HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-22, Page 14•
Kinloss Kairshea, Women's ' Institutes
members held their monthly.. Meeting
August 16 at 8. p.'m, Mrs. Leonard Clarke,
president, welcomed everyone and gave; a
reading entitled, What<We° Need •"''
!'if rs. Clarke introditeec the guest speaker,
Murray Elston M`.P P.;., who told briefly the
background of the'Bi Centennial held for the
Province of Ontario 1984 •
Mr. • Elston said pit 'is. important to
remember Where.: we came from• and our
background. Records of.our lives from early
childhood- should be 'kept;; correspondence
from earlier years. and what is going on at
the present tune, .This •information, will be,
`history in the future., He urged citizens to'
take a real interest in their community ,and ' •
record ,events takitg place, "
Mrs.. Donald ' M'aclntyre thanked Mr.
E1stoft ler a :very interesting talk.
• Note'the change of time.for the September
Meeting at.1.30 p.m., at the -home' df
Donald MacKinnon, Area convention wilLbe
held in Chesley October 11. and 12. ,.
• Mrs.. Evan;. Keith gave a reading, Making
Ice Cream. Mrs. James Burt gave the court-
• -esies. Refreshments were served at the close.
• of the meeting by the hostess Mrs. ' Bill
Haldenby,and.directors: Mrs. Jim Bu. nd
.Mrs f eonard. Clarke.
• The'third meeting ofithe Farm S ifety Club"
was held on •JuTy'24 •at=the,•hpme of. Brenda
Hackett.:7. All members -mere present. Art
rangements'' were: inade for, the 'k club'at
achievement program y;hich: was decided to
' -be a St. John's`Ambulance . Course.
2'he MOW for this meeting was; Dan" erou's
Gases. and speaking, fromMAF Was Ron •
Flemiig:, Ron classified gases • into two
groups: irritants -;and asphyxiants:'
Irritants are gases, which injure the lungs.,
• hymi is are gases 'which smother oxy:
genfrotn, .the` -lungs.
Ike them talked 'a lout ,silo: gas and the
dangers with', it He::told the club precautions
•`they could. take when working around it.'Ron •
then ment on and discussed .manure gas and
the dnngersKand precautions about it.
• • d
'He alt` mea Toned air tanks . and
*malty t
different kinds for different areas, such as '
ilos .or manure pit's, , :•
b 4 C t
iThek fifty-fifth MacDonald Reunion.'.was,
held stet cedareon the adjoining farms,,of,
George and'David MacDonald on Saturday,
August 4, 1984:>,:
After a *a iwelcome.from the pr sident,
Bill Johnston..the tafteri lin was spent
renewing. acquaintances and' savoring the
music, of the bagpipes;: provided' by Daviit,.�
MacDohalil anti Finlay, Nta�cnnap with Mac
Webster on the drums..
• David Huston, Cletus Dalton and Bob S �-
son Jr. 1m
David•MacDonald' remains treasurer after
a `=9
'40 years service.
Races and gamesmere vigorously contest
.ed by .all the young fry, after Whhch'.
beautiful Punch was served, including'a piggy
roasted:' by 'G,eorge 'ancl Finlay MacDonald r
- This' vias much enjoyed by all d
4A; card of congratulations was signed a
fO 't 'Mil::: tide h"M-
orwar .e o eric acDonald on.'
r - .the occasion- of her. 90th birthday
The clan. was fealled"to order by .president Prizes to ,the oldest laxly present went fo;•:
Bill and a .short business meeting was held. Mrs Sadie Blueswhile Bert MacDonald••was
A moment of silence was held: those w;,tao . the oldest gentlethan.Carey ,Simpson was
passed away in `tire last.year, •;namely P. A. ,the youngest present and Jennie Davies .
MacLennan,, Mary Behe't gnew,, Mrs' Mary' came'•'the farthest.
"R. De" MacDonald, Tom Kiely,', and Scott
. MacDonald After , .lunch, the usual 'musical program ;
' I1 inter.
; was, .provided °by' ribrt "Pete" MacDonald; -i
The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Finlay, MacDonald,DougYoung,. and Mabel:'
MacDonald was recorded,; . as well as .the ,rMacDonald'
births of ten new, MacDonalds., An election Ash darkness fell; all joined . hands ' in
of officers was` held with Pavid Agnew inging "Auld Lang Syne" and then`retired
elected 4s president; •Alex Simpson' as vice- to the Lucknow Community Centre where a'..
president and :Marion (MacDonald) Mariam large crowd enjoyed the'; music by Norm'°
• as: secretary.. On the; games committee are- Dunsmoor and his `band::. 4
The "Great Chamney Gathering" was;
held July 29 to August 4 in County Wicklow,
Ireland. This was the, first time members of
the far flung family had met ;for at least 100
years. 1
The idea was staged by Potter. Chamney of
Calgary, Alberta. After . spending 10 years
researching the.: Chamneys . of Canada,
Ireland , and England wire planned .:'the
gathering of the many family branches; •
Unfortunately he diedaast summer but his
'dream' became a reality through.the encour-
• agement of his wife and the help lof John
Chamney' of Clonmel,. 'Co.' Tipperary, Ire-
• The group consisted of over 100 with 30
Irish families; 1$ Australians, 5 Americans,
5 U.K., 35 Canadians: .
The youngest .to attend was 8 month old
Patrick Chamney of Ottawa and the eldest
was 82 year old •May Chamney of Australia,
who returned to Ireland . for the first time
sine leaving in 1926. ,
The group was kept busy touring Wicklow
County and varieis sites including Dublin,
Glendalodgh and ,Kilkenny. . enjoying the
history and the .scenery: •
Among the planned festivities were dinner
Hopse, a homestead of the Chainneys in
1798 where the battle of Ballyrahan took.
place while ' these ancestors ,.occupied the:
house. ° : • •
Ongoing throughout the tour was the
sharing o f family history, and members were
presented with a family tree. •
The first Chamney to settle in this area
alas' ichard ChanntYey,; ironeCi Wie low
who ettled in `East Wawanosh in 180.
Wawanosh Chaney branch was well •
represented with 19 family members includ-
ing Stuart and 1 Lois Chamney of R.' R. 2
Auburn, Dianne Bridge of Port Elgin, Barb,
Pletch of Belgrave, Steve and Joan Cham-'
ney, Lucknow, Bud and Laura May Cham -
trey, Auburn, Larry, Deb and Patrick Cham-
ney, , • Ottawa,. Verna Doerr, Niagara Falls,
Don and Dorothy Jardin, Kitchener, Herman
and Margaret, Bill and Ruth Chamney,.
Windsor. -,
Tourism in Ireland is growing quickly due
to the recent interest infamily. tees. It '
certainly was an enjoyable way to meet long
lost cousins that Were unheard of: before the- •
The international gathering is hoped lobe •
'held in five years with all kinds of smaller
at .the. homeof the last Witch of Ireland in ones•already in the :planning. This year it
1280, ballads and folk music, a tour if „..was a "Gathering", but next time it will be a
Kilkenny Castle and ar tour of Ballyrahan. "Reunion". .
LnelmaW ,Sentinel, Wednesday,. August 22, 1984---Pa$e. 14
ar i nfor rtatiori call :
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