HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-22, Page 1„ 4
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pitinto inbickow, Ontario, Wednesday, Abugust#1,1904,
• 24 pages
.•;:'The manager of ,l(tcardine„Cable. TV
attended they L'Oeltird* village council
eeting on, August 14 to inform ;the coun-
about .the, cable service.his'company
wil be providing to lkiicknow residents,
Kincardine company learned last
path that its application to provide. cable
television serviecto the villages -of Lucknow,
TOeswater,--Ittoiy44CritTrton-iy,as accept-
by the',CanadiartladiriAeleVisionJele,.
OmmunicatiOni;,Conntiapi* r
But bedaii in
*ch. approved Lthe„, applrcation,;.: Brian
aldenteld council that construction on the .
service in Lucknow 4!.1k;going36,,,kiart.-4 little.
bit later” than;eXPieled.. • -;
. ,
Walden told that:ConStraction
.:should start hylate•fall-or;early, winter, but _
neither a starling.. -•44t 6610.
1526 )10 g uaranfeed until the cable company'
, •
„finalized agreements Vvitli'Lucititcyv:colicern-
Ing tower l'ocation,;,kiaring.atirangeMentk of
utihty poles, lind other technical details
Waldet„said that the cOrnpany will need a
:plot of .land.abontSO by 50 feet,f0r..a. tower
lie said ihatTheiolvlioffajniajor, fatter for
the 'tower locati.mi„ and that a 50 .foot2 high
:tower ,said .that .the
mirnmal inerease in quality for even a
i1Oublingof',tofer height i#-Pet.•irtA:t.49
Walden siid;thattlie toWer be equip
+ • ,
. a.
ped to pick ill (ntatib channels t,3 from
Ningba41, 10 from tendon, 13 fromjtilck.
ener; Global,- TVO, 41114 a Prenchl.angiage,-,'
channel, :with separate. antennas, for each
Charmer. As well,, the cable Company will
pick up the satellite signals flow the three
American 'networks , out of Detroit: ABC,
NBC, and CBS. The AineriCaii PBS might be
an optiorial .Channel
Walden said most people prefer to get the
:American statio•OfroM Detroit -than Buffalo
because it carries both Detroit baseball and
Detroit weather; which is more pertinent to
this area. - " .
. In the' future hlk.,coinpanY :also- plans to
carry pay=TV, ank a new sports -tor lmisical
He said his company's application was -
approved over three others, because Kincar-
dine Cable' 'TV promised:, more channels,-
provide better service because Kincar-..
•dine is closer to Lucknow i and the'-iirite•-irsisf.
He ididiW,governiiiiiii-alko Iiked
company's proposal 'tes. carry a,!French
(,.,.;,' He....„„said the monthly - rateSlif- the' four
,.'...applications ranged ',frOlit$12;5016$20,'-arid......
..,his cmpayP*.-",iitoliog04 "$.4iteAlt SP.,...„94.- k: ;
. .monthWaspii the lOwer....en ei,"mairtr:urn :
.ChiiikIte6inst41194404411: „..' ,*,;:if ,A;„ v :•,.? ' ,- • ,A -x,,,, v,....r.74%,,,.,c:
W04:044: 0,540iiiInV., ''.4"0.ilvoktie a , .......4.„.......,.. elitildteiii!'
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survey in Lne - , ,' ii e eticSndlOtA-';*
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- fel
The • 19 , :village of
Lucknew:flees r are Alkvillaget
chartered accountants, Durst, "VOdden, and
Bender, and ,was 'subMitted to'COulicirat
their meeting n; August . '.;
Although the 'total public 'Mill ratefor,
people living,naucknow will go up. -8,2, per .
cent, and the separate mill rate will go iip4 4
per cent, that portion of the mill rate which
charged by the yillage will not change for
•.this year; , ' .
Th'e village'st,porfion, or the general mill
rate for residents 'of Lucknow remains
14.952, the same as, last year. ThetOral
- rate by which took are askekked:ia. made pp
60"004.fir*,ecoilitY4elenlenkarY. school
• (public and. separate fiaie different
rates) and for secondary. school,
The county portion of a residential assess-
. ment4Iiii year is 4.580, up 2.4 per cent from
last year. ,The public elementary school rate
• is,, up '19.9' per cent to 12.523; and 'the
separate elementary school rate ii,up-.6.1 per
cent to 12.532. The secondary school rate is'
up • 11,.1 , per cent to 9.202. . •
Thus, . for a residential assessment, the
sum for a public school .supporter is,41.2.57
s• *4'.•
'mills, and. tok.a separateschoolkuppOrter. it . sent a letter to Lyons asking himlo clean up
is 41.266ini11s. The commercial aikesstherilk the; Scrap 'pile. '• •
are both ground 48. .5 milis. - Miss Lyons informed .council of her,
Reeve George '.1Cynt said that the village father's intentions to Conceal the pile by
portion of the mill rate has not gone up More either fencing. around it or planting trees to
than a millland a half since 107 - hide it. Council made recommendations to
• • her to either get rid of thepile.or two moveit
Scrap Metal Pile farther back out of the residential- area.
In other council business, Nancy Lyons , .
appeared before- council on behalf of her Reeve Joynt suggested that if council
father Jim Lyons, concerninga scrap metal received any more complaints even after
pile found on Lyons' property on Willoughby Lyons made attempts to conceal the pile,
Street. ' In accordance with a property they Would still be obliged to ask Lyons to
standards bylaw of Lucknow,, council had remove it' from his property. ,
• •
• • •
• •
uxi tarY celebrates 40 years o
service in Lucknow
Members of the Ladies' AUX11100 of the acknow Legion, Branch
309, celebrated their 40th anniversary last Sunday, when they were
entertained by a party ; thrown by the . Legion men.. At the
celebrationi were, left to right, Eunice • Cunningham. a past
presinentof the Auxiliary,. Colleen Eedy, prealdent, Murray Elston,
MPP, Mary Hawn, Zone COMiiiider C-1, and Joan Robinson, alaoa
past preildento . • . [Photo by lilatrellikaiael
On. Sunday 7afternooh August 19, about
one hundred people were present in the
Legion Hall when. the *Lucknow Legion
Branch #309 entertained the Legion Auxili-
ary Ladies in recognition of 40 years since
the Auxiliary was formed.
Following 0 Canada, Legion president
Eldon Bradley welcomed everyone and had
the Auxiliary Ladies stand as he read an
anniversary poem to them, congratulating
them and wishing them \even greater ach-
ievements in the future.
Comrade Bud Thompson gave a most
interesting resume of the forination of the
Auxiliary in the Branch. Joan Itobinsion gave
the highlights of the Auxiliary during their
40 Years. • •
Greetings were, brought by Mrs. Mary
Hawn,'of Kincardine who is the Commander
of Zone 4. Mr. Murray. Elston M.P.P. also
congratulated the Auxiliary and presented
their president, Colleen Eedy, with a framed
scroll from 'the government in recognition of
their 40 years of service.
Comrade George Anderson presented thet:
president with a set of Canadian and
Provincial flUs.
The past presidents who were present cut
the lovely birthday cake which was on a table
decorated with Legion colours. The auxiliary
president thanked the Legion for the flags
and for the enjoyable afternoon which' the.
Legion had planned for Ahern.
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