HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-26, Page 21.aa a rd by fit an rio or- rs s. ge ry, • h w.r�M�1.w��'.�r,�r�4rP.r„IprAr�A!q�ra�rrrn�,4.!�d,!lA�M.tR!} 17, Auction Sidon EVENING AUCTION, ALE of consignments 91 itimsohold .effects; antiques, farm Generac generator,, 2,. ATV dune buggies •0ach with 4 flotation tires, 5 H.P... Briggs• & Stratton motor and torque converter at TEESWATER ARENA Monday,October `1st 6:OV P.M. Listen to CKNX for liisti:ng. AUCTIONEERS Wallace Ballagh Teeswater 392.6170 Groot McDonald Ripiey. 395.5352' CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Antiques, Household 'effects, Tools,. Machinery, will be held at the LANGSiDE AUCTION CENTRE LANGSiDE 3 corners E. & 3corners N. of Lucknow MONDAY, OCTOBER 8th 11:30 A.M. EARLY CONSIGNMENTS INCLUDE; Piano; round pine table & four chairs; pine china cabinet; cedar chest; tape recorders;, adding machines; .Coleman. heater; . Panasonic video ' cartridge players; copying machines; airtight stoves; 8 H.P. M.F. riding lawnmower; 1973, Honda 354 cc motorbike; small bulldozer; • 18 HP Johnson Outboard motor; 5 cans , driveway sealer; Fogmaster defogger; electric stoves;' roof rack; shovels; MacTgc; radios; bolts and nuts; tools;'bikes; dishes; T.V . trays; couches; dryer; oil stove; water conditioner; , cream separator; bird cages; crib; tables;': pool table; hair. dryers; , writing., desk; - high ' chair; dresser; gates; tool box; 1000 ' x 20 truck tires; C.B.; plow;' ,colour T.V. Quebec heaters. .•. LUNCH,.BOOTH Owner or auctioneers not responsible for accidents: TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE WITH ID..' LANGSIDE AUCTION SERVICE 392-8240' 395-3157 AUCTION SALE We have been instructed by the owners MR. & MRS, DOUG DAHMER to sell .by'public auction FARM & MACHINERY on Lot 15, ,'Con. 3 .Huron Twp. Bruce County. .2 Con. South of Ripley and 2 Con. North of Hwy: No. 86: ' OPEN HOUSE DAY OF SALE MONDAY` OCT. 8,'84 2:QO R.M. PROPERTY: 50 acres of•level loam clay. TERMS: '3000.00, cash or certified cheque day of sale. Closing Nov. •30, 1984.,. . HOUSE: Frame 5 bedroom, .1-4 p.c. bathroom, FA, oil/wood. MISC.: Many small items too numerous to mention. : MACHINERY: Belarus 400' diesel tractor 59 hp.; 'Case cultivator 10.6 ft.; 3 pt. hitch; ,wheel disc 36 plate; .15 row seed drill IH); .3 pt. hitch 14" three furrow' plow (IH) 'four section harrow.•' 7 ft., single auger snowblower; .two 385Q bu, West,•el-Rosso grain bins; two air-rators for ai ove bins; 11T concentrate bin; 4" x 30 , t. •:grain auger (tow); 4" x 20 ft. grain auger; Farmatic Mill 7.5 hp. drive; 4 compartments (like new); 'two 36" Butler elec. louver vent. intake; 'two 24" Butler elec.. louver; two 20" three spe,ed elec. ?fan; 10 pig; feeders; two 18" Tube fans (air bag) . Hog medicator; 'two farrowing crates; cattle water trough galv.; 8 ft. liquid manure pump; cement mixer with elec., motor; hydraulic ram with hoses; 3 T 1600 ' Loadstar International' truck 1972i -414o steel office desk types; 13 ft. wooden gate; 14 ft. steel gate; 2 back rubbers; cattle Oiler.. AUCTIONEER 'COL CLETUS DALTON 529-1420 , AGENT FOR AGROPOLE REALTY LTD. PROPRIETORS: DOUG.& LAURA DAHMER 395-2765 Mot responsible for accidents, All announcements made the day of Auction take precedence over any and all printed material. All information contained herein derived from sources believed to be . a'ccurctted but not guaranteed by Cletus Dalton Auctions! • • �r�'1�. A!!4�!Moryr�arra�rrrp.r�.p.!Marrws^rr 17. Auction Sales ###•##•#1 Yn..#r AUCTION SALE OF BUSINESS TRUCKS AND FARM EQUIPMENT FOR - BRINDLEY AUCTION SERVICES • AT THEIR YARD , DUNGANNON, ONTARIO' SATURDAY, OCTOBER b. th 9:30AM PROPERTY TO BE SOLD AT APPROX..,2:00 p.m . 20 Acres. Good equipment yard. Approximately 1 acre of paved•yard. 2 buildings - • One building 50' x .,1.00' ,complete with 32' x 40' office, the other is 66' x 104' with concrete floor and in excellent condition, (SELLING SUBJECT TO RESERVE BID) VEHICLES - to be sold at approxi 2:00 p.m. - 1979.Mack - Tandem Tractor, cab over - excellent condition; 1978 IH Tractor S2500, ' complete with 350 Cummins motor; 19771H 1800 complete with 24' Roll Bed Deck; 1979 Dodge Motor Home (low mileage); 1983 Lucknow 48' Drop Deck Equipment. Float; , 1975 Fontain 45' Drop Deck Equipment Float; 42' Van complete with rollup'rear door; 1.2' Tag Trailer (2). COMBINES - 2 -NH T,R70 Combines, 2 - JD 7700, JD 55; 2; MF 750's, MF 410 D. Gleaner C2; Gleaner A2, JD 40, Case 600: Grain and Corn Heads for all makes. . EQUIPMENT Artway . Mixmill; Dion Forage Box; -JD 660 Manure Spreader; 6 -;sets of wheel discs; 20 Rotary Mowers; Bale 'feeders; MF 10 Baler; MF" 200 Harvester (2 Heads); Mott Mower; NI 2 row Picker . Sheller; 3 • -' Triple K Cultivators; Oliver 4-18. Plow; Triple 5 Furrow Plow; NH 1010 Automatics Bale Wagon; New 6 ton Wagons; 2 - Farmhand High moisture corn grinders; 4 - Stall milking parlours; Snowblowers; Land Packers. TRACTORS - IH - 1086• vv/tab 8. air; Leyland 344;' Deutz'DX110 - 400 hrs.; MF. 1155 w/cab; 2- MF 165 w/loaders; MF 1100; MF• 27..5;w/cab; White 2-70 - 800 hrs.; Case 530; Nuffield 460; Oliver 55; 114 400;.2 - iH 806; MH 44; MF 135;. Ford• 8600 w/cab; Belarus 500 .w/cab; ' iH TD14 Dozer; Huff Payloader. SMALL ITEMS - ' Lawnmowers; Grain' Hoppers;. Tractor Chains;. New 4 & 5 hp, motors. SOME SHOP TOOLS., , List subject to change from day to day operation, Not responsible for accidents. TERMS: CASH DAY OF SALE LUNCH ON GROUNDS Further information coil 519-529-7625 AUCTIONEERS:' BARRY GRAY BRIAN R,INTOUL 1;8.' Services available NEED YOUR' house or barn painted - call 529-7268 for more information. -39. CUSTOM MACHINING.' Turret' lathe and automatic screw machine tui ring, milling, drilling; .tapping, threading and. chucking .work. Reasonable .rates.: Large and Small production runs. . (519) 699.-5918, R.R. 3 Wallenstein.-039,040. DENTURE WEARERS Did you know that it is important to have your' dentures' examined regularly?, Your mouth is one of the most important areas of your body, but often ' the most neglected when 'dentures are worn. improperly fitting or 'neglected dentures can cause severe health problems. The kick, of public information regarding dentures 'is alarming and often beads to problems and unnecessary expense. Your local denture therapist • • (denturist) is a professional ' specializing in the,. construction; repair and modification of dentures and provides this service directly to .,the public. If you have problems With your present dentures or think of getting .now Ones, see your kcal denture therapist, consultation is usually free.' You will find denture therapists (denturists) listed . in the yellow pages. This information Is ;supplied through the .Denturist Association of Ontario and your Local therapist. ' Lucke ow Sentinel, ..*�r4*r.err,.rr.r�,rwa.rrsa�+rw�1!!Mwu!�iwwr.y�ww 17. Auction Sikes • Wednesday: September 26, 004,-Pooe2* 10. Services ev*IIMble P.IANQ TUNING and repairs; used' pianos bought and sold. • :Call- Michael lipnicki (Wingham) 3574049.. —.344. FOR FGR INSTRUCTION ON PIANO AND ORGAN, Classical or modern; Call Marilyn Murray, 395»2821. --37,38,39 • ACTION' REGISTER FRIDAY, OM 1.9', Conignment • • Sale in the Kincardine Community • Centro. • • Please make your. consignments to these Auctions as soon as possible. Auctioneers, • D0. RNE & DODIE MCLELLAND 395-2233 .• AUCTION SALE. of 4 ROOM HOUSE situated at 550 Willoughby Street Village of Lucknow on FRIDAY, OCTOBER '5 at 7:00 -PM Purchaser must .remove the house from the•property within 30 days. House will be open forviewing from 5:00 pm prior tothe sale. TERMS: Cash or cheque at time of sale. OWNER: VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW AUCTIONEER: Gordon H. Brindley AUCTION SALE of antique and modern furniture and effects to be held at Wingham Auction Centre, Wingham, Saturday September 29/8411 a.m. PARTIAL• LISTING INCLUDES:. 5 :leg round oak table w13 leaves; bow front, chest; press back chairs; 3 dressers; 2 washstands; 2 guitars; 5 violins; several lots Limoges dishes; 96 pce. (12 place setting) . Austrian • fine china, rose pattern, bought in ' 1913 (highly improbable to duplicate); Bavarian glass (cranberry) sugar shaker; many other items of interest. PREVIEW: Friday, Sept. 28, 7-9 p.m. , MOBILE LUNCH JACK ALEXANDER. AUCTIONEER Tel. 3574011 and 357.1442 18. Services available AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 'Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 C NC E SEPTIC TANKS • ' Manufactured and installed; also weeping - begs; vacuum pumper for, cleaning tanks; backhoe for digging drains or excavations., Shone 528-2346, Ronald E. Forster, R. '#,1, 1ucknow, Ontario, NOH 2H0.•.'-}-33=44 SERVICE SPECIAL -' ALL MAKES OF SEWING MACHINES - Phone 364-1070 for free pickup this month. • Over 30 years experience,reasonable' rates, guaranteed workmanship. —33tf • NEED A CARPENTER?? Experienced in carpentry and home renova- tions including roofing, plumbing, cabinet making and electrical. Call 528-383`4 after 6 p.m. —37-46 EXCAVATING, trucking, and paving, sand, gravel, fill and screened top soil. Robert Symes. Phone 528-3047. --17tf BONDI SIGNS • All types, commercial and magnetic, includ- ing fine arts, reasonable rates. Phone after 4 p.m. 357-2391, Winghar . . —38-41x NOW OPEN iN H.OLYROOD .Poultry Processing Plant •, Custom cleaning of all types of fowl. Please call in advance: -395-5713 19. Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES GORDON McPHERSON_ late of the Town of Walkerton, in the County of Bruce, deceased. Notice .is. hereby . given that all persons having claims against the late JAMES GORDON McPHERSON who died on the 23rd day of January, 1984, at the Town of Walkerton in. the County of Bruce, are notified to send their claims, duly verified to the undersigned Solicitors,_ on or before the 30th day of September, 1984. After 'said - date, the estate will be distributed and the estate will only be liable for claims of which it has received notice. DATED at Walkerton, Ontario this 6th day of September,, 1984. GORDON A JOHNSON Barristers and Solicitors P.O. Box 968 Walkerton, Ontario.• NOG 2VO Solicitors for. the Estate --37,38.39 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All claims against . the Estate .• of Alfred Maurice Ivers, late of Ashfield Township, County of Huron, retired farmer who died May '8,.1984, must be filed with the under- signed' on or before. October ' 3, 1984, Thereafter the adrninistratrix of the estate will distribute the assets -of the said estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then shall have notice. DATED September 10, 1984: MRS. H. PEARL CONGRAM Administratrix, c/o George J. Brophy, Barrister and Solicitor, Box 610, . LUCKNOW, Ontario. NOG 2HO • —37,38,39 , DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC GODERICH 58 WEST ST, (iCItty coiner from Police Station! 524.6688 • if bus + hone i -800•265.141S1 toll free Horst Feige T. By Appolntniont Only