HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-25, Page 19M MMM tld the 17, AuetiOn Sales - CONSIGNMENT AUCTION ;SALE in. RIPLEY•i uRQN COMPLEX a THURSDAY, AU6UST'2,t 1984.. Anyone wishing to consign goo4 house-, hold items and antiques please call 395.5353. • • AUCTIONEERS:. • Grant Mepensdd Ripley,.395-5.353• Wallace Bailagh,.Teeswater, 392.6170 FARM FOR...SALE THE FARM CREDIT CORP. OFFERS FOR SALE.;'• of By public auction;: To be held on the premiseton THURSDAY, JULY 26TH a1`10 AM Lot 28 and' -E-1 of Let 24, less" exception... Concession ' 12, ,Holten_ Township.. Huron County. • 10 `acres with eapprozlmately 55> acres Workable. Buildings include newer 21' ti -i0,' sow barn equipped WIth 14: farrowing: crates, fans, penning and a �4 tonna, feed bin; Also included is o .12` .z 60' 2 bedroom mobile home. • • • • The property is• located. approximately V/, miles south -West of Blyth, Ontario.. Farm is being sold, sublect to a ,lease' agreement on the workable land .for the 1984 crop yearend the Corporation is entitled to Collect the balance erf rent, due In-Nove03ber 1904. •The purchaser of thisproperty, must rely onhis or 'her.. owe inspection and knowledge.of the farni'and not on the above or • . any .other particulars. or representations mode verbally " er in :writing by or on behalfof the Farm Credit Corpo►ratiOn. . The accepted bid• must •be accompanied by a cheque.. bank draft.' or..:emney -order. payable . to. Farm Credit Corporation: for cuminimumn amount of 110.000. . ;chore making an offer those . interested• .should asierte in that the. property can beUsedand occupied. for the. purposes intended In a'ccor..darico with Provinclal• ; legislation `.and. • municipal. regulations. . Cash offers . are' . preferred, but . consideration will bd given ' from. Canadian' Citizens; " or pernitennt reiidents to purchase on• teens with a mortgage back for up to 75% of the purchase price amortized over 20 ,years repayable in 5 years with, Interest at, the Corporation's 'lending 'rate .on. the date of ,.the.' sale. .Financing should. normally be . pre -arranged with the local representative listed • The highest :or' any `'Offer le .purchase will not necessarily ba accepted. 'and the 'Corporation could request • new . offer to ;:purchase 'after the above mentioned date, .19 deemed necessary. Ali enquiries should be addressed to: • REGIONAL OFFICE FARM CREDIT CORPORATION L.A. McGee . 105 Silvercreek Parkway N. GUELPH; Ontario' N1H 707 019)821-1330 • FIELD OFFICE • FARM CREDIT CORPORATION. • S: Wright • 391 BayfieldRd. GODERICH; Ontario (519)324=8381 Refer to File: 40635441 -----.- ON.. res. Street, udes 3 dining shed 681_ low, 5 living ubject` ith' 4 plains irs; 2, , like: is .of dish - Is; oad small chair; is;" 5 piano d and erous EER 18. Services available ' . ..�. . 0* 1,00 0009010k, 18r S,rorvicesOvaiiable ' 1 M" C oder•ioh Energy AIR SEALING SPECIALISTS• UFFI CONTRACTOR • PHONE, COLLECT • 524-2311 Evenings X24-4894. ener.seol i viva 1'Ii1a•ji BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo°' .Unloaders,. Volume Belt ;Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed "' Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Conveyors, Barn Cleaners, Oswalt Ensil-mixers .• FARMATIC -' -Blender Hammer. •.Iklills, Blender. Roller' Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture corn, Augers,. Leg Elevators • •' ACORN - Cable Barn Cleaners • WESTEEL-ROSCO - Grain Bins; 1350 to 250,000: bu., Bulk Feed .Tanks • ACME Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems HOULE Liquid. Manure Pumps, Clean- ers,: Steel Trusses • -B 8c' L -'' Complete .Hog Confinement Systems 0 SLURRY -SLINGER . -' Liquid Manure Spreaders • ' CLAY 'I,'arts and Service for Clay Equip- ment , ALSO Electric Feed Carts, Straw Chop- pers, . -Fibre-Funnels, Ritchie ' Heated Bows, Hurst Equipment ' I We Handle E>verpthing - A. !most LOWRY FARM SYSTIEMS' LTD. At Amberley 0 R. R.•# 1,' Kincardine • Phone 395.5286 19. Notice to creditors -:r . Ln! +aiow tlne1, W e ► , 1, $ A 2O. Public; tilotices 20. Pubile .. .. .,..•r'M#-.1!1��n1�1�'r!�I���i!!�.!!�wR�rfM�M•,!.t�.,��!�; . ,) NOTICE.TO.CREDITQRS • - , IN THE ESTATE OP .; ' AUSTIN, CLARENCE MARTIN . ALL PERSONS having' claims against the . Estate .of :the ,above-mentioned,: late of the Village of I,ucknow, in the 'County' of Bruce p-; ..Retired•Far'rner, who died on. :the '25th.day of •May.;1984;'arerequired to file.proof of same .. • with the undersigned on or 'before the 11th day Of August, 1984 -' • ' After•that' date the Executrix will Iiroceed to distribute the Estate having .regard only to • the claims of which they shall then have had, notice. , ' DATED at Wingham. Ontario, this 18th. day .of July, A.D. 1984. • Crawford, Mill, Davies & Elston, 217 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario. NOG 2W0.'Solicitors for the Executrix. -30,31;32: PIANO TUNING ` and repairs; used pianos' bought and sold: Call Michael Lipnicki (Wingham) 357-1049: —34tf , • AUCTIONEER SERVICE `' Grant McDonald' Apley Wallace Baliagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers • Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 3926170 EXCAVATING, trucking, and paving, sand, gravel, fill and screened top soil. Robert SYriles, Phone 528.3047. - -17tf DON THOMPSON TV AND APPLIANCES - $ales and Service; tower and ' antenna Installation; Satellite Systems' by Channel. Master; refrigertion service; Atari cartrid- $es for rent. Ri&y 395.3466:.....42tf NOTICE' TO CREDITORS ' ' AND;OTHERS All claims against the estate of .: • • • WILLIAM EMUND ANDREW late 4of the Township ,of Ashfield, `.in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of April, 1984, must be filed with the undersigned . on or before the. 1st ay of August, ` 1984; thereafter the un 'igned Will distribute the assets of the said. e' .having regard only to the claims of which •the undersigned then has . notice. Dated July 7, 1984.' Margaret,'Emeline Andrew and . Marguerite' Louise Stroh;- Executors,,. c/o George J. Brophy',.'Barriste'r _and 'Solicitor, Box 610, . Luclinow, Ontario, NOG 2HO. --28,29,30 20: 'Public notices.. 5-. AS OF AUGUST 1, 1984, 'a" price increase will be in effect at Mary ' Lou's Beauty Lounge, -Hair Creation and Lucknow Cut and Curl. —28,29,30x ' KiNLOSS TV/P. RESIDENTS GARBAGE PICKUP CALL 395.3213 21. Personal PREGNANT and need help? Free positive. confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066. 357-2392, 357-1769 • or Loddon 432- 9197 collect. --tf r Qntaria .10 M_. UilICI IN THE MATTEROF Se;tlen 39' of The.. Planning'Act.(R.S.O. - ' 1980, c. 379). - - and: - .IN THE MATTER OF an npplisation . , bythe Corporation<of the Township, of Huron for approval of its • Restricted Area By-law 1,142 as' amended by By-law 30.4' -and. IN THE, MATTER OF Section 34 , of The Planning Ac$.1'963 .. j -ander, IN THEMATTEROF appeals by`' those persons set out on, • Schedule •'":A." below % • ;• ••. respect of Zoning By-law - 70.83 of the Corporation "of the Township ofthu'ron /1 APPOINTMENT FOR 'HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL' BOARD: hereby appoints. Monday.: the 27th day of August. 1984,, at. the hour.of,'one. o'clock {local, time) in the:afternoon. at the, Council Chambers,' Huron Township Hall.: Village Of.' Ripley. for the -hearing. 09 alt parties Interested; In supporting or opposing this'japplication.and appeal. • • . • .If you do not coterie and•'are not represented at this hoairing. the Board.'may proceedd in your absence end.. you will not.. be. entitled to any further'•noticeoftlie proceedings.' In the event the decision is reserved. persons taking' part-n,tho hearing and wishing a copy of the decision may request a copy from.,the presidingi Board: Member or, in writing, from' the Board.:Such' decision will be mailed to you whin avallabl DATED at Toronto this 10th day of July,'1989.. ,F, D.G�.HENDERSON SECRETARY SCHEDULE !II" to the Appointment for Hearing•dated the 10th Clay of July 1984. Ruth Shantz; Afntrete ;(Bruce County) Trailer; EKen 114 •Wiistm n on behalf of'Saugeeri Valley' Conservation• `" Authority; R.E. .Young' and N:J. 'Young; . G. Murphy On =belsol# •of County of, •Bruce,. Planning�Deportment; 'John Margin; Euge se SchMieitzer'Allan'%MacK.n*ie J.L. ;Haimier. on behalf of the Ministry of Natural :Resources; J.L. Bowers. HENDERSON', SECRETARY EXPLANATORY NOTE • Restricted 'Area By-law No. 3042 of the - Commotion of the Township of Huron By-law No. 30-82 was passed pursuant to therProvisions. of Section 39 of The Planning- Act R.S.O.,' 1980. Thepurpose of By-law No. 30-82 is to amend the Corporation's comprehensive By-law. No. 11.-82' to change several. provisions of the'By-law. The changes as set out in tho,;-dy law ore general in naturek "rather than affecting a specific property, and 'cover the following matters: -clarification 'fertile provisions for .nonconforming ane! .non-complying'uses: -permitting the Corporation to constructa road in. any zone ' - ' -clarifying the watercourse setback provisions r -changing the setback Provisions in. Residential zones The By-law applies to all lands wi-thin the Corporation •ofthe Township of Huron EXPLANATORY9 -.NOTE . - * Township of Huron,11y low T0-63 The By-law '1% an amendment of 115y -law 11-82 of The Cor,poration of the' Township. of'.' Huron which is, the Township's Comprehensiva,Zoning' By-law.' The amendments.are intended to resolve oblectfons raised during the original >circulation:of Illy -law 1142. Since the amendments affect several, areas of the Township, a Key Map is not provided. The completes Bylaw is avelleble for inspection in the ':'township Municipal • • Offices•during regular o flce.hours. • ,.' ^' .' 21'. Personal. -- HAWING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can :help, Phone GOderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-36.55.-=40tfa ' MEET YOUR MATCH. For all • 'ages and unattached. Thousands of meinbers anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll free 1-800-263-9103. Hours: ?Loon to 8 p.m. •--023 IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. PhoneWaikerton 881.3113, God- Crich, 524-6001. • STOP BEDWETTING. United .Enuretic ,has corrected over 20,000 cases. Bedwetting frustrates, ,'eri'ibar'rasses, and sometimes :weakens school abilities. Get confidential information from:1J.ERS:C. Box 3311, Cam- bridge, N311 •4T3 stating age and phone number. -030 .5 23,' Miscellaneioua• ,.may--,.-.GNWw** _. • FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton'Institute 265 A. Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. —029 ,• .0 5 •. :Business oplio!tunitios 5--- • AUTHORIZED DEALERS ' WANTED. Buildings Sales Company' seeks building contractors to sell and erect buildings as authorized dealers. Serious' responses only. Not for one building arrant ement. Call (416) 676-134 or write to PERMA BUILDINGS,' 1109 Britannia Rd. E. Misssissaraga, Ontario • Nothing Frightening About the Prices In'The . WANT ADS •.• • n. 4 • '.' t . • •