HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-12, Page 190 18
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• Frances Johnson Wraith
• ,
Passed away in. Wingham, and. • District
Hospital on September 3, 1984, Frances
Johnson WraitkefLucknov,V in her 89th year.
She was born on, the sixth con4ession of
Culross on July 12,1896 to S. JY, A. A, (Alex)
and Elizabeth (Spence) Stobo where she
lived until her marriage On Christitras Pay,
.1916 to James A. Wraith of the , 10th
concession of Cultoss, where they farmed
untirretiting to Lucknow. in 1960.
She was an active member -of Teeswater
United Church and later the Lucknow United
Chnrch; also the U.CW. until failing eye-
sight and health did not permit her to attend
meetings. She was blessed with a wonderful
memory and alertness of all activities,
For the last few years she has lived with
her daughter and son-in-law on the farm just
west of Lucknow.
Frances was predeceased by her husband,
Jim in 1964, also two sisters Mary, Mrs.
Duncan. Keith; Elizabeth, Mrs. William
Keith and one brother, Robert Stobo.
She is survived by .her; daughter and
•.f son-in-law, Gertie: and, Murray Henderson,
• p,vo grandchildren, Linda and Larry, and one
great grandchild, Trevor and one brother,
Gordon Stobo of Teeswatee Also surviving
• are 21 nieces ..and nephews, all of ' whom
•'attended the funeral.
• Funeral service was, held from the
MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home,
Lucknow on, Wednesday, September 5, 1984
at 2 p.m, with Rev. Warren McDougall of
Lucknow United Church officiating. Final
rekting:- pine in South Kinloss Cemetery.
' Pallbearers were nephews, 'Evan Keith,
" David Keith, Bruce Keith, Donald Stobo,
David Stobo and Harold elphiCk..
Flower bearers 'were George Wraith,
Terry Nethery, Donald Dow, Austin Loree,
Len Bannerman and Ken bonaldsOn.
WeitWatwanosh couneil-minutes... .
•froth page "2 • . • . : Road accounts in the amount of $39,916,04
tender of Tom Xing Constrnction. Ltd:, for ' were ordered paid on motion o? councillors
theopen .portion of the Beyersbergen . Brindley ,and Raynard. • ' .
Municipal drain at a total Price of $3,800.00; - Applications for loans for tile 'drainage'
and the tender of Bayline Drainage for the , submitted by Mr. Sproul and 0. Brooks were
closed portion of the said drain ,it the total approiteden a motion by councillors Todd
.price of $15,603.09, with concrete tile (not • and Raynard. •-
. plastic). to be installed." -. : • • : .
Motion by CoutiCillors Todd and Brindley, Councillor Raynard reported to council in
That the Township 4.West 'Wawanosit here- regard to a meeting of the Lucknow Health
by authorizes the balding inspector to itaue Centre •ecinunittee. Urgent maintenance on
•building permits to, D. Stutzman (Tena and . the exterior of the building is . required,
Mary) house, addition;. K Sproul, steel including replacing the big window which is •
granary; J. Shetler; barn; W. & J. rotted out Lucknow wishes to consider the •
McDougall, .barn, addition; and r'.- .ec .B. window capital cost and wants the cost
Hodges, house ,addition. . ', • , . divided equally. Councillor Raynard as West
Motion by councillors Todd and Raynard, WaWanosh,representative on the, committee :
That West Wawinosh: Township hereby • told council that be did not accept that and
agrees to purchase the concrete tile for the the committee wks ;so informed; Council
Bey.ersbergen Intuneipar drain:.froth .Cold -concurs with councillorRaynard's decision.'
stream Concrete Ltd., at the submitted The costs for work to .!,l'e. "•done ' are for
quotation. .. . . maintenance and are not capital cost, and
General accounts qf $76,674.32'vere paidthe conditions of the original agreement for
By a motion. of councillors Brindley and,sharing of maintenance costs will be used. .
Todd the reeve and clerk were authorized to • • ie. West•Wawanosh will pay 20% of the cost
sign a quit claith•deedland release .1n -foam' of replacing tljie aPO covering the.
of Bruce ,and Norma Raynard, for the trim with aluminum ' •
•Robertson Pit at lot 13, concession 13, which By-law #11-84 was given thirreading and .
. •
pit is located on property owned by the finally passed on a motion. of councillors
RaynardS. The Ministry. of Natural Resourc- Raynard and Hickey. This is a rating by-law
•es will, subsequently be notified that the in the amount of $1240.00 to authorize the
Township wishes to.surrender the lice/tee for . levying -Of special. Dates on properties ' to
'this pit. ' ,. • ••• • 'cover 'tile drain loans..'
' . •
Leclurow Sentinel:(Wednee47, September 12, 1961,-.4.66 1
Buy Direct end Save
Business •Residence
• 357-1910 • • •357-1015
APPLIANCE BUSINESS establitihod for over•40 yearori Wel" over $10000" 4410°11
$9500-00:.Plua stock. " •
IONLOSS TWP,, 30 acres, 20 vitritable, 10 built, .$1-6,000.
KINLOSS TWP,,, 131 acre beef farm, upright and trencli bwge %int, 3 bedroom
home, drilled 'well, 4th . • • • .
Kinloss Twp.9 100 acres, 55 Wortabie, clay loam, $39,900. ": °.*
• ASIIFIELD '1117F., 2' bedroom bungslOw'In good. COndition on a lot 150' .x200'.
, Priced to sell.
'1,0KNOW, commercial property, Main Street, 4,800 sq. ft., 2 Priced for
, ..
. .11, ACRES, paved road near Lucknow,' $12 000 1 • ' - ,,-
CAMPBEIX STREET,: Lucknow - store °with Welkin cooler, 2 bedroom apartiiiit•
above. *Askhig only 1271500.06. ' ''• ' , .. ' '
V ...
. . I
liljaCNOW -6 year old bengslesir With payed thirit°-*C.!aildPik.;vith.littio back yard.
Full basement with •rte room.
HVRON .TWP. .200 starlit approx. 150 *ire* sYsteeinticeily, dra14d• level eley and
sand loam land with excellent set of building., On :paved rOidi:Foxroillio POW, let up '.
With 2 dies.' ' ' . . • • . - A'... ... ...; 1 , - • .
' - -- .,.,%"'"' ' ..,•.: .* *,:',0.: -ei''' , •
RIPLEY, 5 bedroom, brick Irome,:2 frill baths,- sheared forage, eWins,ing`;,.. Orli 11.,11: .:
For further •hifonnadon on these tant.other properties pease coy ;, • •
395-2680 528,3821 . . ,• - • 395-2463
McDona4d will remain active in politics
'from . page 7 s •
medicare and pension plans, and you'll see
that.' 'they Were all developed by Liberal,
governments. So don't think' the fact the
people have said it wits a drift, for change or .
the fact that they've gOne about it quite •
massivelyis any reason to stop fighting:" •
be.th.ere at the next election, as a
candidate, campaign worker or in whatever
capacity. Despite the defeat, we all are still.
Liberal and nobody can change: that fact,"
he -said. • . • • •
Similarly McDonald's campaign. manager,
Vern Inglis, of Formosa, echoed, the belief
that the eleetion of the Conservatives was a
nation trend and no more. •
"What happened here tonight' (Tuesday)
is no way a reflection Oh the tandidate ot the
campaign .he tan in the last few *weeks. He
did anexcellent job. Arid as: 'results are
already 'showing, from a Liberal point of
view, we fared better than others," he said.
"Right now we as Liberals are feeling
what it is like to be caught in a tidal wave,"
he added.
Liberal MPP Murray 81ston, said he
expected Canada would regret its decision to
elect a Conservative government; very soon,
but added now -might be the best time for
Canadians to . see just what the Conserva-
tiyes would or wouldn't do for them.
'Let them have their term in p,ower, and
we'll, come back even stronger the next time.
We may have to' start building the party
again from the ground up, but .that will
create infighting and ultimately more power
Within the party. The Liberal party has been
down before and it still has minty "more
things to look forward to," 'he said. -
Asked about what he plans to do over the
next four years, McDonald said his thoughts
are only on the present.
'light .now I'm very tired so I intend to
take a couple of days off, then go' baCk to
work, I've still got a business to run," he
They (the. Conservatives) haven't discour.
• aged me from running • again andrunning
this time is not something I regret." •.
McDonald wouldn't project what his role
'would be in the next election, but said he
• planned to be involved in whatever capacity
the Liberal party thought appropriate - if it.
'Was feasible for him, at that time.
•! "I've always been involved in politics and
'can't foresee myself suddenly withdraw -
NDP pleased...
ifrom page 7 •
sioti 'of issues mit .the substance during the
campaign, ,which •is a problem with the
electronic media. ,
Internally many Conservative members
will only be backbenchers to deliver' the
necessary numbers 'when a vote is called,
and the desire S for patromige plums will go
unfulfilled, said McQuail. This could cause
problems for Mulroney with his caucus,
• McQuail said he is interested in watching
to 'See how' much the Conservatives' are
wining to do Which is progressive now that
they have power. We may start to see 'them
"hack and ipe" at the social programs
which affect people.
*Read Estate
*Perin Saes
• inquidatioes
• •Andques
The Man
To See Is ,
JUST LISTED, 100 aerie Aihflild Twp., !Mule, and bern7hi,"meed of repair;
approximately 75 Workable Eros, hardwood bush.
. 10 ACAES'AiliFiELD TOWNSHIP, 3 bedroom bungalow 10 years old, immaculately
kir* work shop, 241 40 With ares 12 x111 Insulated, imProximetoly 7 scree reforested;
• producing orchsrd, paw, apple, cherry, plum trees, "
. . .
NEW LISTING, Ashfield Township; sclisCont to Ludlm* 2 sthroy, 3 bedroom harm
2, 3 pias. bath, recently aluminum sided, 2. hits 12.5 3;330. •AskIng *129,600.
94 ACRES highway locationDuragannon ores,. 4 bedroom brick Mori*. brim 30* 100 •
, • •
,•implemint Shed, silo, FCC mortgagor available to'ripProved purchaser %.•12prin• to. •
• MODERN. FARROW TO FINISH 145 sow °proration, 2 modern homes, a money •
making onterkilo, ingrain for further particulars.. , ' •
150 actos' West Wawanosn'Twp.,. 120 workable Harnlston loim"siill, . • •
nicety kept 3- 4•tierfroorn hems, .implomont ihodoxinventionsi beret; herd wood and
'soft. wood bush. . • • : • • . • • , •
A cheico building lot on ftrise Street. Look this let ovor. for your present or fUturo use.
100 ACRES kilobits Twp., Min* x 100; 4' bodrooni. home.. Chock . this property.
Asking price reduted.
LICENSED RESIDENTIAL REST HOME, an opportunity for a couple 10 omen an
Immacirlartely kept iMertri *with good income, finenalei Statement ovalhible. ••
100 ACRES lost Vitowsnosh. e9Piree. 70 Workable, 15 sores herdWeid bush. $02,000.
100 ACRES Ashfiejd Twp., 4 bedroom hem., barn 75 x SO equipped' to finish approx.
500 hogs, liquid minute tank and slio 16 x 88; Implement Shod 40. x 10. All buildings
coliurad. atoll. Financing available to Approved purchaser. • , , • •
296 ACHES Kinks,* TWO., toVolinnistirlate keno, beat feedlot tor.800400 bead, born
62 hogs with find storage, grinding end, Mixing 'Isioillthrs. Meet as a father/um
101wp034. ••• •
DUPLEX located On StoUffer St. Lot *2*106, redwood to $26,000 for hismodlato sole.
ROYAL SANK building, Lucknow, won loaded; ponied parking. •
LUCKNOW, 3 bideooin bungalow with specildtis living and dining ores; 4 pc. both and
gorloge. Outram Streit.
• For furthOr Pittleulars On theta preptirthis, *Me .
• WARREN' ZiNN, 6294360 • ALVIN ROse, 3964411 TENIW ZINNi 0211-7880