HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-22, Page 111 Luclaun!' S nflflei, Wcdne.!d1y, ARP, et 22, 1984-rfitie 11 INGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL , :CkCarang:TerrappiVVirigharn„ Ontario NOG (519) 357-3210' 0., maw 1 pall, it was ibirking lopper ed his )" the of a Ything ere on ••• .*ts, • • , : • .^ 44•!.., • , , . . • • 8 • 3arrie 4anOr ',with home • I • • • , :••*: et* " 1.• • 7;14;:. ,• ' • • • • EXISTING iLAUND • • rade, rtime 4:ty with &fast s are lease' Ih May of us yaithe r ' Windham. and iliSepitaFbizigarilitiase two of the firSt major construction and 'renovation at the hospital in paa,i4,0elitY(Sfears: Phase one of • ' the project, conpIeted n the Spring of 1982; • -= had exPanqeif4he Laboratory, Physiotherapy, Admittip4, Medidal.$60orda-and'Rehabilitation, SerViceSclepartmenta..,Phate two is: the 'Oh-. • struction• of.ir•A new Ambulatory Care and EmergenCy Wing and' the Of the. • • Radiotogy DiiPartMent. Our . leaf article described the radiology ,renoyatione, this,'ark .cle is devoted b an„explariatiOn for, tht.ritiWwing' " • , The way health tare is delivered' is chang- ing. The Copt to maintain:a patientin a hospital bed has-heen rising Steadily and It become apparent that nekinnovatiyOkaYs,td:prOvide: health care MUSt.. be found. Adding to the Pro blem is the increase in our:. aging pOpillation, As one age‘the need 'far Jhealth `Services'in- creaies, and therefore 'there is an increase Ui• health costs. • One: approach to providing •the maximum, health care pOsiitile,within the MOHO dollars available, is to do more things on an out-, patient basis. But, YVirighem and District • Hospital, • as is, the :,,,gase with many, other hospitals, • was designed'. and built for inpal.. •: tients.•EmergenCy rooms were just tnat, rooms designed to deal with the life threatening ' flops; they were never intended to provide a proper outpatient ambulatory care serviCe:' DYCAR • °RECOVERY LfiSS 0 A 0010 OFFICE ' • • ", DOCTOR'S' . . LOUNGE • I • ILITY niERGiNC , ,Q.R. • • .:er oFoct STO,R44. STERILE—i: • .gx4M • ••• AM XA ACTUR •;- STORAGE' EXI.SfINGSUILDIN.G.- . ot. UTILITY, .'*. uiET. ROO .R 1 W.R. RAUNIA • WAITING - CARLII4G TERRACE The present Emergency/Outpatient DePartrnentoonsists of an Operating room, an ex - mining room capable of taking four stretcher beds separated 'from each other by cur- tains, a very small room where casts are applied to fracttires, and a small, waiting room. There is no privacy for patients,accident cases paps through the Waiting room, there is no place, for people in grief 16 sit with their pastor, no offices for physicians and visiting specialists, and no recovery area for day -surgery patients. ' I The new addition will change all this. . One area will be devoted to °patients repoveritiMfrOrrr day surgery. These are. patients who able to go home following a surgical, procedure. However, one does InOt rkse from the operating table, dress and get into a carto do,home Severalhours are necessary for the effects of an anaesthetic, to wear off and. for the doctors and nurses, to ensure that pa - Vents have no probleMs. The day care recovery area *vides space for four beds in which patients will rest until ready for discharge. • • • Three offices are being provided for Our visiting specialists. Thie,ppacfi'Wilf be used by a number of doctors''^aridlt,ew specialty set-. vicei.Will be added: , A Quiet gotirril is tieing provided in thokrw ' addition, where relatives may sit in privacy. - with their pastor ekpressing 'their grief 'and ... • • - rec.- ' ' ,comfort and support. • ; • ergency• entrance is separate and at from the main entrance and waiting ..- tims of. accidents -and patients with 4 'al robi life fhreaensng.probleMP will no•kingerpass•in front of the.icuripus, eyes, of those who are waiting fortreatrnent. • Five examining rooms are: being prOvided,So • ▪ that you and' yourpnysician can•exchange con, fidences in private without being,overheard by a patient on a Stretcher next to you on the other Side of a filMsy curtain. • Many of, us are reluctant to be completely frank with our physi; clan when we know we .may overheardrby someone else. The relationship .betweertorie'S , doCtor and oneself is foUnded trust and complete Confidentiality. The hospital will.now -: be' able to guarantee privacy. • A major trauma room is being , provided • which will allow the .hospitai to treat accident victims and others in life threatening. situa- tions, More quickly and efficiently. it will also alio* more patients to'be treated at the same time. • To complete the new wing, a classroom and a doctor's lounge -and library are included. Part of the hospital's function is to provide educe— tion and preventative medicine tothose it serves, The classroom will assist in doing this ' on a group basis. The doctor's lounge provides a place for physicians to' rest between cases, to change clothes, and to study from- the library..1 . The design of the new addition will improve efficienCy, but it is 'much More than this. 'It looks to the•future and to how the delivery Of'. health care is changing. ,The total cost to update the hospital will be approximately s2,000,000 spread over the next twayeara. To assist the hospital 'in paying for these new developments, a group of - prominent citizens have. come together as the Wingham and District Hospital Raising Committee,.Their goal is to.raise.400,000 inithe community ' Good health 'is a partnership between those who provide health care and those who . receive it. We need one another if we are to reach a common goal of welinesa for ilsfrall. Please, help us to help each Other. , • • • • . THE WINGilAIVI AND 'DISTRICT. HOSPITAL FUND-RAISING COMMITTEE • • • , • • ' 1 1