HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-25, Page 15SEIGEL'S SHOES IN DOWNTOWN LONDON MEN'S SHOES CA UM GOOD CHOICE IN THE GROUPS $1 rit to $2998 • 1 ' Lpclmow . Sent ei, Wednesday;. My 25,. • -,rPaPe 13 on: Monday,: Mrt. and Mrs„. Melvin *Burney of .artney, Manitoba; accom- ,hied by B1ad., he Alexander of Ve dui , Manitoba arrived to :a trailer to visit Mr, and Mrs. Victor Emerson, A ball game was held at the park Weddes y evening between Whitechurch : and Bro. olcside► The score was Whitechurch 15, Brookside•14. ' on Tuesday evening Mr.:°and Iv s, John Remick of Monkton and Mr: and Mrs, Dun Smith of Stratford visited with Mr and Mrs.. McBurney and Miss Alexander at `Victor Emerson's home.. Blanche ,Alexander visited Wednesday withEdna and Mae Boyle, Kinlough. • Mr. and Mrs. Mel McBurney visited yyednesday with. Mr. 'and Mrs. Wilmer Alex- • ander of Pinkerton, - Mr. and Mrs. Mel McBurney: and Blanche Alexander of Manitoba left on Friday to visit with relatives in Sarnia and Kingston - before returning to.Dryden for a wedding. , . On Thursday Mr: and Mrs, Mel McBurney OFAoi44hd from page- lobbying and questioning candidate; both privately and during all=candidates. meetings, which they might themselves organize. And he suggested thatlocal issues affecting farmers cold be addedto the list: r Pelissero said. all', parties in the coming election would''be asked to respond to:tile OFA platform by August' 17• and that their responses would be made public by August 21, so that people will know what candidates stand for; '- , • The leadersof the. Liberal, Progressive Conservative. and .New Democratic: parties ' were invited to the 'OFA meeting but none showed up. • and. Blanche Aleanderof Manitoba visited in Wingham. with Mr: and Mrs Bill Tiffin, Rev, and Mrs. Rea Grant and MRs. Gertrude Tiffin at Bill Tiffin's home and with Irene Showers, Mr. and Mrs.. George Taylor and Mr, and Mrs, Lawrenee Taylor. Congratulations to 'Kendra Pardon who won the Bruce 4-H scholarship worth. $200,. Mr. and Mrs; Wesley Tiffin arrived home -on Tuesday after a weekend visit with Mr. and 1V1rs.'Hugh McMillan of Sarnia.. Cassie Mowbray arrived home on -Tues- day after •a weekend visit with relatives. in , Sarnia We are'sorry to report that. Torn Day •is a patient at,. Wingham Hospital, The corn- ' m'unity wishesTom a speedy recovery, Mr. • and Mrs. Midford Wall of .Kinlough. were; Thursday., callers on Mr. and Mrs. Mel • McBurney and Blanche • Alexander at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Emerson. Chalmers W.M.S. held the July meeting at the manse on July 18 with Mrs. Bill Rintoul as leader. The scripture was read by Debbie ti cho 1'S' iom Page I periences, meet' new challenges' and prepare for the -future., The experiences, 'I have gained, have,developed me in four ma- t Of a-,.zirjor areas. 4-H-hastrained my. head to "think PIP and reason", my heart to be "kind,• sympathetic and tlrue", mST hands to •be "helpful, skillful and useful", and my health; to."enjoy:life.:resist :disease and. make for Ore efficiency". 4-H is an. opportunity to- andmy head,, heart,. hands • and health ,for the development of mit 'life,,my family, my club, my community and my country. :,That is what.4-H means tem ' •• Kendra Purdon iew gardens. • • by Muriel Taylor Trinity 4-11„ membersheld the fourth theeting of :the.: garden project • at • Hazel. Hackett's *homeon. July 2. For the roll call each member wasto name an insect or diseased plant found in their gardens and also tell how their garden was progressing. Members toured the . Hackett > and Raynard gardens and collected a variety of• weeds which they later identified. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Barb Clark and adopted by the president, Sharon Alton: It was'deeided the garden Ex- hibit would be "How does your Garden Grow.” The members then read f roam Teir 4-HBooks.the:topics on insects, diseases and landscaping. Gardening Geniuses by Barb Clark The Trinity Gardening Geniuses, held their outing with St. Helen's, Dungannon 1: Dungannon II and Port Albert Clubs at the Dungannon IVnited Church basement on June 18. Carol Seers of Art's .. Landscaping, Goderich; a third year student in Landscap- ing at I'anshawe College, London spoke on Landscaping, 'Landscaping is used to create privacy, beauty, comfort, ease .of maintenance texture, convenience and safety. She ' also showed her: landscape• designs completed at College. Ducie Catneron . of Dixie's Flowers in Goderich showed five different flower ar- rangements, As she did her arrangements she explained how to care for cut flowers. At the end of her demonstration, she made a draw and five lucky people were able to take an arrangement • chum .,..rea WilITECtRIRCH by Valetta Emeison w!e•!. Lamb. ,The roll call was answered by six with a verse on neighbors. Prayer was of- fered by Mrs. Don Ross. Visitors on Sundays -with Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Beecroft were Mr.. and Mrs. Archie Hertel of Kitchener and Ken Sinnamon: of Wingham, • Mrs. Jim . Ross on Sunday • attended . .a shower forbride to be, Patty Ross at the home of Mr, andMrs. Jim Boughen, Clinton, Diane and Debbie Ross, who visited with grandma. Ross at Brucefield, returned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vannus of London were Sunday visitors with her parents; Mr. and: Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. • . Mr. and Mrs. Elroy, Laidlaw on Saturday, 4 c,• ICE l}ETHE PASSING .LAIN BY BYm.. ca.oa.,ivowthe OF KINLOSS TAKE -NOTICE that thetoundl of the Corporation of the Township of.Kinlo'ss passed By Law NO. 9-1904'on the 12th.day of•auly,1984 under Soction"34 of The Planning AO, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that -any person or .agency, may appeal' to the Ontario Municipal Board in respectrof the By-Lawtby filing with the Clerk of the Township; of:Kiitloss not later than the 13th day of August, 1984, a notice of appeal setting out the obieetian'to the By -Law and. the' reasons in support of the obiectioii. An explanation of tho purpose and effect .of •the By -Law, describing the lands to which the By-I.aw,applies, and a key nap showing the location of the lands *0 which the By- • ' ' Law applies, are, provided below. The complete. By -Law is available for inapection in . my office during,regular office. hours. • • Dated at the Township of Kinloss, this 2Sth Hay of July. 1984. . Frank Hawthorne Clerk -Treasurer . Township of Kinloss HOLYROOD, Ontario NO.G 200 • ' Telephone: (519) 395-35751 Form l Regulation 404/83 , • **Planning Act, •1983 EX'!LANAIPORYNOTE ZONINGBY-LAWO. 9-'19.8!1:0 THE CQRPCfRAiICN`OFa!1THE'TOWNSHIp OF KlNLO5S Zoning By-law No. 9-1984 was passed under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983.11y -taw Na.9-1984 is a separate 'freestanding" by-law Whose force and effect .in, law is not dependent. upon future; approval .of the Township's. Comprehensive•Zoning By-law' (By- law No, 74981) by the'Ontario Municipal Board. • The purpose of $y -law No. 9-1984 Is to sone certain lands as'AI-Gene?al Agriculture' and 'EP.Environmental: Protection Area'.,, NN The effect of Bylaw No. 9-1.984 Is as follows: The 'Al' Zoning Category of By-law No. • 9-1984 would • permit certain° . conservational and forestry, uses and a broad range of agricultural uses, provided that certain requirements such .as a minimum lot area of 20 hectare*•. are met. s The 'EP' Zoning Category of By -1M 11iio. 9-1484 would permit non -intensive agricultural uses; certain conservational and recreational uses, and only buildings and structures necessary for flood control purposes: The lands affected by By-law No: 9.1984 comprise part: of Lot 21, Conce*sion 5 in the, Township of Kinloss and are shown in mote detail on the 'Key Map' provided'- below. KEY M+ 10T 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 LO LANDS TO BE•ZONEi AI 'LANDS "ro BE ZONED EP attended: the wedding of Mary Lynn Pagon at the Presbyterian Church, Godertch-. Dr, and Mrs. Ed Carey of Kitchener spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. $ill Pardon, . Mrs, F. Pardon of Wingham Was.a Sunday visitor with Mr: and Mrs: Bill.Purdon. Visitors on Sunday 'with. Mr, and Mrs,. Alan Falconer and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tif- fin were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chalmers of Sar- • Erin .'and Ryan Nicholson of trathroy holidayed ' last weekwith 'their • grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, John: de Boer while their parents, Mr. and Mrs.' -Ron Nicholson • were on. a tour. A family. picnic was held at Bayfield on Sunday for Mrs, John de Boer's side of the; house, Attending were Mr: andMrs. John de • Boer, Donald and Eddie.. Whitechurch4-14 club enjoyed tour of the White' Rose. Nursery, ' the Warren Greenhouses and Rockway Gardens. in Kit- chener r it-chener.r, centiy. 1 0 LADIES' DRESS -UP SHOES PLENTY TO CHOOSE! $1998 to $4498 JOGGING TYPE SHOES VERY GOOD SELECTION OF STYLES & SIZES MEN'S $ 1198 to $2998 LADIES' & BOYS' 1. to 2998 ;1 tis REN'S 998 to 2498 D SELECTION •Safety Shoes *Rubber Boots •OVERSIZES MEN'S -LADIES' *WIDE SHOES •MEN'S -LADIES'' 129 DUNDAS 330 CLARENCE. AT MARKET AT YORK Pre Season S Wats! ar49P74/ 1/4•t/�r��/////7pier///rr%/aNrqteff//r/ .4,•,./ 1,••••••••••• • , .1 t. N��I ����' 2\.l\\�\\\\ ..\�\ /..�.\...�� new. \\\VZ��\`l'.= .7 J0 TUL 'A trariition in cast iron since 1853: • Jotui Colonial FIREPLACE -STOVES With Pordelain Enamel Finish Tha Woodburner Shop.. ALBERT STREET-DUNGANNON • ' Wood Stoves Fireplace inserts • Custom Fireplace Doors Woodburhing Accessories - insulated 'Chimney and Stainless Steel Liners. 'Meek Nights And Saturdays Or By Appointment Cali 529-7949 • aA • 1 1 •