HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-24, Page 22ego 0U min r sand inglfani r, 9 13 e autd, -328: . • • Uni Nort, , supe Coutt 19-369 111110MMIE. • - 70" oil .fo es. Nt ngston 1R6, ED good a CC to LTD. 331 lnn�tSS�t ROOM able at ighway a. m. or 3,44 rrr.i.r mare" 12. Help wanted ATTENTION: DIRECT MARKETERS. We are looking for experienced People for our established Marketing Systern which is designed specifically for you. •Don't deny yourself the opportunity, This all Canadian orporation is looking for your expertise, both in the field and Corporate Management level. For appt, call Blue Maple Products Inc., 416-673-0747, 9 - 5. —043 • . rra 12. Help wanted • BABYSITTER WANTED in the Holyrood area, for 2 and 4 year old. Part time, some shiftwork and odd Saturday invokved. Call 395-3556. —43x THE HURON -PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SOIOOL BOARD REQUIRES •• A DEDICATED PERSON to teach Religious E,eation, to the Mentally Retarded -at Trahlable Retarded Schools in Huron andior Perth Counties Applicant must be a mature Catholic and willing to share his/hbr faith commit- ment with others.,Previous 'experience In teaching religious education would be an asset. Applicant must have own trail sportation.- , A recent pastoral reference is required. Applications in writing . should outline experience , and be forwarded by November 23, 1984, to , . MS. THERESA BOWINS; Religious Education Consultant Huron -Perth 'County R.C.S.S. Board P.M' Box 70 • Dublin, Ontario NOK 1E0 [519] 3452440 • R. M. MURRAY, : Chairman of the&Board W. ECKERT, Director of Education • Ltd. requires • , , • cHICK SALES PERSON,' for • South Western Ontario :Region Huron -Perth to Essex -Egin Counties Apply in writing only .to: HORIZON CHICKS LTD. Box 337, Hano'Ver, Ont.; N4N 3H6 Alt: H.L.ansink No phone inquiries please! 4111111171MMOININIIII 4111101111=11•1111111r 17 Auction Sales NTARIO LARGEST FARM MACHINERY' onsignment sale, Norwich, Ontario. Friday, ovember 9, 1984 10 a. -m. (Sales conducted ' econd'Friday each month). Approx. 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. consignments welcome. For more informa- tion call (519) 424-9998, or ,(519) 424-9093. Proprietors K. S. Flannulecki & Son. —043 1 AUCTION SALE: Large clearance and consignment auction, at ,Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Hwy. No. 6, Wiarton, Ontario, Oidtober 26, 10 a.m. Approx. 65 tractors, Crawler, combines, plus a large ariety of new and used farm equipment. ales held fourth Friday of each month. For ore information call (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980. One of OntariA fastest growing wittily farm equipment consignment auc- orts. Wayne Ward Farm Equipment Hwy. o. 6 'Wiarton, Ontario. ,-043 v 1/. 17. Auction Sales 15. Tenders Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 24, 198–.Page 21 • ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDERS submissions invited from caretakina con- , tractors. Tenders are invited from caretaking, contractors for the cleaning of approx. hriately 743 sq. metres (SON sq. feet) of floor space at the Windham District Of- fice of the Ministry of Netural Resources located on part lot 42, concession !3, East Wawanash Township, Huron County. In- terested contractors are asked to attend a viewing day on Oct. 29, 1984. Tender documents may be picked up an viewing day. For further information contact 1111 Robinson at 1-1100443-3003 (HO) 357-3131. Ministry of Natural Resources • • , Hen. A* W. rap. 1111MIstor • . John R. Slaws Creuwonninew 18. Services available SERVICE SPECIAL - ALL MAKES OF SEWING MACHINES - Phone 364-1070 for free pickup this month. Over 30 years 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF4THE ESTATE OF Russell Fulton Button, late of the township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, and Province of Ontario, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Russell Fulton Button are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to Mr. John T. Goodall, Barrister and Solicitor, P,O. Box 730,; 261 Josephine Street, VVinghatn, Ontario, NOG‘2WO, on ot before the 26th day of October, 1984, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to distribute , the assets of the said Estate, having regard , only to the claims of which they shall then have 'had notice. Dated at Wingharn, Ontario, this 3rd day of October, 1984. 4'1 —41.42.43 experience, reasonable rates, guaranteed workmanship. --33tf AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 TeeSwater 392-6170 CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Manufacturedand installed; also Weeping - bels; vacuum pumper for clei ning tanks; backhoe for digging ,drains or excavations. Phone 528-2346, Ronald .E.' Forster, R. # 1. Lucknow, Ontario, NOH. 2H0. —33-44 CUSTOM SEWING New garments, crafts, toys and dolls niade to order at reasonable prices. Call 395-2908. • —43,44x I . AUCTION REGISTER Friday, Nov. 16 Consigment Sale in the Kincardine Community Centre. Please make your consignments to these Auctions as soon as possible. 'SATURDAY, OCT. 27 Farm Machinery & Miscellaneous foJAMES HARRIS Lot 34, Co ncession;11 Huron Township AUCTIONEERS DORNE & DODIE McLELLAND 395-2233 Classified Ads ... Are Packed with Savings I ( • Mr. John T. Goodall Solicitor for the Estate Of Russel Fulton Button NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All clams against the estate of JACK COLLINS McKIM late of the Village of Lucknow, County of Bruce, Medical Doctor, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of September, 1984, must be filed with the undersigned on or before October 31,' 1984; thereafter the Executrix of the estate will distribute the assets of the said estate having 'regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated October 2, 1984. Carroll McKim, Executrix, c/o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, ,Lucknow, Ontario/ 1400 2H0... --41,42,43 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC GODERICH 58 WEST ST. (Kitty corner from Police Station) 514-6688 (If busy phone 1 400-265-1415) toll free Horst. Feige D.T. By Appointment Only • ,DENTURE WEARERS Did you know that it is important to have your dentures examined regularly? Your mouth is one of the most importantereas of your body, but often the' most neglected when dentures are •worn.. Improperly fitting or neglected dentures can cause Severe health problems. The lack of public information regarding dentures is alarming and often leads to problems and unnecessary expense. Your local denture therapist (denturist) is a professionol, specializingin the construction, repair and modification of dentures and provides this service directly to the public. if you have problems with your present dentures or think of getting new ones, see your local denture therapist, consultation is usually free. You will find' denture therapists (denturists) listed in the yellow pages. This information is supplied through the Denturist AssOtiation of Ontario and your Local therapist. PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki (Wingham) 357-1049. --34tf 21. Personal MEET YOUR MATCH. For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll free 1-800-263-6673. Hours Noon to 8 p.m. --042tf t A hopeful speedy recovery to a Dungannon mart who was bitten by a grizzly beer while on a weeks vacation in Newfoundlad. The Boys. —43x 20: Public notices LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE CLOSED FOR INVENTORY Thursday, November 1, 1984. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you. ---43ar • LUCKNOW SKATING CLUB will commence lessons as of,Saturday, October 27, 1984 at 11 a.m. BEGINNERS, 11 - 11:45 a.m. ALL OTHERS up to senior level, 11:45 - 12:30 p.m. SENIORS, 12:30 .p.m. See you on, , Saturday/ —43ar I • RON MACHAN HARDWARE will.be CLOSED' Wednesday, October 31 for stock taldng. —43,44ar 21. Personal PllEGNANTand need help? Free positive confidential 'support. Birthright. Cali 357- 1066. 3572392, 3574769 or London 432- '9197 collect. —tf HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3,655. —40tfat IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help familiesand friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, God- erich, 524-6001. or • •••