HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-12, Page 5Lucknow Sentinel Wednesday, • Septeatber tat 19131 ---fie S
Luckflowit� r
Unit 1 of the Lucknow U.+ . W ;met in the
United Church "parlour; on 'Tuesday, Sept.
amber 4. The' theme for .e program was
.rhe. Commandments with 10<menlbers and.
one guest answeritig�the ro.I .. 11
Grace Gibson presided fot:"the'bustness.in
the absence of . Mrs:\ Ross Shiells and Mrs.
Russ Button. Kristian;:�ieatton N9AVenerx
Elaine Irwin, encouraged everyon..
eto attend
the Sunday School breakfast . on September
9. Committee reports were given: for.Friend-
ship, Flowers .jand Social'.Functions
The offering was'collected and; dedi�cated,s_
The, unif. then joined"" with` iUnit '3 for .,'a.
thoughtful devotion,, an�intereesting: program.
and lunch. ""
Unit #2' met.:on Tuesday,,September 2 at 2,
p.m.' at the home. of Helen Thoritpson with . :
Mrs. Glen Walden presidingi. Thertheme-of •'
the meeting was Beauty, and, Mrs. Lawrence
MacLeod was 'convener for ;the prograntand
she opened with aloemm, Perfect. Days: Mrs
Bruce MacKenzie react the: scripture and•
Mrs. MacLeod•gave a thoughtful meditation
followed by :prayer: N
Grace' Campbell•',read twO, poems, God's
Garen and If You: Have a` Garden.
Thompson played a tape of,two duets with
herself and Elmer Umbach.'Mrs. MacLeod
„gave an interesting study on . God's Hands
Mrs. Gordon Morrison;: gave; a reading on
Joy . followed' by prayer by -Mr's.' MacLeod.
Mrs. Neil MaeKenzie's birthday was ;on-
the day. of • the. meeting . and 'she .was
Ptesentecl witlr4. , rose ,corsage. A corsage
waspinned oz the following ladies 'Who had
birthdays. of 85 years plus2 this. year, • Lorna
Campbell, Grace ampbell, Jean Jardine. A
corsage{ was taken to. Mrs. 'Wilfrid Drennan
-whowasenot at the•meeting.
Mrs. Walden presided for the business.
,Sixteen members answeredtho roll call with
an article from, the Observer and a thing of
beauty; The .offering was taken; and dedicat-
ed by 'Mrs. Walden ;;;Three birthdays ' in
•Sgptember added to the birthday fund: Mrs.
William; -Campbell gave the ,..treasurer's f eport; .•t. .•
The"convener reports: were giveii and .,rs.,
'Walden,' closed with4 poem,' .Beauty. The•
,committee serveda lovely lunch, followed
with ja •social hour,
'Unit 3. .. r .
Mrs,' Charles- McDonald opened the
September 4" -meeting _ of Unit 3. of the
Lucknow United •':Chureeh Women. with a
welcome to the 14 members .present.
All'repeated Psalm 23 in memory of the
late' Greta Rice who passed away. over the
summer. • Mrs. Rice was pianist for the unit
and. the psalm was her favourite She will be
missed for her.musical. ability.
A , donation was . received from., the
Lucknow 'Women's Institute in Mrs ice's
name ° Members will : decide at the October
meeting. on a use for the donation.' :. '
Mrs;:; William. Hunter gave her visitation
report. The supply secretary Mary MacGilli-
• Vray, ' collected the soap ;donations for
Missions. Mrs, Raynard Ackert:,agreed' tube
.' the pianist for the October meeting.
joined joined unit 1 ,in the church.
parlour for the program, ' Mrs.... Charles.
'McDonald conducted. the joint ..meeting'
• opening, with a reading, Behold Jesus the
Mali. .
Unit 1 members conducted the' devotions
period. Edna: McDonald gave a reading, The
Bible 'is a. Beautiful Palace, and read some,
verses of scripture„;pertinent 'to the com
mandments. Evelyn Cookprovided accom-
paniment for, several 'hymns:
.: Mrs. Vernon Hunter reported area 4` of the
UCYV : would have a church booth at the
Ploughing Match at Teviotdale''on Septem.
ber 20. With the theme, Bread for Rife.,.
. Mrs, Hunter introduced the sixth chapter
• of the Study Book; Jesus • Means„ Life, a,
discussion on :3esue'. relationship to, they.
t pliti:cal‘ anti , religious' leaders otitis time.
' • Several women took • part in • a : skit
• depicting the leaders' views on Jesus'
relationship to the political 'situation of his
day: Those taking part were Mrs. Vernon
Hunter, .Mrs.' Jaines Arnold, Mrs. Stuart,.
• Reavie, Mrs. Charles. McDonald,' Mrs..
Robert Irwin,Mrs., William .Humphrey and
Mrs. Raynard . Ackert,
Mary MacGillivray played. several selec-
• tions : on her; mouth organ. Mrs. CharlesM c1 oil 1d read-two:readings, Back to School
and Golden Grain, concluding the meeting'
with prayer.
. y I Turn to. page 8...
rs woodworking. shop
The Dungannon Women's• Institute held were rolling'
pins,` plates, lamps, canes, delegates noininated to attend were Lois Lee
their Cultural Activities ipeeting September ;bowls.;„ and ` other -. handcrafted wooden and Donna Young. Plans. were' made for; the
5at8 p.m. Sixteen members met first at the , articles..' f • ' area convention. and" president iia Crozier
home and workshop of Merle and Sheila ' The :ladies then Went to the home of was..nominated delegate' "'
�Gunby. A tour of two rooms�in; theft beautiful i \
convener Torr ' Logtenberg.. After, 'opening The collection '.of . Pennies for Friendship'.
old stone house'., f p fished.: with antique f exercises Mellissa Logtenber , entertained was taken, based on,,seven cents for every
furniture was enjoyed `'Then' Merle gave an : with a piano instrumental entitled Minuet in ;2clock in each members home. •
interesting demonstranon m his workshop as
Trio• ,
he turned a bloelLof walnut wood ,on a lathe i x ' . _ s :, Tim Logtenberg, 'Olive Chisholm ' and.
into a lamp and,a pine slab intoe plater He Business and correspondence included an' Norma Martin `served a', delicious: snack of
explained ng, sanding,. , staining' and , invitation"`to !::they Tiger Dunlop branch, raw fru}t; : cheese, crackers and coffee
the hand tools-usedf'or patterns. On. display:, ,.meeting, ;notice of the fall rally, .the 'voting following the meeting • ..
Mrs. Jack Needham was .hostess for ;the,
September meeting of, Sough '• Kinloss
.M.S.. on September;`;
The president, . Mrs John Mowbray.
elcomed all and- read the, :poem A True
riend. The Bible study .by ffMrs..Ira Dickie
ealt 'with . "Loneliness" There was good
ember participation,. n discussion• .of lonely :
mes and • how we can help 'Others. Mrs
amsay •closed- the , mention with prayer '.
nd Olive Needham reaifan' Erma:Bombeck
say on Loneliness .Hymns fitting the. study
om Country and "•Western:' Hymnal vitae
ung during the'Meeting.. • •
A piano duet by Mrs. William Henderson-
nd Mrs. Jack. Needham was, much;:. enjoyed'+
Mrs. Evan Keith concluded the Mission
tidy on . Centf al Africa in ang
way. She played partsof a. tape of'a•service
,M iss Mara Henderson,. missionary ion
furlough ; from Malawi; haU given her
brother's church: This .told of her:work with
the Malawi' people ..ands how she was writing
the music for their hymns sung in thenative
language '
During• the service she taught a song to
the c, hitdren and Mrs. Keith tried the same
Method with.. the W.M.S2 group. Mrs.
Henderson. ‘added moreto the study and
showed a dress and material that .Clara had
brought' froin Malawi.
,Vie roll call was. answered by eighteen
members Minutes • and correspondence
:were read., .The . executive meeting, willl be
held in Ashfield Church, September 24 and
the Fall RalfinTeeswater'in October; Plans
were made' for. members. to'serve'at the 50th
anniversary "tea . for Mr and=' Mrs: Harry
Lavin A' motion was.. passed that the cost of
'painting the: nursery. room: be paid from. the
Ladies Aid- Fund. •-
• Another .delightful duet, The Witches.
Flight, was played by . Mars. ' Jack Needham -'
and Mrs. William Henderson. . • '
Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. Herb •.Buck„
tori;. read 'an article by. the editor -.and also
from the annual. report. on this good •;
• magazine. --
Mrs:. Evan Keith gave the courtesies and
the meeting closed•with prayer by Mrs.r.
Dickie. • . . • . .
Lunch\ was served by the hostess. and
directors., ' Mrs. •Evan Keith and. Mrs. Ira
Dickie: , •
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