HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-25, Page 11Luckflow Sentinel, Wedfiest10; 1.1131Y 25; 1984—Page .11
John Alexander MacMurchy . . t; . . .
jghn AlexanderMacivibreirCnative-of the MMIAR1ES
11 concession west. in Huron Township
sed jway Wednesday, July.4 1984, In, __________--...i..-...1.-h-—,-..—.—„:„:—,,'" —
eardine . and District fleapitat in -bis ."11-77:77.7;410"."10,..""mmi. 4,i,,.• !!"11••••"'"-. . - '
ety-eighth year.. .His parents . were . 4itertrientf011,000in the family pkit:41,
Mel MdeMUrChY and Margaret Ripley.
eron. Donations were received .at the funeral -'
John was born, December ,244006 at Abein
. • home - aid. of tbe:Kincardine and District
me farm east: Of the foriner. S.S. No. .5 Association for the Nielj011yflanditapp01.
. Jate 'O.- 1919/ fie married • -- .
, . • ..,,,
elen Farrell in the Chur ell &the Messiah, • Cuthbert HannahRollan •
cardine• John was a WeikanoWn, farmer Cuthbert (Bert) Gollan of Scarborough
o served for Matir YearS \assecreta , 'ilied4t._ Scarborough General Hospital on
surer for the schOolsection: .„,
aFriday; July 6,..1984. A member Of the
He enjoyed his membership in St. An-
KingstO'n Church h
's 'United Church, Ripley, where he•• 94 - e d . urc and the
rved as an elder and, as a SundaY-.*bock 'Ilure.Vtinee Masonic Lodg #611, he was a
. ,
cher of teenage:hoy.kJohn.WASInvolved',. former.rc5.j4enof Renaale Acres
'various farm organOtinn$0.10 as Farm H s'Agrvived' 'hy his wife, Isabel'
fruin and Federatiois of Agriculture,,in Lindsay, and:a sister, Jean Dewey of Fair -
late forties, when the Ce -operator's huPe..A/4bama. He was Predeceased by a
ance was organized, he, was 'one of the .krother, tionald.lan,. and sisters, Nancy and
• 0, • •
agefits. Marion (MalktlW). He was...„41.se predeceased
He 'enjoyed his' • years In the Huron by pareits, AO, .Kenneth and Agnes
waship Council and served as Deputy-. . Gollan, formerly of Lucknow;
eve forone term In 1967 when he was, The funeral service, was conducted .from
ghty years old, he went on an European the giffen,Mack Chapel op Atly 9,1984 with
ur with the Hog prOducersPrgailiptiote • burial in Mount Pleasant Cemetery:.
In1971 John and Helen I-nov*010 an apart:, , •
ent in Lacknow where they -spent many
ppy years. His jovial manner .arid art of •• • 2
ory-telling endeared :him to,. his Jriany, ST. ends All All 'his life he Was. a Sports ten- " .• , •
usiast and in hip later years still delighted • •
dancing and bowling. . 44,,141,hryn Todd:.
In February; 1983 the MgcMurchAMOVed
Princess Courtin Kincardine.' Jolutr,vilas • „•• , • ,
eceased by his wife, Helen in April • MLandA3r$,,ingiii Macbonatd recently
his two sisters„ Margaret, -Mrs: Bill enjoyed tile% coMpank of their grand-
' kson (1965); 'Lizzie, Mrs. Peter Mae- children, Pa41, Chris and Tricia MacDonaldnald (1981) and • two brothers, Allister of '
966)and Sam (198). . . •Sympathy is 'extended to Chris Mac -
Be is survived„.by. his three daughters, Donald and her family On the passing of her-
argaret FerguSon,,Norina Rumphrey and - grandfatherlinNeWmarliet. '
drey Ferguson, i11 of Huron Township,. Get well wishes are extended to Karen
een grandchildren .;and eight great- ' Gatint. • Karenr;UndertVelit • foot surgery at
ancichildten: Toronto General Hospital: '
The funeral service was held at 3:QQ p.m., Duncan MacAulay of Huron Township has
iday, - July 13) 1984 at the. MacKenzie:. returned- home after visiting with Mr. and
ecreath Funeral' Hothe,,, Lucknow, with Mrs. Wayne Todd and family. :
v..Warren McDougall of Luckno-w Milted 1Debbie McliobertSbf Chatsworth recently
urch officiating, and Mrs. Ernie Gibson, visitedwithMK- and Mrs. :Dan Taylor and
siding at the orgari. , , faniily. . . •
The pallbearers Were Anne :Eadie; Joan The family. of 'Leroy flintoul and Hugh
die, Mark Humphrey, Bill Hutton, Grant Todd attended 'Sheep Focus in :Markham
rguson arid Kevin during the past vveekencr. • • • • • , •
Invites You To`Worsblp 'With Them de
. • .
, .SUNPAir, JUltA 29
10:00 am,: and 7:30 p.m. "
09stairS. M9rlilog and evening
• OoKK ANpacciewm.*:.
SUGG..RETA1L 10.45
AIR GUARD • suGG'Ritt498'955:
MISTER • • •FAir7
• Wit have- a good suPply
insecticides' for control In farm
LUCKNOW, ; •521-7953
IA meeting of the Huron Bruce' Federal
'Mere! .44e0oclittlon will be held ot the.
Central Oxon Secondary Sehriol Clinton
et 8 0,0, Thursday,' July 26tht 1984, to
and elect * Oberst candidate.*
contest tbe.ritling of Huron -Bruce in the
towbar 4thgene* election. •
To he eligible -to v'te yo� must bold a
current paid uP•Membeirohip. purchased
at least- 72 hours prior to the meeting. , '.• •'
• . I
11e4Se Wile Phew& hiYeer ere* t�
attend and support the candldetit of. their
choice. ,At the moment:tWO people are
actively seeking the ionilnatlon.
14611-betoldPo fecthe:Felloria 4lioclatlai
may• be obtalisd1W:CallingS
etch 435-1,400
luso*: 529-7524
Clarence Denon;me, .Cihstonof412-9004 • •
.Jack Horan,Walton, 345-2829 • •
Jobe Curri" Winghem, 357-3605 • •
Muriel MorPhyt.GOcieriCht 524-7913
Barry .Reld,,Whighiam, 357-3652 •
Donald LuclinoW, 528.3516.:
Mac ':Inglisl,C1Ifford, 367-2043 •
' • •
,29 10 A.M, South Malmo Presbyterian Church Rev,. Warren McDougall
• August 5. ' 10, A.M. South Kinloss Presbyterian Church Rev. Allison Ramsay
August 12.. 10 A.M. South Kinloss Presbyterian Church Rev. Allisonliunsay
August 19 10 'IA.M.,Lucknow Pieihyterian Church• • Rev. Allison Ramsay
• August 26 10 AM, LucknOW Presbyterian Church • • Rev. Alliston Ramsay
STtember 2 '10 'AM. Lucimow Presbyterian 'C hirch • Rev.; Allison Ramsay
• •• .. SUNDAY, JULY 29TH #5 in 5 -part series on "The Beatitudes"
131essed Are Thole Who Are Perseeuted" •
• Rev. Wsuren McDougal . ' •
• •
No. 645 Black and Brown ABS Rodt Vent s7.99 ea.•
No. 405 Aluminum .Roo t Vent . •s11.39 ed.
No. 405A Aluminum Roof Vent , • -s9.25 ea.
6x16 Soffit Vents, •
Aluminuip • . . • s1.55 ea.
8x1.6 Soffit,Vents, Aluminurn sT.99 ea.
LEIGH METAL • NO. 642 ,, • •
PRODUCTS LTD. • Cont. Aluminum Soffit Vent 's3.85 ea.
' •
Lightweight Fi reglass •
I ' Corrugated Roof' Panels -Ire•
26"x8'0" ,s7.88 ea.
26"x10`0" $9.99 ea.
26"x12'0" $11.99 ea.
Clear Gfeen • White A Yellow
Lai MacIVIilkin fdoedel Building IVIaierials
Your home's 1st line O# doienoe
, kited, Deliveted
Citadel 10,,,t)/td), ar ijmited warranty 7.99 •• 8:29 •
Rampart 15, 15 -year hmited warranty .• 10.49 10.79
Reohnaster 15, 15:year limited warranty 12.59 • 12.89
Above Prices are for stock colours only.
' The budding products strike has been settl-
eci and shingles are now coniing in each
week. Stocks are growing. ,
• ••
221/4 x221/4 ' • $208.95
[2214:x30ixi . .. . . s249.95
22¼x46¼• •S322.95 , SKYDOME TLS -4 '
0¼x30¼ ., , . S286.95 : Clear Double -Sealed Domes
Sins areinsktie curb dimensions, Self4lashing for Moping reel.
• ••
CEDAR (No. , 2 and 'Better) '
1X6, 5',10; 410/11nAt. ' 2x10, 8%20' .. 51,3711in. ft, i
.2x4, ir•ztr - 42eilin.'ft, ' • 2x12,8-20' .. $1.77/11n. ft
x6, 8.-2ft ... 78%.nft). ft. • , 4x4, 8.-20' ; 88tilin. it,
•x8, 8* -20` .... $1.1011in. it. ' , •• .
Stock only. We still have a good stOck,to choose from in a good quality.
L ,
(Ask 20-5/8x381/2 •. .• $359.95
EiSK 24, 20-518x46-5/8 . 5488.75
BSK 43, 301/a x331/2 •. . 432.65
EiSK 44, 301/4 x46-5/5 . 509.95
Compete With maul glass 6 scraee. Ready to instill. Venetia & robin) blinds available,
Hwy. 21 South(Bayfield Road) •
PHONES24-8321 -