HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-05, Page 94 1 1 11 4 4 t - s. `:. , • . ••/.. , ' r . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . ,. • Lucknow Sentinel, WfdaelltdaY, SePteAlher 5, 19$4r-paise 9,, Over Valley Dirt DiggerallOSted.the 441 Achievement Night for the summer garden project in the Ripley Town not an Thursday, AuguSt 23. Christine Simpson, mater of ceremonies, weleOmed the members, leaders and gueSt-i, to the evening br relating a few entertaining eventi in the growing of a .8ardene,A sing ; song with Liz Wilkins at the piano followed. Barb Klages, 'Home Economist, intro.. , du eo the teauers And the markers. . -Owlet ley'S leaders were Fran Elf ancl.. m yine Wilkins, and Mad. McLean wastheir • marker. • , Christine SiMpSon introduced, :the four guest speakers for the evening: Connie' Vander Hoek, oDried and Contrived 'Fin*ers;, Bette McLeod, Birds in the Garden; Sharon Al on, FlowerArratf,gingi''and'eltia:beth • lkins, Bees and. Honey. . • . The group split into tour smaller grOups.- , and rotatedthree times in order to hear a• 15 .minUte talk by each *Aker: hristine Simpson received her County ',Honours for completing •A small lunch.*As,:.pteVided;',At :intermis- sion, and after intermission The speakers •:were thanked and door prizes were handed . ;out bY Heidi ,Fillmore,and Christina 'Fattish. The judge for the night, -Jim Richardson, gave comments and presented .ribbons 'for. thvigetablesbircitighfby the members. His •, nt in comment dealt with theOnion class: He emphasized that many of the onionshad been Peeled whichruined thein for judging • and exhibiting :purposes. •, Barb Klages presented the plagfies.for the: completion of„the HprticultuFc, • elutiand • • in de comments. ' , • . .4' Christine Simpson :thanked everyone..for • , • " • et,.In Page 8 ' The offering and loose coin was received ' G orge:Iali of Milvertat, MrS. Dave Gibb and dedicated by Mrs.. Gibb. Agnes Parrier and - Mary Chapman opened the. Meeting thanked the hostess and Mrs, 'Thompson for With scripture. . • tee topic. Ten answered the roll call, A litany of Life was read alternately Mrs. Nanning a church hospital ot institution run Muriel Thompson, convener ow' kairistian by Lie ,,iiite.. --oat, Development a • .•e" 0 - • hip, read from the• • • Rev. George Ball closed with prayer and Books Jesus I eans Life. ' I , the birthday tea foltowed. ' 4 " • 1 „ - LOCHALS by.K*Wehst ‘Intsmniimmins, • moimm.mmunoi conung to make ' the evening. .so.eiijoyable • The: community. Would like to Send their , eOngratulations, to Ken and Joyce' Elphick on the occasion Of:their 25th 'wedding anniver; Sary which was held en the weekend, Visiting, with -Rhetta ,:MacLennan ' for a g:Qt41ge 01;140 Was her daughter, Florence MacLennan„ of Kitehener. We.are pleased' to 'hear that' Lorne Luther •1 is at -bane .puitilie present from hospital but is now waiting to. see a;:spocialist.'1 • Visiting on sandar.wit.h.-WellingtOn and', Kae -Webster .1was, - Wellington's sister,' VVirtnifred Gammie Of: acknow. • - Oeorge and, Betty 'Moncrief visited oh Wednesday and Thursday with their family. 4).1frich . and. •two . illugnters of London, $heir son, dnugh:ter:;in iaw and grandson,,,,Ituss4•Lesley and Scott MOncriet of Aylmer ,.. go4ywas saying they - shad- a vertbid: storm •during the night in • Pricinn..A dld considerable‘ damage to the White ,Oaks subdivasion of the city Wellington and. • Kae Webster "called on • Clarence and Elleda” Irwin recently. • •On • Sunday' Mr. and. Mrs,: Gordon 'Robb visited in. ,Midiattd with relatives On their Way optheypieked,UP.Iviri, •Ikobti'i sister at Holstein, and took her along AVith-theM. • • Shelley ,and Lindsay Irvin daughters of. Walliam and Shirley' Irvin, , spent ii,,f0w days• holidays last week with their grandparents, W., and Mrs Gorden Robb. • • - , • " • . PIANO TUNING • REPAIRS • REBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMPP-CHASERS • REGULATING 4. BENCHES SI • 340.9223,4004AL „.„ • ..... ••• • ,•-•;17 • • .1 LOVE AXE & JONATII • • During the electric storm on TO004' afternoon, both - the ;house - and - also the barn atWiiiifred, Bill and Brun F rcys, but fortunately no fire started...' The same night abotitil:'.3ot.p,m-. ti!antenna at the home of Mrs Frank Madden and Keith was struck With ligkfi46.g:and-Clown'the wire to the TV rotor, damaging it on thrOugh the wiring into the cellar blowiiig the fuses in the fuse box. and igiiit04 a. cardboard Packing, box. Bes mmediatey called the Lucknow • Fire Department Who responded at . once. The smoke rn the basement was if4ry,:dense • but nothing serious happened. It was a'. dose' call .• We all felfrelie*ed when we heard 'the • weather update on Thursday. , •• . Phoebe Stanley returned.from London where she visited ',with her sistetain-law-, Mrs. Hannah Shoebottont • Mr. and Mrs, Ken HOdgins and gists 1 • by May Boyle spent the, 1 weekend .with his: mother, • Marretta Hodgins here. • •— • '• •• . • Mrs. Dennis Brace and Travers returned home on Friday to Medicine Hat, Alberta, after, a visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Gerald Ithody. ,,* •• 'Mary Ann. and. Michele Rhody had t�, return borne to ;start at a new schbol. in London.- • We hope all the teachers, pupils and bus drivers had a pleasant summer holiday, as it wasback to school on Election ,Day. ••,..?••••' lan pastry auction for fair . , TheLucknow Agricultural.. Society . held their r- egular August. Meeting at;the Com, munity Centre with President Ian Clarke presiding. ' . Col. Cletus Dalton, :auctioneer, was present. Re auctioned' Off a • .cane to the highest bidder; Allan' ft: ;Miller. • . It was decided to hold a pastry atictidn at the Fall Fair on Saturday, September 15 at 4 P•pl. All proceeds will go to the•iluactiow Ag - ti ultural Society. • • • A favourable report was *.,given by the Areapirer re the Walter (Mattel( dance, It was the largest crowd in the past few Years. All proceeds went to buy new,tables for the CommimitY, Centre. Ten new tables were placed there after theCraft 'Festival. Attendance was up thia. past year at the Craft Festival and the Agrictiltural Society is • , r • already making plans for their 15th, annual show • on Civic !Holiday weekend in 1985. • • Eight contestants have indicated they will participate, hi the Miss •Lucknow Fall Fair. • 'Queen of the, Fair contest on Saturday,. , Septeinber 8: • . Glen Walden reported vineteen.girls have .registeredfor the Miss Mid.Western Ontario . competition at . the Lucknow Pall Fair; on Saturday September 15. •' . • Norm Bolt volunteered to paint the hack- , ground boards 'before. the fair. The West Huron Junior Farmers have Volunteered to assist 'in • the horseshoe competition, tug-of-war, frog jumping and . rope clinibittg. The Boy ScOuts and 'Kinsmen wit! be • looking after booths aly,the fair. CW holds birthday tea.. •• • r,,i441. • • tATT.:' ,'• • • Bdng yourOwn hegafld reglster. bfore: 2:30 PRIZES: - $2.50 - $2.00. S1.50 :- $1.007 0..` . • * t• : • _ [Al 12 years and under [B].13 Years and over Participant Mind build bia/lier stilts. Sec. A mininiom's • from ground 50 cm, Sec. B.- 'mitibnunt iitep from pound 65 " • $10.00. $6.00-$4.0Odonatedby • ,Dr. Mowbray, George Brophy. and Tom Pegg GinstruCtIon vOrommommommomommuranummoommomomor• • • (s. '"" —?"4't• • • • Friday & Soto a , September 1 14th & 156 saitpuLE or Antra Friday homing Satesiay Afton** 1:30- 10:00 Log Sowing, toad Este Admission P.M., ARENA. Arm Wreitling, rtainnient $1.00. • 12:30 P.M. PARADE .:•• Walkerton and tockao! Binds lattidaitloa of Boit* Queens. - Floats In. Parade assemble at 'An • Boyle'a Implement yard. Mites; , bikes and doll carriages ICC. E. McTavish Garage, Beauty Queens and Hands at .tueknow Public School Adrulsolon to *Grounds $2400 •• •0 tatarday trial* • . • Community Centre Admission WA,Fondly S10.00 6ncertt featuring Paul �r0. & Shirley, Barbershop Quartet • Crowing'of Miss Wild -Western (Warta Dnce to !lotto Duaistotir I' • • :f