HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-29, Page 23rwYM. JBRARY for the. at The be a`sia' Septem, ays and accepted se send to Mrs, Bruce , Port CE from until s of enc - dem u1p, rex- d In e or ���prr4�rYw�w,�!aaY��1y.��aYr,�!�`srM-�1�4YaMNNiMaw� ,� 15. Tenders �,...,tl.�'I�YY!1!.�..M�wWMa1�4.�Y�I�I.M+�M•M!.+!4+i!.�M�'a�!r! COUNTY OF HURON: QUOTATION FOR WINTER SAND SEALED QUOTATIONS on forms and. in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accepted until 4;00 p.m. local time on: THURSDAY,.,SEPTEMBER 13,1984. for the folio +ring'contri stat Ell Supply of .3,500 tonnes of winter sand . at Auburn Patron Yard [21 Supply of 2,500 tonnes of winter sand at Wroxeter, Patrol Yard All materials shall comply to M.T.C. gradation. for winter sand. The lowestat. any quotation not necessarily accepted. R. A. DEMPS . ENG., Huron Countyeer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M2. ' • e Nothing"frightening About The Prices In The WANT ADS 17.. Auction Sales mammar+aa�:wwrwi,arar* FARM FOR SALE The . Farm .G -edit, Corporation offers for sale; By Public Auction, east '1: of Lot, 8, Concession 8, Eastern Division, Ashfield Township, Huron County, 100 acres with 85 Workable [clay Ionian), 11/4 storey frame house and a 44' z 30' pole .barn. The purchaser df this property must rely on his 'or her own inspection and knowledge, of the farm and not on the above or any other particulars or repre- sentations ma verbally or in writing by or on behalf the Farm Credit Corpor- ation. An offer to purchase must be made on a form obtainable from the Farm, Credit Corporation on requestthe address below or from any officer the . Corpora- tion. , No deposit need accompany the offer, but a certified deposit .of 10% will be required immediately upon acceptance'of the successful offer. Offers to Purchase must be received at the Regional Office listed below prior to September .24, 1984. Before making an offer, those interest- ed should ascertain that the property tan be used and occupied for the .purposes intended in accordance with Provincial Legislation and Municipal Regulations. Cash offers are prefe d but consider- ation will be:given to.offers ,to purchase on terms. If financing is required, it must be pre -arranged with .. the Corporation's local representative listed below. The highest or any offer to purchase will not necessarily be accepted, and The Corporation Could request neww., offers to purchase after the above mentioned date, if deemed necessary. Purchaser will be responsible for, all taxes and all assessments whether local improvements, tile loans, or otherwise charged or, assessed °against the said. property from date of closing subject to the usual adjustments. e • . All offers. to purchase and inquiries' should be addressed to: ' REGIONAL OFFICE Farm Credit Corporation Canada. Att:Ron Mason • 105 Sliver -creek Parkway North Guelph, Ontario N1H 707. FIELD OF'F'ICE Farm Credit 6rporatputCaw s& Att: Steve Wright ' Suntdasst Shopping Mall 397 Batyfleld' Road Goderich, Ontario NIA 4E9. f519i 524-8311 Please refer, io File't4o. 32204-5A3 w,-wwwaawwwww�'�1P!!Pw�,h.y�#!�oar�P�M�+�Y�w7aws�wY�M 17, Auction:. Solos "fiTaff..ifwrmPf•ruf*,- ONTARIO'S LARGEST Farm Macline:Y Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario. Fri day,' September 14, 1984 at 10 a.m. - (Sales' conducted . second Friday each . month): Approximately 150 • _175 tractors';plus all .typ .s of farm equipment. Consignments welome, " For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K. S; Hamulecki & Sons, —035 AUCTION REGIS `E0: , FR$DAT, SEPT. 21 .Consignment Sale In rho Kincardine Community Centre. • f - Pleas*/ make your consignments to these Auctions as soon as possible. • Auctioneers - DORNE g DODIE McLELLAND 31S-2233 ,18. SArvice available DENTURE WEARERS Did ybu know that it Is important to have your dentures examined regularly? Your mouth is one of the most lmrtant areas of your body, but often' the most neglected when dentures are worn. Improperly fitting or neglected dentures can cause severe health probiems. The lack. of public information ' regarding , dentures is alarming and .often leads to problems and unnecessary /expense. Your local denture therapist' (denturist) ' is a professional: specializing in the. construction, repair and modification of dentures - and provides this service'_.; directly to the public. If you have problems with your present dentures or think of getting new ories. see your local denture therapist, consultation is usually free. You . will find denture therapists (denturists) listed in the --- -yellow- pages. This information is supplied through the .. Denturist Association of Ontario and your Local therapist. SERVICE SPECIAL - ALL MAKES OF SEWING MACHINES - Phone 364-1070 for free pickup this month. Over 130 years experience, reasonable . -rates, guaranteed workmanship. --33tf AUCTIONEER SERVICE • Grant McDonald, Ripley . Wallace Baugh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types , Phone Ripley395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 EXCAVATING, trucking, and paving, sand, gravel, fill" and screened top soil.. Robert Symes. Phone 528-3047. •=-17tf DON THOMPSON TV AND APPLIANCES - Sales and Service; tower and antenna installation; Satellite Systems by Channel Master; refrigeration service; Atari cartrid- °ges for rent. Ripley 395-3466. =-•42tf CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Manufactured and installed; also weeping - beds; vacuum pumper for cleaning tanks; backhoe for digging drains or' excavations. Phone 528-2346, Ronald E: Forster, R. # 1, Lucknow, Ontario, NOH 200. -33-44 PIANO TUNI and repairs; used pianos bought an sold. Call Michael Lipnicki '(Wingham) 357-1049. —34tf Classified Ads... Are Packed with Savings ! 528-2822 h Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 29, 1984—Page 21 e.r MMn*!tM.Yq.�p!1#YM4w!R�aw�+�YaPY�iMl, 19. Notice to creditors aaYr�Rwwa.aw�lrwrir�Mi�awYws*ya�s� aaaaawww*wW! NOTICE To CREDII`ORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of DANIEL THOMAS Mac1NNIS late of the Village of Dungannon, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of 'July, 1984, must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of, September, 1984; thereafter: the -undersigned will,distribute the assets of ,the said estate halving regard: only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated August 9, 1984. Beverley Anon - Maclnnis, Executrix, c/o George 3. Brophy, Barrister and Solicitor, Boz 610, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2H0. ---33.34.35 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS . In the matter of the estate of GRETA SARAH.. MARGARET RICE, late of the._, village of Luclmow, in the. County of Bruce, Widow, and Province of Ontario, deceased: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and . others having claims against the Estate of the late Greta Sarah Margaret Rice are required to. send particulars .of their claims, duly verified to Mr. John T. Goodall, Barrister and Solicitor, P.O. pox 730, 261 Josephine Street, 'Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0, on or before the 14th day of September, 1984, and: that after such date the Executors • will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which theyshall then have had notice. 20. Public notice WWWWWwwWWWWWWwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW HUNTERS PLEASE BE ADVISED THERE WIL, L, BE ABSOL[TELY NO HUNTING Permitted at W awanosb Valley honk , Septerber to October 16 1984. Satur- days ezcluded. An education progra i will be underway at this time. For further information contact Wendy Ross, Mait- land Valley Conservation Authority, 335- 3557. h and over 200 VIDEO DiSCS will be available at 0 LUCKNOW 528-3017 Book now for the long weekend 21. Personal ar Dated at Wingham, Ontario, This 20th day PREGNANT and need help? Free positive of August,.' 1984. confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1'Mr. John T. Goodall 1066. 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432 Solicitor for the Estate of . • 9197 collect =-tf HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. 4Otfar • , —35,36,37 Greta Sarah Margaret Rice. • w. 20 . Public notices.' -w rrri.w.--- MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING BRUCE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY, GEARED -Y0 -INCOME RENTAL HOUSING The Bruce County Housing Authority is a provincial agency . responsible for .providing subsidized rental housing within the County ' of Bruce. Accommodation is available to qualified families, senior citizens, physically handicapped and mentally retarded individuals and is located within the municipalities of: RIPLEY WALKERTON LU,CKNOW KINCARDINE TEESWATER PORT ELGiN MiLDMA.Y SOUTHAMPTON CHESLEY WiARTON. Appli4ati'on forms and additional information may be obtained from: BRUCE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORI4Y Forbes Lambton Court 325 Lambton Street P.O. Box 1450 w Kincardine, Ontario NOG 2G0 TELEPHONE: 396-3439 OR - i-SO0-265-3O22 GOCIERICIN58 WEST 'ST., [Kitty corner from relict Stationl 524, toll free If bus hone 1-800465-1415j 1 tI MEET YOUR MATCH. For all ages and unattached: Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll free 1-800-263-9103. Hours: Noon to 8 p.m. —023 IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon .can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phase Walkerton 881-3113, God- erich, 524-6001. ' Yrararar_arrrarawaa+.rawwwwWw .aaaaa 23, Miscellaneous }IaarwMrarwwwwwww YraawrwWMrwMrraYW..aMMa FREE 128 page'Carrer Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute 265 A. Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. —034 ' LEARN TO • PREPARE INCOME TAX returns by correspondence. Write .0 & R Tax Schools,. 207 - 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winni- peg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6 for free brochure. —035 DO .YOU .-KNOW A "GOOD ''KIN" who deserves an award for community service, bravery orcourse in overcoming a physical limitation? Nominate them for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year award, contact this'newspapeb for details:k —035 •waYY�rYY.raYr4.rr :..rrwawrrir.,rwaa,.rNw.w 25. To give away rrwrwi. KITTENS, 5 weeks old, come and see them. • St. Augustine, 529-7144. —34,35 FREE LITTER TRAINED, 9 week old kittens to' give away. Phone 529.7209. —35 rawrrwwe.r.lrwwwwrwaw•.r.. 28. Engegemerits - MURRAY - IIALLAM Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Hallam, Ii, # 4, Kincar- dine, are pleased to announce the forth- corning marriage of their daughter, Judy to Wayne, son - of Mr. and ,Mrs. Charles, Murray, R. # 1, Holyrood. The wedding will take place on Saturday, September 8, 1984 at 4.30 p.nt. in SL ,Mary's Catholic Church, Lucknow. Reception in Ripley. ✓ a-