The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-03, Page 5Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 3, 1984—Page 5 Megan Traphsel is a $ Editor's note; The following article appeared In the Tisdale Recorder July 11. It features. the granddaughter of Isabel and Bill MacPherson of West • Wawanosh Township, Megan, Trachsel. The article Is reprinted here for the Interest of our readers. By Irene Puchala Megan Trachsel is the 11 -month-old baby of Gordon and Margaret Trachsel of rural Tisdale. She is cute, bright, and receives an Over abundance of attention like most other babiesher age. But Megan is a specialchild.. She was born. with a serious defect that left her paralyzed from the navel line down. However, her parents are developing her basic skills with as much ,hope 'for a bright, encouraging future as any other child her age. And Megan is not about to let any physical barrier slow her down. Before Megan's birth, her doctors had discovered that_ there had been complica- tionsin.:the .formation of her body. Different opinions from different doctors - had made her diagnosis confusing to the Trachsels. Not until she had been born, did they determine thatshe had a rare and serious disease called spina bifida. Spina bifida (myelomeningocele or men- ingomyelocele). begihs its formation in the early .stages.. of pregnancy.. During the formation of the fetus, the spinal cord of the child does not form properly. Usually, the spinal. cord lcirms into a straight column, first: covered by a. membrane, and then bony spines. However, when spina bifida is present, the membrane pouches out to ;form a sac at a point along. the back. The membranous sac prevents the spine from forming properly, and the spinal cord, instead of following a straight column, grows ►eGal child k•Iernrined to live . Megan Trachsel into 'a sac. The .spinal cord does not formin the normal way in the sac, and the result.is that the nerves coming out of the spine below the sac are not hooked up properly into the spinal cord and thus to the brain. The opening in the skin along the spinal column is evidence at the time of birth that the baby has spina bifida. Because, the spot on Megan Trachsel's spinal column had. been large and relatively high on her column. (below the shoulder blake), all nerves in her lower body has been . affected.. Her doctors had considered her defection a serious case, a. fourth . degree !spot. The baby had been paralyzed from the, navel down. The Trachsels had reacted to the'situation with shock and confusion. They were'told by their docto s that Megan had one, week to one year US live. Shortly after birth, the child had had several surgeries. The defected, spinal column with its nerves were readjusted and grafting of the skin had covered the spot. A shunt was inserted into the tiny body to allow the circulation of fluid from the brain to other parts of the body. Now, Megan is developing and respond- ing to most normal activities in a baby's life. But, because she has lost all voluntary control of her bladder and bowel muscles, she is cathetorized every, two hours. To help strengthen muscles in her arms and torso, therapists work with Megan in special exercise sessions. The maximum amount, of maneuverability that Megan achieves with these muscles will help to compensate for that movement that she does not have. Every two weeks, a hometeacher from the North East ' Early Childhood Intervention Prograin„I4EECIP).visits. Megan to check on.. her progress and her difficulties. Mr. and Mrs. Trachsel, along with the 'hometeacher,. work with Megan and different therapeutic exercises to advance the muscles that she is able to use. , Once a month, , the Trachsels visit the Children's Rehabilitation Center in Saska- toon for further consultation. Margaret Trachsel says that the CRC has' been a great source of help for Megan' and themselves. Every three months, the family . visits the Spina Bifida. Clinic ..(University .Hospital, Saskatoon) for a regular clinic including therapy and .consultation for, victims of spina bifida. Megan's, doctors have anopportunity to examineMVtegan and observe her progress and difficulties. . Soon, Megan will be in a castercart; a three wheeled vehicle that stands about one foot off the ground. This device will help to replace the first stage of a baby's movement, creeping. If Megan's trunk muscles are strength- ened successfully in her exercises, sie may be able to use a walking cast. If her muscles do not develop to this point, she w ill have to use a wheelchair. When Megan is three to four years old, she will be taken to Saskatoon to be taught how to fully cathetorize .herself. This will allow her a greater independence, and she will be eligible to attend school. Megan will have the opportunity to. participate . in most activities of a normal ' life, and . Gordon and Margaret Trachsel are doing all possible to reassure her. The cause of spina bifida has not yet been determined. It is thought to be, partly hereditary and partly environmental, : but recentdiscoveries in recent cases are confusing present conclusions. While the odds are still in favor of the Trachsels having a normal child, there is a greater chance of their having a child with spina bifida than ' there would be for families who don't already have such a child. The .Trachsels attain a great. amount .of hope for their child and are very encouraged about her future.. "In today's day and age, Megan should have few problems. With the use of her hands and ' mind, her future looks very bright," Gordon said.. The Trachsels have adopted .a quote that they tell friend ' . Turn to page 16• R. G. Sorter, , President of .Signal Star Publishing. Limited, has announced that Patricia Livingston has been named General Manager of The Lucknow Sentinel, effective immediately. I , Mrs. Livingston joined the Sentinel staff in December 1977 as • a bookkeeper. She was promoted to Office Manager In 1980 and has since served In all departments of the newspaper, becoming fa lllar with every aspect of the business In Lucknow. In her new duties, Mrs. Livingston will have responsibility for all the daily operations of The Lucknow Sentinel and Its business,/ hoto No Limit on guantity Oiler expires. Oct. 13, 1984 'inislung ROLL SIZE , , ' iZates 1/2 sleds 12 Exposure . 5.99 2.99 24 Exposure . . 10.99 5.49 36 Exposure 14.99 disc 15. Exp ' 7.29. 3.64 JG.41 beau. 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