HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-29, Page 2430. In memoriam, " ►M.!u�.�;.��q..M��,}r� Pw*N,„,„e0r.. • BONN In. lofting memory of • .a dear mother, grandmother and wife, Annie Georgetta. Bonnett; who passed away on August 26, 1971. • She had a nature yoi could not help loving, And a heart that' was purer than gold, And to those who knew her and loved her, Her memory will never grow old. Remembered by the Bonnett family, ,-35 •�ra•awaaa��a. .. '. aasaaw*Ra 31. Cards: of thanks aanaanawrrall.arneft0.410aa0.Taarwa!a•�maaw.Jp. NIKON ` . The 'families. of the late 'Della •(Piowrnart) Nixon wish to express their most sincere appreciation to friends, , neighbours and. relatives for the expressions of sympathy, cards, . flowers , and food. Special thanks to Rev. Paul:Mills, MacKenzie and McCreath, Funeral Home, flower bearers, pallbearers and the . Trinity United Church ladies for serving' the lunch following, the funeral: —35 TROMM.ER Thank you friends and neighbours for: the. memorable evening for our 40th anniver- sary. Special thanks .to Herb and Marie, Ed 'and June, .. Betty and : ;Bob, Henry . and Annette :for . organizing such a great occasion. . Elmer and Aileen. —35 GARRATT Ve We wish to express. our appreciation for the many honours that have . been . bestowed: upon us prior to our moving, to Toronto. Our years spent within the village have , been rewarding to .us in many ways, and we will always treasure the many friendships we have .in Lucknow and the surrounding area. Once again, thankyou all for . your kind- nesses, and may GOd bless and keep you all. Sincerely, . ' George and Lillian Garratt —3S . , McDONALD -My sincere. thanks ,,to. ' Dr. Gergovich, assisting Doctors and nursing ' staff at :Kin- cardine . and University Hospitals. Apprecia- tion tomy family, relatives andfriends who sent flowers; cards, treats and, visits while in hospital -and since returning home. Thanks for . the Home Care Nursing, it . has been greatly appreciated: Evelyn McDonald —35x DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The Dungannon_ Agricultural, Society would like to thank all 'the volunteers" who gave their time and energy . to • make: a success of the ball tournament Family Fun Day and the 125th fair. -35 , 32. Coming • events': EXPECTANT PARENT CLASSES The' Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the• . Expectant Parent Education • Classes being held at Wingham Clinic Building. commencing Wednesday, Septem- ber 12, 1984. The cost is. $5:00.. The next series ' of ' classes will begin the `week of January. 9, 1985. 'For pre -registration or further information,..piease call, the Health Unit office at 357-2264. =-33,34,35ar Lucknow . SentipelWednesday, Ault 29,,,1984—:Page, 22 t!!!1w•a4Saarar.!!!'��7r! ..... ...,��!�!1!!'.!rw,�!f!*1P��!!1! '•!1!!If!r!}l�lr.�.r�i'.!!T�f' . ... ,,!R!!-�!�!r�!nINS!xY!! '.,.. Wanted; 32. Coming, events a raw.wararalaMaa�'lrw�raa„ ... l�In,!ngtlT*.�!!�!.,�wT!lfi.p, • BI -CENTENNIAL FAMILY DANCE Saturday, September. 8, 9 p•tn;:. to 1 a.m., Whitechurch Hall, Musk by Tiffins: Orch- estra. . rch-estra.. Come in costume - prizes. Adults $4,00, children under" 12 free, Lunch provided, Sponsored by ,the Hall Board:, .35 TWILIGHT PROP TOUR • August 30, 1984, leaving, Co-op at 6:30 p.m • Visiting Soybean variety plots; a number of corn trials, • concluding with a corn roast at the Co-op ,plot at Jim Gibson's farm (Hwy. 86 west of.Lucknow)'. All interested growers welcome. •--35ar SOTIWEDDING ANNPVERSAR'1 Jim Lavis extends' an invitation • to relatives,. friends and: neighboursto join' with 'hien" in celebrating his parents, Harry and. Mary Lavis' 50th . wedding anniversary,at the Parish Hall, Lucknow, Saturday, Septembe- 8, 1984,. 2 4. and 7. - 10 p.m, Best wishes only. -•-35,362; - BLYTH FESTIVAL . Country Hearts plays through to ' September 15. •Evening performances . 8:30 p.m., matinee.Thursday 2 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday. Tickets $8 adults; $3 children. Call' Box Office; 523-9300 or. 523-9225.. -35 NURSERY SCHOOL REGISTRATION •. Registration for the upcoming school year at Wingham Nursery School will be held on September . 6 and 7, from 9 a. itt, - 3 p.m. Children must be 2%' years and toilet trained. If you haven't registered your child, drop in to see us on Josephine Street, across ARTHRITIS SOCIETY CANVASS' The Lucknow District Arthritis Society will conduct 'its annual canvass of 'townand counties September 4 - •15. 35 ProArt STOCK We pay up to $30 for fresh cattle and horses; 1000 pounds and ove', from 504 poutnds to. i1.000 pounds,1 cent.,a pound. Top prices paid:' for beef hides, Call, toll, free 1-8O0-266-3011,: Graf Animal Foods ruted, E. Farm services BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT • = Barn ' Beavers; ' manure pumps, vertical, horizontal; 8'' to 15 P.y.C. or S.B.T, ductile. Cow ' and calf tie stalls. Loose housing. 'Bunk Feeders, Ventilation Equipment.. Hog Con- • •f nement., Ritchie heated • :Water . bowls. Farrowing. ;Crates.. Wearier Decks, Plastic Slates and also Farm "Gates, Contact Lloyd .Johnston • ' R. R. 34Holyrood,, Ontario. • • • Phone 395.3390 • RUTH'S CHILDREN CENTER Register now for the fall terve at ,Ruth's Children Center, 471 Wolsley Street, Luck- now. ucknow. Full day , and ' % day spaces; are still available.' for children 3, months to 5. years old; plus kindergarten students on their days or 'afternoons' off. -Come in' and see us° or call 528=3141 now' for information: •--35 THE AURON CENTRE FOR CHORES ':.AND YOUTH invites You to hear Dr. Howard Irving; Fami- ly Mediator, Toronto, .speaking on: Divorce Mediation, at our annual meeting,. Wednes- day, September 12, 1984, 7:30 p.m.. at the Livery, 35 South . Street,: Goderich, Ontario, —35,36 MacDONALD-MOORE REUNION Reids Corners Hall, . Friday, August 3.1, 1984 at' 8:30. p.m: Music by Glenn Boyd: Door prizes. • Spot dances, etc. Ladies, bring sandwiches. Lets have a good turnout. Tiring the, whole family. The kid. s have a wonderful time. Formore information phone Vaughn Munro, 395.5415: —34,35 tter�tion : . arrrcers err:t..���.a..i. A: , For. • sale ALIAS CHALMERS mono frame'5 - 16" trip beam plow (4 - 5 bottom),, excellent Shape. Phone 5297607 after 5 p,ni, '=--34tfnx ONE . HOLSTEIN • AND ONE JERSEY cow,'. both.. handmilked;, Hereford stocker heifers,'500-600.1bs:, apply Clare Van Camp, 357-2861. -.-35x FARM TAXES and Tax .Planning are com- plex and confusing subjects. Farm Business Consultants'':Philosophy is to use the largest in -computer technology to take maximum advantage of every tax break) possible: You. cannot afford to use the second best. Call FBC toll free 1.800=265=1002. --035 DORSET AND DORSET/FIN'N 'crossed • ewes. Phone 529-7348: —35,36 . •' . STRAW FOR SALE. in Langside area. Allan Miller, 395-3157. --35ar • • . `. w. ...•.r.r.a...a...ra B. Custom work ' .l.. CUSTOM DISC -PLOUGHING Wheat, barley and corn stubble; also corn stalks. Blh Scheurwater, 392.6301 be - twee. n 6 and 7 p.m. 34,35,36 from the Town Hall or phone 357-2362. ' 'QUALITY CUSTOMWORK{,• combining all lasses start week of September 11, 1984. crops, bunker and upright silo filling, cab —35 • ' meal ground' in field with snapper head on 4 WD F.T. harvester, Call Scott '889.2757 or MEET NDP' CANDIDATE Dan 881.0227 —34,35 All those interested in meeting Valerie' • Bolton, New Democrat, are invited to coffee CUSTOM CLEANING AND and dessert at Fran and Tony McQuils,7 . , TREATING WHEAT Wednesday, August 29, :8 p.m. Drive ;east Truck. Elliott Available; from Lucknow 3 sideroads, turn south, Tarim ,s Seed Mill & Trucking, LuciCnow. _. Grain Storage Available. is Zia,. on left in second block, phone 5286542.---'35ar . Call day or night 528-3500 or 528-3110. • r.. r ': You'll. f urnp With joy: `c f' the :best Buys • in tree Cl ssi f tends; 1, YOU ARE. IN FOR A REAL. SURPRISE THIS WEEK AT THE SalesAr JOIN THEM•FOR THEIR LARGE: BULIC FOOD AND DISCOUNT;GROCERY SALE. PURCHASE GROCERY'ITEMS BY TILE • CASE AT WHOLESALE PRICES Includedln this Sale: Mikado,coffee; Nova tea, Nova jams,k sandwich bags, Chefinaster peanut. butter, Wave Line pink. salmon, Admiral solid light tuna, Astra cohoe salmon,. Nova sardines, Plumrose ham, Paland tomatoes, Bedford peas and carrots, Marlboro toilet tissue, Lady Gay dishdetergent, bar soap; "bleach, fabric softener[window . cleaner, berry and asparagus.. cuttings, Drack's.„chicken loaf, drink crystals, bulk cookies,; chocolate bars, sweet red peppers, cut green beans, apple saucek:.Ayimier diet fruit cocktails, spinach, Four Star mushrooms, Aylmer pears, banana milk mate, generic mustard,celeryand vegetable soup, Nova spaghetti sauce, green relish, Bittners pork coating mix, garbage bags, paper towels, Nova pork and beans, Dare candy and cookies, and various types of cat and dog food: BE:SURE 'TO ATTEND THIS LARGE GROCERY.SALE THIS WEEK ANDSTOCK UP YOUR KITCHEN SHELVES, INCREDIBLE SAVINGS.ON NEW'FURNITURE - DESKS, CHEST OF DRAWERS,. DRESSERS WITH MIRRORS,` NIGHT STANDS', WMLUNITS, HIGHBOYS;' BOX. AND. MATTRESSES : ti.• Also a fine; selection of clot ,ing and footwear for the whole family at back to school savings. THE WINGHAIVX.SALES ARENA 357-1730 Just north. of Wingham: on Highway 9o: OPEN MON.; - SAT. 9 - 6 P.M. FRI, TILL 9.P.M. '. Cask, Cheque, Visa, Master CarlAccepted : :,. . .The Man. To:See Is: RE TOR: • JUST LISTED, 100 , aeras Ashtlil i. Twp., house .and barn In niod of rmpalr,• • approximately 15 workabla'acres, hardwood bush. , ' 10 ACRES ASHFIEI D TOWNSHIP, 3 bedroom bungalow'10 ya ra old, Immaculately ,kept work shop, 24 x40 with area 12 x 16 insulated,' ipproxlmately 7 saris estimated; producing; ;orchard, per.: apple, cherry; plum' tries,' etc. MIME NEW ,LISTI,4Q,:Ashtiild Township, adjacent to Lucknow, 2 storey, 3 bedroom horns, .: 2, 3 'pile* bath, rocsntly. aluminum sided, 2 lots 52.5 x Asking: $29,5001. 94 ACRES highway location, Dungannon arca, `a bedroom. brick horn', .barn 30 x 100 ' implement' shad, silo, FCC mortgage availabia.to approved purchaser 51/s %o. Open to offsri:• • MODERN FARROW TO FINISH 145 sow operation, 2 modern ,homes, 'a money making enterprise,. inquire "for .further particulars. 150 acres Wast Wawanosh Twp., 120 workabii Harrlston loan soli, nicely kept 3 - 4 bedroom home, ,impliniint• shod, conventional barn; hard wood and • soft wood •bush. DUNGANNON, so G. mobile h'• - nit addition on Iandscaprd . lot. Immediate possession, $13,900. Must .be �My us an offer.. •- A choke building lot on Ross Street. Look this lot over for your present or iuturi use. 100. ACRES Klnioss Twp., barn 50 'x 100; 4 bedroom home. Checkthfs property: . Asking pries reduced. UCENS ED RESIDENTIAL REST ,HOME, an, opportunity for a couple to own an lm aculltely kept home' with: good Incom%i :financial atatsmant available. 100 ACRES West Wawanosh, Approx. 70 workabls, 15 corp hardwood bush. $02;000. • 100 ACRES Ashfield Twp., 4 bi'droom home, barn 75 x 00 equipped to finish approX. 500 hogs, liquid ntanurettank Aid. ilio 1S x.O8 impisment shod 401„80. All buldings coloured stool:. Financing avallabis to approved purchaisr. , 296 ACRES Kiniors Twp., two immaculate homes, beef feedlot for 500400 head, barn 92 hogs with tied storage, , grinding and mixing facllitI s Ideal , es a lather/son entrrprlse . ' . ' DUPLEX bated on ,Stauffer 8t. Lot 92 x 183, reduced to $25,000 tor' Immediate sale. ROYAu. RANK building, Lucknow, will Weil "located, paviid panting. LUCKNOW 3 bedroom bungalow with spacious living send dining area; 4,pC. bath and garage. Outrant street. For forther partkulars on these propertlis, "pinata* call . WARREN ZINN, 525.7350. ALVIN ROBB, 391447 TERRY'ZINN, 529-7350