HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-19, Page 9. owe .from 'Par- 8 • too shower of lovely useful household gifts, Mrs, Ernest Ackert was chairperson, welcoming ,-verrinc: She read a poem, With Advice to the Bride. Becky Ackert favoured with two piano numbers. Mrs, Lorne Eadie gave a readingenbtim advice. Mrs. Ackert read a poem in verse about the Allettlablil$re. • • While Edna BOAC 004'The , Wedding; march. Carrie, and her mOthetlKaren And Paul's mother, Joan, took their 0,1,40s ,Q0-, the • platform anintig pink and white streamers and .wedding b.eIls. GiftS•;-WerepreSented by Betty Ann and Jo nne::MtirraY. and Cheryl:, Smith. A pretfi Miss Piggy made by Susan Meyer and. her :,-..tnother,;Kink, . beautifully done from styrofoam,. held the. pretty gift hoWajt Will grace 'a wall at Carrie and Paul's hoine. Carrie thanked everyone for cnining, the • . . • • • weiect Carrie Allen Dun ladies, who prepared ber=sbower/ and for all , • the lovelylgifts; Lunch and a pleasant chat concluded CarriePs bridal shower. . Descendants of the late "Mr, And Mrs.., Johnlinskell of the base line, held their falt:101Y reunion at the. Kinloss Community Centre -on: Sunday, September 9th; On Wednesday Edna and May Boyle or here, BliZabeth fair And Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott 'of Ripley visited with.Pearl Lloyd at her apartment at' Columbus Towers, Lonclon h E. wa en y. is a patient at Wingham and Distriet Rospital, We- send. Mn get,Wellwishes. . • Bertha B. Witt and Janie Barker 'Of DatOna;. Florida, Jean Hodgins, Wingham • and. DorothY Anderson of Lucknow visited on Sunday vOith Edna and May Boyle:, The ladies -from the area attended a trOnsSeaulea at the.home of Carrie, Alien, bride of the week, in 1,101Yrood on Sunday!. • The first meeting of the 'faltprOject Open-. ed with six members answering the rollcall, What does being fit mean to you?Members are Martha Curran, Susan curran, Jodie Kerr, Angie blilliaW:)-Elaine Vicki Pentlandi•Adie ;Pentland, tilaProcter and Annabel Stewart. • The 'following are the results of the &RC- lion of officers: president - Julie Pentland, vice president , Procter, secretary!press reporter - rtating starting with Elaine O'Donnell: ,., • • After Mrs.. Stewart went over the 'Pt:eject. • requirements, members • engaged in a discussion F on 'the ::chapter 'Balance-. Your Eating with Exercise. . All members -par- tidpated In the Food .• Fitness .quiz and lecture on The.4 Heart Rate,- and, The Morning Munck:, • . • Annabel StewArt....and Vicki 'Pentland volunteered to irialce.zSpanish _Omelet which' was served wittilliiiigon &Egg Loaf that as prepared prekrieii to •the meeting. Fruit tepctancers win Punch and Grape beverages. were served and all members enjoyed the lunch trernen- ' clously including vititors, Mrs. Logtenberg, Jennifer Mahon, Allison Curran. and Meliaa Logtenberg. G• •• Sttidy ',arable St. 'Helens 4.1A...W. met on September 11, t Mrs. Don Cameron' hOme' .,Peggy;Gordon was in, charge of the worship and opened with the reading of the hymn, The Spacious Firmament on High. Thkparable V The. Good Samaritan was the theme or het readings., Dorothy .Mille; had the topic, further study of the book, Jesus Means Life. Janet .McPherson waS' in charge of the business. Plans were made 'for" 'anniversary ' services on September 23 Correspondence was considered and -plans made for the 4.!Coetober :meeting. • • • • • • • Congratula„tions .tcve--Doring. Raynard, aughter or Doug An.cl. Mart Lou .Raynard d her stepdancing grOup 'which placed -1 KI.NJL st in steP-dancim atthe Western Fair in byBettyitchie ndon on SatUrday!,f • • ". Arnold and Donna Campbell of Petrelia; ited with Doug and, 1)btie Cameron and • • with an attenclanoe,:igf 11 The ., president, amily and attended the, Lucknow Fall Fa4`..: Mrs* k-.HACItetVwelcomed everyone and 'nEatUrday. ' ' called the meeting to order with a verse of George Dierolt'son of Manfred and Joan scr!pture r• erolf, is attending Georgian College at ' Mrs. Sieve,Anarew gave. the Introduction en Soundtalcing Marine Navigation. , • of the devotions, -A Little Bending and a ' Glen Gibsoiti Son of ,Allarond Nan,c3r,Gib- Littiel,Stretehing, and then read a poem on and Clutt Irwin, son.of BOb•and Elaine Kindness.% 11/rs.. Bill Andrew , gave the — Steve Ailrew read a rwin returned ',home last week rom d .gton Where theyliad obacco this Summerbeen working the Closing thoughtfrom the Pollyanna book and . ' • ' • • - Diane Gibson daughter of Allan 4ncl Nan -closed ose witn prayer. y Gibson returned to Brescia College :The roll call was answered with an. allele 7, • ndon for heriecond year. • from the Observer. Mrs. Fred Phillips, led • .Attending the University of Guelph is Ken the Bible Study, which was on, Joy,. Mts. D. • rwin, son of Bob and Elaine/ IrwinalSo A:: Hackett led in prayer. Mrs. Jim Hunter • • len Raynard, son of Bruce , and N9rma gave a reading, Sarah's Visit With a Grown • Ynard. ”, ' - Up Grump. , , • The ,Fellowship of the Least Coin was ' TrWity UCW • observed with Mrs. Lorne Hackett giving the , • • The September meeting of Trinity U.C.W. prayer. Following the business a social,hour • as held at the home of Mrs. Reurink, was enjoyed; • . • . • . .• • imcknOw Sentilleit Wed•01411Y, SePternber 1934-10.4. dos.. if lcd rates, DEADLINE FOR -CLASSIFIED APS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAYS • WITH THE eX0EPTiON OF LONG WEEKENDS, wHEN, THE DEmniNE wilx-ag 4:30 P.M. FRIDAYS 50c :DISCOUNT'. FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AO PAYMENTAIEFORE. 10 A.M.: WEDNESDAY OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. • j WOOD STOVES & FiREP4„Ace 11111 • INSERTS „. Ats, ITAIVIA1/11, .111.• nclimoNEys, WOOD BURNING • .‘cce.,sAoRigs. • "John Stanhury Kathryn Stanbury." punganhon 09494,9 - shpwroorri Rduts• Tues, to Fri. 6 p.m, to 9 p.M. pp sat 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. im 1111 or by Appointment 1111 1111111111111111111111111111 1111 a Phone 3$71630: for 24 hour movie -information • - IIER, 21 ot to 27,1k. Y it 7:00 Old 9:00 p.m Otillif ,SEPTEMBER 20th. PLAY' )) FRIDAY IS THORSDAY. 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Entertainment & Fun NDAY ONLY- 3 inn , : • SEE THEM S MARILYN CHAMBERS Pea turin JOHN C. HOLMES •,: •••• , a•0000•••••• : • • • 40 EMITIC MAIMPICE • • • • • • • • 0 '04 • - PLUS SENSUAL ME ALL 3 RESYRICtID • ••••••••••••• 4M1E1 THEATRES s