U.S: 'As well, the group will have a chance to visit the Agribition and other . Sights..in thelRegina area•. • ' travel portunitwi11 'tak•e . place from November 22 to November 26, and is sponsored • by • Pioneer Hi -Bred • Limited, Chatham. • ( Lueknow lentb1019 WednesdaY, October 311, 1984—Palie 9 • UICKNOVi DISTRia. • COMMIIIIITY 'CENTRE OPENDATES AVAHADLE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 23, .01000 P.P.0.00 0000` If!" 0.0.0 0.0,0! "PP 04000. 000000 or00. or. pm. 4,400 • FRIDAY, :NOVEMBER:2: Mac and EdnaBoyd • ' SATURDAY, NOVEM1IER ,Romdd ElOott andl'Anito Guay • 'SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Pam McIntosh and Ilenry VanDyke FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 - Henry and Bernice Draman . SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 ' West WawattoSh Junior Farmers CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00 a.m: and 6;00 P.m,. ONLY •. • 528.3532 • • , • 11= STOVES RY: OLOTIMER GOWN! KENT' CHIMNBYS., ACCESSORIES Certified : InoteIlations, /me . • , 144 PRINCESS • KINCARDINE 0 I • Canacla Savings 13Onds FROM $100." $75•060.6i Mary C. MacDonald RIPLEY Anthorlaed Sub -Agent for 395.2633 DOMINION SECURITIES PITFIELD •Have a safe Hallowe'en 0 TOE SQUARE' • TUES.-VVEVTIWO. • • • • GODERICI1 524-7811 • - • STARTS FRIDAY •• • Fri.liat. 7 &Si p.m. $2. Tuesday •• Sune.Thurs. 8 p.m. DON'T FORGET • 1' • 0 • 0. N I VIA 111 • ADUt.T mACCOMPANIMENT • SPECIAL! •• • Plan mebership drive • Sat., Nov. 10/Midnight Only • • At their October 25 meeting the directors • cif the Huron • County Federation of Agriculture discussed plans for their upcoming, membership drive. • The drive will be held throughout Huron County during the week of November 12. The object of the drive is to invite all farmers in the . county to 'join the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. By .•being a • member farmers support the work of the • largest •general 'farm organization in Ontario. In addition they can benefit from a number of programs .available to Federa- tion members such as the Ontario Farm Machinery Agency and Federation Farmer Insurance. •• ' Special events during the drive will include the kick off 'night being held .Clinton on 'November 8. Gordon Hill, •former OFA president, will explain how he ' has signed up 25 new members ,in the past • "two nionths„ OFA accomplishments :and •benefits will be high lighted for those farmers working on the membership drive. • • . On November 15 OFA Presideni t, Harry • Pelissero, will be a guest on. CKNX, open linc'With Bill' Thompson. Pelissero will be . • talking about OFA's recent activities and answering questions from callers. Tony McQuail, Membership, Drive chairman explained everyone who come,s to the kick off night would get a folder of • information 'for the drive and on OFA hat. • Blaine Stephenson, OFA Fieldman. :told, the directors Fieldmen from ottier, counties were coming to help with the drive. During • the drive farmers interested in OFA should contact'Tony McQuail or . their local. • . federation directors. Celeibrate 50th anniversary • The community would like to congratu • late, Mac and Edna Boyd of Huron Township. Many happy regards on the 'occasion ofyour 50th wedding anniversary. Friends and family will celebrate this Occasion November 2 in Lucknow. Visiting with Rhetta MacLennan recently were her son and datightet,in-law, Jack and Annette' MacLennan of Stratford and • Annette's mother, Mrs. Teddin of Denver, • Colorado. " • Visiting for a couple of days with Finlay and Margie MacDonald were Margie's aunt, Sadie Blue of Detroit, •DaVid Agnew of Chicago, and Mary Burkough of •thelfAISH by Kae Webster • Springsvilla, Illinois. Charles and Mayme Wilkins and Herb and Marie Wilkins recently were dinner guests, in. Chesley with Gordon and , Pat Miskie. • We would like to send congratulations to Harry and Grace Wilkins of Chesley on their 35th wedding anniversary which they celebrated recently„ • • • • ,10 •• ADULT ACCOMPANIMENT THE DOMINATION. HE'S THE ULTIMA' f LLR SHE S THE PERFECT Wf APON in his first motion plc nrc 1- •••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • ai • it THE COPIEDVIlit • yotrvg: BEEN WAIT$1"+,10: FOR. „. •. STEVE LILY• ' • MARTIN ' TOMLIN A: GFMS 1E0GS , , A WINEISAL •••• • • • ADULT ACCOMPANIMENf • • 11.,.10•04,0,1100* 1.01;111.'-' TAT cka V k::'J_. .1 Phone 357.1630 for 24 hour movie information PLAYING FROM WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY; MATING SUNDAY TO INURSDAY, NOVEMBER 411. OCTOBER 31st to NOVEMBER 3rd, SHOWTIANIS WEDNESDAY and THOFSDAY at MOO p.o. " $11010VMMES 80 PA.' "Cil EN NG. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY et 7:00 and 9:00 ii.o. WARNING:IIROTAL VIOLENCE LILO. Anyone In coinune on Wedneetisty night trill be radinIned for $2.00. Primo for beet epode:ie. GEKSTBUSTERS THE SUPERNATURAL COMEDY. S3:brf.j,•.,1131•NTA.../ •••10.0 ,41,1061. IN .1h j b • a , OM pour unauci " § Wink I 44 CHARLES BRONSON filtielfilifhofe4P0 b TM, 0InilASe••101 ro. 010. 0.0•• M.o.. Rows. • ,• 1 ' •