HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-07-25, Page 76
Lucke w Sentinel, Wednesday, 'July 2S0...98+ -Pgje 7- b
frstiv.ai summer
.Thisweekend is the time 'for the big
RipieY Craft Show sponsored by, the Hurou-
gruce Crafts Incorporated.
Friday .and Saturday are the days for the
event when all four roads lead to the Ripley.:
Huron ' Community Centre Complex. The
show features a variety and quality of crafts
in nice pleasant surroundings. For the
cheap price of admission: folks return year
after year tosee it.
Former residents visited -
Now living in Collingwood; former
operators of the village grocery store Carl
and Pat Brennan• were in Ripley last Satur-
day. Always one - to keep busy, Carl is
employed in Collingwood
William Robertson of Scarborough (Metro
Toronto) called: on Ab Wylds• last Saturday
afternoon for a short visit. He had spent a
few days visiting friends and relatives in the
area.. On his way here Bill visited his cousin
Mon Robertson in Wingham Hospital.
Earlier in the week Mr. and Mrs. Snaith
Robertson -of Montebello (Los Angeles)•
California visited with his brother Wildon in
Wingham. They also visited with his cousin
Yriss Qu istena Robertson in Ripley. Bill
also visited with Christena and he called on
Ben Ruttlein;R neighbours along
the home section of the 10th. Concession and
Mrs: W.J. Mackay at Huron Villa.
Road now paved ; - •
The 15th road right• from the Boundary or
Highway 86 north to Ripley is now paved, a
smooth black asphalt top: As you ride on it
we think • that you will agree with the
Thrasher Brothers singing "She's a smooth
southern highway" as played by rC,K.N.X.
back in 1982 before it was taken off the radio
without comment.
Robert Storey of Malcolm Street feels that
he was fortunate r f, , it out of a traffic col=
iision without ap 4 - t major injuries. It oc-
curred a week a ,, last Sunday evening at
the intersection the Sixth Concession west
and the Lakeshore Road. This intersection
rue by
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New Radiology - Department
Over many years." the Radla!ogy
Department of the Wingharrt and District
Hospital has provided excellent care to
the public. Working out of terribly
cramped quarters. the men and women
who take and read the x-rays have seen
more and more .patients each year. The
workload has now increased far beyond
the capability of a single room and an
aging x-ray machine to Aolibie with it.
Moreover. the staff have 'experienced
mounting frustration because they are
enable to do many of the new •and
innovative things other hospitals take
for granted.
Most hospitals the size of winghaunn and
District Hospital have two x-ray rooms.
each with a. machine. This enalaies the
staff to do routine work on one machine.
freeing the second machine for more
complicated and ^ time . consuming
At the time of the first phase of the
hospital's building program. one. small
additional roam was given to the
department to house the first major new
piece.--of--equipment the hospital _
purchased for these dedicated people in.
many years. That piece of equipment was
the new ultra -sound machine, it allows
physicians. to order examinations that do
not require radiation. Orme use is the
examination of the fetus in utero. and.
as many new monis can attest. the
knowledge that .their baby is healthy
and growing normally gives great peace
of mind.
Despite their elation in having this new
technology available to their patients,
the staff's frustration over the lack of
space, and the work delays caused by
this. continued. Now, with the
construction of •the new Emergency/Out-
patient wing. light has finally appeared
at the end of the long tunnel of years.
When the new wing is. complete, the
existing Emergency/Out-patient area
will be moved into it and the present
area will be tuned over to the Radiotogy
Department. Finally. after so tong, a
modern new facility will .emerge.
enabling the staff to impro a the care
they give and to' work much more
How.' do. they feel about it? Just ask Dr.
Dick Treleaven the Radiologist, or Bob
Hotlenbeck. the Chief Technologist! Their
enthusiasm is infectious.
The Radio!-cigy Department will. be
expanded to nearly three times its
- present size. Two neer x-ray rooms, each
with its own change . • rooms and
washroom. . will be created. Ultrasound
will move into 4he • old x-ray roam. A
bright new office will be created, 'and the
department will have its own waiting
roam for patients. The layout of the
departsenst is 'shown in the drawing
aicoannpanying this article.
Moreover, .the Departme has' been
proastised a brand new; ultra modern x-
ray machine. This Will end the long
delays and cotststant maintenance •
problems encountered with the old.
machine. because the aid machine will be
used math less than at present.
The new machine will be faster, will
utilize fess radiation and will be able to
do new things. But, the price of Modern
tet mcbla y:conves high, the new machine
will cost almost '400. . The Ministry of
Health does not provide capital funds for
new equipment such as this, so the
hospital rust raise all of the money
The Wingiirasn and District Hospital Fund-
Raising Committee will soon begin the
campaign to raise additional capital
funds to assist the hospital to pay for
these new developments. Many people
have already n odea donation and have
pra'itniseci an even forger donation once
the campaign officially starts. The
community has recognized the need, and
the response to date has been truly.
it's an exciting tirne for the hospital and
ail those who work in it, but even more
exciting are the benefits that will accrue
to every* roan. woman and child over the
years to come.
F t�liS ?UeekeIZ
by Ab Wylds
is at the top of the("lake" hill.
Trees in full bloom
Since the middle of last week, basswood
trees in this area are in `full bloom. Not
many people will have noticed this -because.
the light coloured •blossoms blend with the
green leaves. To see them a person has• to
take a close' look at a basswood tree. If it is
in •bloom you will hear the humming of busy
honey bees up in the tree.. They are gather-
ing the nectar to make honey, Since May 19
is already known to .area bee -keepers as D-
day for the dandelions being in full bloom
each year at that time, we will say that July
19 is B -day for the basswood blossoms each
Last weekwas the time for inspectors at
the Ripley Royal Bank: There were eight of
them, five men and three women. Four of
them had finished their checking by
Thursday afternoon.. Three - leen and one
lady returned the next Morning. By Friday
noon they too had finished and were headed
back to Toronto.
This is a re -write of an item in this column
last . week '.about .the HORNETTS and
B BRY NAS: ' • .
On Monday aiid Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs.
Hornet Sr.: of :Alli, Alberta were in Ripley
Visiting with Stacey Bel and Raylene
Rebryna. Driving their Winnebago. Mobile
Horne 'they were ;on a cross Canada tour
right to Newfoundland in the east. Their son
David who lives in Alin is married to Kelly
Rebryna, a,sister of Stacey and Raylene:,All
three Kelly, Stacey, and Raylene are
Rebryna sisters.
Turn to. page 10•
. •The Cerpervtlen of the
TAKE NOTICE that. the Council of the Corporation of theito, nshippCinloss passed By.
Law No. 10-1984 on the: 12th day of July. 1984 under Section 34 of The Tanning Act, 1983:
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person 'or .agency may appeal • to the Ontario Municipal
Board in respect of the By -Law by filing;with the Clerk of: he Township of Kinloss nit
later than the 13th day of August. 1984, a notice of appeal setting out the objectian 4co
the By -Law and the reasons in support of the objection. ;•`
An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By -Law. describing the lands towhicher
the By -Law applies, and a key map showing the location of the lanth to which tbeBy-
Law applies are provided below. The complete By=Law is a)railab'I, for inspection In my
office during regular office hours.
Dated at the Township af. Kinloss,. this 25th day of.:July,1984.
Frank •Hawthorne
Clerk -Treasurer •
Township of Kinloss
IiOLYROOD,.Ontarlo .
• NOG 200 • • •
Telephone: (319)•395-3575
Form 1 •
The P olnning Act.1984
Zoning .By-law No. 10=1984 was passed under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. It
amends thoTownship's Comprehensive Zoning By-law. .By-law. No. 7-1981.
The purpose of By-law No. 8-1984 is to re -zone Certain lands from 'Al - . G neulai
Agriculture' to 'A1-10-198.4 -General Agricuita re'. • '
The effect of By-law No. 10-1984 is as follows: t.
• The 'A7' Zoning Category wouldpermit
(I) certain conservational and forestry uses
and a broad range of agricultural uses,
including one dwelling accessory to a
farm, provided certaiis requirements such
as minimum lot area of 37 hectares are
or, alternatively,
pi) one non-agricultural detach.d dwelling
on a lot existing as of the date of
passage of By-law No. 7-1981 (February
16, 1981), provided certain requirements
are met. .
- jive 'A1-10.1984' Zoning Category would permit the agricultural, conservational
and forestry uses permitted by the 'Al' Zone, subject to the requirements of the
'Al' Zone, but with a reduced minimum lot area requirement of/0 hectares.
The lands affected by, By-law No. 10-1484 comprise part of Lot 21. Concession 5 in the
Township of Kinloss and are shown to more detail on.the 'Key Map' provided below.
11.OT 19 LOT 20
I Al
• LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 LOT 24
CON 4 '=1 I P
Af TO A1 -1O.1984