HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-12, Page 1NI 211
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Printed in Luc n, .ow, putario,,'
ednesday, Septemdek 12, .2 ;
`20. Nies
A prominent Lucknow physician, • Jack
Collins McKim, died at' Wingham and
District Hospital on ;;Friday;• 'September
1984, following a lengthy :illness. He was in.
his -51st • year..
Jack McKim was born in Lucknow on May
19;1934, .a son of the late "Mr,- and Mrs. A.
E. McKim. He attended; public and high
school. in Lucknow. :Upon graduation from
`high school, `he entered the Faculty' of
.Medicine, University -of Western *Ontario,
receiving his •degree`:it 1958.
He interned at. St: Joseph's Hospital and
estminister Hospital, Lozdon.'and in 1960
became associated in.! medical practice with
Dr. Wilfred.Crawford "Wingham.. On July 1,
1962 he moved to his'homne'ftown.;of Lucknow '
atwhich time he became associated with Dr.
Mel Corrin withwvhom he practiced until; his
Dr.' McKim. was ;a dedicated 'physician.
His medical practice:' and the welfare` of his'
.latients were alway ;'at the forefront of his:
ife. It was While ting a patient that he
contacted hepatitis, the' disease that 'finally
caused his death but only after he_ put up a
long 'and. gailent fight.
He . continued ?his medical education
during his years of practice and attained the
degree of C.C.F. P. He was a qualified
coroner and . fpr' • many years' served: • the
Courities of Huron and ' Bruce ° in that
capacity. He was a member of the medical
staff of the Wingham and District Hospital
and served on, various committees over the
years,• One of his special interests was CPR
training. He was also Clinical Lecturer' of the
Department ofFaimily Practice, University of
Western Ontario and, was responsible for
bringing many, students to the • Lueknow.-
• Medical Center for Training.
As a b4y,r.and throughout his : life, .Jack
• was interested, in . music, He played in . the
Lucknow:Concert Band both as a student and
• during the past 15 years. At university, he
played -in the'Universityy of Western Ontario
Mustang>Band., He learned tq...pldy the
bagpipes as a'youth and continued to play
Election Tuesday was a day Huroin -Bruce
rogressive Conservatives'; (PC}celebrated'
ih Brussels and celebratethey 'did. ,,Over,
00 local PC party supporters and campaign
orkers cheered ,,when their federal party,,
as voted .to. power in 'A 'landslide victory
The celebration- was 'a dotible victory for
Oat Conservatives Murray..Cardiff;; uron-
ruce incumbent,' swept. the ,Odin M. a
12,000 vote majority.' At the sanm tune,. the
ederal PC • party received the :support of.50
er cent of Canadian voters, taking 211'
The Huron -Bruce win is "the first time .such
;majority has been Won by ..such a wide'
'argin. And, •nationally, it's the first time;
party has been elected into - power with
uch ,a majority.
PC supporters at the Bris"sels,: Morris and
rey community` Centre kept .close tabs on
w their own man. was faring.: ''in the
eptember 4 election. A large poll `'by poll
art covered :half of the auditorium wall':
hawing Cardiff leading most .polls, losing
therm throughout his life when the opportun-
ity arose,
' During his years' in Lucknow, Dr, McKim
was active in many organizations. He was a
member of` the Masonic Lodge, Order of the
Eastern Star, The Camp 'Keewaydin Camp-
site Committee, the Lucknow Lions. Club and •
the Recreation Committee, He was an avid
curler and skier and ;enjoyed ..other outdoor
sports such as fishing and tennis,
While interning at St -Joseph's Hospital,
London, Jack met Carroll Maslen of Strat-
ford who. wasa nurse in training at the same
hospital. They were married On ;January 30,
1960..Besides Carroll, Jack is survived by 1
four` children . Kathryn,' ' Ms. DeWayne<'
Golley, of Wingham, Lori of Waterloo and
Scott and Darren' at home, . He is also•
survived by' one- sister, Mrs, Mary Graham
of Toronto and two, brothers, Reid of Ottawa
and .Alan. of Richmond Hill. -
Central ' in his life . was his hoineg and
family. He liked nothing.better during the all:
Turn lo page 2•'
swee with. large
Dr :j.
only in • 'two multicipalities, iViildmay , and .Liberal, ,Graeme' Craig.. The. 1984 Huron -
`Carrick... • 'Bruce.._ results . show the ' Liberals losing
two televisions: were -brought in to keep... ground. and the NDP gaining about 200
t'.supporters'info med of what• was happening votes. ' • .
across'Catiada,"The cheers .grew as, one by Some Anxiety
one,, Liberal politicians, including • cabinet •"1 had some' anxiety before the election-
• minister, fell: to the Tory machine. " the In • 1980, I was a . new.corner and ° I thought
crowd cheered when Jim CouttsS +t f Toronto surely.Y-Could-win this•trmne,t especially when.?
lost. his;,, seat, as they. diid .when Ra pb thwere. the,;. favourites, "said Cardiff. -•
Fergtrson, Minister of Agricultuie :l'',C•s..
re , was: • :Though, other:f+ deral parties inthe riding:
defeated; worked hard, Cardiff feels hewon because of..
.Needless to say,'.Tory blue supporters - the •work .he's done, in Huron -Bruce in. the
were, ecstatic, "We had everything -going for:. past four years and . •nationally bedatse
us,'but we.didn't expect a 12,000 majority," people• wanted change.
said Ken Campbell, ,campaign manager.for "I had a lot of contact with the people of
Lindell Cross, 17i, Kinloss Township, a
plans to penile a Career as a Member of the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Was Chosen
984 Miss Lucknow. Fall Fair Saturday :night
Lindell was one Of 11 area cOntestanta who
participated in the' annual pageant held at
he Luckno,w District ,Comninnity Centre.
She will reign as queen of the Lucknow
Fall Fair to be held thisweekend and. will he
Lucknow's entry in the: Wfiss Midwestern
Ontario pageant, which, is held annnallY in .
0,tijunctiOn with the fair. Both pageinti are.;
Lindell is the daughter of Ron and Delores
ross of R. 1, Holyrood.' Rurinersup in the
agent were Miehele
f Lucknow and 'Gorda Fiendriks,.,daughter
1 Martin and Nolda Hendriis; of B., 7,
neknow. 'Lindell. represented the Lucknow
'Strict Kinsmen :Club hi, the pageant.
ons Club .and Gerda the Ltickitow District
Mothers of the. queen's tOurt included
athalle Meurs,• 18, R. 1, Ripley, daughter
Gerry and Sylvia ivieurs repreAenting
radw., daughter a Lana •and Relit%
aPut, Ripley, representing The Super -
0V; Tracey McDonagh, 17,, LucknoW,
tighter of Barry and Betty McDotiagh.
resenting • McDonagh Rear tState and
n Prance; Debbie Hayesi 21, R..4, Itlitcav
time It's. happened for any, candidate.
. Nationally Cardiff was amazed at the
switch from *Liberal vote to Conservative.
Because of the Conservative sweep across
Canada; our country will have full represen-
tation, he said. "No part of Canada will be
left ont. Now we're truly a national party."
Canadians wanted a change in goyern-
meat and because of that desire,. Campbell
Aivas ex0iCting 'Cardiff would gain an extra
5,000 .vote majority to the 2,000 Majority in
1980. ''The majority, was higher . than ,
exiideled. We 'weren't looking any higher
than 10,000 said CampbelL
"In 1980, the election was between two
candidates and the swing was te the Liberal,
.side. But we did as well in our riding last
time as in other 'areas where, there were
win this time," he
Despite' the win,' local PC campaign ;
organizers made some mistakes, said .
timpbell: "In 1980, we didn't have time/to
Um to page 7*
ciety crowns Lindell 'Cross fall fair
tresi, secondfrom left, a student it, Walkerton Mattel See-
ondary School *Ai crowned Mies Lucknow Fad Fair on, Saturday
evening. One. of 11 conteatanta in. the pageant, . I* the'
daughter of Delores Sad Rota CrAig of Kiska Township..Shewn
With.titenew fair queen are, frOnt the left‘Misa. IVOthiestern Ontario
, 1983, Diane McLean of Winsham, one of the laseireat judges,
Lindell, first rumuirup, of Luelmow and second'
. Whom by Sharon Dietz]