HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-15, Page 20•I Laacknow Sentinel, Wednesdiorl: Mira 5, 198.4— v. • • ..wmw.m,:mmaep*muasiaiOAWWWr- • • • • w .,..... w •- 12; Help, 1,8W t Articles far sale. ' • ArticieS • for I. WEILL AV,AILABLE • • • . THE HISTORY OF LIJCHNOW fgAi GlImpee. of the peer Leseloiew9e bigiforr book 27s paws 8140sted WI* .17S pictures and wanes village history 18.58 to 1913;,•hinilnated cover $1L00; bard Coves $20.00; available at imstlasoir Variety, ...Isseknow Sentinel, Lary pp.- Henderson Umber. MO order* wad*, by initials Don ThONOPSOno Box 38,.1411040Wt: Ontario, NOG,. 2H0. Add sa.00 per book for ilks In Canada, ss.o0 In United' • s • -3334,35 • • •t: 'Lc • . a .' • ).11; • '• ,f • • • • • WELSH "PONY STALLION fair sale .or, stud service. Phone 395-2758. —33x 'POTATOES freshly dug. Paid 1 Hackett, - 5294$87. —33x . • BUSINESS CARDS, •STGE AND DOE TICIKETS, ticket rolls, rubber .stamps, decals, calendars, business forms, envelop- es, riffle tickets, magnetic- signs, LARRY ' COWAN, LUCKNOW, 528.2730. —33tf _ _ WOOD STOVE, Fisher air tight 30 x 14, take large logs. Western saddle, saddle bags, manure spreader, electric shears with sheep Shearing headland fine trim head, like new.; Lucknow 528-2730: —33,34 READY TO LAY blacks sex link. pullets, de-htaked and fully vaccinated Excellent egg ayers. Call anytime. 3562222.1_33,34,, 35 TOMATOES 52.50 per 4 quart basket; corn,. $1.oO doz., carrots, cucumbers, beets, dill. Phone U9-7771. —33,34 FOR SALE: New heney $1 per potmd now •43 D URINE -ERASE guarantees • removal of urine (dog, cat, people) stains,odors from carpets. Regardless stain age. Free brochure. Reidell Chemicals Litnited, Box 7500, London, N5Y4X8.-031 MAYTAG' WASHER AND DRYER, sofa bed, occasional chair, chrome table and 4: 'chairs,, electric stove, vacuum cleaner, ' dining room suite, one pair lawn bowls and . case. Phone 528-3935 or 395-2714. • srEgi. BUILDINGS', 'farm commercial, industrial, from 20 ft. to 200 ft. wide, any . length. Pre-engineered I beam construction for the lowest price possible, phone collect (416), 4564200. —018tf . STEEL BUILDINGS direct ' factory clearariee. Up to 40 ,pergent discounts, urtid7 ths 20' to -120' any length. Limited quantities - act now SAVE. Rall toll free 1-800:461- • 7689.-032 - . - , THIS AND THAT SHOPPE is now open 6 days a Week,..MendaY to Saturday, 9 - 6. 'Phone 528-3723. Lenore Glenn. —14eow USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, •imiformi quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semi -load lots only .(470 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone 204, • 725-X27, office holm...412 TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. • Dial Goderich, 524-7231. —40tf. HIGH PERFORMANCE PARTS,' auto, van,pickup and 4 w.d. accessories. Open 6 days a week. ,Walker's Speed and Custont, 368- ' 76t4, 'Tiverton. —7tf 7. 'Real, estate .for 8810 21,000 SQ. .AT POINT CLARK, ready to build, fully seniced,' or will trade on shall acreage in Lucknow or Ripley. area. Call after.6 p.m., 395=3713: --28if 7 , . ° COME trvE THE OR14'.:r LIFE in sunny Florida. Developed % acre lots, with streets, electricity. $3300 U.S. POB 727, Lehigh Acres; Florida )3010-07272-1033 • RICK'S. titAjSALES LER, Dealing -in Northlandeir Pad( Models • andgood used trailersFor more War- .; motion come to Fisherman's Cove Trailer Park or Call (519) 395-2757. 9. Accornmodatlim to -r081 , , NOW RENTING, modern 2 bedrooni` apart- .. . „ , , . ment m Teeswater, frig and stove included. Available immediately. Don't pay until . Septeinber. - Call 367-2391 or 364-3373. —33,34,35 • '. - • •• - FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE •available Sept- ember 1, 1984. Call 528-2608. —33,34 • FURNISHED BED SATING ROOM, linen supplied, all utilities paid.- Phone' 528-3723. —24tfar THREE BEDROOM house in Kinlough, __„ phone 52872129.---32,33 . . THREE BEDROOM 13ungalOw, five years old, 'concession Kinloss Township; two barns excellent 'condition; • available im- mediately. Laed available for rent . next. year if rented with house and barns. Phone 3924148 or 335-6305.732,33 • ATTENTION MEN [WOMEN] • Friday Special -• ROSES $12.00 per doz. (all coloirs) until September 1+. May order , of time:Lewis Flowers, 135 Francis • Stre , Wingham, 357:3880, 1% blocks south of Wingham Public School. -;--33' ahe and s in good condition. Best offer. Phone MI'S 23" 10 speed bike, used very little 528- 619 after 5 p.m. —33,34 apartments in 'On* customers) containers. J.R. Fear -'',.T.,ucknow, with fridge and stove, available 11101••• 41. etIMOMOOTII. " "...••••••1 CURRENTLY :AVAILABLE two Manag. .6,04 Training positions in this area. The iPesitions include: • company benefits • management opportunity for those w; qualify. Ask yourself "Where will I be in years if I continue doing what I do nowr $A• 4 0.r e, 01.11- currentlyPeCa year? earningWWould 320,000,y9e $ t3o"0 with business and professional people where 50% - 75% of your time is involved in serving established accounts in the insut mice field. Por those who qualify y professional career opportunity will s with 3 weeks of intensified sales training.1 you .are sports minded and bondable and would like to work with an organization that: Number One itt its field, call Jeff Neale IQ a.m. 5. p.m, 'today or tomorrow (416) -922-7992. —033 • , . •HOUSEKEEPER' TELJRSDAY OR FRIDA afternoons; slithibf Ashfield , Phone 529. 7610. —33 • ACCOMPANIST REQUIRED for the Blyth 'Festival Sinkers. Auditions will' be held "Aegust 27. For further information call 523 •9396 or 3738O-33,34 ' . RELIABLE PERSON required for general f. housework, 1 -' 2 days a week.. own cat needed. Ambeiley area. Inquire Box 17, c/o The. Lucknow: sentinel, Box. 400, LUCK, NOW, NOG 2H0.' —33x TRUCKING CAREER. Become a professioh al transport driver.' Contact Mery Orr's Kingston (6130549-3914; Toronto (416) 251! 9073; Ottawa i(613) 323-3489; London (519) • 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-2910; Thundt er Bay (807)623-8686, Sault Ste. Marie (705• 1 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 623-2430; Sud bury 005) 560-3351 Member B.B.B. • Apiaries, •RA, 2, Witighaln, i7n013:1(17clftateeil 6 Gplzh_a39tf A ta 3656 —32;33 34 •• .••• • •• • ' RECONDITIONED COLOUR TV, 19", with. •new tube, 3275.00. Greer T.V.• & Electric, 'Luckisow. —33ar • 10-.•, 15 PER CENT OFF All , Vacuim • Cleaners at Greer T.V. & Eleetric, Lucknow. •--33gr . , • • , REctoNDMoNED SPIN WASHERS from $85.00 and up. Greer T.V. & Electric, Ludlum. -=33ar ISAVE DOLLARS! Must sell two repos- • sessed all steel buildings, never been erect- • ed. One is 40 x 60. Serious inquiries only'. • CA11416-663-5323. —033 STEL BU1LD,INGS. Economic curve -type franieless construction, widths 20 ft to 100 ft. any length. Buy now and save. Por lowest price phone collect (416) 456-1200. —033 SHOPPING FOR A SWIMMING POOL ICITi We are a wholesaler with toe quality products who can probably save you money. Give us a call and we will try to help. (519) 753-146O—�3 USED FILE cabinet, desks, storage cabin- ets, bookcases, office chairs, stacking chairs, lockers, drafting boards, restaurant tables Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaid Street, • London. (519) 6814254, Mon. to Fri. 9 -5, Stat. 9 - 12. —033 NEW POTATOES, freshly dug. Contact Ross &Tinton, St. Helens, 528-2184, —33x SCREENED TOPSOIL, SAND, GRAVEL Backhoeing, Bulldozing, Also HI -Hoe KINEOSS-AvTaWRECICERS • WOne Bushell, 395-3320' • HARDING. Carpets, August' SpecialS, Hard - twists - Plushes - Sculptured plushes, Jute and Rubber backs. Savings .of 3.00400-5.00 per square yard at Finlay -Decorators;. Lucknow Ont.-32,33ar • 2. Mobile •Homes 10' x.'50' MOBILE THOME,' 2 bedroom, fully fUrnished..Riverbend Park, Guelph, Priced . $7,500.00 or, trade for property, 'Phone 116- . 822-1687.-32-35 • '• • ,•=•••••••• rivorim. •Seams 3. Art1088 for, rent •.•• • CANOES FOR RENT. B & M. Rentals, • Wingham, 'phone 357-1666: —2Otf 4.1•••••••••••••••••••••• "•••••••••anie••••••••••••1 AttICI8s .waited ' " •••••••••==•••••• ' milii••••• USED bar fridge in good 'working order. .Phone Fat at p28-2822, between. 8;.30 and 4:30.=-31mc • • PIANOSWANTED. Not necessarily in good condition. Village Piano Shop, Elflike, Ontario. Phone collect 519-669-2198 or 669-2280. —033, 034 • 5. Cars, truck$ for sale •,i44‘ IN EXCELLENT CONDITION '84 ATC 250R Honda with prolix* adjustable suspension. .Used strictly for pleasure and has been Well maintained, 'is also limited. Best offer. Phon 528 3619 at 5 1. .1. aiell•MIMMIllik•11101•11•• • • y.oven partmen , 529- 11. Room and . board" • ww • mmm sammorow•mmoinMemftneimmma m •no•mrpm.m•fm. Room AND BOARD 'WANTED for one fe- male student, in `Lucknow or Lucknow area. Phone 528-2905. —33,34,35, 12. Help wanted • , • LUCKIV.OW CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE -Requires a part-time reeeptiorditrApl' proximately 18 - 20 hours per 'week, mostly evening work. -Apply itt wridng to BOX ,478) WINGHAM, NOG 2W0. A , and Children's Services. OF • Huron County REQUIRES • Volunteer Drivers Adults with a good driving record are heeded to drive, children of all ages in your area. •A commitment of 2 - 3 hours per week is requested. • Mileage and other expenses paid. • For information, phone Collect: PEObritIVERS, "CO-ORDiNATOR, VOLUNTEER SERVICES. 5244356 - • • , . Huron County• Health Unit REQUIRES A PUBLIC • HEALTH NURSE Foi' Maternity Relief In • Wirigham Area • • Applicants require B. Sc. N. or diploma in Public Health Nursing Apply in writing (includeresume with referende) • • • • to: '• : Dr. H. R. Cieslar -Medical Officer of Health. Huron County Health Unit Courthouse, Goderich N7A 1 M2 IS;M• m• mmm •• 14. Employment wanted ' Imam m m mommorrem•ma • WILL DO I BABYSTTIlhiG in my own home, • Monday to Friday.Phone 528-2620: • —33 lak—mtatsommau,,mavnalaw Count on the Classifieds. o Do the Jo 15. .llie !Me ••••,! d•• " 17. mm • mm 111•....1111, AI Par roo ant cu. box apt hat Lis 3 0 1 tor Fu ap sh an