HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-12, Page 80000
Ol 1 4•• 1,1' t0.4./11i It• 4•
Wm. •
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Lavis, Lucknow cele-
brated their 50th ,wedding anniversary on
Saturday, September 8, with an open house
at the Anglican Parish Hap, Lucknow.; They
•were married at South Kinloss Presbyterian
Church in 1934.. Mr. and Mrs. Lavis have
' o e son, Jim of 'Lucknow.
. • •
By Mark," .;
4 o . „•%''
\ .1,
. sYMPOY-is..extencleckto, Irvine and. Bev
Storey and .faniily on the ,death of Irvine's
father, Lanis atPineaest Manor Nursing
•' Horne, Lifikriew,oriTnesdaY in hi year.
Pon, Shetler .returited to his . home.. on
Friday following a few day # confineinent' to
Goderich hospital:.
Jean BrOnghton 'flew west On Monday to
enjoy a tWO-..Week vacation with relatives.7,
Company on Ssndq.., Witi(Bill and Marie
Park Todd and, Brad *Oil: Ted 'and. Vicki:
Henry of GOdetich.
SyMpathy;' is' *fended to Wayne • -.and
Da*n Tucker, Billy." and; Jennifer Pon the
death . of their mother and. grandmother,-
Helen.Tncker, of tiOderieh at the .age of 57.
. .
...„ .
Family sp
Lucknow Sentinel, Wedniisday, September 12, 1984, -Page 8
Mr, and %Mrs, Wynn Allen, Scott Allen and,
David Elliott enjoyed' the holiday weekerid at
Dr. and Mrs. 'Man, Moharrrd and boys of
Toronto spent the weekend with her parenta;
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Page and. Andrew.
Mr. and Mrs, OM Bushell spent. a few
days at Bracebridge WO Mr.. and Mrs, Kurt
• Nielsen and. Matthew;
Arabelle Bushell of London and Vera
• Heritage of Toronto visited with. Mr. and
Mrs. Don Bushell and other relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Linton,' Sittler of •Culross
visited with IViarretta Hodgins.
Debbie Ridley 'hat gene to 1Sitchener to
begin a -hair dressing Course. I, .
Mr. and Mri. Stanley Moore oft Salmon
Arm, B.C. visited a few, days with. Arthur
Hidden* and they all Went to Hepworth to
visit with . relatives, - •
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Splan of Woodstock
• and Marion Harris of % Pinecrest Manor,.
• jte0111. ES
• ty.DotiCianvbell
. *from page 6
peevishly to her husband. "Do ye think he's
'Murdoch laughed and there was a merry
twinkle in his eye. "If I was his age again, •
.Katie, I would frae sure be 'maim's!"
Luckrtoiv U(31E..
*from page 5
..)• •
Unit 4•.
Unit 4 of the United Church Women met
on September. 8 at 8 p.m. in the church
parlor. Mrs. Gordon Johnstone opened the
• meeting with a poem. The scripture lesson
was read by Mrs. Phil MacMillan.
Mrs. Jim- Boyle gave the meditation, It
• Takes Thne.to Mature.. Mrs: George Whitby
led in prayer. Barbara Willits .favoured with
a very pleasing° solo .accompanied by Mrs.
•, Gordon Cayley on the piano. •"
• Mrs'. ,Gordon 'Johnstone presented the
• Sttidy Book, her topic being, Jesus Sayes,
and Linda Knows. Folloing this members
divided into groups to discuss several
• questions which gave every, one much to
• think about.
• Mrs. Robert Campbell was in charge of
• the business portion of the meeting. The roll
call was answered by 15 members with an
• interesting article from the Observer. The
•treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Ken
Beth Ritchie -gave a report for community
• friendship. Mrs. Gordon Cayley reported for
the, Amnesty International group. The social
functions convene'', Mrs. Cliff Crawfor4,
• reported for her cominittee. Lynn 'McDoug-
all,. the convener for Christian Education
welcomed everyone to the breakfast in the
Church Sunday School room September 9 to
, start off the fall season for the. Sunday School
and asked for volunteers for teacher ,
Mrs. Campbell closed the meeting with
prayer. Refreshments were served, by the
• committee inicharge and a social time was
enjoyed. k •
with Arthur nby here,44 ,
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Wart
Murray who were •married on Saturday,
September 7 in St. Mary's Roman Catholic
by May BeYfe • Church, LiicknOw;
M. ,.John Barr :returned home from
Kinerdine - General. Hospital OA Tuesday
*here *she had leen a Patent.
. •We were saddened on Friday to hear or
• the death of, Pr Mm' .o Luckno0,
•He will tie greatly, 0i -se& at the Medical
Centre and Wiligham and Diatriet.liospital,
We extend syrnpithyito .kis fanuly
Mr. and Mrs; Reward ;Bennett of TorOuto
` spent 1theweekend here with Arthur
Haldenby and he returned to Toronto with
them 'for a visit. ' , •.
• Mr, and Mrs. Ivan-Liqd of London' visited
on Sunday with Edna and May` Boyle.
Congratulations to Lindell. Cress' of our
community, daughter of Mir„ and 'Mrs Ron
Tuin to Page 9'
•'-'7 • • •
Lucknow visited'On:Tuescio afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs; Ellwood Elliott; concession 8• .
Mr: andMrs. Elmer Vanevreturned-home
from London where she had been a hospital• ,
patient fora time. • •
Mrs. Don Bushell; Mt*. Hugh ;one, Mrs,
Frank Maulden,- Mrs. Bill Burt and
4red Percy 'Visited on Tuesday afternoon with
Ed, na, and May Boyle.
'Mr: and Mrs Randy Jansen, Scott and
• Clayton of Cochrane spent the holiday
-weekend with "their grandparents, Mr. and.
• Mrs. Alex Percy, ..,
• Harry Wall of Lucknow and his daughter,
Elizabeth Wall,of Toronto and, friend. Visited
• ••
• - • • •
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• •
.WkSk,:k4iiligaRgio4.1.0 •
• • There are some very good reasons to tantwason of alt -is simply this:: Your tnistake -
stop for stationary school buses. Suctfag the .1 could cost a child's life, And that kind 91
penalties whickcould ' tike is never fogotteri. • .
include six demerit' points, fines up to 4090 'So ref-116.41er, drivers going irtbr2th •
• 'and even impriginrner.it; • • directions must stop for a school bus with
And this year, there's something new to red lights flashing and stop arrn extended
er's approaching frotn . •
ehind %rnust-top-at tear •
0 metres (about six car
lengths)rbehind the bus.
• So be extra,careful at
• all times. Keep an,eye out •
• for flashing lights and stop
arms on school', !Rises. •
• .Please, don't take a chance
milli the life of a child! • '
• watch for. Chrome .yellow
'school buss'car be Used
forpa4sengers under 18 to
• or, from any event -day or
night. Drivers will activate
• their flashing.red lights
and stop arms when *their
. passengers get on or off
• - ,the bus.
But the most impor-
• is
•••1:2r.‘ t?,
' ' • ' ' ••••;'!''
Ministry of Transportation
• and Communications• ,
James Snow, Minister.
William Davis, Premier
• 1