HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-24, Page 3n is r. am tz] rt he nd nd nd es re ve nt, to on le. is re re e at p- i of in ea Lucknow SentiPel, • Wednesday, October 24,.1984- -Page [uron county council defeats capital punishment resolution ., BY ST'HANI* LEVEQ "Killing is. wrong - of any nature," saidmended that council agree with the resolu; An "ambivalent" resolution° favoring the Stanley Township Reeve Paul Steckle. tion. Reeve Steckle, Johnston theand De uty return of capitalp shCmu�t�l in turned ed icy old eeeveaiDave Johnton, a former Reeve Bedard .all serve onexecutive the threat of mitt.. recordeyguxbo, pow dvote , •caapital mayAnother executive committee member, punishment act as; a deterrent Anothe At its October' meeting, ,many reeves said he too felt the motion was too broad. He re- Colborne Township Reeve Russel icer - a resolution, from the United Counties of ° quested a recorded vote be taken, nighan, said while he came fully prepared to ;Stormont; Dundas and Glengarry Was too Hay Deputy Reeve Tony Bedard support the motion, he too would not support broad, partieuliirly in the statement that disagreed. it because the resolution was making, top "the Government of Canada be requested to "I .concur with this. Maybe it is a "little broad a statement. Hepersonally does not reintroduce and apply capital punishment, broad, but it is broad the other way," said support capital punishment, said Reeve through thejudicial. system, for the the deputy reeve, Kernighan. wrongful and/or or intentional killing of " ,The discussion was taking place because "I wonder. if the executive committee human beings", the county's executive committee recom- , Turn to page .7• unk look got :a - ,:roble�n� in Huron couniy schools The "Punk". look is . not a problem in Huron County secondary schools says one of the schools' principals. . . • Joe Wooden, principal of Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton, told the Huron county Board of Education trustees at their October meeting that that look isn't a pro- blem. He said the punk look can be a problem in ban areas. Mr. Wooden was representing the prin- cipalsfrom the county's five secondary 'schools presenting the schools' 'guidelines for school conduct. . The general view. taken on dress is that it ie clean and acceptable in the;school. AT THE LIBRARY Patrons of Bruce County Public Library are ,cordially invited to visit their branch library and return late materials without" being charged a fine during the week of. November 5 - 10. AMNESTY WEEK. has , been set to get long overdue' library books 'out of living rooms; 'bathrooms or bed- ooms of individual patrons and back to where they are available .to all patrons. We wish to encourage the .,patrons. to return library materials during this fine free week. Bruce County libraries will also be .doing the annual users survey during the week of ovember 5 10. Use your local library and be counted! : T. HELENS by Kathryn Todd Angus and Helen MacDonald attended a family reunion of the Barbour family at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Doug MacDonald and family, of Auburn on October 14. Those ;attending were • Sadie Barbour of Wing - ham, formerly of St. Helens; Allan, Mary and Jim Barbour of Listowel; Gary, Kim and Stephanie Ribling of Milverton; John, Kim, ' Jeromy, Jonathan and Jennifer !;arbour, Winghatn; Bradley Barbour, Listowel; Ken, Laura and Marc Barbour, Brussels; .Chuck and Phyllis ` Holmes; London; 'Terry and Colleen Holmes, Wood - tock; Allan, Brenda and Robbie Fitch, Woodstock; Don and Isabel Montgomery, Wingham; Dan, Sharon and Andrea Montgomery, Wingham; Bill, Heather, ler Colin, Laura and Cheryl ..Montgomery, jrey Bxeter; Mike and Barbara Storzuk, Wing- ham; Don MacDonald, St. Helens; Jeff and ` Red Emperor Dayle Taylor, Lucknow and Gordon, Vera, �k •��18 revor and Kristen Miller of Kitchener. Grapes •99 lb; g • Trustee Joan Van den Broeck questioned the principals on the dress code noting they are open to an individual's point of view. As an example she said earrings on a young man may be offensive to some, 'Mr. Wooden said the committee setting up the guidelines' spent inore time than he thought 'ne essary on the dress code: He said it is to gh for schools,to come up with dress codes, because society . in general doesn't have any codes for dress. "You can wear almost anything anywhere," saidMr. Wooden. Both he and ' Goderich District Collegiate Institute prhicipal Herb Murphy com- mented that the only situation where a dress code has to be enforced is when a student;. wears a T-shirt with an offensive slogan on it. Mr. Murphy said he has never had any dif- ficulty or has been challenged by .a parent when a child has been sent home for wear- ing an offensive T-shirt. F.E. Madill Secondary School in Wingham is the only one which clearly defines the school's dress code. "Students are expected to avoid extreme. forms of dress and grooming which the Ad- ministration deems . to be inpoor taste. Shads and T -Shirts with obscenities or slogans which are offensive or in poor taste Turn toIpage 230 EttaBellle .MacDonald was posited her. Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Waterloo on October 19 at the Fad Convocation. She is presently trxi� ning, to be a Respiratory Therapist it the Toronto Institute of Medica! Technology. She will take one .year of theory plus one year of practical 'training st the Kiteh- ener-Waterloo 'Hospital. MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT' Coffee10;»,.5 9 GRANULATED EXTRA FINE WHITE Sugar: 2 KG. BEEFWAY BLADE/R1B S1.89 LB. Roasts lid 4.17 BEEFWAY REGULAR Ground" Bee f $1:69 LB: KG. 3.77 LIQUID DISH DETERGENT 500 ML. Joy2 •99 .39 SOUTH KINLOSS by, Ruth Buchineier Wilma Clark, Vera Schmidt and Eliza- beth Dickie atended the Women's Institute itally held in Tara` on Thursday. Elizabeth and Ira, William and Irene and family enjoyed Alexander Dickie's first birthday in Keswick on Saturday. William and Irene and family stayed for the ;weekend with Denver, Brenda and Alex - 'ander. Olive Needhain visited with Mr: and Mrs, Bob Ballantyne of Ayr, not Blanche Needham, as was in last week's news Numst: ° SENIOR CITIZENS 10% discount on Mondays ONLY on orders of $10.00 and over: excluding cigarettes and tobacco Many More In -Store Specials SEAFRESH FROZEN Fish & 750 G. 1 Chips Bake'tire CHOCOLATE FLAVOUR 000 GR. Chips SAVE .64 2 CHOPPED PIECES 350 GR. Walnuts alntits SAVE .41 2'' 49 i/`YLMER CHOICE VARIETY, Vegetables 1407 - a 9 99 77 SULTANA . 900 GR.. SAVE .46 � ,.0 GOLDEN 500 A • Raisins GR. SAVE .442.42 PITTED 500 G Dates R. SAVE .29 . 69 • CHIN BLUTTON HOICE Mushr�orns' 10 OZ. • Lucknow we reserve the right to limit quantities we deliver PRICE IN EFFECT October 24 to , October 27 INCLUSIVE 528.3007