HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-08, Page 14A , ti ' \ \ „ • . B. Custom work 1025 Hargrieve Rd,, Unit. 3, London, Ontario Re 1 P7 CUSTOM COMBINING, wheat, beans, corn and small seeds, interested in buying wheat straw, call 881-0227; or 881-2757.-30,31,32 . WILL COMBINE wheat, grain and corn. Phone 357-2095.-31,32x,33,34 CUSTOM CLEANING AND TREATING WHEAT Truck Available. Elliott's• Seed 1111111 & Trucking. Call Day or Night 528-3500 or 528- 3110.-31tf 1.11.MOMMOIMMMIMMMOM IOMM C. Wanted 4111.1111.g, DEAD STOCK • We pay up to $30 for fresh cattle and horses, • - 1000 pounds and'Over; from 500 pounds tc 1000 pounds, 1 cent a pound : Top prices paid for beef. hides. Call toll free 1-800-265-3011, Graf Animal Foods Limited. -,30t1 • Phone: (5 19) 686-1970 After Hours: 657-0390 THIS ORIGINAL:DOCUMENT IS IN'VERY POOR CONDITION BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Unloaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Conveyors, Barn Cleaners, Oswalt Ensil-mixers FARMATIC - 13lender Hammer Milli, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture corn, Augers,41eg Elevators . ACORN - Cable Barn Cleaners WESTEEL-ROSCO. - Grain Bins, 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks ACME - Fan -Jet' Ventilation Systems HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Clean- ers, Steel Trusses B & L Complete Hog Confinement Systems SLURRY -SLINGER - Liquid Manure Spreaders , CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Eqiiip- ment ALSO. - Electric Feed Caits, Straw. Chop- pers, Fibre -Funnels,• Ritchie Heated Bowls, Hurst Equipment • We Handle Everything - Almost LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. • At Amberley, ' • R. R. # 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 1 0 71 AGH REAL ESTATE & E LTD 528-2031 Lucknow KINLOSS TWP., 30. acres, 20•1,rkable, 10 bush, $16,000., KINLOSS•TWP., 131 acre beef farmupright and trench silo, large barn, 3 bedroom home, Added well, 4th concession. • • KINLOSS TWP., .100 acres, 55 workable, clay loam, $43,500.. KINLOSS TWP. - 200 acre dairy farm, approx, 170 workable with hardwood bush, 3 bedroom brick home, pipe line milker with 40 tie ups. Can be purchased with or • without cows and quota. FCC mortgage at 734 %. ASHFIELD TVVP., 2 bedroombungalow in good condition on a lot 150'x 200'. Priced to sell. JUST LISTED, 3 bedroom home, Lucknow, S19,900. 11 ACRES, paired ad near Lucimow, 512,000. CAMPBELL .STREE, Lucknow - store with welkin above. Asking only $27,500.00. 4bedrooni apartment LUCKNOW -6 year old.bungalow with paved drive, niceloiadon with largeback yard. Full basement .with rec room. • HURON. TWP, —200 acres, approx. 150 acres systematically drained level clay and sand loam land with excellent set of buildings, on Paved road. Farrow to finish set up with 2 silos. HURON TWP. - approx. 2 acres with 3 bedroom home with full basement, drilled weh and 2 workshops. Priced to sell: ' • RIPLEY, 5 bedroom, brick home, 2 full baths, attached garage, swimming pool, and many extras. For further information on these and other properties please call . • • FRASER McKINNON , BARRY McDONAGH DAVID McKINNON , . I • 395-2880 528-3821 395-2483 • • HUTTON 75 ACRES on highway with beautiful modernized brick home with new double attach- ed garage, steel cattle bar* large FCC tnortgage, Askitig in the seventies but would trade on a house or small acreage. • 100 ACRESTeeswater area, 60 Well drained level acres no buildings, 14 acres maple bush. Make an offer. . FOUR BEDROOM newly panelled: well insulated roof, new large lot, small down payment and owner will finance balance; . \ COUNTRY ACREAGE\ near Lucknow, trees, garden area; 3 bedroom brick, -2 storey home. Double attached gai-age. MOBILE HOME with 2 year old addition, family room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, electric heat, lovv asking price. THREE ACRES, Kinloss, 3 bedrooin home; home updated, new wiring, new drywall, new insulation. Asking $25,006. All offers considered. ' 40 ACRES Wawanosh, 34 workable, buildings \under 6 years old, large FCCmortgage. 50 ACRES Wawanosh, over 40 workable. Good' house; barn for hogs. " 100 ACRES Wawanosh, excellent brick with all conveniences. Barn 60 x 80 for hogs, 83 • level workable acres. \ \ A 90 ACRES, 8 year old steel barn, good 2 storey brick house with double attached gdrae. Reduced price. - ' ONE STOREY 2 bedroom (could be 3) house, new fireplace, new paved 'drive, beautiful treed lot. THREE BEDROOM home, electric heat, full basement. Garage and breezeway, large •lot. THREE BEDROOM hoTe, living room has patio doors to large lot, good attached garage. , MEL MATHERS, WINGHAM, 357-3208 '1 representing ' LLOYD W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD., BROKER, KINCARDINE . • • • • • • ••• • • • • Locbsow Botitinel, Wedneiday, August 1904— LARGE NCE SALE . Sumnier.Clothint& WINGHAM SALESARENA, • THURS.', AUG. 9th - 9-9 p.m. - FRI., AUG. 10th - 9-9 p.m. •SATURDAY, AUG. 11th. 9-6 p.m. This sale 'consists of clothing and footwear for the entire family - Work clothing; work, pants; work shirts; coveralls; • shop coats; work socks; dress socks; sport socks; blue. ' leans in the latest style by leading manufacturers such as. Levi's; GWG; Wrangler; US Top; Buckeye; Jac Bernard; Mercedes; Santana; Beret; Jonathan J.; Angel Wino; Road Runner and others. -thousands of pairs to choose from; Summer Tops for men and " ladies; logging suits bOth 1 and 2 pc.; jean pickets; boys' 8 girls' summer 8 fall lcickets; summer pants for ladies a girls britoad Runner and Angel Wings;ladl�s cords; shorts; infant dresses also several, tables full, of end of line clothing 8 footwear to be offered at below wholesale Prices; we will list lust a:few. of our many 'sp.*** -‘Men's Canadian made Princeton Jeans (fits like, a Levi's) —irogidar Of boot 'ad ; Clearance Price '19" - compare et *32"; Ladies' summer Rugger Pants in all the popular colors - Clearance Price '7" - compare at 614"; Boys' and -Girls" Rugger Shorts ='CleStranOi Price • - comPake at 41"; infant Summer Dresses -.Clarence Price '2" compare at '6"; Men's Jac. Bernard, glegagr!er jeans Clearance Price '15" - compare et '27"; Ladles' v0lour Rompers Clarence Price 17" -compare at *12"; Boys' end Girls leasitep. slicies14 . Jo•illocheis:114sieris. Aiuiy. Chessiteh . Clarence Prise WI and up;.Mita'12.0fefly swerk oshoes 'eleeninla 'forth -is et 'Vim:. •Ladies' 'Angel Wing Nam Gold Immo pett.m).. Clesirenie;0§40 compare at '34"; Boys' and. Girls' 441111111100 1.0119 - . Clearance Price '12" -iOrimporo at '19"; 'Men's. Canadian Mode coaralla - Clearance Price - compare et •26r - Ladles' 1 pc logging suit - Clearance Price 'll" - Compare at '14". ' • Don't Miss this fantastic 3 day clothing 8 footwear clearente sole•at the WinghaM Sales.Arene 357-1730, Nit north of Wingham on Hwy. No. 4. TERMS: Cash. cheques., Visa or Mastercard accepted. • While attending thissale be sure to check oat our low, low prices from our bulk food display - frozen foods - discount groceries and fresh.prodUce -.field toniatoes, pooches, bananas, plums, potatoes by the 30 Ib. bag. • • • • 1 pie Man 1 irisINTEE To See is LUCKNOW, • retirement one *level; 2 bedroom bUngelow, full. basement 'with extra bedrOom and family rams. '34.580, * . • •• • • • 3 IIEDROOM HOME. fireplace, lar. level lot. "19.300.. 3 BEDROOM OLDER HOME, heindymen's'sPecial: •12.0411: • . • NEW LISTING, 150 114146 West Wawanosh Twp,, 120 .werkable iterristen barn toll, nicely kept 3. 4 bedroomhom-implement shed, conventional bern; hard weed and soft, weed bush. 0.. . DUNGANNON, 80 ft. .mebile idditien onlandscaped lot. Immediate possession, *limo.... Must b.'d, give us .your offer.. • , • A CHOICE building lot on Rose *treat. Look thls loi over. for your presiniOr'luttire 100 ACRES, :Ashfield Township, good .drainage, cash crop. 200 ACRES, Ashfield, renovated homi,' good IlvestoCk buildings, tiled land• . , • 100 ACRES Kinloss Twp., barn 5x 100;,4 bedroom hos, priced to sell. Possession • can 'be Oran*. , . , OCENS ED, RESIDENTIAL REST HOME, an opportunity for a couple lo own. an - Immaculately kept home with good Income, financial ,statement available. 130 ACRES•WeSt Wawanosh Twp., 90 workable, 4 bedroom brick hems; barn 50 x 100, silo 14 x 48 ft.: ,. 100 ACRES West Wawanosh; approx. 70 workable; 15 acres hardwood bush. 882,000. 100 ACRES Ailifield.Tesp., 4 bedroom horn*, bon 75 x 80 equipPed to finish appreti )500 hogs, liquid manuralank andslie 18 x 111; implement shed 4111.31*.• All Wilding* • Coloured steel, Financing avalfidble to approved purchaier. • .WI ACRES West Wawanosh, ekeellent grass. terra:Asking $55,000. • 30 ACRES West Wawanosh, apprea. 22 acres workable, balance bosh prked to sell at $27,500. • 295 ACRES Kinitoss Twp., twO inimacuirati homes,*beet feeditit for 500-700 hied, barn #2 hogs with feed storage, grinding and mixing fatilitiel. Ideal as a father/ton enterprise. - MODERN RESTAURANT seetIng 40, fully equipped with separate 4 bedroom home. Highway location 4.6 acres. Inquire for further particulars. . DUPLEX lotated on Stauffer St. Lot 92 x 185, redUced to m000 for Immediate sale. 'COUNTRY HOME, Kinloss Twp., con. 9, 3 bedrooms, 4. piece beth; lot eke 131 x 420,: All Owl will be contiderid. t,1 . ROYAL BANK building, Lucknow, well located, paved parking. LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom bungalow with spacious living and dining area; 4 pc. bath and garage. Outram triet. pil3 For further rtkUlars on these properties, please call* WARREN ZINN, 529;7350 ALVIN ROBB, 395-8471 .'TERRY ZINN, 529-7350\ • , .