HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-26, Page 232
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Lucknoli/Sentinels Wedne y, September 26, 1984 — Psge 2
Tatc.r.seii..ice interrupted when backhoe severs main ling
Last Tuesday while mit were. wor .
With a backhoe, the .Whitechurch mania
e was cut, To" am, it had to sit
endW '1' i muRcH
;over night to let the seal tighten. ,h, ten. Hence the•
yjnage was .withohtwater for over the day* by Valetta Emerson
Mr; and Mrs. CarmanWbytock and visited
Wednesday evening with Mr, ,
ictor Emerson.
Anes Farrier, Mrs. 'Elmer Sleighthof tn,
; pave Gibb and: Mrs, FredTiffin were •
Lucknow United Church on Wednesday
,ening to hear the Japanese minister give
talk and show slides.: • •
weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Bill
Purk on.
Mr# andMlrs. Eldon Emerson, Sharon and
Brenda of St. Catharines spentthe weekend
with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Beatrice IvIc@u llin spent the weekend
congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Kevin with Mr. and.. Mrs. Bill Pardon and called on
loner on on. the arrival, of a baby girl, ,her brother, Bill at Wingham Hospital.
win Amanda at Winghhaifl Hospital on Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill,.
�esday, September 18; Proud grand- Rmtoui were.. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
rents are Mr. and Mrs..Angus -Falconer Caldwell, Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Car-
d Mr. and Mrs. Archie Findon," diff, Brussels. .
Barbara Ann Carey of Kitchener.spent the On Saturday Mr, and Mrs. Larry Hender-
son of Guelph visited, with Mr, and, Mrs,
Wesley Tiffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector'Purdon of StrathroY.
and Isobel Tiffin .of Llcknow spent the
weekend with their. sister, Cassie
Mr, and Mrs. Wallace .Milligan arrived
home =Saturday after a week's holidays.
Karen Beecroft spent the weekend . at
home. She has changed her position at Kit-
chener and is now a secretary at Caya
Fabrics Ltd. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ron 'Nicholson, Erin and
Ryan of Strathroy spent the weekend with,
Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer. I
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Elliott and Karen
and Mr. and Mrs. Elroy .Laidlaw visited
Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw,
Michelle and Jason, London where they
celebrated Michelle's. birthday.
Chalmers WMS met Wednesday,
S ptember 19 'at the home of Mrs. Bill Rin -
told; Norma Falconer and Agnes Gaunt
were in charge of the meeting, Mrs.
Falconer opened the meeting,read the
scripture and gave the message on
usefulness. Mission papers were' read by
Mrs,, Lamb and Mrs, Wesley Tiffin. Prayer
was given by Mrs, Alan Falconer.. The
secretary, . Mrs. Bill Pardon, read the
minutes. The Study Book was read by Mrs.
Whitechurch, 4-I:
Whitechurch 441 club held ' its first
meeting on September :22, 1984. The elec-
tions were held and Cathy Dow is president.
'Caren Elliott is vice president..... Alison War-
drop is press reporter and iiim Laidlaw is
bookkeeper. This club is focusing on
quilting. The meeting" was held at " Mrs.
Elliott's home with six present,
�estWawanosh abjects to medical centre agreernent...
tom page..1
Nether it was an agreement to split all
tare capital costs 25 per cent.
It was decidedan agreement should be
igned among thefour inunicipalitites
hereby capital costs ;.would be 'shared
ivally on a 25 per cent basis and
a•tenance would be shared with
ucknow paying 40 per cent, and each of
�e other time paying 20 per cent.
Kinloss had already agreed to this in
principle and the agreement was written
up and sent to Ashfiield council fel their ap-
proval. Ashfield refused' to agree to a 25
per cent split of : -capitate costs. " West
Wawanosh 'has. objected to thechange
from its first reconu 1endatlon.
The meeting of the councils and .clerks of
ie four municipalities September 19 pro-
aced a motion which read: ; - r
Moved by John Austin and seconded by
arry Johnston that the capital and
sintenance costs on the Lucknow Health
f f iciency improves
from page 4,
He added that, according to the hours-of-
rk report, both hospital activity and effi-
ency had improvedover the previous
ear. The report showed patient days up by
ur per cent, while the paid hours per pa-
nt day (a measure of efficiency) were up,
three per cent. '
ungarinon 4-H
om page 12
Lily Dozen Diet,. Fad -Diets; Lunch' It's in.
.e Bag.
The girls over 16 did an exercise to deter
e the percentage .of the body fat by tak,.
three measurements and thegirls under
did a percentage exercise concerning
ae Brown Bag Versus She Fast Food
The i.irls then enjoyed preparing several
cipes., a Corn Chowder, Chili' Con Carne,
1esia and Dressing and Pito or Pocket
undwi lies. Everyone enjoyed lunch the
rls hal prepared and a cool and refreshing
sit punch prepared by hostess, 'Bernice
enn. ,
The girls then voted on a name choosing
Yin Outputs and accepted a challenge
om Port Albert Club for a volleyball game
the near future.
Centre be split • at 25 per cent each
municipality. Luclmow is , to pay, off the
debenture at the same percentage as in the
pastuntil they are paid up, and also do the
. administration with no itbookkeeping
charges charged: back to the townships.
That there is to be' a five member Board
with the first -Township selected to provide
the chairman for 1985,the second township
selected for 1986, and the' third township
for 1987 and Lucknow for 1988, and to con-
inthat rotation from then on. The
• municipality from which the chairman is
appointed is to appoint one' other member
from . his Council to sit on the . Board.
Representatives to be appointed by their
council each year.
rinity 4••11
The first meeting of Trinity's Fitness
re 4-H club was held on September 8 at
1 Hackett': home.
The officers were selected as follows:.
!sident - Brenda Gibson; vice llancy
inter; secretary and press reporter -
tadng. Members prepared the meeting's
ipe, Bacon and Egg Loaf and while it was
g, they completed their book work.
meeting dealt mainly With the basics of
less, heart rates, and the importance of
The meeting closed with everyone enjoy-
'; the loaf and other refreshments provid
by Mrs. Hackett.
Bertha Whitcroft, ' who chaired the
meeting, asked whether there was . any
discussion and there was none. The vote
was called and the count was 14 m favour
with the four West Wawanosh councillors,
Kathryn. Todd, Joe Hickey, Bruce
Raynard and deputy reeve Gordon
Brindley voting against the motion.
Reeve Barry Johnston asked the West
Wawanosh councillors why - they voted
against the motion and Todd said they ob-
jected to the . wording :of the ownership
clause which simply stated that Lucknow
would give up 15 per cent of the ownership.
"Give up. 15 per cent of what?" asked
Todd. She went on to say Lucknow had not
produced a 'deed and West Wawanosh
councillors were not sure how much .of the
medical centre their municipality owned
or whether they -had a share of the owner-
ship of the land. Todd suggested it was
possible that Lucknow owned the property
andthe municipalities only shared in, the
ownership of the building.
It . was moved by. Reeve ' Austin and
Seconded . by councillor Dave Eadie :of
Kinloss that the motion be rescinded. All
were in favour.
A second motion was read omitting the
clause concerning Lucknow giving up 15
per cent of the ownership, however the mo-
tibn did not; include any reference ,to how
the ownership of . the :Building . and property
would be shared.. There was no discussion
and a vote was called. ' .
West Wawanosh indicated . they were
voting against the motion and. Reeve
Barry Johnston asked the West Wawanosh.
councillors, why they , were (still not
satisfied with the motion. Councillor Todd
remarked there was no reference to how
the ownership of the building and property
was . shared. While the clause . about
Lucknowgiving up 15 per cent of the
ownership had been dropped, nothing had
'been added to the motion to define the
ownership. .
Deputy reeve Allan Gibson of .Ashfield
said the original proposal presented by
Lucknowdefined ownership of the building
and property and it was to make up the
first part of the motion. Whitcroft read the
original proposal and - the motion but ,.
neither referred to the ownership of the
building and the property.
The motion was reworded to include the'
Each municipality is to own 25 per cent
of the Lucknow Health Centre. •
Reeve' Barry Johnston then asked the
West Wawanosh councillors what would
happen when this agreement was sent to . .
them and they refused to sign it.
"I guess we withdraw," said deputy
reeve Brindley.' .
The vote was called and the countshow-
howed 14 in favour with , the four West
Wawanosh councillors objecting.
The agreement will be sent to each of the
municipalities for their endorsement.
Effective°October 1, 1984 our new advertising deadlines: are as follows:
Noon Monday preceding publication
3:00 P.M. Monday preceding publication:
Noon Monday preceding publication
�I hc:• 10th Annual
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KINLOSS TWP., 30 acres, 20 workable, 10 bush, 516,000,
KINLOBS TWP., 131 acre beef farm; upright end trench silo, large 'barn 3 bedroom •
home, drilled well, 4th' concession. •
Kinloss Twp., 100 acres, 55 workable, . clay loam, $39,900.
ASHFIELD TWP., 2' bedroom ,bungalow in good condiltion on a lot 150' = 200'.
.Priced to sell.
LUCKNOW, commercial property, Main Street, 4,800 aq. ft., 2 apartments. Priced for
quick sale.
3. BEDROOM --one gtorey conplete_ly renovated home, 2 blocks from P.O. Asking only
11 ACRES, paved road near Lueknow, $12,000.
CAMPBELL STREET; Lucknow - stone 'With walldn cooler; 2 bedroom apartment
above. Asking only 521,500.00.
LOCKNOW - 6 year Old bungalow With paved drive, nice locatMn with large back yard.
Full basement with rec room.
HURON. TWP. - 200 scree, approx. 150 acres systematically drained level day and
sand k►am land with excellent set of buildings, on paved road. Farrow to ankh set' up
with 2 silos. .
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many extra*.
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