HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-31, Page 7Lucknow Sentiisel, . Wednesday, October 31, 19$ -page S
i...cern 'ulbcut stick related fouls
"..M tl st clot on the lie, it is impossible to cross check or ash, .spearand hook
often], PagP,.X
tion Creates . problem for .5olne• intheir
early teens whichmakes itdifficult for
them; to ,accept a,check, Most:Cxpressed`a
concern Over the growing number of stick
related: fouls;'
The problem of fighting was raised but,
while everyone was opposed, to fighting,
although some felt that it caused fewer
injuries, others. suggested 'hand injuries
did in fact occur: as a • result of fights.
A comment from a • coach with approxi-
mately 30 years experience in education
and coaching puts the matter of injuries .
• and stick fouls into proper - perpspective.
The coach •asked, "Do you realize that if
the stick is• on the ice, it is impossible to.
elbow, high stick, a pss check qr slaslj,
spear . and. hook?' How in that position do
you injure or foul a player?"
• During the hearings, it was learned that
Vern Buffet',' former technical director of
refereeing, had written on February 4,
1983 to two branches and one division of
the third branch of organized hockey in
Ontario in response to: Dr. Charles Tator's
report on spinal injuries which demon=
strates furtherthe trend towards more
violence in the game.®°'
Dr. Tator of Sunnybrook Medical Centre '
conducted •a survey which identified. 48
spinal 'injuries in hockey in the period
between 1976 and November; 1983. .Ott
those injured,' 29 were in Ontario; 37 in ,
organized games:
In his letter, Buffey suggested major
rule changes to deal directly with the
problem. He didn't even receive. - the
courtesy of 'a reply. It appears, observes
Martel In the report, that some people' in
charge. of hockey. want :; to maintain the.
status. quo and :react to any intervention
with'resentment if not-- hostility
When hey atipe :ted: before:, the commi*1'
lee, Les prince, a- former coach ; of the
McMaster University hockey team stated,
`•`It may; take a. little, to prove' to all that
thereisno place in society for violence and
assault. It seems a -certainty thathockey
arenas ' are '• no different 'than . any other
segment of society 'and the public and
those responsible for- public safety and law
and . order must all
' themselves to
cooperate . with all involved ;in hockey to
remove, once and forall,, violence in this
great game."
To borrow from the submission of Father
Cullen: "Hockey is a 'game, •not 'a war.
Success at• all `costs is not necessary: It
should be a game of skill, not : a' physical
The Main
To See pis
confrontation. The emphasis should. be on
• .the movement of the puck, not the crashing
of bodies. We must praise the players
skilled -in skating, passing,' stick handling,
shooting; not the player who can eliminate
these skills by interference, 'charging,
holding or hooking. When the player starts
chasing the man instead ,of .the puck, he. is
on the ,wrong path." • • '
The task .. force recommendations in-
clude: . .
Checking. From Behind
A new rule to ,require , a major penalty
mustbe assessed ,against any player who
pushes, body checks or hits an opposing
:player in any manner from' behind. ,
Repeated Penalties
Automatic disqualification from ' the •
remainder of the gamefor any ,player.
' receiving a third penalty e.g. minor; major
or .misconduct, '
ASHFIELD 3 bdr. white brick home 'on .4.5 ac. "Rec nt renovations, work shop and.
email . bern mak a desirable property:
ASHFIELD farrowing operation,.85 sows, rec. renovated 4•bdr. .home. inquire for
' further 'particulars: • . • .
RANCH. STYLE 3 bdr. :home,., Hanover kitchen, iivingroom, . fireplace, diningroom,
family room, utility roped and garage; electric heat. .' ' '
RETIREMENT 2 bdr.. bungalow; Outram St, lower level hat extra bdr,, 4-3 ,pc: bath, ,
new kitchen, priced to sill.. ' '
ASHFI•ELD; adjacent 10 Lucknow, 2 storey,. 3 bdr..honte, 2,3 Pc..bath, rec. alunilnum
sided, .2 tots 82.5x330, Asking $$29,500. ' . '
CHOICE building lot Rose St: Look :this' over for your present or future use.
FIELD STONE dwelling on 23 ac. surveyed, 10 ac. of bush, dug. well. Must be sold,
listed at $26,500:. . .
10 ACRES Ashfield, 3 bdr. bungalow. 10 yri..old,'irmacuiately kept work shop, 24x40
with area 12xie lnsutated, approx. i ac. reforested; 'producing 'o'rchard, pear, apple,
cherry, plum trees, etc. • '
150 ACRES Kinloss, '145 workable, 4 bdr, home, good barn, 2 e11os, reduced.
125 ACRES Ideally located close to Kincardine, thick home, barn for beef or dairy.
100 ACRES Ashfield, howls and 'barn in need Of repair; approx. -75 workable;
hardwood bush. a ' . .
94 ACRES hwy. location, Dungannon area, 4 bdr. brick horn*, born 36x100, impfentent
shed, silo, FCC ' mtge. 'available to approved purchaser 8t/• % Open tooffer*
150 ACRES Wind Wawaitoah, 120 workable Harri ton loam soil, nicely kept 3-4 bdr.
home, Impl.ment shed, conventional barn; hard fend soft wood' bush.
100 ACRES West Wawanosh, approx. 70 workable, 15 ac. hardwood. bush, $62,000.
295 ACRES Kinloss, 2 intntaculate homes, beef' feedlot for 500-700 head, barn 82 hogs
with feed Storage, grinding and Mixing. faetlltiis. Ideal father/son erlterpride. '
For further Information on these propirttea, please call
WARREN ZINN, 529.7350 ' ALVIN ROBB, 305.3174 % TERRY ZINN, 520.7350 r
Strict enforcement of the existing rules
concerning `:fighting, especially 58 (ii)
concerning fighting androughing..The,rule
adopted by the MTHL in 1982-8.3 stipulated
that coaches must be suspended when
. their teams had accumulated six fight
penalties in a season. Although the MTHL
dropped'that rule in 1983-84, the, taskforce
recommends its application province wide.
Body. Checking
A. mandatory transitional year between the
- `time when the player is not permitted to
body -check and the time when he is ' so
Boarding .
An ..automatic . major penalty must be
imposed by the referees ' in all instances of
boarding; rather than the ; present rule
which calls for "a minor or major' penalty,
at the discretion of the referee, based upon
the degree of violence of the impactwith
the boards," , etc.. Referee discretion in
imposing the penalty should .be removed.
An automatic major penalty required in all':
instances where charging is carried out
from behind or by "blind siding",, an
opponent. The • present rule states an
automatic major penalty "shall be asses-
sed any player who jumps at or charges an
opponent; from behind,"
Cross Checking ' •. '
Elimination of referee discretion in the
assessment of cross checking penalties. It
is the belief of the task force and their
experience that the word ."shall"' allows
discretion, ,the task force . believes discre-
tion •should • be removed and a major
Turn, to :Page 6'
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