HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-15, Page 25, IOW 3 ir • Ir d.1. P. 11 • Wayne 'Joseph Courtney Wayne Joseph Courtney,97 Edgehill OBITUARIES N.W., Calgary, Alberta atul'formerlY Kingsbridge, drowned on Sunday, July 1, , in the Kicking Horse . River, 10 ometers east of 0Ohled„. British.Colkimbia; ben his kay ppe over. Horn on August. l, 1955 he was 28 years, d. His body has. not been found, He is `surviVed by his parents, Joe and eresa Courtney, WI: 1,Dungannon;.five "thers, Gary -and Chris of Blyth, Brian,and nnette • Or "Cochrane, ' -Albertan Eric • of sissauga, Floyd anct;C4til atlic0e; four phews and one niece. He was PredeCeased a brother, Joseph in 19.5K '": • . - .He was a member of St. JOSepit'S Roman tholic • Chureknnd attended elementary hool at Kingsbridge. .i.eceiveit•bis ndarySchoolGraduatiOn Diploma at the erich District collegtate.F,hlstitute.., He, ,ppieuticed4S carpenter.i;Oth,A: Mantling • • • Da to 11, id 1• r• In rn m &Sons, Blyth and with D. & G. Construc- tion, receiving his Advanced Carpentry Certificate at the Mohawk College of Applied Arts. & Technology, Hamilton. He went to 'Calgary and Banff, Alberta in 1977, • where he Continued to work in the construc tion industry'. He Add to travel, working. while touring - for19 *Midis in .the .Pacific% Islands, NewZealand and Australia. Return- ing home for a short time, he then went back to Calgary (1980), where he had been self employed. He spent -the past two winters,* Rossland, British Columbia: He had .many friends in many lands And kept in close contact with hisfamily'by letter or by ,phone witF•tRier',1te•h4PPfRecl,to- be; He was -14t. 490,70:.f0P:it surprisevisit. from March 2440 skPrit ' Wayne loved life and4vas a great sports enthusiast, PlaYhighockeY.Iiith.the ,Lucknow Pee Wee and Bantam. teams, enjoying softbali, sky 'diving; ,downhill skiing and was an experienced 'kayaker. He -.was ivill be or ctirt. ize of the Calgary White Water Club and the • • • Bow Waters Canoe-4Club; , The Courtney family' received relatives, An important meeting for Huron County: ef ProdneerS•will be -held on Thursday, ugust 23 at 8.00 p.m. in..the Clinton Legion all, 95 Kirk Street, Clintriir.' • ' ' •This meeting will organize the Red Meat anagement Groups .required for in-X.41er. rticipation in the, new Red Meat Incentives ogram announced • by Dennis inister of 'Agk,ulttire."'snit,,0904, is year. -:;;'...fg; ' Outlined ,below,.:., are- a•:leyir tthe details kerning the types Of assistanceaVailibie cow,calf ,and stoCker/slaUglitercpred#Ceis. they participate iwthe Red Meat 'Manage- ent Groups. All Cow:calf producer* should identify eir cows and calves So they pan.PairtidiPate the performance testing under. the beef rd improvement program. Producers will eive $25 per weaning weight and $20 per earling weight for. heifers;• , Eligible producers will also ,be able, to ive a $1,500..grant for capital facilities d further assistance will be available ffor rd health, calf preconditioning, forage alysis and 'enterprise analysis, • Under.the itciekerislaughterportion of the ogram, producers will have to weighcattle t 1 to 2 month intervals and belong to a anagement , Club to be eligible for ssistance. A ,grant of S2 per weight to a aximum of 5750 per year will be available producers. As well, eligible producers can get further sistance for capital facilities, forage sting, herd/ health, and enterprise anal- IRTHS • neighbours and -'•friendi at . their home. Rosary, and prayers were -recited by Rev. . Father Ed Dentinger and: members 'of the.Aingsbridge C.W.L. on Sunday, July "-MeMorial Masses „4Wero• s: celebrated'. in Calgary and at Kingsbridge on .Monday' July 9th. ' • ' , At the Hely. Spirit Catholic Church, 19th • Street,:S.W., Calgary, s Alberta, Itey, Father,. Joseph Toole was Celebrant. The eulogy was 'mitten And , read by. Gerry. 'O'Brien. Ralph Austin and Sarah Lynch did the readings. At •St..,„,.leseph's Roman Catholic Church at, Kingsbridge, Reverend Dentinger, C.R. was celebrant. Readings were dope by Betty Lou Dalton and Mia Dalton. Hymns were sung by Eugene • Frane ,and :John .VanItooy. • Organist was Mrs.' Marianne , Hogan. Offering Wastaken up by Wayne's brothers, Gary, Eric; Floyd and Carl. Rosary was led by Fred Courtney. It is the wish of the family • that Wayne's body be located for burial in St. -Joseph's Cemetery at Kingsbridge. , ...„ ;• • ' Greta S. Margaret Rice Greta S. Margaret (Webb) Rice of Lucknow died at Wingham and ,District Hospital on August 4, 1984 at the age of 76. Mrs. Rice was born on September 6, 1907 in West Wawanosh Township, Her father was George Alfred Webb. ' • She was predeceased by her husband, Eric Walter (Ted) Rice. • Afuneral service , Was held. Monday, • August 6 at MaCKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home in Lucknow. The Reverend Warren McDougall officiated. Pallbearerswere• Jim Errington, Ross Gammie, Dr.• Mel Corrin, Glen Walden, Eldon Bradley, ,and Don Cameron. Interment was' in Greenhill Cemetery! EYERSBERGEN - John and Catherine of 2 Lucknow are pleased to announce the, rrival of their daughter, Kerry Louise on ugnst 11, 198, at. Wingham and District ospital, weighing 6 -lbs. 10 oz. A sister for oni, Bryan and ' Danial. • LTON Maxine, reg,. and Jamie RI are leased to annoilithe the addition". of a baby oy to their family. Born August 1984, eighing 8 lbs. 7 oz. 'For the .spoiling are ack and Donna Altonf and Jim imit Evelyn radley, HEPHERD Bob and Karen (Stothersi, are elighted to announce the save arrival of eir first child, a daughter, Tanya Joyce. anya was born on August 4, '1984 at exandra Marine and General Hospital, eighing 7 Ib. 2 oz. Proud grandparent* are obert and Isobel Shepherd of-Lutknew and old and Joyce Stothert 'of R. R. ' 6, rty and Mary Lou Priestap, Lucknow, OFPAT -.Ross and Marilyn Moffat of 4. 3, olyroml are Pleased to announce the birth their son, Stuart Davidson, at 'Wingham d District Hospital on August 6, 1984, eighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. A little brother for aineron and* Carrie Lynn. FOUR BEDROOhenewly panelled insulated roof, new large lot, small down paynientand .owner will finance balance at 10%". •• COUNTRY ACREAGE near Lucknow, trees, garden area; 3 bedroom brick, 2 story home. Double attached garage. THREE ACRES, Huron, 3 bedroom home; home updated, new wiring, new drywall, new insulation. Asking $25,000. All offers considered. ONE STOREY 2 bedroom (could be 3) house, new fireplace, new paved drive, beautiful treed lot. THREE BEDROOM home electric heat,. full bastinent. Garage and breezeway, large lot. M'ust be sold - OFFERS??? THREE BEDROO1V1.- home, living room has patio doors to large lot, good attached garage. A fine home. MEL MATHERS, WINGHAM, 357-3208 representing LLOYD W. 'firm?' REAL ESTATE 41). BROKER, KINCARDINE •• Luclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 15, 1984-Pago 23 . • IP".•-•" FRIDAY, AUGUST 17TH - 8:00 A, Art - 5:30 P.M. • SATURDAY, AUGUST 18TH - 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. i LARGE SIZE BOLTS... * ' •99cLB H D7 20W20 MOTOR O I L.. ,... ..... . ..... . .. .. ..... .... $25_.00 (24x1I DMO:20W10 MOTOR OIL ....i.., ...$25.00 (24x1 I. • QMO 10W MOTOR OIL • . $25.00 (24x1I MP6 GREASE 17 KG................................... . $36.00 ea. • MP6 GREASE 120LB.......................... : : $112.00 ea. HYPRO TWIN PISTON PUMP . .... .. 6" ' " . • ... $248 00 TREMCLAD FIRE RED PAINT 20 L. ... . . " .6 .... ...... .. „4. .1$99.95 ea. ...•....**4 VICTORIA GRAIN AUGERS 11' ... , " .95 1 only 1 KITS FOR 6BOVE„.16'.......,.:.„..L.........e„„::....$76.95 2 only .BATTERY 614AilaWR itaigii)....... ............,• .,.$30.00ea. - ' ''' ' •• -•• • • -...-.-1-.-• ,0,.......,..$99,00 2 only TRUCK TIRES (10:00 X 20 USED)......,.........;.. . . . . . .;- , $30.00 ea. GRAIN AEHA 1 utib.. .. ...........,....r.,......._ ..... $118.00 ea . ARTA........t: ...;..,,.,,........,„..„...........1...... .. ............. $39.95 and up • • % TOOLS pirscoUrirt, • " ALL IN STOCK HAND AND POWER TOOLS !,IVI I N ERAL FEEDER TOPS* *PLASMO 'EAVESTROUGH PARTS'1; *ASSORTED. HARDWARE ITEMS* *AUGER PARTS* *PIPE.tITTINGS* .WATER (STOCK TANKS "2'' X• 2' k";21/2' ' ... .. $$116591:00° .. . . 2' x 21/2", x . . .29 X 2' x ........ ...1.;$84.50 ea. *ROUND. BALE ,.FEEDER* . • ' *HOG TROUGHS* *ASSORTED, AUTOMOTIVE PARTS*. *ELECTRIC MOTORS* *SPRINKLING CANS*KEROSENE HEATERS . . .. . . .. • t, ,.$112.46 . . BAHOANO... • ": ,' .' 10" 2 -SPEED , •. , ' $90.00 '12" 2 -SPEED ' • p. 4. ' .$176.00 SINGLE ' SPEED• : .4144:00' 14" 2 -SPEED $180.00. ' SINGLE SPEED . • ..i, , ; 3151.00. 16" 2 -SPEED.. SINGLE SPEED , . . . $156.00 18' 2 -SPEED..'• di SINGLE SPEED.... 20'.' 2 -SPEED ' ... .. .::: 1 .:1187.50 211.4 ,$3300100 SINGLE SPEED ,. . , ., . ... • 6 , $49.00,, • $202:00 $165.00 *FAN CONTROLS FOR .Asoveti. SINGLE. SPEED TWO -SPEED *BARN PAN HOODS* •• *ASSORTED GARDENING SUPPLIES!' *HAND SPRINKLERS*..*LAWN.SPRINKLERS* .'.*GARDEN HOSE • !USED.. LUMBER* ''!CEMENT, BLOCk,s! • *Hose 'REELS* *ICE SCRAPERV • • 22. 'C.U.• FT. FREEZER HILLVIEW POTTING SOIL, $449.00 57c 3 L. Size CATTLE ' OILER •73c5L Size 375.00 (1 ONLY) *SNOW SCOOP* • .• • ,USED FUEL TANKS (AS . .. ONLY) BANMINTH II WORMER • • $20.00 5 KG. -WOODCHUCK BOMBS. • $2.95EA.. LARGE SELECTION OF PITTSBURG PAINTS* . • , • *100 .QUARTS GALS.* • • ", • *PRICED TO CLEAR.- DEALERS WELCOME! • • _ 1199.00 •16 SPEED. 'DRILL PRESS • ,$199.00 DOUBLE .HEATED WATER i*LARGE QUANTITY,OF. NON -RETURNABLE PALLETS* •• • • • • . FREE fOr theasking ". o'IFINAL CLEARANCE ON BBQs & LAWN MOWERSl.k *ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION* '*ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE* " *MAKE •US AN OFFER WE CAN'T •FIEFUSEll* • :JOIN THE FUN* • • I , *CLEAN OUT YOUR BARN, BASEMENT ,GARAGE OR ATTIC* SET UP A BOOTH FREE OF CHARGE AT *YOUR CO-OP * ITEMS IN LIMITED SUPPLY*. *IT'S CASH IN YOUR POCKET* • THA NKS. FOR YOUR. .SUPPORT Huron 'County Road # 1.- 1 Mile South of Lucknow- •