HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-29, Page 1•• . r single copy'35e. • f .. Pr need L:arknow, Ontario, Wedues4ay, August 29,, 1984. 2img' • Sentinet staff talked with the, candidates in Huron -Bruce in the past few 4,ueeks..and invited thorn'' to outline their positl'oa : and ideas on several, „major campaign issues. Look. on• page -2 for an introduction to IN fourth" candidate tanning' in Huron -Bruce, Libertarian Jae Yundt. • BY D,11Kloeze-. `Unemployment Unemployment, • jobs,. whatever you want to call it, that: s one' of the major .concerti', not only -to this'riding, but all across:Cana la, s It's a nationatconcern and'l00,41,co0cerii.•'We should ; have job •training `gas much , as possible, and- hopefully we will, have. mean- ingful jobs afterthose job training programs 'we've instituted. There's many things thak come before you w �,get the. real j ',yob .e. have; to get :meaningful; :, employment, we„ have to hopefully get the dollar stabilized. And investmentgoing. Government'' can't ,create jobs, they can create the environment, ,for. the small business sector to expand and improve employment: The small business sector, for . instance, from the, years of 1975 to '83 generated 50 per cent Of the new jobs. in that • time. So that's one of the ways that, in .• supporting small business and certainly an - environment that our large businesses:or corporations can work in, will give meaning.. ful` employment. • • ;.We have to •have,, viable industry to .compete: on. world markets, and many of our'. jobs will be created through similar things like this; certainly training 'programs in the high tech area or areas that we see a lack of training for' certain jobs•now research and devellipment. and things such as this... Too many times in . the past it seems that we have had job. retraining programs 'very often almost knowing, full'.well"there would not be a job .for that person that was retrained, We want to try. to get our people who have been unemployed back . to mean- tngfui employment, and for our young ., people Coming;out:of universities, we have=to do as much as we' can to get them into meaningful employment . as Dwell. " ' The: Deficit .The deficit has. -to "be brought under • control, and that has to start with °respon- sible spending. Before you •;can'°do, anything with our national debt;yolthave to bring our 7 current 'situation under-.Tcontrol. We would look at responsible. spending as an invest- 'ment, that hopefully will allow our tax base to expand and generate more revenues to. bring the • deficit and eventually our debt under control. - That will take some time to+do, because we know that with a deficit of $30 billion a year; you . just cannot all ' of a sudden stop your deficit. ” You have to take measures for responsible' spending, and the spending .that takes, place will be classed as an investment that will eventually return as much as possible, • The deficit has.to be brought under control before- • there is any possibility of debt reduction on- our national debt We have to • !take a- strong position on that because so much of out earnings are going to pay the interest on the national debt. There is such a, competition for funding within Canada, for those other expansion programs that private industrywould be doing, the farming home 1 owner. or the building tradesman or what- ever. The, competition for money in Canada seems to be one ,of, the things that.: contributes to the . higher ,cost .of money. With government being such , a huge borrower, then it's hard to find dollars for other people inthe private • sector, Interest rates The lower our dollar goes the.,higher the interest rate seems to go. To get investment. Turn to page` S•' Unempl►;�k ,114 US. Un ,1 .'. � , a ��`c rn' at „WAo : e... ,,d . tw � . 0'1 to the '>r.eoP le of Hu rron-Brece but to people 'all. across Canada! The problem has to be. addressed, especially youth unemployment.: Long term` unemployment for anybody;. after a, while, becomes' a . social '.problem,. because they lose confidence in themselves, and, especially for young people who never had a job, it then is self destructive. Mr. • Turner has made . ,a couple of, announcements, especially to do with youth unemployment. , D'iie.. is the First Chance program which I think is a very positive Step in terms of creating 'a national apprentice- ship programin conjunction with business and with unions, for young people to give them that first job to get them .some exper- ience to put on their resume. They can go out in the labour farce and say I've had some experience in ascertain industry and.1 can,do that job. • . The other thing he's announced is the Young. Entrepreneur's prograrn.• Money up to $10,000'person is'availableto helptltem in start up costs in the ' initial start , of their , business, if they want. to. ` start their 6s t 31 r is thsr,ma reate,thac, in the business; comm he and ev Valerie Bolton Bruce' llioDdna .d r,etiee±`apie' will` spend' more ` many, busin ss people will invest 'in plants and p invest 'in equipment; "thatwillget things going that willcreate jobsright acrosss the country. If : everyone has a positive outlook on sthe future thenthey're willing to do things and take risks which creates jobs. The ;Deficit , Following that same theme, if therewas a higher level of confidence in the Canadian economy among the business community, .among , • investors, among the ' ` Canadian ,population in general, there's going to be. more jobs, and.'that'll do .two things: it will automatically, without raising taxes, create more wealth and will raise more .money for the government tohelp (the .deficit) in that way. The other thing it does is take people , off the unemployment rolls, which will naturally decrease the deficit. There is no question there are many areas of government that can be run much better, that . can be more efficient, mare effective, and: there needs ;to be major reappraisals of many government . programs to make sure they're doing what they are ,intended to do. Murray Cardiff lems e 's n ation- v+r ,r defici teid81 igh Vity irnittexit` needs • run better.,� .i .., .. tt I think i4lr.` Turner has ��tite .o nay combination of political experience, �busi�pess•� P. . . ex combination and international expe rience, of all the -leaders,' and'le can do the job , the best. I think he's the kind of man we need it$ Prime Minister at this time, because of that. Interest rates Interest rates are a great concern to the business people and if interest rates tend to be on the upswing it dramatically reduces confidencein the economy: I; think that's one of the reasons why Mr. Turner thought he had to calf this election when he did. Until the election was over there was noquestion there was not going to be any new renewal of confidence in the Canadian economy be- cause we had to have a government with a .new mandate. Everyone knew the election was going to occur very 'soon. Interest rates to small businessmen . and farmers are : arune concern in p this area. I personally hope to see, in the, not too distant future, some' kind of cap placed ' on farm credit interest rates. There has to be more and better. viable .programs for financing Turn to . page 8• r the :workingpeopk in Huron -Bruce. By Sharon Dietz Unemployment. I think unemployment is an important issue. 'If we don't have people working, how will we ever 'reduce the deficit? We are just going to bleed the country dry. • The i4DP is the party that has a voice for working people. Work shouldn't' be a privilege. Work is so important to, people's self esteem and their participation in the country. It's very ithportant to put people to work. It's an absolute priority. The . NDP government of Premier Pawley in Manitoba has been able to reduce unem- ployment by 21/s per cent. They have the. lowest unemployment rate in the country, and that is because they had the political will to set targets and made lowering the unem- ployment rate a priority. In the first year they were able to do this through the creation of a $200 million Jobs Fund which had a mandate to create jobs either sheet terns or long term. Now they are changing the focus of that program trying to create • permanent long term jobs: , Locally I think one of our biggest problems with unemployment is that farmers are not getting a fair returnfor their products, and this Jokes farmersand other 'family members to work off the farm: If farmers were getting a fair return, it would free them from working off . the farm to .support themselves, and would open thosejobs for other People. With farmers earning, a fair wage, there is a trickle . down effect throughout the economy and you have healthy small busii nesses and a healthier rural economy.. • What our government fails to recognize is the importance of having afair return for the agricultural dollar. Historically the farm income just hasn't kept up with industry and if farmers do not have parity, there is no real 'growth in the gross national product. We ' have to address the issue of farm income because that is the basic production in our country. Jobs throughout the economy grow out of agriculture. The NDP will move to stabilize interest rates and farmers and small business people will be able. to operate theirfarms and businesses with confidencebecause their profit will not be bled off by such high payments. The NDP will also introduce restrictions on banks so they cannot just come in and take people's farms; away from them.' The NDP will increase the security of income on the: farm: and to simian business by Turn to page 9• Closed on,Labour Day The Sentinel office will be closed on Monday, September 3 for Labour Day. Classified and display advertising deadlines for the Septeinber 5 issue ofthe paper will be Fri ay,, August 31 at .30 p.m. y for this uey, pord is are reminded to s nd • in copy as soon as possible with the final deadline being 9.a.m. Tuesday, Sept- ember 4. Regular deadlines will be resumed with the September 12 issue of the Sentinel, • •