HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-15, Page 21Ian . Tl Lts ie Wry be ins no�30,p q• tod vier, lved in instu.' `Y yogi. 11 start ning, Ii Me and )n that,$ eale 10 v (416) 'RID e .B ►el all general wn. 17, c/o LUCK 15 010. , 'Tenders .............. IIIIMMOOMMOWIR .i.0 15. T•nde ..N 0000000 • RENTAL VEHICLES WANTED'. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned :until' 3:p0 p.m., Thursdays, September 6,19$4, for three vehicles for the Huron County Health Unit. •. Particulars and specifications will be provided on request. Lowest et any tendernot necessaarily.accepted.. B.G. Homily, Clerk-Treosurer ,.Administrator County of Hurori, Caurf Hausa Square. Goderich, Ont. RYA 1 M3 519-5.24.8394 Auction Sales Sot�rd�y, Auust lath 9:30 A.M.SHARP Brindley AuCticnS DUNGANNON 13 ail..N.E. of Goderich 519-5291625 AUCTIONEER: GORDON H. BRINDLEY session, Orr's 6) 25,1 n (519). Thund ie (705) ); Sud 1. t I. 0 alth ting -.de). EVENING AUCTION SALE of Consignments of Household Furnishings and Antiques will be held in the TEESWATER ARENA on MONDAY,. AUGUST 20at 6:00 P.M. Partial list includes:, livingroom, dining- oom, kitchen and bedroom furniture; antique settee; colour T.V. like new; 14 u. ft. freezer; cedar chest; blanket oxes; dishes, glass, kitchenware, small appliances and bedding; viola and case; sandand garden tools; and much more. isten . to CKNX for list. Terms Cash , AUCTIONEERS Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, 392.6170 Grant McDonal d, Ripley, 395.5353 —33ar IMMO hoar ' . AUCTION SALE Of a Horse, Harness and Equipment for • • The Estate of the late MAC POLLARD 1' miles east of Pine River Cheese Fat - tory on concession 6, Huron Township. SATURDAY,AUGUST 25 at 1:00 P.M. AUCTIONEERS: . Grant McDonald, Ripley, 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, 392-6170 --33ar • =•33. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, with some addl. Clonal consignments, will be held for THOMAS HILL in the TEESWATER ARENA on• SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 at 10:30 A.M. Full line of household effects including approximately 125 pairs salt and pepper shakers and 25 tea pots. Also a table saw and emery and stand. Terms Cash , Sraack.Bar AUCTIONEERS Wallace Bitllagbt Teeswater, 392-6170 3 Grant McDonald, Ripley, 395.5353 17. Auction Sales • IL AUCTION REGISTER SATURDAY AUG. 18 - for the estate of the late Dora Foster ik 'Nancy Lambert. 750 Princess St., hourhold contents. FRIDAY, AUG:, 24, - .Consignment Salo in community.centre. -Plias. make your consignments to 'thesis Auctions as soon as possible. - Auctioneers - DOltfit.IISDIE McLELLAND 39S-2233. 18. Services available • FOR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, Resid- ential electrical installationsor renovations, call 395-2452. —33,34 SERVICE SPECIAL . - ALL : MAKES OF SEWING MACHINES - Phone 3641070 for free pickup this month. Over .30 years experience, reasonable rates, guaranteed workmanship. -33tf AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald,' Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers.- Sales of All Types I Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 15, 1984—Page. 21 000., 000000000000.041.10"Ur."040R.10"01000000000 19., Notice' to . crdltors. ,...„00.0040000,U0000.1000.1000 .. .. 0, ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN ALEXANDER MacMURCHY, late of the Town of Kincar- dine, inAhe County of Bruce, AL•L `persons having claims against the Estate of the above named deceased who died/ on or about July 11, 1984 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on. or before the 7th day of September, 1984, their names and full particulars oftheir claims. Immediately after this said date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED at Ripley;. Ontario, this 30th day of July,1984. CRAWFORD, MILL, DAVIES. &ELSTON, BARRISTERS RIPLEY, ONT. . Solicitors for. the Executors. -32,33,34 EXCAVATING, trucking, and paving, sand, . gravel, fill and screened top soil. Robert Symes. Phone 528-3047. -17tf DON THOMPSON TV AND APPLIANCES Sales and Service; tower and antenna' installation; Satellite Systems by Channel. Master; refrigeration service; Atari cartrid- ges for rent. Ripley 395-3466.•--42tf PIANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos sold. Ca11 Michael Li nieki • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND. OTHERS All claims against the estate of DANIEL THOMAS MacINNIS late , of ,the Village of Dungannon, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who •died on or about the 21st day of July, 1984, must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of September, 1984; thereafter the undersigned will distribute. the assets of the said estate having; regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice: Dated August 9, 1984. Beverley Ann `.Maclnnis.; Executrix, .c/o George J. Brophy, Barrister and Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2H0. —33,34,35 21. Personal PREGNANT and .need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066. 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432- 9197 collect. —tf • HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655.-40tfar MEET YOUR MATCH. For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to . meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call 31. Cards of thanks. toll ,free 1-800-263-9103. Hours: • Noon" to Ei p: m. —023 GI :CHRIST Our 25th wedding anniversary was. one which will always be remembered because of the thoughtfulness and efforts of our family, friends.and neighbours. A sincere thank you for the many ways you made our celebration so very • special. Bob and June Gilchrist 23: Miscelteneeus. 000000000070000707007770.000000.000 .FNMA INTERESTED? ..4ln becoming a Manager, Certified Gen- eral Accountant,. Registered Industrial Accountant, or businea> administrator! Georgian College offers a Business Ad- ministration Pregram designed to Pre- pare you for management or accounting positions. CALL: Rob in the Admissions Department 376-0682 ACT NOW FOR FALL.NROLMENlTI 29. ,Marriages .. 1900 McDONALD - CRANSTON Ruth . Cranston and Bill McDonald are pleased to announce their marriage which took place on July 28, 1984. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Eckenswil- ler of R. R. # 1 Holyrood, and the groom is the son -of Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDonald of R. R. # 2 Lucknow. Reception will be held "in Lucknow August 18. —33x 30. In memoriam ......a.00000.000.a LEDDY In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Brian, whopassed away 10 years ago, August 14, 1974. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day, No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts, he is always . there. Lovingly remembered by Dad, Mom, Sister and Brother. —33 NEABEL In loving memory of a dear wife; mother and grandmother, Irene Neabel, who passed away August 17, 1979. Beautiful memories, Are 'wonderful things, They last till the longest day. They never wear out,, They ,never get. lost, And can never be given away. To some you may be forgotten To others a part 'of the past. But to us who loved and. lost, you Your memory, , will always last. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by husband William and family. —33x IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends'of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, Gad- erich, 524-6001. ' 23, Miscellaneous COMPUTER OPERATOR - programming - word processors. Train NOW for, YOUR future. Write DMD Computer Training In- stitute, 232 King Street North, Waterloo, On- tario, N2J 2Y7. Mrs. Aebi.-x-032 bought and p (Wingham) 3574049. —34tf Goderich 'Energy `Seal Inc. AIR SEALING SPECIALISTS UFFI CONTRACTOR PHONE COLLECT 524.2311 Evenings 524-4894 CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Manufactured and installed; also weeping- beds; vacuum pumper for cleaning tanks; backhoe for digging drains or excavations. Phone 528-2346, Ronald E. Forster, R. # 1, Lucknow; Ontario, NOH' 2H0. -33=44 Nothing Frightening About The Prices In The WNT ADS YOUNG PEOPLE 6 - 18 years who do outstanding good deeds are eligible for nomination as Ontario Junior Citizens of the Year. Contact this newspaper for details. —033 LINKAGE GRADS Do you have your Grade 12 Diploma in- cluding Linkage credits? Georgian Col- lege has a 40 -week program designed to further your Wills, and prepare. you for apprenticeship as a General Machinist, or Numerical Control Machine Tool Trainee. CALL: Zoe Hayes in the Adult Tralning Division 722-1502.. 'Financial assistance may be available. -ACT NOW FOR FALL ENROLMENT! • • TECHNICAL CAREERS Are you looking. for M career In drafting, quality control, industrial design, or mec- hanical l maintenance? Georgian College s Offers ' a co-operative Mechanical. Engin- eering Technician [Industrlail) Program designed to prepare you for dila high de- mand field. CALL: Margo In the Adnilsalons Dept. • 7221511 Financial Assistance May be • available. ACT NOW FOR FALL ENROLMENT! —33.• LOTH I would like to thank . the ries of the Lucknow Institute for their gift, card and kindness . since coming home from the hospital. Your kindness will long be remem- bered. -33x Mary Loth PETRIE Thanks so much to . all our friends and relatives for the thoughtful expressions of congratulations on our 25th anniversary. Sincerely, . Ken and Marie Petrie —33z • SCOTT I would like to thank . all my friends and relatives for Chir prayers and words of encouragement, cards, gifts andvisits during my long and unexpected stay at War Memorial Children's Hospital in London. A special thanks to my grandmas, grandpas, aunts and uncle for looking after Kathleen; for all the good . dinner initiations Dad received; to my aunts and cousin Janice. in London, who offered Mom a place to stay so we could be together; and to . Dr. Gergovich, Dr. Wyatt, and all thefirst and third floor nurses for their care. It's great to be home with my family again. Love, Joey Scott —33x Turn to page 22.