HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-01, Page 17ugly ,. • and mail. lets; toPs;.. Imps►. ry; • and - tee,. ces; its 6 ild's wn, 17. Auction SOW. • SPITMrMPrrn -- AUCTION S�� Farm Equipttl.ent :E HousehohE Effect; '& ' i meet for.. Shop E9M p �, •• GEORGE GII . Cana, 4 West' Waw►l noshTownship mi. East of Dungannon. +; 1v SATURDAY; AU'G 1►T 11 11.0.94kM. sr~IAR ►°' TRACTOR'S.: EQUIPMENTR IH.8O6,$ Cab; JD ' 95 EB Combine with Cab,•,(llke ,view);: 6..G AC DoI.er c. /w Backhoe; Equipment FIoat.:. (12 Ton): -1#10te 252' -Iib' . Wheel Discs:: Chisel Piow;-.6 Section •Harraws• A Pole;; IH• 510 •Grain 'Drifts (Soybean.s•Spe.Cidi); Wpgon & Rack; 1902G141C Diesel Pickup. SHOP EQUIPMENT; 'Beit' Sander; Co;.op Air Compressor. ('portable); '5 -HP Upright. Air .Compressor; •6" Joiner;: 14" Band-. Saw; Drill Press; Wood Lathe:6" Vise; 10 Bench Saw;' Grinder; . Roper 8 HP Mower; General' Shop Tools. HOUSEHOLD •t"FFECtS; Coldspot 17' Freezer; Livingroatn Suite;. 26" Colour T.V.; Bunk Beds.;4..-Single,• Beds; Househcild Dishes d► Misc.;.etc.,•etc, PROPRIETOR: GEORGE BECKER "51.9`$21.7314, • • - AUCTIONEER:` GORDON:0; BRINDLEY. 519-57625 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS .DAY OF SALE. .. '. 'TERMS; CASH DAY OF SALE • AUcTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS,. ! TRACTORS, EQUIPMENT AND.hlVESTOCK for. GARRY • ADDISON,' Pt. Lot 22, Con. 11 ' Hullett_ . Twp., • 1'/4 miles east . of Londesboro on Huron Cty. road No. 15•' • •:SATURDAY., •AUGUST 4TH • 10:00 A.M.• HOUSEHOLD `EFFEC tS: =Chesterfield and ' chair; occasional' chairs;, bookcase with doors; ' . showcases; kitchen table; .kitchen hu#ch;' . bedroom suite;, Westinghouse dryer; Tars; flower pits: TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT: 880 David Brown tractor w lh loader._ CA Allis• • Chalmers 'tractor;, 502, ! COckshutt 'swather for parts; 7' NJ. Woi.l•Mower; 2 ,;•- wheel trailers;:.: .3, ; PT.W. •Northstar snowblower; MISCELLANEOUS: 8 H.P. Canadian 36!'... '.cut' riding, ,mower, Myers ;immersion pump; oat`''roiier•.with ::3/4 • H..P motor, t•- ' quantity of vsediroic fitifeitoel lumber; 225. Lincoln welder; acetylene torch; "anvil; hydraulic ;cylinders;'• quantity of • "wire; cutters; large quantity of'.scrap;.':' variety of harness, haiters'and saddles. LiVESTOCKs rieling horse • and colt; 5 ..gouts;. approz.,ROrpbbits. . • OTitER ARTICLES T000" NUMEROUSTQ MENTION. ' TERMS CASHDAV:OF SALE • • LUNCH BOOTH. Owner and auctioneers;not responSibte foraccidents Of injuries Connected :wit h ' the sale..• OWNER: GARRY ADDISON AUCTIONEERS: " . GRANT McDONALD, RPLEY • • 3'5430 WA'LLACE.,BALLAGH; TEESWATER I 392.6170: • Biot opts; oCk• and: ewe; and. loot' s; 2 sure rock ttle; es; bed; box; !log los; Imo ow; nip; B.B. net and too ' Nothing Frightening AboutThe. prices In The VWANTADS, ..«. - 8. Services availabie ANO TUNING and repairs; used pianos aught' and sold. Call . Michael ' Lip'nicki lingham) 357-1049., --34tf ' AUCTIONEPR-SERVICE ; GrainS•McDetudd, Ripley Wallace Ballagha Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers • Sales of All Types•., Phone. Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 XCAVATING, trucking, and paving, sand, ravel, fill and screened top 'soil. Robert ymes. Phone 528.3047.. 47tf ION THOiAPSON TV AND APPLIANCES - ales and • Service; tower and antenna lstallation; Satellite Systems byChannel Baster; .refrigeration service; Atari:gartrid- ds for rent. Ripley 3953466, --42tf r.• 18, Services 'avaiiabie. MMMr��MMMr - r i tta.h tnetgy. 'Seal � ,aI Inc,'.• maw/$.4141 G SptciAi .ISIS ll CQNTRACTQ.R PHOONE; COUPCT :524-231.1. Exenings - 524,4894 . eneresecil •1k 1 IN1�41 1 M'1 n• f� �,.. G'ATER'G SERVICE: The Ladies Auxiliary of Lucknow and District Christian School can .,meet needs of your dinner and banquet. For more -information call 357.2983 or 528.3.837..-26.1/m 19.. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TILE ESTATE OF AUSTIN CLARENCE MARTIN ALL PERSONS having claimsagainst the Estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Village. of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired 'Farmer, who died on the 25th day of May, 1984, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the llth • day of August, 1984. - After that date -the Executrix will proceed•to distribute the Estate having regard only to, the•claims of•whch they shall then have had notice. • . DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 18th day of July, A.D. 1984.. Crawford, Mill; ' Davies' & _ Elston," -217 Josephine. Street, Wingham, Ontario., NOG 2W0. Solicitors:for the Executrix. --30.31:32 ,21 Personal PREGNANT .and need. hefp? Free positive confidential support.. Birthright. Call 357- 1066. 357-2392, 357-1769 or London ' 432- 9197 „collect, —tf HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA 'can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881.-3655.-40tfar MEET YOUR MATCH, For all ages and unattached. Thousands of'members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call ._ toll free 1.-800-263-9103.. Hours: Noon io 8 p.m. -023 r IS ALCOHOL A • PROBLEM in your'family? -Al-Anon can help: families and friends of • alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, God- erich, 324-6001. N • PF 23,., Miscellaneous • FREE 128 ,page Career Guide shows • how to 'train at dome for 205 top paying full and part 'lime jobs. Granton Institute 265 A. Adelaide Street West, Toronto: Call (416) 977-3929 today. —029 • THE SEARCH is on to locate and recognize , the outstanding young people of Ontario. If you would like • to nominate a deserving young person aged 6 to 18 for an Ontario Junior Citilen of the Year Award, contact this newspaper. -O31 { • 24. Business • : opportunities • • PUBLISHER • RETIRING. For.. Sale; One • Weekly Newspaper.'. ' Unique Op- portunity to purchase 50% or more .. of established . Vancouver area weekly • newspaper. Winner of .numerous publishing awards. Operating in the black. No debts. Make me an offer. I'm tired. Robson and Associates :Consultants- (604) 4634333 or write Box' 333, Maple Ridge, B.C.-031 $10,000 SECOND INCOME. Be a part time representative selling and renting our,. line of high quality distillers for purifying drink- .ing `waters in the home, ' office and factory. Become independent, be Your own boss in a grotwving industry: Excellent possibility of becoming . full-time area distributor. Con- tact us today for more infortnation. Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant Street, Bit rl ingtort, Ontario, L7R • 2G6, (416) 639- chow Sentinel, Wiecin .... t. 1 I —' tee t3 20,, Public notices �.Mr..}►�Mr.1�MMN�!�r�.lwf!!M��My.�M.M�►n,M�(!�'I�R!u 20, Pubile nOtiOe / • 12. Nis=pAr Ontartp Ontario MOar . IN THE MATTER CIE Section 39: of The Planning Act M44/. ' .. 19110..':.319),,. - and - •A IN THE MATTER OF an application .by they{orporation•of the Township of Huron for approval of Tts- Restricted Area By-law 11.82as amended by By-law 30-82 -and - IN THE MATTER OF Section 34 of The Pianning'Act. 1983 - and . iN THE MATTER OF appeals by fhose•persons'set out on • Schedule "A" below.in respect of Zoning py-law /043 of the Corporation ' of the Township Of Huron :APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD here iy.appoints Mopday, the 27th day of August, .1984,at:the hour of one o' lock (local time) in the afternoon at the. Council Chambers; Huron. Township Halt, Village •of Rip)ey, for the hearing of all, parties interested in supporting or opposing. this appii.cat1 nand appeal. if you do not..attend'and are not represented at this hearing. the Board may pried. in your absence and you w$ll. not be entitled to any further notice of "the.proceadings., In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing and wishing a copy ,of the decision May request a copy: from the presiding Board Member' or; in writing, from the.Board.,Such decision will be mailed to you wh.n available:: ' DATED at Toronto this 10th day of July, 19$4 D.G. RENDERSO. N SECRETARY. ' SCHEDULE "A" to:the Appointment for Hearing<dated. the 10th day of July 1984. Ruth Shantz. -Aintree .(Bruce County) Trailer; Ken R:: Westman 'on behalf of'Saugeen 'Valley Conservation Authority; R.E:. •Young and • N..i.: Young; • Q:' Murphy on .behalf of County of Bruce, Plannin i _� _ Department;; MentMinistry ;io Lhn Morgan; Eugene Schweitzer;. Allan MacKenzie;'J.. Hamill bahcilf D.G. HENDERSCN ' SECRETARY EXPLANATORY NOTE Restricted Area By-law No. 3042 . of the. • Corporation of the Township of Huron By-law No. •30.82. was passed pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of The Planning AC, R.S.o.,1980. - The purpose of By-law No. 3042 is to amend the Corporation's comprehensive Ely -low No. 11-82 to change several provisions of the By-law. The changes as set' out in the By- law ,are general in nature, .rather than affecting a spiciflc property, and cover the following matters: • -clarification for the provisions for non -conforming and non -complying uses permitting the: Corporation:to'construct a' road in any zone clarifying the watercourse setback provisions changing' the setbackprovisions in Residential' zones The By-law applies to all lands within the Corporation of theTownship of Huron. • EXPLANATORY NOTE: - Township of Huron By-law JO -$3 • The" By-law is an amendment of By -taw 11:12 of The Corporation Of the Township. of Huron which is the ToWnship'sComprehtnslve Zoning By-law. The amendments aro intended to resolve objections raised during the original circulation of fly -law 11-82. Since: the amendments affect several areas of the Towniihp, a Kay Map Is not provided. The complete by-law is available for inspectionin the. Township iIunit1pol Offices during regular office hours. • • • • 31. Cards'oi thanks PROCTER • I wish to thank all who attended the Dungan- tion Community shower held for me. Special thanks to thole who hosted the shower. Ken and I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Dungannon UCW and Willirig Workers for all the help they rendered on our wedding day, and to everyone who at- tended our reception. Den and Lila. --31x • —... W. POLLARD • A sincere thank you for ail the best wishes, cards, flowers and lovely gifts received •2222. �;,;�;,�:��: since the arrival of our baby girl, Jennifer. A special thank you- to Drs. Corrin and 0503.-031, Coe RE s 528.2822. • , Garde of thanks r. rim. rirwr.rrrrirrrM..iN.•rii..A.r.ir.rrrrM Q.QuitIMY • • Joe and Teresa Courtney and family wish to eitpress their .sincere gratitude to their friends, relatives and neighbours for ,help and support given at the time of the loss of their dear son and brother, Wayne Joseph Courtney. Many thanks to the Reverend Fathers and Sisters, members of the Catholic Womeres League and the Diabetic Society. Special thanks for the many mr;ses and prayers, flowers, food, donations and, exp.ressions of sympathy and to the filen and ladies who helped with the hay and meals. 'Your thou htfulness ill 1.. remembered. Joe and Teresa Courtney and" family. 31 McKim and staff at the Lucknow Medical Centre and o.f . muses , at Wii gha i; ' and District Hospital for the excellent care received." Donald; Lillian and Jennifer. -31 Turn' to page .14a ..