HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-22, Page 5# • • 1 • • • • • ' 4 : .• • . , . :• , Mao g tri 501111e guidi the iey, hat ;moth ! in a nge. nths •to robabl goia 1 that' said. noun y mo Ree coo ' whic :dro to • Dwain Lowry of Point 0Mici§. the preS§, . .. , reporter for a Ripley 441 Agricultural ClUb°, . and he sends-Alf:dig tiligrepotts.. • The Mige,Y- 01-1P,4111,7, VjUb, held its .. showmanship Cliiii0,,,dethehemettJiin'and* *-- . . - DorothY:,11Pedlittm::.' jjrn.,,gave .sOgiejbelpful•:b.y.:.0.:{ y ldS4'. 1 . • ;"..% . '-• ,;.-,, • . . 4 .., ., pointers Oif -getting 4.'gaif foa. y... fkshow, 4 - ' '''..- ' • '''' ' ' ' day. They then pfepared?CalifeStlieMSelveS- -'•''• , • —,, - 1, • • ' • : for a cOMPetitionlater'iiItlit.44,. . Y; TO .004. "why not.y0o.'i The °Wlieergivere from the list, thankSlhe',Npedliam10-011Y;'•#/g.44;editSP? buggy of Walter Forster •,13,Cib's father. tional andenjoyable dayattheir farm., .„.•;. some ofk.the,,test 'Were from former floats. On VOL' Atigi;W•th Ripley :WIT ;qui?' :. - saved aid;StOrod by Barb and John Gamble. took a thefieldtrintO_ fdalrY, t4iVS-Of:Glenaf- -''' The settleitWereapairOf mannequins loan-. ton near B4rrieatitIgkPrOlgeflea,r !Toronto, -.)ed•Phy,DeniWN‘ller, Between fairs they are Many thank$JOkleaderA.L;p1W4eWS90: and : scarecrows in her garden on the 4tiiCondes: ' BilLFarrell fq,..001040,9:,#0,0. xie0 for,sion:-- theformer Bert Irwin orJolin Shiells the trip:EL ' .' , :..:' 'C ',!' . ' '. •fatin,jtiStWest of across the road from the •Prepariiik for thefAik3 •-: . „....,:•‘v -‘4•• ..; , ., i .. Mike Snobelen Elevators and Dryer.' On MondaYey,ening414,it-*-eii4gtist0 e .The niteletteting *the sign wag-dOneby theRipley Agricultural Societylliet. for their " ":' Jenny Scott ‘-; daughter �f Bob and, Wendy monthly ineetitik,' in th,. Ripley District' $0,tt of Pine River. ... ••• ' ' . , . . - . - School at 9 p.M:.preSent, rSheila Mac- John Gamble. driving. Iceit,b. Van' der Donald, Linda Campbe11,. ' Barbara •Hock's piclstuP trUck• (a1V-decorated) had it Messenger, :Wilma and Sutton, Mar in the' parade last Saturday noon ,at the jorie MacDonald, Perrin Lowry, j GAM- . Dungannon fall fair, and .iNbii,,fir4 ori ble, Gordon Patterson,Keitbyan4er.Hoek, With everyone busy that day 7 John *OA GrantiMODOkalctiPonaid; and Mna410, :::--aione.•-.W•says that it was wniceParade and Tavisti:;7. 134neinbers.;:Pretidenk:ICtitl&an-f nice fair. ' ,, . -•,. . .. '. ' . • ,. , .. ' -.* I n . . der teit'Valled the:•rtieethig40.5rder and :.• " 'It will beattheneighbotiringfairs — Kin-' . .... , .. secre : ry Don IVIatTaViSh te,44,theimintOp. * cardine-on Sat., 'Sept: 1 and Liicknow Sat; . . ,, of tWATRIY3,010004•Treilstire0heda Mac- • •• 'Sept: 15 then' backhernetri Ripley two Weeks' Donalct.gavethe,lnonthIY.finapCiaLreport•Of later Sat., Sat.; Sept. 29. ' • •: :". the society,27- ;, , .i.-”,-. •,...- .:,,,.,, . , ,. '' ' ' .'•° ''-ic ''''' iali lifW 'inAOderieti :VIL .., S ps• ere _ .;., ,.). .. Alifok Vie: Siiiti. .4.5c114.5e0 -,,..0t , Aug : '•;‘The.,tall'shiPS'ikith theit'TWlitte cant*: sails- ineetinW4'Nkere the:4,-0- Athieverii011 night ' • were InG0clerieliharbet1141441041X40 ..i-• and : ciiiiner: in, , Oetober,. .010,:prOgrarn. for' . FridaY AUgtigt 16,and 17; 1981.•,* eStimafet.1.-,!„''l SaturdaY:afterneen atthe fairMicenterinial features of the -fait,' an -th erection Of the -flttt..:tpli6unfilsalotel*ttaleit ptr;., "ere..116 .:s.ee'''. roadside signs. At the faitrAphe "Dairy Fr6h. "`" With the good harViat,yeather prevailing • net monthly , Meeting will be on sgye. .,,.- over the farms in WeSerkOntario it iS likely. ..-- Dailies7: will,mtuo goat 'ce creagolli that many fariners'hadeko the Open, , evening, September,18 and it will be theflast :ttmity to see them. DiKers-4-g, rain trucks one beforeheRipleY falllatr,on.:06 last rrir • like . Bill Wyld IcOuld' S'e7e4tiei'k 'froth d '; daY and:Saturday Septernber,28and_29, .„,/ • • distant as they were allowed to go to the •;, Field proOinnerp. - . . ' ' harbOur elevators While ather-':OatP • an • Jim Richardson on Highway 9 just west ortruelt's werepot. ' -, ..--:- , * , : • '-. ,/,-,- . Walkerton as iiidged4the, q94,,,91,4rect.in:- two More Field, CrefredMil40! -sP4,4;'. ,rlde downH/S.WifeV4aW,y14 and their soriltiehard with,Bill anctiviaited oniboard,446:.,,,, sored jointly by the ' OntarillViii4Star tit,),,,,,, -,--4',„ta.ritiSWW.iip. theiriO4.4,h0,,,wer0 qinte.i.in- A ,, Agriculture' and Food. arid'. b the Ripley ........ Pressed both 'by.71.1iel ship and its AgriculturalSociety. These standings were Stewart and Joyce Varteir were on board at just received byseCretaryDonalacTavish. - , , . - the same time. Red Wheat: 1. Murray Wilken 95, 2. .Per- ... , . rin Lowry 91, 3.•:Alurray Minter:9$; 4. Peter i Student made the Dean's List • , •1 .. • , • . " . Prehn 92;.5., Gary .Courtney 91, 6. Jint-Far-,., Sandra Dawson; daughter of *Don Mid, rell 90, 7. TotirMitObell904.. Leroy Godfrey Nancy Dawson of Olivet successfully aiin- 89, 9. Murray ThOmpson.88., 10. IS, Robb 88;.. pleted ‘ her 'first year at the Sir Wilfrid . 1 11. Murray, Thompson 8F.;.12. Grant,C011ins u . ier University m Waterloo. She has 86, 13. Peter Walden 85, 14.1 Dave ',Awry 4.' beenrawardediithe Wilfrid 'Laurier Incentive Barley: 1. Carman Bridge. 96, 2. Murray Scholars p for . having achieved a grade ... Wilken 95, 3. Gordon Patterson .94,, 4. David average of 10.4. As a result of tlus 'overall' , • Coiling 93i 5; Dennis Bridge. 92; 6.• Sandy.. grade average she 'also . had the. honour of Pollock 91, 7. Arian Hooey 90, 8. Peter Van Sickle '89, 9. Mike Snobelen 88, 10. 'Robert Thompson 87, 11. Don Farrell 86, 12. Ron Brooks 85, 13, Dave Stewart 84,14. Jun Far- rell -83, 15, Peter .Walden 82, 16. Rick Smith 81,17. Wes Smith 80: • ' - ' • This is' the first year for the . red 'wheat competition. Judge Jim Richardson says that it looks very prornising,to him and that this competition was very good with good stands and good long heads, , ; • Checiung ,nacit'•' to. this tottimn in last • 14„ieknow Sentlnell, Wethiesd4y, 1954---Aise ' 4. P DR 'TODA IEVER' THE vA °mug' HoNi ';• • . EveItings and Sundays phcine 529-7253 • 4 . . • 4.. , •„,.r ,•• <,* c••••••.4 Hier ueen IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 wt. SEIGEL'S SHOES IN DOWNTOWN LONDON MEN'S SHOES DRESS & CASUAL GOOD CHOICE IN THE GROUPS $1 r8 $2r8 - • • :7 7 , LADIES' DRESS -UP SHOES PLENTY TO CHOOSE! $1 99,8 to $449.8 JOGGING TYPE SHOES VERY GOOD SELECTION OF STYLES & SIZES MEN'S '1 1?8 to $29?.8 LADIES' & BOYS' to 298 00F REN'S D SELECTION • to • ',Safety Shoes •Rubber Boots •OVERSIZES MEN'S -LADIES' •WIDE SHOES •MEN'S -LADIES' 129 DUNDAS 330 CLARENCE AT MARKET AT YORK • ••• , • having her naine placed in theDean'stist.. Congratulations go to Sandra a -,graduate of both Ripley schools. She will be continu- ing her studies this September towards a degree in.Communications Studies. . , Visited with Fran andi. Ab ' . Alfa and Dorothy Beal of Stratford and In-' yerhuron visited last , Wednesday afternoon. with her sister Fran and -Ab Wylds. . • Ripley village council briefs , . . From the office‘of Ripley' Village Clerk Wm.11cCreatii•Ve have the following voun- week's paper you will 'see that the "working cil briefs "Alneelmg of council was held on sailing ship" the Danube was landing at August 14, 1984. Village, accounts totaling Quebec City ten thousand bushels of $7243.11 and road accounts totaling .$40.55 superior Red Wheat 'for sale, on August 8, were paSsed.. . • ' . • 1837.— 147 years later it ,is now grown here Bryan Walden from Kincardine Cable TV, a new crop. TO the competitors, tie sure to was present. He gave an up-to-date report • exhibit a plastic bag of the grain at the on the proposed cable installation for the , Ripley fair on Friday morning Sept.. 28. See , Village. page 10'in the Ripley prize liSt. . . . bon Turcotte, representing Miller - Stade, ,• Fall fair float work bee. presented.i Council with current nsurance\ Wellthe 1984 fall fair season is upon us_ coverage ,anu. proposed changes and addi- just ask Bob 'Forster' of Point -Clark, 'director tions. ' • . • in charge of getting the Ripley fall fair float • Grass cutting on vacant lots by theVillage ready..,Bob, and his wife Mary Arm convened discirsSed. 13ylaw • 81-255 states that two work bees.held on Tuetday and Friday , lawns shall be maintained and kept trinum evenings last week at the tome of Gorge ed and from becoming overgrown and un and Barb Messenger .on the 6th Concession , sightl•y. Anyone wishing extra cutting may west at Sideroad 30 —.once the farm of the . contact the Municipal Office. Weeds may be late "Sideroad" John Cameron Or across the ordered destroyed on any property and • road from the Pollard race horse stable. charged to the property owner. Taking part' in the Work Meetings' along The villa ,ge office on the lower floor of the with Bob and Mary Ann and 'George' and: Medical Clinic on Tain Street now has this Barb were John 'and Barbara Gamble; Bob •telep•hone number 395-2641. It is listed under Scott, Pat Chatham of the 8th Concession Ripley Municipal Office. west, Glenn and Ann BOYd - ' nearby Two fire calls heard -• , , _ , . eighbours of George, and Barbara , The Ripley fire whistle sounded twice last essenger. • .• , • Wednesday. The first call was early after - The float which was built from' "bits and • noon to the lake area down the 12th and the pieces" as Bob describes it turned out to be second one was around ten at night to the a replica of a Conestoga or covered wagon Fourth Concession east — a straw. field fire with a pair of early settlers in the back of it at the Jack Scott farm just mit of the carrying the sign "Early settlers came - , •Robert Osbbrne farm. • • • , 3. Bruce' McDonald believes Canadian • initiatives for peace and freedom %from nuclear war are vital to the survival of , mankind on our planet. Prime Minister Turner has pledger, Canada's continuing effort to: bring • Russia and the U.S. • to a successful • international pact on antis control and disarmament. .. • . : BRUCE McDONALD BELI EVES: 1. One\of themost pressing needs of farmers today is long term credit at affordabie interest rates. •• 'the Liberal government under. John Turner is pledged to do even more • through the 'Farm Credit Corp. to • meet the changing need of farmers. 2. Brice McDonald believes the sale oshfoaufldbesubject arniisaiarmeroene sgPensiis and tax• TheLiberaleniltGovernMent under John Turner is pledged to Income Tax changes that permit farmers'• to -transfer up to $140,000 from the safe ;of their farm business to an OSP •= without incurring tax liability. (The Conservatives :opposed this measure . in the '84 budget) ' • Bruce McDonald, believes the sec et to, a \sustained economic • recovery in Huron -Bruce is a healthy agricultural and small business sector. When agriculture flourishes in Huron -Bruce, • small business flourishes. Since 1980, the Liberal Governinent'has paid $291) million in stabilization payments to ,Canadian • producers _of frnit, grain and livestock. A special farm assistance program will rebate '4-5% of interest charges for 2 years. • BRUCE McDONALD LIBERAL HEADQUARTERS:. 1 FORMOSA 167-5622 •• LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS: WINGHAM - 357-1302 • CLINTON - 482-3401.SEAFORTH - 527-1022 \ GODERICH - 524-2103 EXETER- 235-0151 , For Ejection Information or Election Day transportation Please caii! Haiti • •- •YOUTIO !EXPERIENCE* *VITALItY! N.D.P. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE VOTE • • • BRUCE McDONALD SEPT. • 4th , , Authorized by Barry Reid, official agent for Bruce McDonald. McDONALD, BRUCE LIBERAL , • •LIBERTARIAN ' ‘• • 1 MEET. HON. DON JOHNSTON CANADA • MINISTER OF JUSTICE. WITH • BRUCE McDONALD LIBERAL CANDIDATE • FOR HURON BRUCE WED., AUG. 12 . 1:30 P.M. • • HOTEL BEDFORD THE SQUARE -,HARROURA AIRPORT ALL CANDIDATES , to1EETINO •• ilUI(LETT PUBLIC • SCHOOL 11:30 P.M. WED., AUG. 22 SPONSORED • BY • FEDERATION Op • AGRICULTURE I Com. Out Arid Support BRUCE McDONALD MEET • IiM.PH FERGUSON • MINISTER • AGRICULTURE CANADA ,WITH - BRUCE McDONALD• LISERAL CANDIDATE IN HURON -BRUCE AT THE ZURICH SEAN • FESTIVAL SAT., AUG. 2S 2:30 P.M.,ta 4:30 P.M. • 1 ,• •