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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-12, Page 18
gS ki ,01 • rermwmp loorra.opoatporrroMrrfrao.leavoolyor0"r4.1.r10AM .. _ _ . - 4...4. .0 31. Cards of. thanks . 32 Coming evonts • . • LUTHER .R I would like to thank my friends, neighbour=s and relatives for the cards,, gifts and the many acts of kindness and help we received while a patient in the' hospital Lorne Luther --+-377 .AVIS • Thanks to relatives, neighbours and friends for the maav ,.,.. y cards aid gifts, making our 50th wedding .anniversary .a memorable one, Harry and Mary The family of the -late: Louis. Storey, would like to thank the Lucknow Doctors and the nursing `staff of , Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home for their- care and attention while he was a patient. Jean Hallam and relatives —37x McQUt4LUN Sincere thanks to all who visited, sent treats and".eards while I. was inthe hospital. Special thanks to nurses on first: floor and Dr, Corrin. . Emily McQuillin — 37• }x.91,..... ..a•� •. fes REGISTRATION• Of1st Kingsbridge Beavers and Cubs will be held Tuesday,, September' 18, 7.30. - 9, at Ashfield Township ' Hall. Fee $12.00. ----37x • IMEA Unfair Saturday, September 29, 10 a,m. 4 ;p.m. 'in Wingham Armouries. Sponsored: by; the Wingham and Area Day .Centre for the Homebound.. Table rental. call 357-1445. —37 WILKINS We would like to thank our families, friends and "neighbours for all their help to make our weddingday a; memorable ,one. Also we'd:.. like'. to thank- those who puton.the showers and stag and. doe. ' They'll be ,,long remembered. The gifts . were all lovely and useful. Again, . thanks to so many, . 'for so B. Custom work • much.. REGISTRATION AND UNIFORM EXCHANGE/SALE For Brownies, Guides ; and., Pathfinders on Thursday, September' 13; `7 - 8 p.m. at the: i Town Hall, Registration fee "$10.00. Bring ' any used uniforms you. Wish to sell or trade. 1 • Lucknow Sentinel, Wedataday,'September i2, 1984- p e 3,8 i���ln.ill!R!wT��!,11A�*��M��,rrMT��r�►rer�r .. _..... " 32. Corin ovOht • rt. GENEALOGICAL ORKSHOPt ' 4 Saturday, September 22, ,.1 a 4, 9 m .. o 4:10 p,m., Canadian Legion.. Hall, G'oderich. Guest speakers, sales and .display tables and much; ere. Registration; $12.110 members, $15,00 non Members. Send registration toy, Wprkshop, Huron County Branch, OGS, 15 Victoria St.. S., Goderic o N7A 31I2:, For information: phone 524.9972,. MINN • —37 CO-OP CALENDAR Mark these date on your calendar? October 15 -• 19, .Co-op .Week;'October 17, Member Night; 'October 19, ,Free Anniversary Dance; Cake Baking Contest.' Applications must be in by October 12. Cakes: will be judged October 19,. --37ar, • ' ' CHILD HEALTH CLINIC ' ' The Huron County Health Unit invites you tq attend the' -Child Health Clinic held at the Health Unit4office, Wingham. Hospital. Clinic Building on Wednesday, .September 19, '1984 from 9:30 -- 11:30 a.m. for: 1: Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3!' Immunization 4. Fluoride ADULT IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO BE OFFERED: AT THIS CLINIC. • A. For sale . ..r. :.. rn......,.. CO-OPERATIVE BREEDER . PROGRAM; produces top quality offspring which earns a seven ' to tenfold, return. Contact: Peter Burtoft, Route 2, .Mount Forestt Ontario, NOG 21,O :(519) 323-4322.• —037 BRED EWES FOR•SALE 4 grade. Dorsets, 13 purebred Suffolk,. 13. grade . Suffolk; also one purebred Suffolk ram. • Lesley 1V1oncrief, 395-2834 --36,37x. ALLIS CHALMERS mono frame 5. 16 trip. beam plow (4 - MS bottom), excellent shape. Phone 529.7607 after 5 ' p.m.-34tfnx • ATTENTION FARMERS: Now is the time to be thinking about gettingFyour winter supply of wood. Be sure to check out your Co-op for a good ' selection of chain- saws as' well as chain oils -37ar' -•37ar iilr,irrr..io. —37x Bill and Joanne ' . • • SHOWER Community and relative: shower to be held in honour of Dianne Mole, Wednesday,. Sept- •• ROSS - IR .;WIN : We would like to extend a thank you toall our'famrly and friends. who. helped to make.' our wedding that much. more . special. A special': thank you to those who helped - organize our ' stag .and doe'. All of your thoughtfulness and best wishes will never be forgotten. ' Special . thanks to • Mrs. L. Treleaven .for the lovely, cake holders she made for us. ' ' Pam and Kevin -_37 e . ember 12, 7:30 ,p.m., Brookside School. Everyone welcome:. -737 .. • r '• 129TH ANNIVERSARY • : • Welcome . to, Dungannon United' Church • 129th anniversary Sunday,tSeptember"16, 11 a.m. Guest speaker Rev. Clarence McClen- aghain. . Special music;' lunch. 37x HOSPITAL' AUXILIARY MEETING Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital meeting in the Board Room of the hospital, Monday,September 17, ' 2 p.m. Speaker:. WRAITH •J. Cummings, Director , .We• would like to say a sin4ere thank you to everyone for their kindness at this time of apy,' W. & D.H. All 'interested persons welcome. —37 , our r bereavement. Special thanks to' Dr • • • .. • • . • TROUSSEAU TEA , Corrin and the nurses on second floor. ..' .Thanks for all the: floral tributes to my mother and donations to ' the Heart Fund, also to those who sent baking and called at ,the house, all the ladies that helped with lunch at the church, and everyone for their calls; visits and cards since the funeral. ' We really appreciate it all. The Hendersons, Gertie, Murray, Larry and Linda --37x • MoKIM The family of Dr, :lack`McKim wish to thank for the marry prayers and, expressions of concern. during Jack's long illness. The care he • received from the' nursing staff at the Wingham' Hospital will always be remembered. The sympathy and, support extended at the time •of his death is: much. appreciated. .Carroll, Kathryn, Lori, `} Scott, Darren, Mary "Reid Atari CUSTOM CLEANING AND- ' TREATING 1 iIEAT • - ' Truck Available. Grain.: Storage Available. Elliott's Seed Mill & rocking;, Lucknow. Cali day or : night 528-3500 or 528-3110. rrr C. WantOCI {o..1ro 0 DEAD. STACK • We pay up to $30 for fresh cattle and horses, 1000 pounds'. and over;:, from 500 pounds- to 1000pouiids,1 cent a'pound Top prices paid for beef hides. Call toll. free 1-800=265-3011; Graf.An* mal Food's-lirrited.=--30tf• ' E. Farm serrIces BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT . Barn: Cleaners; manure : pumps, vertical, 'horizontal; 8"-toi5 P.V.C. or S.B.T. ductile. Mrs. Karen. Allen wishes .to invite relatives Cow and calf tie stalls..Loose housing. Bunk neighbours an friends a d f d t tousseaueaon r t Feedersi Ventilation Equipment Hog Con TWO BEDROQM (cohlda be 3) ,Wingham home, 1 block. f ori doWn• toylm4 Nome ilsn, aeulate. Garage Asking $24,91)U, . . 50 ACRE higbtway farm,: Very • attractive brick house with nearly new' . attached garage. Small barn;: Willsell, or•'trade for house. 4. - BRICi ' SCHOOL, en a fine' -treed lot in West Wawanosh: Owner will consider any reasonable offer. ' TWO STOREY ,3• bedroom. brick home -on '/.x acre treed lot near Lucknow, 2 baths, full,. basement, double attached garage and more. Owners have, moved.•. 10 ACRES, Wawanosh, - 6'/2' ,acres hay land;, 'balance bush. Excellent building - area . uilding-area. with mature trees; . barn 36 a` 50. Asking $14.,500, x,50 ACRES,. Wawanosh, buildings. 40 ACRES, Wawanosh, years $.. s. 6 old. .FCC mortgage,' • COUNTRX ACREAGE near, Lucknow, trees, garden area, '3 bedroom brick, :2 storey home; double attached , garage. THREE ACRES, Huron, 3 bedroom home. updated;--nevnwiring, new drywall, ,new :insulation.. All offers considered.. ONE STOREY. 2 bedroom (could be. 3) house,.., new fireplace, new paved drive, beautiful treed lot. ' THREE BEDROOM. bowie, living room, has patici=doors to large lot, good attached garage. A fine 'home. MEL MATHERS,WJNGHAM, 357-3208 ,' representing.' , r LLOYDW. HtJriON ,; REAL ESTATE LTD. . ' BROKER, KINCAcRDII!IE DEADLI-NE FOR CLASSIFiED ADS IS 4:3Q P.M. MONDAYS". ''WITH THE'EXCEPTION OF LONG" WEEKENDS, WHEN THE DEADLINE WiLL;BE 4:30 t'a11iFRIDAYS; so s p• . e Woti!butnuSiop • is ■ .■ Wnn,D STOVES & FIREPLACE I. . • :• ' Sunday; September 16, from 2 -'5 p.m., in finement.: Ritchie heated water. bowls. INSERTS . 1 honour of her daughter Carrie's forthcoming Farrowing Crates; Weaner Decks: Plastic. '•. marriage, --37x , , • RUMMAGE SALE -+ The • Ladies 'Auxiliary of the Lucknovd Christian School will hold a rummage. sale, Slates: and also •, Farm Gates. _.. . ••Contact Lloyd Johnston :. R. if: 3, Holyraotli Ontario. • ; Phone 395.5390 Friday, September 21, - 3, at the Lucknow Legion. • —37,38, PLEASURES, PROBLEMS AND. their friends PRESCHOOLERS . - -y--37 i.rrr., 32.. Coming events +rrrr iamsria M . REGISTRATION . For Lucknow .Beaver, Cubs and Scouts wil be held Thursday, September 13 at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall. FEE 12.00. ---36,37 ' HOSP1TAiAU1ILIARY TEA Auxiliary to Winghatn and District Hospital invites members of the .community to drop in \for 'morning coffee between 10 and 11.30 A.M. or afternoon tea between 2 •and 4 p.m. on Wednesday, September 19th at'the hoine of Mrs, W. J. Nevery, 112 Diagonal Road, Wingham Everyone- welcome. -. 36;37 TOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB Will meet Tuesday, September 18,, 1984. A .. pot luck meal at 12:1S. ,Everyone welcome. -37x The Huron County Health Unit presents;' Pleasures, Problems and Preschoolers, , a series of 3 Parenting Classes for parents of children aged 1 - 5 years. Classes •will. commence Wednesday, October 3, 1984 and will be held at Winghath Clinic Building. For pre -registration • or further information, please call the Heath Unit office in your area at'357-2264. 37,138,3par HORTICULTURAL 11MEETING • The Lucknow and District- Horticultural- Society' invites the public to enjoy, a free: Audio-visual presentation .ort. wild, flowets and portraits from nature at .their regular. meeting, Wednesday, September 19, 2 p. m. , Lucknow Legion Hall. —37 ' EVENING TRIP ' Western Show November 6, featuring Wilf Carter, Porter Wagoner, Kitty Wells. Jimmy Dickens, Lucille Starr, Bobby` Wright, Jimmy . Wright and Dave Dudley. Phone Helen McBurney; Nicholson Bus Lines, 357-3424. 37 . Nothing >:riglttening. About The Prices in The VANT. ADS. APOLE�'N' • CHIMNEY & WOOD .BU'RNING.. 1 1. 4CCESSORIES,". • ,. 1: Moho Stanbury:1Kathryn Stanburyl al Dungannon • 529.7949 " Showroom Hours •. ' 1 Tues. to Fri. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat 1Qa.rn. to 5 p.m., or by Appointment . . . WinghamSalesArena L FOR DISCO INT':PRICES • BULK FOODS AND DISCOUNT GROCE , S. 7 A ©hooee from. 5 lb. box sogo d� s., bulk candy, bulk cooklefi etc. Hundreds of Items to� cookies, $4:99; Dare dally beans;, $1.35 14 61, white • sugar, 25c lb.; Lafave golden margarine in 1 lb. tub, .88e !b: f -Heinz ketchup 375 MI., $1.09; Happy Cat exit food 4 kg. bag, $3.49; Alpo citified dog food 14 »z. -tilt, 6 for , $2.49. • • • CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR FOR:•THE WHOLE FAMILY Blue jeans of every description for men, ladies, children; work clothing Coveralls, work pants,. shirts, socks, shop coats, safety Work shoes, rubber :boots, -clearance ,.prices on summer clothing this .week, men's Canadian made rubber boats sixes fi =12, $12:95;. • • GUNS - NEW AND .USED - RIFLE SCOPES, FISHING GEAR ' AMMUNITION OF ALL TYPES HUNTING a ES New. Weatherby Mark V 30-06416 3x9 Weaver wide angle Scope, S995.00; new 700 delux9)temington 30-06,' 5489.00# used - Hnsk Varus 30-06 with 3x7 Weaver scope $639.00; new Parkerhale comerative °30.06 engraved, gold plated' trigger and silver plated swivel amounts; $889.00; many other calibres in stock. PIM; a, find Selection of ' shut guns. No lay away on guts. First come first served.' • ' s, NEW AND USED FURNITURE, CARPET, GIFT ITEMS Table and chair Sets, buffet• and butches, living room suites,, bedroom ratites, box and mattresses, Carpet rcmni tnts and roll ends. w THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA 3574730 Open Mon.: Sat. 9 - 6 p.rn. Fri, nights till 9 P.M. CASH, CHEQUES, VISA, MASTER CARD ACCEPTED