HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-01, Page 19'Be 14• ....., horses, te. 'es paid 65-304 vegticai, ductile, g. Bunk Dg Cola, bowls, Plastic Classified/Ws,, . Are Packcd•with $aviags I nig LUCKNOW SENTINEL 47:` 5284822 R A AGH .r'E LTD KERS'' d that the tax million nology antage siness•' year 1 et 2• to 528-2031, • Lucknow. IONLOSS TWP., 30 acres, 20 workable, 10 bush, KiNL05S TWP.,: 131 acre beef farm,..upright an ant trench sQo,1arge barn, 3 bedroom home, drilled well, .4th concession, KINLOSS, TWP., 100 acres, 55 workable, clay %oaun, $43,500. KINLOSS TWP. -, 200 acre dairy farm, approx. 170 workable with hardwood bush, 3 bedroom brick home; pipe line milker with 40. de ups. Can be purchased with or 'without cows and quota. FCC mortgage at 7% % ASHFIELD TWP., 2 bedroom bungalow in good condition on a lot 150' a< 200'. Priced to sell. JUST LISTED, 3 bedroom home, •Lucknow, $19,900. 11 ACRES, paved road . near Lucknow, S12,000. CAMPBELL STREET, Lucknow store with walidn cooler, 2. bedrooms apartment above. Asidng only 527,500.00. LUCKNOW - 6 ysnir old bungalow with paved drive, nice location With huge backyard. Fall basement with ret room. HURON TWP. - 200, acres; approx. 150 acres . yetematicaily drained level clay and sand loam land with excellent set of buildings, on Paved retrad. Farrow 'to finish set up with 2 silos. • HURON TWP. approx. 2 acres with 3 bedroom home with full basement, drilled .well and 2 workshops. Parked .to sell. . , ' RIPLEY, 5 bedroom,: brick home,: 2 fill baths, attached garage, swimming pool, and many extras.. For further information on these and other properties please call FRASER MCKINNON BARKY McDONAGH ' DAVID A+1cKiNNON 395.2880 .528-i821' 395.2483 The Man To See is LUCKNOW, retirement one 1044, 2 bedroom bungalow, full basement with extra bedroom and family room. '34.500. 3 BEDROOM HOME, fireplace, large level lot. 99,500.. 3 BEDROOM OLDER HOME; handyman's special. 92,000. NEW LISTING, 150 acres WestWewanosh Twp.; 120 workable. Harriston loam soil, nicely kept 3 - 4. bedroom home, Implement shed, conventional barn; hard wood and. soft wood bush. DUNGANNON .80 it. mobil* home with addition on'. landscaped 101. immediate possession, $13,900. Must be sold, giveus your offer. A CHOICE building lot on Rosa 'Street. Look this lot over for your present or future use. 100 ACRES, Ashfield Township, good drainage, cash crop. 200 ACRES, Ashfield, : renovated, home, good livestockbuildings; tiled land. 0 . 100 ACRES Kinloss Tip., barn 50 x 100; A bedroom home, priced to sell. Possession can be arranged.., LICENSED RESIDENTIAL. REST. HOME,' an opportunity for a couple ,to own an Immaculately kept home with .good Income; financial . statement available. 130 ACRES•West Wawanbsh Twp.; 90 workable, 4 bedroom brick home; barn 50 x 100, silo 14x48ft: 100 ACRES West Wawanosh, approx. 70 workable, 15 acres hardwood bush. $62,000. 100 ACRES Ashfield Twp., 4 bedroom home, barn 75 x 80 equipped tofinish' approx. 500' hogs', liquid' manure tank and silo 16 x 68; implement Shed 40 x 80. All, buildings coloured steel. Financingavailable to approved purchaser. 0 98 ACRES West Wawanosh, excellent grass farm. Asking $55,000. 30 ACRES WestWawanosh, approx. 22 acres workable,. balance bush, priced to sell at. $27,500. ' 295 ACRES Kinloss Twp., two immaculate homes, beet feedlot for 500-700 .head, barn N2 hogs with feed storage, grinding and mixing faculties. Ideal es a father/son enterprise. MODERN RESTAURANT luting 40, fully equipped with separate 4 bedroom home. Highway location 4.5 scree. Inquire for further particulars: • DUPLEX iocated on Stauffer St. Lot 92 x 185, reduced to $25,000 for Iminsdlate sane. COUNTRY HOME, Kln$oss Twp., con. 9,1 bidrooms, 4 place bath; lot sirs 131 x 420. All WWI will bit considered: ROYAL BANK building, Lucknow, well located, paved parking. - LUCKNfjW, 3 bedroom bungalow with spacious living and dining area; 4 pc.teth and garage. Outram Street. 'For further particulars 529-1350 2u1 3on these propsrtles, please cal{{ WARREN SINN 1 0' ALVIN ROBE, 398-8471 TERRY ZINN,'529-7350 Lucknow Sentinel, Wed Say, Apgsat,1 t. I 964— WING114I4 MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct; and Save • Business 0 Residence 35574910 , 357.1015 Filter Queen 'IN THE HEART OF D0WNTOWN VARNA 482.7143 NO. R-830932 ONTARIO. MUNICIPAL BOARD In the matter of $ect on,39-of the Planning Act (R.S.O.1980. c. 379) and In the matter of an application by the corporation of the Township of Kinloss for approval of its restricted area By-law 7-1981as amended by By-law 8-1941 Si 0-1982. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Monday 27th day of August 1984. at the hour of'i PM tocal time in the afternoon at the council chambers, office in. the Township garage. hamlet of Hotyrood, for the hearing ofall parties interested in supporting;or opposing this application: if you do not attend and are not represented at this hearing. the Board may proceed in your.absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of•the'proceedings. In the event the 'decision is reserved. persons taking part in the hearing and wishing a copy of the decision may request a copy from the presiding. Board member or. In writing, from the Board. Such decision will be mailed to you when available. Dated at Toronto, this 10th day of July, 1984. • • D.G.,HENDERSON , SECRETARY .04EXPLANATORY NOTE Restricted area by -low No. 7-1981 of the. Corporation of the Township of Kinloss. PREAMBLE .- ' The restricted area by-law or zoning by -taw 0 was passed under Section 35 of the Planning Act (chapter 349, R.S.O„ 1970: as amended). This .by-law implements the official plan for the' Bruce County South planning area. which was adopted by the council of the County of Bruce on October 2. 19110. , The zoning by -taw includes both a text and Toning snaps. On the zone maps (schedules) are delineated the various zones created in the bylaw• forspecific requirements. ' reference should be mode to the complete ;by-law NO.' 7-1181 and attached zoning maps,, which are available for inspection et the Municipal Office during business. hours. Any questions on the interpretation ,of. a zone boundary should be made from the zoning map at the municipal office. PURPOSE The, purpose of this by-law is to provide the Corporation 'of 'the Township. of Kinloss with regulations which will effect control over all forms of land use or related matters within the Municipality. • BASIS Such regulations have been deemed necessary and in, the public interest by focal council in order that possible conflict between existing & proposed land uses can be minimized or reduced in -the future. Prior to the preparation of this by -taw. the Township of Kinloss operated under the provisions of by -taw No. 16. whichattempted to control land use. Because. of a circulation problem . the Township ' felt Ph the best interest of the ratepayer to adopt a new by-law, and so notify all property owners. AFFECTED LANDS . f• The lands directly affectedby this by -taw .con be described as consisting of ' all properties lying wholely or partly within the corporate' limits of the Township of Kinloss. • EXISTING BY-LAWS From the coming into force ofthis by-law, all previous by-laws of the Township passed pursuant to section 35 of the Plannina Act on .'a predecessor thereof. namely by=law I No. 1k& amendmentsthereto shalt be deemed to have been repeated. DURATION It is the intention 'of the council that this .zoning by-law Will be effective until circumstances change to such a degree thata revision and updating of the by -taw is required. Additional use's for specific land may be permitted by means of a re -zoning or ammendment to the zoning by -taw: it is the intention of the council to accept and review applications to amend the zoning by -taw in order to allow the establishment of use which are permitted, by the official plan. EFFECT This zoning by=law is designed to regulate by prohibition alt new developments except 'that specifically allows in the by,iaw. This -by=law wits however, give council of. the local municipality the legal authority to review the merits of any new use which is not specifically allowed by the by-law. If council, after studying a propose! for a, new use, is• satisfied that the new use is In the best interest of the municipality, the new use may be permitted provided that a seperate by-law amending this by -low is passed Which would.perrntt the new use on thespeeified parcel of land, subject to appropriate regulations. • By-law 8-1981 is a zoning byelaw. passed under section 3$r of the Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c: 349. as amended) to amend .the Township of Kinloss comprehensive zoning by- •IsiVo No. 7-1981. The purpose.of by-law No. 8-1981 is to rezone a parcel of band located on part of lot Na. 13, Concession 4 in the Township of Kinloss to' permit agricultural uses ono lot 30 -hectares (75 acres) in size. By-law 8-1981 is a re-enactment of amending by- law previously passed as By-law 16.11. 0. By-law 6-1982 was passed by the nsusiltipal.councit of the Corporation of the Township of Kintoss.on April 19. 1982. It amends the .Township's comprehensive restricted area by-law No. 7-1981 which. was passed by council on February 16. 1981 and circulated to affected land owners during April and May of 1981: The effect ' of by-law No. 6.1482 is as follows: (a) Those lands identified on schedules A, Bias C of By-law No: 6-1932, would be re -zoned from A-2 restricted agriculture to A-1 general agriculture. The A-1 zone would .permit the range of the agricultural uses by A-2 zone, in addition to intensive "agricultural vises and liquid manure Storage facilities. (b) Those lands identified on Schedule "D" would be rezoned from "EP" envifonmentat protection, "PD" planned development, "051" general open space to "C3" travel- trailer. raveltrailer, park & Commercial campground: Provisions relating to the "C5" zone are Contained within the text of by -Iowa -1982. , (c) Those lands identified on schedule "E" would be rezoned from "1" institutional and "R1" detached residential to "C2" to hamlet comsnerclat. The'C2 zone would permit certain tOmonercial MOS.' ' (d) The provisions that govern building heights within the "OSI" general *pen space and "ET" environneental protection tones would be amended to refer to "Misxlmum Weight". . (e) The references "municipai arterial road" would be deleted from the provisions that govern road right of way setbacks and sight visibility, triangles. s