HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-29, Page 8Confidence in econ9my *from page 1 farm operations, and lower interest rates in general. •- ' We compete in the money markets .in the world and especially facing the American interest rate situation. It's very. difficult; it's a very fine juggling act and the government has to keep a strongeye on it all the time. Women's Issuer I'personally support the. concept of equal pay for work of equal value. Based on. competence, ' and ability and training, if (women) can do the job then they should do the job and they should be paid to do the job, the same as any man should be; That's what it should be based en. In the debate the other night (on women's issues) I thinktMr. Turner has made a strong commitment for affirmative action programs for women, for the government taking the initiative and taking leads in the role of women ' in the- work place. The Liberal' Party is running 43 (women) , candidates in the federal election, over twice as many as the Conservative Party is running:: I think that in itself says very clearly how women feel about the Liberal. party's stand on women's issues. Mr. Turner mentioned the other night in the debate that Mr. Mulroney, had asked something like 39 questions in the House of Commons since he became leader and amaz- ingly enough not one of them had to do with women's. issues. , I think the Liberal Party is by far the party that wants to get women involved. The • MITCHELL FAIR Aug. 31:r & Sept.1st 2no& 3rd PAYING AS HIGH AS ON 2 YEAR AND 3 YEAR ANNUAL Gu�r�nt�ed. Investment Certificate ALSO PAYING AS HIGH AS 123A% ON 4 & 5: YEAR ANNUAL Through such Trust Companys as VICTORIA & GREY -CITY TRUST .STANDARD - STERLING INTERNATIONAL , MUNICIPAL -CREDIT FONCI ER AH companies members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corp- oration: .. Rates quoted as of .AUGUST 27,1984 INVEST THROUGH Rod McDonagh BOX 250 LUCKNOW 528-3423 Lucknow Sentinel,, Wednesday, August 29, 1984 -7 -Page 8 t;.generati. ecofo revival. president of our party is women, a well known woman and a very well spoken, intelligent lady. I think we try to lead b y example. Local Issues Small business and agriculture basically make up mosf of our riding, These areas ate. of concern, and the. future of them, like the viability of the family farm programs, have to be developed so that papSing the farm from, one generation to the next is easier, We have. to be .looking at such 'things as ,the agribond concept. The problem with the proposal. right now' as L understand .it is that . in the government's' view it doesn't provide enough benefits to the borrower nor enough security to the lender, but there will be no doubt when an , agribond concept comes forward. The government.. is looking at extending the services of farm creditto act as a guarantee of mortgages so that'" when a retiring farmer sells his farm to his son or his neighbour or whoever; the mortgage in itself is maintained by the man but is guaranteed by farm credit in some way, shape or form. We have the Minister of Agriculture- next door to us new who represents a riding very much similar to our own. I know Ralph well, he's, a successful farmer and a very smart man. I think it would serve the people of :this riding well to have a member of the govern- nent inside the house to work with Mr. Ferguson on future developments in this, area.. He's not. only Minister of Agriculture but he's also in the Cabinet and he certainly. Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 COL• CLETUS DALTON °AUCTIONEER *Real Estate *Farm. Sales •Liquidations *Antiques DAY OR NITE 51.9-529-7420 1983 CHEV CAPRICE, . 4' door with air 1983 FORD LTD.., 4 dr. with airy. 1982 MALIBU CLASSIC, 4 door," ,sedan with air. ; 1981 CUTLASS, 4 door. 1981 MALIBU, stationwagon 1981 B.UICK PARK AVENUE, 4 door 1981 PONTIAC Le MANS, 2 door with air 1980 PONTIAC CATALINA, 4 dr: 1979 MALIBU, stationwagon 1979 BUICK Le SABRE, 4 doer, with air 1977 FORD CUSTOM 500 1976 CHEV SUBURBAN HAM $LY H 'PHONE S -4342 1 takes the 'political concerns of this riding to the Cabinet level. To have a local govern- menmember working with a member who's next door could,be of 'great benefit to the citizens of Huron -Bruce, What Can I B g To This Riding as. MP I believe I hay . the ability: and the desire to serve this riding. I feel it .is veryimportant in the democratic process that the 'Member of Parliament who's elected in this riding is open,• accountable and accessible to the people. I.'m proposing to hold a couple of open town -house meetings every year in various areas in the hiding, for the member to be accountable to the people for the. kind of job he's doing in Ottawa, and also to be accountable for the kind of job he's doing in the riding, The. other- important • aspect of those kinds of meetings is that they give groups .and individuals, in'. the riding an opportunity to publicly speakout on issues and concerns that affect them', I was raise'. on a farm,.: And 1 operate a small business; 'I think I understand the concerns of people in`those areas, Our family has always.. been ' evolvedin civic and ,community affairs. I've been involved in Rotary, Lions, Chambers of Commerce and business associations for a long time. We like to pitch in, get involved and contribute. I think 1. can . be Of service to people; 'I'm young; and 1 think I have the energy and ability to do that. Mathers appointed sup't of education The Huron County Board of Education has announced the appointment of Arnold Mathers as superintendent of education,, effective September 1; Mr. Mathers received his elementary and - secondary education- in Huron County. He holds a Bachelor's , degree from the University of Western Ontario and a Master's degree from the University of Toronto. He received his skpervisory officer's certificate in' 1972. Mr. Mathers began his career in Huron County as principal of .Usborne Central' Public School in 1964. He became' principal of uron Centennial Public School in 1966 THE TEESWATER EX TOGGERY Opens for the fall season on Thursday, September; 6, 10.12 and 2 - 5. We will be open• to RECEIVE *CONSIEGNMENTS ONLY Tuesday;: September 4, .2 - 5 and Wednesday, September 5, .2 - 5. *all clothing must be freshly cleaned or laundered ' • ' *currently in season [fall or winter] *securely priced *all consignments must be accompanied by a list. - This year the Ex-Toggery . will be open Tuesday from 2 5; Thursday, 10 -12 and 2 5; Friday, 2 - 5; Saturday, '2 - '5. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 392-6173 392.6988 357-3058 .0.01101. and has remained thereto the present. As a principal in the system, Mr:;. Mathers has shown outstanding leadership qualities and interpersonnel skills. Besides his -many contributions to Huron Centennial School ( and the community, Mr. Mather has been a member and chairman of various committees such as the South •. Huron Association for the Mentally Retard- ed, the board of .Family and Children's Services for Huron County and `has worked on curriculum committees for mathematics, language arts and Kindergarten to Grade 13 English. TWILIGHT CROP TOUR AUGUST 30;11984 ` Leaving Lucknow Co-op at 6:30 p.m.. We will visit •SOYBEAN VARIETY PLOTS •A NUMBER OF CORN . TRIALS Concluding with a corn roast at the Co-op .plot on Jim Gibson's farm [Hwy. #86 west of Lucknow]. ; ALL INTERESTED GROWERS WELCOME RIPLEY•HURON RE�INION'8S. KICK-OFF FUNDRAISING DANCE Big Band Dancing to the "NEW MODERNAIRESh' 16 Piece Orchestra "The Glenn Miller Sound" Saturduy,Sept. 1 1984 9:00' pre to 1:00 ani at the RIPLEY-HURON COMPLEX Buffet -Lunch ADMISSION; 00 ." u • perperson advanced 900 per person at the door ' (19 years & over) TICKETS AVAILABLE AT • Heinisch Service Centre, Ripley *Lynn's Textiles, Ripley *Ripley Paint &Wallpaper *From allReunion Committee Members