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Lucknow Sentinel,, Wednesday, October 31, 1984 -Page .g
*from, page, 6_
towards themselves and their families.
Another 10 per cent quit because of *the
attitudes of parents and coaches. towards
officials. Thus nearly a third cited' hartass-
merit in one form or another as their reason
for leavingth '
8010 Of Ther arients •.. .
The third major recommendation in the
report deals with the role of parents. Some
parents, a minority, thankfully,'are aggres- : `
sive at games and encourage conduct
which, under normal conditions they would
deplore. At games, they can be heard
imploring their youngster to hit, to fight or
even shockingly, Yelling "kill him", They
heap scorn on the referees and make" life
miserable for the coaches and even for
their own youngsters.
The sociologists can debate the reasons
for over aggressive play. These parents
think: they are preparing: their boy to go the
NHL or are merely reliving their On hopes
and aspirations through their youngsters.
What is obvious is that this kind' of •,;
conduct causes many kids to quit hockey.
•' In others, it instills ,intolerable attitudes, '
goalsand patterns of play.. Few boys will
make it to • the NHL = probably less than One
per cent.
Mantel's port recommends educating.
parents on what is expected of the players,
the hilosephy of the coach, and the rules.:,
lof - the , game couldimprovethe situation.
greatly: Informing parents of how slim, the
chances ace of reaching the Big Apple - the
NHL - would help to foster a new. set of
values in parents that would Moth help the
players develop and - improve the value of
the game as an, outstanding recreational
activity. A better knowledge of the rules
would, help the parentsunderstand the
game better. .
A• final rec ommendatien of the' report is
that -the government appoint a commission-
ec of hockey with a mandate to establish a ,
hockey bodit; having "tie authority 'to
co-ordinate all hockey in Ontario with the
exception of professional- 'hockey. An
umbrella or parent body to Bever•=:all of
,hockey -in Ontario would ensure coherent
direction and efficient administration of all
organized hockey in the province.
Once the umbrella group is established
,the commissioner will be responsible for
hockey development and administration in
the: province,• with, the objective ...of
establishing uniform programs for coach-
es, referees and trainers. Government
funding' would be•.provided for the
• ro as re i owhich would he o
improve skills sand , development, enhance
- safety and .minimize accidents..
The creation of a single umbrella group
would make a number of long overdue
changes possible.
: Changes would include:
1. education of coaches, referees, trainers;
players and parents from the same .set of
2. consistent rules and refereeing across
the •province
3. more uniform skills trainingboth on and
off the .ice
4,; mandatory , reporting of accidents,
incidents and suspensions '°•
S. -.consistent- enforcement of suspensions
6. control of the number of games played,
. for optimum • educational and social devel-
Amateur. 'hockey officials, are . shirking •
their responsibility to curb ,violence in the
game, says Attorney General Roy. McMur-
try. , But McMurtry . told the . legislature
Friday despite the problem, government
should "not play therole of Big Brother"
by getting,. involved' in the'day-to-day
operation of amateur sports.
McMurtry was responding to questions
froin NDP house leader Elie Martel, ,a critic
of violence in amateur :hockey, who
completed a task force report on hockey -
violence, Play It Safe, which was released
in July. Martel's report is highlighted in a•.'
special report in today's Sentinel. • •
Martel told the 'legislature that, an
The 'response' from hockey officialsto
public interest in the. • organization of the
sport has never been particularly favour-
able and, it was not favourable:in,th'pcase of
the NDP hearings either. Indeed, says
'Martel in the report, to suggest brat
hostility; Was ; enPenntered • from some of
officials in the world of amaf eur hockey in
Ontario, would be putting it mildly,,
Throughout the hearings "thep olitics"
among the various bodies in hockey in
Ontario was evident. Some ' refused to
participate, others 'Made only guarded
comments. It .was l obvious that various.
divisions were zealouslyguarding turf
tor. empire).. It was obvious that no one
spoke for hockey in Ontario as a ,whole.
Hockey as organized ,•in Ontario i s,. at
best, a leOse: group of 4askociationf Ironi
which '• many involved; ' in hockey. -« are
excluded without voice pr vote. '
•Maintainitng ,petty 'differences and •.pro-
tecting 'power bases proved to' be. •more
important than.'kids and hockey,' says the
Martel coneedesit will take, some time
'.Too .to :page 16•
aniateur s: orts i'. freIVIir
October' 7 bantam "hockey • game ' for
14 -year-olds in York left five boys ow one
team injured, one of them supplied by the
opposing team after four injuries had left
the team shorthanded..
The injuries 'included two broken collar->
hones, a dislocated shoulder, a badly . •
bruised shoulder and• severe facia) cuts
caused by a high stick. only: one stretcher
was available to take the • injuredplayers to
hospital,` he said:
",They didn't have .a stretcher. for the
second boy. The referee ordered hien lifted
from the ice without a stretcher" so that
Turn . to, page 16•:
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