HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-29, Page 14ToRoknow Sentinel,. Wednee yt, ►u9u ►t 29's, 19847 -Palle 14: orfte jJ'4jscjse e brand new veetables to Ripley's 4,41 Horticulture Club "The Green Thumbs" held.thei r final meeting.on . Thursday evening., Presider Shannon Blackwell presided..Topics discussed were RIP- LEY judgin g and . exhibiting vegetables, flower arranging and landscaping * beautifYin home or farm surroundings with trees rock gardens. This gardening club commenced. in April' when members planned their gardens,, poured over seed catalogues and decided on brand-new vegetables to try, and dida soil test which:. was sent for analysis to the Universityof Guelph. Early June found. club members showing their garden plans,, discussing, the results of • the, soil tests,.. recognizing different soil teat* tures,. thinning and transplanting. Youth.. leader JoAnne Young of concession by Ab Wylds 1, fiiuron Twp. taught •,a session in July . on • gardening care and tools, flowers for home . beautification and weed identification. She gave' each member three co-op. booklets on • lawn care, fertilizing, and pest control. Leaders feleene Clark and' Gayle. Bell taught the fourth session highlighting pests and. insects, plant diseases, lawns, shrubs and flovwers. • Marjorie Thompson of Ripley toured the gardens . on Fri. Aug. 17 with members pre- sent on tour. Her helpfuland insightful corn- • ments,will be greatly yalued in evaluating the proj,cts. , Aug. 21 foundsthe club members visiting the senior citizen's gardens, at Huron kfjlla, and admiring the . floral .exhibits- at the Ripley Horticultural Society's Flower Show. . Achievement Night will be held on'Sept. 12 at Sacred Heart School in Walkerton,, featur- ing a mini fair of vegetables and flower ex- hibits. Mei`nbers are working on individual collections of; weeds mounted on. Bristol board to be shown. in Walkerton,. In adlition, each member will 'exhibit ivegetabless she has grown: in her garden. These will be judg- ed and rated at Achievernent Night, ' The final days of .summer, are especially busy as -the "Ripley ' Green Thumbs" harvest vegetables and finish their 4-11 books ich are due Sept. 4. The �l Green Thumbs .wi to. express' �p eywish . Culbert family elects Dorothy Clernent as president The. sixth Culbert family reunion was held Sunday, August 26; at the . Dungannon AmiculturahHalt with about 75 present for a pot luck meal. Harvey Culbert was NMC, and asked the blessing before the noon meal.' Wendy and Bryce Ritchie, entertained, the children with games. 'Debbie . Nivins got. a :prize for kicking the slipper and for winning the: race for 7. 12'. year olds. Karen. Hodges won the race for 6 and under. The Licorice, game' was won by Debbie Nivins and Bradley Hodges. ". , The adults -had a toilet paper game: Belle Mole and. Bonnie Hodges tied for first • prize for the women and Allister,Nivins :and Roy Culbert. tied for. the • men's , prize. Harvey Culbert guessed the correct . number of jelly beans in; a jar. Prizes ' were given for oldest man, Jack Errington; oldest lady, Mary . Alton;. one coming the farthest, Helen Nicholson, Washago; grandparents with most descend- ' ants present, Mr. and : Mrs. Allan Ritchie; nearest birthday, Brent Merkely, Goderich; youngest: child, Mary .Isabel Huizinga, 11 months. Anniversary'wishes.were extended toTom • and Delores Culbert. ! A minute's silence was observed in honour of otfr forefathers and in memory , of ' Roy roFitsimmons and. Robert Watt." Clair and Bonnie Hodges played. music and the little children enjoyed the bird. dance. •• Helen . Nicholson ,accompanied • Lorne Veale for many songs. Officers for 1985 reunion are: president, Dorothy Clement;. first vice-president, Evel- yn` Errington; second vice-president, Tom. Culbert; secretary -treasurer, ' . Belle Mole; children's sports, Clair and: Bonnie Hodgen , the thanks 'to 'Nancy. Greenwood for her help hi writing this report. .. �.. GV. ' During the eek visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don. Rob rtson were Mr, and Mrs. Harold', Franc , Wingjam , Mrs. J.C. McNab, Luckno . Mrs. Deatrice Lockhart, New Lowell, MV1r kand'Mrs, Neil. McNamara,: Barrie and Mr. anti Mrs. Glen Mumbecson,. Durham; ' I• The Bell Reunion was held atr M s, Marion Emerson's on Saturday with a. good atten- dance.. Dr. Jim l 'xnerson, .Lambeth visited onSunday at the Emersons, • • . • Tammy and Dem Doinie spentthe weekend with Morley and Deanna Scott. On Saturday Mr.. and Mrs. Scott attended the °Bluefaniily picnicin Paisldy, John and Joyce Farrell and family visited in Mildmay with Mr. and Mra,, ,Bill. Goetz. Mr'`and Mrs. Roy Collins visited in Waterloo'with-Mr. and MVlrs. Bill;Carroll. • Don 'and Anne McCosh were Sunday sup. per guests of Gladys Mason, David and Billy Patterson spent last week at hockey school in: Kitchener; ° Visitors this'week with Jim and Fran Far- rell arsell were. Laramie MacGibbon and Henrj► Kitchener; Larry Fischer and, Nita Colvin, Simon and. Jan Logtenberg And Jocelyn, Jerry, Kenny, and Melissa Logtenberg. FLOWERS FOR TODAY hTHI�'SQ AREG oDE I IAHOIIE- 524-8761 Iveninssand Sundorsphoti529 42 S3 . &. A SOUTHWEST. SATELLITE Sales And Service September , • . Satellite System Specials . • '10' Fiberglass dish (5 yr. Warranty) Polar Mount Digital Readout Motor Drive. Astron Receiver • ' • ' 10$ Degree L.N.A. 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