HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-25, Page 2118 rses, ds to Paid .3011, NINA ales. ---usa rticaI uctile Bunk Con. bowlPIastj s' RS' that tax llion logy tage less year firm 'arm . in vest-, s the pay, tax -030 eace and development lobby brining in uron The election call ->ha 'brought forward a gw group in many of the ridings across the ntry. The national non-partisan program called Election 'Priorities:An Educational eject on Peace and Development. in Huron -Bruce, Fran McQuail- of Luk - is coordinating the formation of the local apter. It is sponsOred by the Canadian ouncil for International Cooperation and development and* disarmatnent ups.. The focus of the. project is to blicize the tie between Third World velopment and Western disartnapent and ensure that this is a part oft4 federal lotion campaign. The specific objective is to determine the ition of the candidates on the developent-disarmarnent -issues. and • :to make blic their stands. The CCJC has prepared I iN 5 R A • MC • a comprehensive kit with background 'mater- ial and a short questionaire to poll the candidates. The duration of the project is open ended with the material being• suitable for study groups after the election. - When asked about what sparked her interest in this project,. Fran McQuail says, To me this global issue is of more importance than domestic politics because if • vvedon't, - solve the imbalances between the Third World and developed nations ,soon, and peacefully, there will be worldwide political and economic chaos making internal politics in Canada irrelevant. It's also an •issue that supercedes party Affiliations, that we can work on together, to ensure a better future for/ all Canadians, all ,people. The organizational meeting will be held On July 25 at the •McQuail 'farm: ONAGH REAL ESTATE INSUPCE LTD t 528-2031 . KINLOSS TWP., 30 acres, 20 _workable, 10 bush, -S16,000. KINLOSS VWP., 131 acre beef farm, upright and trench silo, large barn, 3. bedroom home, drilled well, 4th concession.- KINLOSS TWP., 100 acrea, 55 workable*, clay In, S43,500. Lucknow KINLOSS'INVP. - 200 acre dairy faint, approx.. 170 workable with hardwood bush, 3 bedroom brick herieei pipe Hut milker with 40.tie •ups. Can be purchased with or- \ .withoutcows and tOota. FCC mortgage at 7314 %,,; • ' . . ASHFIELD TWP., 2 bedroom bungalow h; good condition ona lot 150' x 200'. Priced to sell: ' ; • , • ' JUST LISTED, 3 bedroom 'home, iitclutow, $19,900. 11.ACREi,:•Raveti road' near Lucknow, S12,000, •CAMPBELL STREET, Lucknow store with wan& cooler, • 2 bedrooiniapouttment Above. AsIdng Only $27,509.00. ' , • LUCKNOW". 6 year old bungidOw With paved drive,, nice location with large back yard. FM basement with rec room. ' . IILJRON TWP. - 200 acres,' approx. 150 ares systematically 'drained level clay and sand land with excellent set of buildings, .on paved toad. FIRM* to finish set up with 2 silo's. _ HURON TWP. appmx. 2,acres with 3 bdroom•ItoMe With full baseMent,..drilledweit and 2 WorkshOps. Priced to sell. , .•• RIPLEY, 5 bedroom, brick home, .2 full baths, attached garage, swimming pool, and . many extras: ' •, For further information on these:and other properties pleasecaIl 'FRASER McKINNON , IlAillitYNIeDONAGH DAVID MeKINNON 395-2880 52g-3821 •• 395-2483 5 ACRES on highway with beautiful modernized brick home with new double attach- ed garage, steel cattle barn, large FCC mortgage: Asking in the seventies but would trade on a house or small acreage. •••. 100 ACRES Teeswater area, 60 Well drained level acres, notuildingi, 14 acres in'aple bush. Make ari offer. FOUR BEDROOM newly pannelled well insulated roof, tievY, large lot, small down payment and owner will finance balance. • • / COUNTRY ACREAGE near Lucknow, trees,, garden* area; 3 bedroom brick, 2 storey home. ' Double attached garage. , a MOBILE HOME with 2 year old 'addition, familY room with ,fireplace, 3 bedrooms, electric heat, low asking price. • THREE ACRES, Kinloss; 3 bedroom home; home updated,,new wiring, new drywall, new insulation. Asking $25,000. All offers ,considered. 40 ACRES Wawanosh, 34 workable, buildings Under 6 years old, large FCCmortgage. 54 ACRES Wawanosh, over 40 workable. Good house; barn for hogs. 100 ACRES Wawanosh, excellent brick with all conveniences. Barn 60 x 80 for hogs, 83 level workable acres. 90 ACRES, 8 year old steel barn, good 2 storey, brick house with double attached garage. Reduced price. ONE STOREY 2 bedroom (could be 3) house, new fireplace, new paved drive, O beautiful treed lot, THREE BEDROOM fume, electric heat, full basement. Garage and breezeway, large lot. • THREE BEDROOM home, living room has patio doors •to large lot, good attached garage.' MEL IVIATHERS, WING' 'HAM, 157-3208, . representing • LLOYD W. ItILITTON' REAL ESTATE LTD., BROKER KINCARDINE Lucknow Sentinel, WethiesdaY, My 25, 1984 ---Rage 19 , Count on the Classifieds to Do the Job SUMMER SALE SAVE 20% s°50%off SAVE NOW LES PETTER SHOES LUCKNOW 528-2011 R-830932 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD In the matter of Section 39 of the Planning Act (t,s.O. 1950, c.379)and , In the matter nt an application by -the corporation of the Township okKinloss for approval of its restricted area By-law 7-1981 as amended by By-law 8,1981 8. 6-1902. ' . •-••• APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO muNiapAL BOARD • hereby appoints Monday 27th day of August 19114. at the hour of 1 PM local time in the afternoon at the council chambers, office in the Township garage, hamlet 'of Holyrood, tor the hearing Of all parties Interested In suppotting'or opposing this, application.. if you do not attend and are nOt represented at this hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and ybu witnot be entitled torlinyfurther notice of the proceedings. in the event the decision Is reserved,'persons taking part in the hearing and wishing copy of the decision may request a copy4 from the presiding Board member or, in writing, from the Board: Such decisionWill be mailed to you when avcdiableo • Dated at Toronto, this 10th day of July, 1984. ib.G. !HENDERSON SECRETARY • EXPLANATORY NOTE 0 Restricted area by-law No. 7-1951 of the Corporation of the Township of Kinloss. PREAMBLE - The restricted area by-law or zoning by-law was pasted under Section 3S of the • Planning Act (chapter 349, R.S.O., 1970,as amended). • O This by-law Implements the official pion for the Bruce County South planning area. which was adopted by the council of the County of Bruce on October 2, 1900. The zoning by-law includes both a text and zoning maps. On the zone maps (schedules) re delineated the various zone; created in the bylaw. For specific. requirements. reference should be made to the complete by-law No. 7-1901 and attached zoning maps, which are available for inspection, at the Municipal Office during busimosi hours. Any questions on the Interpretation of a zone boundary should be.made from the Zoning mapat the municipal office. • • ° •PURPOSE The purpose of this by-law is to provide the Corporation of the Township of Kinloss • with regulations which will effect control over.all forms of land use or related matters- . , within the Municipality. •• BS • . • • • MI • Such regulations have been deemed necessary and in the public Interest by local * council in order that passible 'conflict between °slating 4. proposed land uses can be Minimized Or reduced In the future. Prior , to the preparation of this by-law, :the' Township �f Kinloss Operated' under •the.provitions cif, by-law No., 16 which attempted, to control land Use. Becauseof a Circulation problem fhe Township felt In the best interest of the ratepayer to adopt a new by-law, and so notify all property owners. • AFFECTED LANDS The lands directly affected by this by -low can' be described as consisting of all properties lying wholely or partly within the corporate limits Of the Township of Kinloss. EXISTING BY-LAWS. From the coming into force of thls by-law, all,previoui by -lows of the Township passed pursuant to section 35 of the Mannino Act on a oredecassor_thereof, namely by-law No. 164 amendments thereto shall be deemed to have been repealed. , • DURATION • • It is °the intention of the count!l that this zoning br;low will be effecthis unfit circumitanCes change to such o degree that a revision and Updating Of the by-latii . required. Additional useifor specific land May be•permitted by Means Oferre-zaning • or Commendment tit the zoning by -low. ' • • • .0 • It Is the Intention of the coundl to accept and review applications to amend the Zoning. by-law in 'order to allow the establishment of 'use which 'are permitted by the official plan. • • • EFFECT . • • • *. •. This zoning by-law is designed .to togolato by prohibition ail new developments O except that specifically allows in the by-laW.This by-law will however, give council of. • the local Municipality the legal -authority to review thesnerita of any new use whkh Is • not specifically allowed by the.by•law.01f councli. after a proposed for. a new use. Is satisfied that the new- use !sin the best interest of the nriunicipcility. the new use maybe permitted Provided that a *operate. by-law amending this by-law Is palled which wouictioetmit the-nOW use on the specifieciparcel of land, subject to appropriate O regulations. 4 . , By-law 8-1981 is' a zoning by-law passed under section 35 Of the Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349. as *Mended) to amend the Township of Kinloss Comprehensive zoning by. lawt•;••io.7.1981. thePurpose of by-law No. 8-1981 IS to.tezone a parcel of land located on part of lot N0,13, Concession 4 In ,the iownship of Kinloss to permit agricultural uses • On a lot 30 hectares (75:acres) In Size.ty-low 8-1981 is a re-enactment of amending by. • • law Previously passed as Ry-law1641.. , • By -taw 6,1982 was passed by the municipal council of the Corporation of the Township of Kinloss On April 19,, 1402. itamends the Township's'COmprahensive restricted area by-law'No. 7-1981, which was passed by council on February 16, 1981 and circulated to ' affected land owners during•April and.May Of 1981. . , The effect of by-law No. 6-198215 as foliows: 0 • (a) Those lands identified on schedules A. 14 C of By,law No. 6-1902 would. be te-zoned ' from A4 restricted agriculture to A-1 general' agriculture. The A4 one would O permit the range of thwagriculturat uses by A-2 zone, in addition to intensive O • agricultural uses and liquid mi. allow. sterol& futilities.. • (b) Those lands identified On Schedule "D" would be rezoned from "EP" environmental protection, "OD" planned development, "OSI" general Open spool to "CS" travel 'trailer park &' cominereicd campground. Pre:Wish:31U relating to the "CS" zone are contained within the teitt of by-lcaW11-1982. • , (e) Those lands identified on schedule "8" would be rezoned from "1" institutional and "Rl" detached rasidential "C2"16 hamlet commercial. The C2 ion* would permit certain,COmMercial uses: • (d)The provisions that govern building heights within the "051" general open space and "ET" environmental protection zonas would be amended to refit to "Maximum Ili (a) Terfe eigh:l. 0 ' ramie!" "niunicipa Tho I arterial road" would be deleted from the Provisions . that govern road right of way setbacks and sight Visibility !dangles, • .00 • • • /