HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-12, Page 2Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Septeanber 12, ,1984. Page 2 moiosomosmow page. , dine, daughter of Alvety and Marj Hayes, representing* the Lucknow :Legion. Branch 309; Anne. Hamilton, 19, Lucknow,daughter of. Bryce and Marg Hamilton, representing Lucknow Custom Welding; Wendy Forster, 18, Lucknow, daughter of John and Rena Forster .representing Loree's Ladies Wear; Brenda "Hackett,- ,.19, R. K, 3, Lucknow, daughter of • Lorne and Haze! Hackett representing West Huron Junior Farmers'' and Nancy Lyons,: 18, ':daughter of ,Jini.and Janet Lyons, .representing the Lueknpw • Junior Women's. Institute.. Master of ceremonies for the pageant was. Frank Alton and the judges were Miss. Midwestern Qntarro 1983 Diane McLean of- Wingham,•-Susan Robinson. of I incargine,. co-ordinator of the Kincar j ne Fair Queen pageant and her husband, ' ennis Rollinson . Ushers were Steve Errington and Kevin Alton and musicfor dancing was "provided by the Siddon :Brothers orchestra. Last year's . Miss. Lucknow Fall Fair Heather Stanley was unable to attend to, crownher successor because:she is particip. • ating in the World Youth Program, She is currently studying Spanish and social work ' to preparatior3:for hertrip to Ecuador to work wifh the Ecuadoran people. She is presently woz' mfg with; Ecuadorans" in- northern Ontario. - In her absence, Lindell received her crown from.Dale Skllen a member of the Lucknow ' and District Agricultural Society assisted by, • Joe A gnew of'Angew Jewellery and Gifts presented the.'queen with a gift of a,Bolova gold watch• which will he engraved.Society Member Don Bell presented; a plaque to the ueen•on behalf of the Agricultural Society, • The )` contestants • also ' received gifts. • donated by Delores Cross. of Lucknow Cut. and Curl, fatty Skipper of Avon;. Nancy Quinn of Quinn's Flowers and Gifts; Marie • Haldenby of Tupperware; Dawna Richard. • sol of'Mary,Kay Cosmetics; Susan Zettel of Touch of .Wicker and an anonymous °donor. from ``Lucknow:, • • The Miss. Midwestern Ontario pageant walk be held this Saturday evening at. the Lucknow and District C,ornmunity Centre Society members Ruth Bell, „who presented beginning, with.. the • introduction' of , the ' the title sash and Lomeli Alton, who Beauty: Queens •'at• 8.0.0; pen.. :'and the presented the queen's bouquet of roses. ` crowning - at 10.00 p:rit, • • r� .awanos: ,coup a .opt �.. �•�. • � eyers ..:erg • The.'regular September session .of West .briefly . reviewed his 'preliminary • report on Wawenosh.Township Council., took place on , the sanitary landfill site. Clark indicated that Tuesday evening in ...,--Se 'tender "A. in the he hoped council would read the report'and ,,Y n �. p .. Municipal 'Office`. it the Township Works > ' advise him on any points' that were found to Buildin . All'n embersl' attended with -Reeves, b'e..unacceptable to be included in the final Aitchison presiding . v eport•• The minutes of the August,meeting and, a A:t 8.00 p.m., all membersof. council sat.as meeting held on August 15";:to consider 'the Court: of Revison on the -assessments: in the Engineer's '•repertti,on• the'', Beyersbergeni"' 'Beyersbergen. Municipal, drain by-law'. 'The Municipaldrain,•were adopted as prmnted on court o ened":ort a motion by councillors. motion of councillors ,li ickey and ;Todd `'Hickey and •Raynard: No written appeals. Art . Clark, P.Eng., of Maitland Engin-.:,, againat< the assessments.'had ,been . received en dram report eering Services was in attendance. and by the. clerk, and sinceno one appeared to onnanent L kI.i�pbysician.u *I.N pastes ofrom page 1 i t, too few leisure hours he had away from his busy medical: practice, than spending, time, with hiswife and children or working in his garden". . The funeral was held , at the Lucknow United : Church at • : 2 ,.p; m. on :Sunday,. • September ,9, 1984 with Elder Ai: J. V Leader.. of the Reorganized'Church.of Jesus Christ. of :Latter Day. Saints ofticiatingi. assisted by Rev. • W'arren' McDougall: Six members' of the Lucknow Concert Band,, Steven: Hamilton, Sam Iglufi ray, Lynne Murray.-, ;Paul . Finlay;; Doug Clark,. and Melissa. Becker, took part in the service, playing 'hymnsrequested by Jack. Guiders • from the area attended the service ina body. Burial followed at Greenhill Cemetery. whete Aev. McDougall officiated assisted by Elder .. Leader. Piper Frank MacKenzie played Amazing Grace 'and Flowers of the I orest at the. graveside, tunes selected by Jack. Our Neil Fall Arnvai NCL JOE DRESSES SWEATERS 21'IECE SUITS PRICED FROM $89. SIZES 5-13 • gdiese Co .ordi nate d Sportswear • Country Corduroy ° • Dakota - Denim • Windsor Wools • Career Tweed SEE THE GREAT FALL FASHIONS NOW AT... • verbaily:object•to.'any assessment, the court was delcared closed' on •a- ' Motion by councillors Brindley anal ;Raynaud,, : • Tenders for the construction of the Beyersbergen. Municipal drain were opened andgxamined' bycouncil' and Engineer J, A. ,McBride. A'er a detailed calculation' of the prices quoted "in the .tenders for the closed portion. of .the drain by .:Mr McBride, the following motion was.passed by- councillors.• Brindley and Raynard• :!`That., the Township of West Wawanosii ' he''eby ' accepts the 9 •.. Turk to page • 19. ease..; f0Iio • • Pallbearers;were Jack Lewis, Gordon Cay= ley, Herb Clark, Archie' Hill,. Ray.Mereditj'i' and Jack MacDonald ,Barbara -:Helm, Mae Hunter, Dianne .Park, and ,Lorraine; Arnold acted„as flower bearers. Norman Hayes and Physicians 4f 6Winghatn and area, were - honorary ' pallbearers., Registered Nurses and Registered: Nursing Assistants; of .the.' Wingham and District Hospital:; -acted, as -•an honour guard . at the 'Church ° and ' at the graveside,, • 6115111111110, GIMMINNI M CARP r GO .. i KENT CHIMNEYS, ACCESS9RIES Cert.Ified InstaIlatiQn . 744 PRIIIC.ESS KINCARDINE , . k 3964669 L,•°& A' S UTi SL. TE A, Sous A fad Ser vice September • =Satellite S,stem $00C101 10',Fiberglass dash (5 'yr. Warranty) Polar Mount • , " , Digital Rgadout Motor Drive Astron Recesvor 105 Degree L.1N.A.•' Polacotpr, . • 00 plus'lnstailation Monthly Leasing Available ' On All' Systems: ':.• '; ► tome Demonstreitions. Aaioilable: ' i ' *Stainless Steel Also'Available. • (10 y.Q.r warranliy).- LARRY FISHER 524-9595 , *CALL DAY OR NIGHT* • FROM SEPTEMBER I TO OCTOBER 10,1984 ON , WIDE CHOICE OF SELECTED WINDOWS, AND DOORS: : • EXAMPLE: iiie1uii1 h'! . Vinyl Covered Insai Glass' '. ' Screen , • Aluminum Covered SHI 4, ' Hardware $1,127.00 $450.80 $67:6420 [Plus Provincial Taxi .. PRJCE SAV" 40%. PAY ONLY • HENDERSON HENCEfSON LIMIteD . LUCKNOWP e . PHONE (519) $28.3116 Mon. . F 1. 8 'a.m. - s p.m, I . G , Sat.. 8 a.m. Noon