HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-29, Page 12mer we dineare pretty Toticknow Saltine!, Wednesday, August 29, 1984 --,-Page Huron Pe Catholic School Board' Student Re istration Kindergarten - Grade; ofinvnts• of Catholic school age children. who are new t� the area may register their children on Tuesday„ September 4, 1984, 8:45 A.IVI.. - 400 PAL at ,the closest local School; St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge, R. R. # 3, coderleh, Principal David, Sharpe, 529-7646. ° . Khidergarten Children need to be .5 years of age on or before December 31, 1984. Please bring proof of age [Birth Ce ate. and Baptismal Certificate]. In accordance with new legislation,. 'Proof of Immufllzathini&4so !winked before children may attend achool. School will begin on Tuesday, September4, 1984, and: the first day of attembince for Kindergarten puPils will be Wednesday, September 5, 1984. _RONALD M. MURRAY, *WILLIAM ECKERT, Clioirmee of the Board ' - Director of mention. -....!e...!•!;* • - Elphick-Arnold . Barry Elphick, son of Harold and Betty Anne Elphick of R. R. 3 Lucknow, and Debra. Arnold, daughter of Walter and Lorraine Arnold of Lucknow, were married. on Satur- day, August 11,, 1984 in a lawn wedding at the home of the bride's parents. The. Reverend Allison J. Ramsay conducted the ceremony. Matron of honour was Brenda Cerson. of Kincardine,sister of the bride. Bridesmaides were Jacky Murray. of Luck - now and Lynn. VanItooy of Ripley,- sister of the groom. Paul Hamilton 'of Lucknow was the groomsman, and ushers were Doug Hamilton of Lucknow, cousin of the groom, and Brian Arnold of London. Music was provided by Ann Pritchard, organ, Judy Hunter, flute; and Elizabeth Black, saxo- phone. A reception was held following .the wedding at the Lucknow Community Centre. After a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, Barry and Debra took up residence at R. R. 3 Lucknow. (Photo by Budny Studio) 'BRUCE IN- HURON BRUCE • Corrin - Drew Susan Drsw, daughter of Mrs. Jeanne Drew of Kincardine, and Douglas Corrin, 'son of Dr. Mel and Mrs. Margaret Corrin bf Luck - now, were married at the Anglican Church of the Messiah, Kincardine, with Rev. James Francom officiating. Mrs. Ida Herd was organist. joanne.Whitney, Sarnia, friend of the - bride,, was matron of honour, and Christine and Jennifer Cuyler, nieces of the bride, were junior bridesmaids. John Hamilton, Lucknow, friend of the groom, was best man and Greg Hamilton, Lucknow, and Mark Chisjiolm, Calgary, friends of the groom, ushered the guests. The 'reception was held at the Lucknow Community Centre. Following their wedding trip, the couple are residing in Calgary. . , Ashfield WAIS • hold picnit? At the church BRUCE McDONAlD BELIEVES: 1. One of the most pressing needs of farmers today is long term credit at affordable interest rates. The Liberal government under John Turner is pledged to do even more through, the Farm Credit.Corp. to meet the changing need of farmers. 2. 'Bruce McDonald believes the sale of a farm is a farmet's pension and should be subject to generous tax' exemption. The Libetal Government under John oaTurher is pledged to Income Tax. changes that • permit' farmers to transfer up to $120,000 from the sale of their farm ;businesses to an RRSP without 'incurring tax liability; (The Conservatives opposed this' measure. • in the '84 budget) 4. Bruce McDonald believes the secret to 3. Bruce McDonald believes Canadian -a sustained economic recovery in 0. initiatives- for peace and freedom from Huron -Bruce is a healthy agricultural. nuclear war are vital to the survival of and small business sector. When mankind on our planet. • 1' agriculture flourishes in Huron -Bruce, • Prime Minister Turner has 'pledged ,small business flourishes. • Canada's continuing effort to bring - Since 1980, the Liberal Government has Russia and the U.S: to a successful paid '290 million in stabilization international pact on arms control and payments to Canadian producers of disarmament.- fruit', grain and livestock. A special farin assistance program will rebate 4-5% of interest charges for 2 years. 5. Bruce McDonald stated his position on Abortion and it was reportedin much of the local press. It was repeated in his "Campaign '84" mailing for those who have,not heard it dr -read it, we repeat it now....lt has not changed Or varied! • The Ashfield W.M..S. and Sunday School held their picnic and meeting at the Ashfielfl Presbyterian Church on' Thursday, August 23. , There was, a story and hymn sing for the children. Mrs. Kenneth MacLennan, Mrs. Cameron Cook and Mrs. Alex Simpson conducted races and games for the children. h WMS b i conducted b the president, Mrs. Henry MacKenzie. Aspicnic lunch was served in the,basement • of the church.. He said Liberals generally believe , in the freedom of individuals but that freedom can be abused. Abortions should not be allowed on demand, said Mi. McDonald, in response to a question on the subject. 'He said abortion should King - Rivet Geoffrey, Stephen King, son of Patrick and Leslie King of Goderich, and Shelley Kath- leen Rivett, daughter of Ivan and Emma Rivett of R. R. 2 Goderich, were married in North Street United Church, Goderich by the Reverend Robert Ball on July 7, 1984 at, 4' p.m. Matron �f -honour was Ellen Errington of Auburn. Bridesmaids were Karen Snow of .Belgrave f Susan IvIcLean of. R. R. 2 • Goderich, Victoria De Winter of Toronto and Stephanie King of Goderich. Flowergirl was Julie Snow of Belgrave. Groomsman was John Robertson of Toronto. Guests were. ushered into the church by Philip Donatis of London, Christopher Koch of Toronto, Stephen Benedict ofh StThomas and Michael - King of Windsor. Following the wedding ceremony,' a reception was held at .the Goderich Township Hall, Homesyille. After' a wedding trip to the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania, Mr. and Mts. King took up residenc 't Clinton. , (Photo by Jim Fitzgerald) Te . . . us ne ss was y not be treated as a form of birth control. Our candidate does not favor any loosening of the current laws on the subject and suggests current laws be enforced more stringently. BRUCE MCDONALD LIBERAL HEADQUARTERS: FORMOSA 367-5622 LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS: W1NGHAM - 357-1302 CLINTON - 482-3401 SEAFORTH 527-1022 GODERICH - 524-2103 EXETER - 235-0151 For -Election Information or Election Day transportation Please call! Announce calf • club results °The Dungannon 4-H Calf Club achielle- ' ment day was held at Dungannon Fair on August 18. Results were as follows: • Dairy Conformation: Lisa Peagan,' B. 6, Goderich;. reserve champion, Andrea Smith, R. 6, Goderich. Dairy Showmanship: Grand champion, Andrea Smith, R. 6, Goderich; reserve chainpion, Craig McNeil, R. 6, Goderich. Beef Conformation: Grand champion, Judy Walter, R. 4, Goderich; reserve champion, Barry Nivins, R. 3, Auburn. Beef Showmanship: Grand champion, .Judy 'Walter, I. 4, Goderich; reserve champion, , Barry Niviis, R. 4, Goderich. FOR: *YOUTH* •EXPERIENCE• *VITALITY* VOTE BRUCE McDONALD SE PT. 4th PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE. Mc.1)0NALID., BRUCE • LIBERAL - • LIBERTARIAN • 1 COME.CELEBRATE ELECTION NIGHT WITH US IN SENFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE.e.AND GET THE RESULTS FIRST HAND • Authorized by Barry Reid, official agent for Brute McDonald, •