The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-03, Page 8Luc!mow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 3, 1984—Page 8 collie writes about her busy summer Dear Editor, Staff and Readers. of the Lucknow Sentinel: At last I have a moment to sit and draw breath, Through the past few. months; , I haven't 'forgotten you but life has been so crowded for me that I began to think I'd turn • into one of those once -a -year -at -Christmas letter writers. Special thanks go to those who have kept me in touch with your part of the world in spite of my long silence, particularly Sheila Campbell. of Lucknow who sends me lots of fascinating cuttings, also Mary Alton who sends me photographs of herself and her handsome grandson. I must say she looks terrific though I know she hasn't been well and also suffered recently from broken ribs. I hope she's quite Well again by now. Another faithful 'correspondent is Marg- aret Pritchard who was so kind to me when I was in Canada, taking me • to her home in Toronto for meals and showing me the city' sights. She'll be pleased to hear that Mrs. • Campbell sent me cuttings of articles by "The Country Mouse". which I, read with great interest. I enjoy hearing about her trips to the Blyth. Theatre and of the new plays that are staged there. Thank you, too, to Mrs. Murdie and Mrs. Brown.fortheir letters. The Legion was sorry not' to have them here for our pensioners' outing .this summer, one of the best ever in one of the best ever summers that ' went on and' on and on, so long in fact that we . have quite 'serious water problems, I'm told Myrtle and John Spivak and K. K. Dawson have had -health.. problems but hope they'rvbetter now and keep well in the years ahead. I often think of them all, also of the- MacDonalds whose 'children will be grown 'now beyond recognition, Cora and Bill Caesar, Olive Blake, Elma Black, Phyllis Morrison, everybody 'out there who showed me kindness. I remember you all. Some day, hopefully, I'll be back. You may recall that when you first invited me to Dungannon's birthday celebrations, I said I couldn't come but would send a relative of your founder, Daisy (Susan) Bogle nee Mallough: You'll be sorry to learn that in May of this year, her youngest son, Stephen, aged 19, was knocked from his motor cycle and very' seriously injured. For a time, it was feared he'd lose a•leg and his parents were in great distress. However, he is progressing well. • We saw him on television one night when they showed .a new medical invention, a plaster with windows that could be opened, allowing wounds to be dressed. We're not sure yet how permanent oi; extensive . the damage is but I see him sometimes in town looking very cheerful and bouncing about on his crutches. Fortunately he has • many friends who don't allow,him to Mope.• We are saddened by other troubles in the town. Last week I.R.A. terrorists shot dead two family men, one a civilian • aged 23, father of two young children, the other a part time member of the U.D.R.; father, of three, , Dungannon has never seen bigger funerals or more 'tears: For .myself, I'm' busy as always with my home, husband,. garden, pets, Legion Work, writing and travel. Already: I've been to England three times this year, ending up each time with, my son in London. All being well, I hope to go over again in November. My son is working now as a trainee reporter with an Anglo American publishing com- pany. In May I travelled to Liverpoolto see the TO THE EDITOR Festival of Gardens which was ma>`vsllous then on to Llandudno in. . Wales as Branch delegate to the Legion Conference, after- wards going south to Newport where I met a "girl" I served with at Fighter Command H.Q. at the end of the last war. We were re -introduced through . my writings in a London magazine which. I found very exciting. We knew each other ,at once and the years between didn't seem to matter at. all. I've also re -met other ex -WRAF friends' this year and will be attending a W.A.A.F. Reunion in Bangor next month. I was away for tendays, travelling about, seeing friends and relatives and celebrating with my son, I didn't really mean to go again so soon but . after he finished at the Royal College of Art and started work, I just had to whizz over, flying out on Sunday, back on Wednesday. We had a super time, eating Strange .food in . Soho and ' attending a Graham Greene lecture at the National Film Theatre, followed by the showing of his most recent film, the first I'd seen in 15 years as terrorists blew up our Dungannon cinema at the beginning of the Troubles. A new one is at last under construction and should be finished soon. I'll be keeping my•fingers crossed that it will be allowed to survive! Oh, another thing - I won the Cup for roses at our annual Flower Show last week! Tomorrow I'm helping with a jumble sale for the church. It's ,all huff, puff and h.lstle bustle. Think of me some times. With love to you all, (Mrs.) Mollie Whiteside. • WINGHAI I MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES . CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct 'and Sa. Business 357.1910 '• Residence 357-1015 DISTINCIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS Select your wedding invitations from our complete catalogue. For you ... a Keepsake copy of your Invitation in luxurious: gold. 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Sale $10.95 These panels have a mahogany back ideal for family rooms, rec rooms, or main living areas. -- --::.}; .•--;:{---- `ii?i:ii:>}::--: ::.:--..yrs•: ------ h• r:t.v PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL OCTOBER 13, 1984 :..:{{;:};,ir;:;;:{$ir;3:arC{lir:::ti:� 2::"t�{•:•`.�irfiS�:;i:iiii �i r?ri°'{::�{;; n • :.. . nv, STANLEY GARAGE helps you do thugs tight:- DOORS ONE-PIECE STEEL OVERHEAD 8'0„ x . 7'0" EA. $179.95 9,0" x 7'0" . EA. $194.95 9'0" x 8''0" ' EA. $253.55 X16'0" x 7'0" . EA. $406.95. . CANFf�R HARDWARE INCLUDED r L ,r�:: t: k. I GENIE GARAGE -DOOR OPENERS GS 250 1/4 horsepower trac-drive ........ $189.95 GS 810 1/3 horsepower trac-drive $274.95 DO-IT-YOURSELF • .,IT'S EASY WITH GENIE!" Install a Genie system yourself with standard household tool'; in just five simple steps. 1 4 • GODERICH Hwy. 21 South: (Bayfield Road)' PHONE 52448321 • 1 w w to at w, Lt w bi w cl he si 1 1 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •