HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-29, Page 4•
Lucknow Sentinel,, Wednesday, August 29, 1984 ---,Page. 4.
proposcs to do erosion work at mQutT a of Nine Mile River
Bryan Howard and Dave Gower of the
Maitland; Valley Conservation Authority
addressed Ashfield Township council with a
proposal to do some erosioncontrol work at
the Mouth.. of the Nine Mile River in Pott
Albert. They explained the benefits avail-
able to ratepayers regarding. tree . planting,
grassed waterways, and other • erosion..
control, measures.
Ray Hogan headed a .delegation .:and,
presented a petition requesting the council
to include all • of. Ashfield Township , in the
M.V.C;A. watershed. • .•
Council agreed to have B. M. Rosa. and
Associates give an estimate of the, cost of the
proposed, work on the north shore of `the river
in Port Albert.
Council passed a resolution saying, That.
the' council of the . Township of Ashfield
requests :the Minister of Nataral Resources.
to call a meetingto consider the enlargement
:of the area over which. the Maitland Valley
Conservation has jurisdiction to incl'iide all of
of the T9wnshipof 'Ashfield.
Building permits were granted to E. Alton
(cottage). and John' O'Connor (hog barn)..
Errington was engaged to carry
out the Fduties f drainage superintendant for
the .balance of 1984. •
Art Clark cif Maitland Engineering,;. Wing
ham, .reviewed the plan of development and
operation for the Waste Disposal Site at lot
1Q; concessi9n 6, ,This will be: forwarded to
the Minister of • the Environment for
Council assumed' ownership and operation
of the water system in. ,plan 594 Amberley,
Beach from 'Lloyd and Shirley Courtney.;
The treasurerwas • instructed to send
notices to all;. ratepayers whose taxes are
Road accounts of $17,378.87 and general
accounts of "$35,862.43 were approved for
payment. . •
Council. will meet next on Tuesday,
September 4,
Straw p.ll finds half of voters -polled acre ur deci ,.._:e._.._� inHuron-Bruce..
With __.. "e:federal election less than • two 51.4 per cent said, they were undecided when , ' Pollsters indicated that the majority of
weeks way, astraw poll conducted by,the asked, "Which political party will you be those polled were women.
Bluewater RegionalNewspaper Network supporting in the September a4 federal else The, PC'sled the straw poll ' in every
(MINN) last week indicates 51.4 per of tions community and there were no votes for the
voters are undecided about how they'll vote. . The BRNN shows that 73 per cent of ,the Libertarian candidate.
• BRNN of which this newspaper is a committed. voters polled said they favoured , Overall, the PCs had 57 votes, the Liberals.
member, conducted the poll in . the- federal . the progressive c! nservative Party, '19;2 per had 15 and . the NOP 6'.
ridingof Huron -Bruce during the week . o ` .: About 30 people refused to respond to the
g ; cent.of the committed Voters said they would p p
August 13 to 17. vote Liberal and 7.69 per cent said they that figure
polled, would support: for
po11 inand calculating 'thhase results notbeen of the poll:accounted
Of the 160 People 82 of them or the NDP. •
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